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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ 2005 - Page 1 ~
Subject: from newsletter #174
From: volker <volkerm@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2005 00:14:56 -0700
pointing disposal -
"It was not said that it was "easy" or even painless, to the contrary it was stated that it is most difficult and sometimes painful to let go of dearly beloved conditioned notions. The 'I' is not "invisible" but rather sticks out like a sore thumb, it is our conditioned self-identity/self-image/self-idolization. You hold onto it by identifying with it."
- howse about 'identifying' with 'it' is what makes u hold on? - a priori - same words but a different kind of reigning - that predikates before the subjekt is even dressed for the loaming - little jack horner sticking his thumb into his korner of the pie to make him say that it is 'eye' that shapes the kurviture of the 'whirled' - blinding 'his' self in the process by kauterizing the wound by which his own beingness bleeds - out of the left ventrikal 'hoping', in the 'hopi' sense, to turn the buffalo maul to the rite of the wounding & to the left of the bite that kauses the self same wound to bleed
"You are conditioned to 'think' that is who you are so you cling to it for some sense of security and permanence, though both are but Illusions."
& most sertainment this is true as much as red & blue are on the 'udder' side of the spektrum of the kolour wheel while at the same time the suckle-ing of the two is due to the third spoke of the wheel which generally turns to the foo of the unspoken, yes - a glance or two between four 'i's' that glad hand the round 'faithes' of a square quadrilaterally kubed - at all 'thymes' keeping two feats rooted in the sky & two hands in the earth to till it
until that time that the earth says it's time to change - purely for the sake of changing so that it don't get bored from staying all the time the same tho it be that 'saimness' that kauses all things to be 're-bourne' anew in every waking moment that the pillow turns one 'faith' to an 'other' in the investiture of sleep -
at all times, awake in our dreaming - & at all times, merely sawing linkoln logs that fit the jeffersonian grooves that the 'mined' is heir to - brick howses that the wolfe kant blow down bekaus the straw is fused with blood
francheschko guillamares
Subject: zits
From: volker <volkerm@shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2005 00:22:17 -0700
it's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards - lewis carroll
we are other than what we assume our selves to be - we are the playing field in which Konditioned United faithes off against United Unknown & no matter how long the game, the skore will always be a big fat zero - the aurobus - the snake eating its own tale
when we know what we know, why do we still prefer unknowing - shades of that rumfoord - one more hammer blow on the stake, mes amis & the whole babylonian kould konceivably kum krashing down around all of our 'ere's
knot kollektively, mined u, but individually in each of us as the stellar sen danse is transed into the pure sentience of the big O
yet after all this thyme it hasn't - & i ask my self why -
who benefits by maintaining & mainlining the status quo -
from my frog pursepektive it sertainly isn't the mass of bloody suffering humanity - knot yet - at least until nuklear physiks is read as 'philosophy' & knot relegated to the produktion line mentality as so & so many neo konveniences to make living 'simpler'
& more 'simpler' here means merely more moo kow like - munching on renditioned 'beefs' that may have bin grainfed in the daze gone bye but backfire now bekaus konsumpshun has morphed into a noun
i fore give
mr karroll had it rite methimks - a good memory would also re-member the still unscene five or fifty moons from now
implying here that each viola knows it part even while the quartet is merely tuning up -
the 'piece' will 'be' played bekaus from an 'other' stance - life is a sport & a past time
ziegfried (ziggie) schufeldt
Subject: Re: from newsletter #174
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 14:15:57 GMT
->pointing disposal - -> ->"It was not said that it was "easy" or even painless, to the contrary it was ->stated that it is most difficult and sometimes painful to let go of dearly ->beloved conditioned notions. The 'I' is not "invisible" but rather sticks ->out like a sore thumb, it is our conditioned ->self-identity/self-image/self-idolization. You hold onto it by identifying ->with it." -> ->- howse about 'identifying' with 'it' is what makes u hold on? - a priori - ->same words but a different kind of reigning - that predikates before the ->subjekt is even dressed for the loaming - little jack horner sticking his ->thumb into his korner of the pie to make him say that it is 'eye' that ->shapes the kurviture of the 'whirled' - blinding 'his' self in the process ->by kauterizing the wound by which his own beingness bleeds - out of ->the left ventrikal 'hoping', in the 'hopi' sense, to turn the buffalo maul ->to the rite of the wounding & to the left of the bite that kauses the self ->same wound to bleed
Okay. Some take the high road and some take the low road but they always meet Dancing With The Wind. Yes the answer my Friend is Blowing In The Wind, the answer is Blowing In The Wind.
->"You are conditioned to 'think' that is who you are so you cling to it for ->some sense of security and permanence, though both are but Illusions." -> ->& most sertainment this is true as much as red & blue are on the 'udder' ->side of the spektrum of the kolour wheel while at the same time the ->suckle-ing of the two is due to the third spoke of the wheel which generally ->turns to the foo of the unspoken, yes - a glance or two between four 'i's' ->that glad hand the round 'faithes' of a square quadrilaterally kubed - at ->all 'thymes' keeping two feats rooted in the sky & two hands in the earth to ->till it
Yes we are the Missing Link, the Missing Brick In The Wall, to Complete the Relentless Journey Blowing In The Wind. Whether high tide or low tide the water is still wet.
->until that time that the earth says it's time to change - purely for the ->sake of changing so that it don't get bored from staying all the time the ->same tho it be that 'saimness' that kauses all things to be 're-bourne' anew ->in every waking moment that the pillow turns one 'faith' to an 'other' in ->the investiture of sleep -
Indeed change is most unchanging, from Moment to Moment. And most excitingly so. Surely the opportunity to transcend the old and Embrace the ever anew. Mud miners, stuck therein, undoubtedly see the need for change though uncertain of this mystical unknown. Yet fearing the unknown so too change is feared because change is another of those unknowns. Only in knowing the unknown will change be welcome. As the Court Jester muses "the answer my friend is Blowing In The Wind, the answer is Blowing In The Wind."
->at all times, awake in our dreaming - & at all times, merely sawing linkoln ->logs that fit the jeffersonian grooves that the 'mined' is heir to - brick ->howses that the wolfe kant blow down bekaus the straw is fused with blood
And yet even the brick house build on shifting sand is as sturdy as a grass shack. It is all in our head, in our dreams and false knowns, in our ability to conceptualize and rationalize and intellectualize, and fool ourselves by thinking that we can know the unknown. After all of our grand designs, and our feeble attempts to understand anything, the sun still shines and the wind still blows. Perhaps, then, the answer is Shining From The Sun and Blowing In The Wind.
Subject: Re: zits
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 19:16:14 GMT
Greetings Volker, ->it's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards - lewis carroll
Indeed past is but a futile resemblance of what 'was', thus ever in retard or backward. Like looking in the mirror, looking at the image looking back at you looking back at the image looking back at you looking back at the image looking.....
->we are other than what we assume our selves to be - we are the playing field in ->which Konditioned United faithes off against United Unknown & no ->matter how long the game, the skore will always be a big fat zero - -> the aurobus - the snake eating its own tale
Through The Looking-Glass all be bassackward, from either side of the mirror. Which is the Reflection? What is a real illusion? What is a truthful lie? Has the Grand Trickster befuddled himself?
->when we know what we know, why do we still prefer unknowing - ->shades of that rumfoord - one more hammer blow on the stake, ->mes amis & the whole babylonian kould konceivably kum ->krashing down around all of our 'ere's
What is known of the unknown? What is known is only believed to be known, for even the seeming knowing is unknowing. Knowing what you know does not necessarily indicate that you know that you know it.
->knot kollektively, mined u, but individually in each of us as the stellar ->sen danse is transed into the pure sentience of the big O
Is not each and every part of a hologram the very hologram that the part is of? Is not the Multiplicity merely a representation of the Unity? Is not each of the many just a pointer to the One? Is not the Totality represented in the grain of sand?
->yet after all this thyme it hasn't - & i ask my self why -
Perhaps the finger is too close to the I? Thus not Seen?
->who benefits by maintaining & mainlining the status quo -
The status quo?
->from my frog pursepektive it sertainly isn't the mass of bloody ->suffering humanity - knot yet - at least until nuklear physiks ->is read as 'philosophy' & knot relegated to the produktion line ->mentality as so & so many neo konveniences to make living 'simpler'
Simple is the simpler. Yet One is not simpler than Two. And simpletons seem quite complex. Complex simplicity? Nonexistent existence?
->& more 'simpler' here means merely more moo kow like - munching ->on renditioned 'beefs' that may have bin grainfed in the daze gone bye ->but backfire now bekaus konsumpshun has morphed into a noun
Free prisoner? Live robot? Secretive openness?
->i fore give
Yet can not forget?
->mr karroll had it rite methimks - a good memory would also ->re-member the still unscene five or fifty moons from now
As the White Knight talks backward? And the Red Queen says off with your head? Ask Alice, I think she will know.
->implying here that each viola knows it part even while the quartet ->is merely tuning up -
One thought makes you larger and another thought makes you small, but the thoughts that you have concocted makes nothing at all. Gestalt is not just a name of a psychiatrist. Which was part-ly due to being part-y to all part-s because nothing is a-part from the whole.
->the 'piece' will 'be' played bekaus from an 'other' stance - life ->is a sport & a past time
Is it not past time to be sporting? For most, life is time past. It is all in the timing, really. Yet what is played, the player?
Subject: Re: zits777777777777777777777777777777
From: LMRepresentative@light-mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 03:37:46 GMT
Is not each and every part of a hologram the very hologram that the ->part is of? Is not the Multiplicity merely a representation of the Unity? ->Is not each of the many just a pointer to the One? Is not the Totality ->represented in the grain of sand? Today, when there was an intense contemplation of change, I got this feeling or image or something of everything being quite empty... is this lack of self-identity in all phenomena the basis for this Oneness?
Subject: Re: from newsletter #174888888888888888888888888888888
From: LMRepresentative@light-mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 03:37:48 GMT
Okay. Some take the high road and some take the low road but they ->always meet Dancing With The Wind. Yes the answer my Friend is Blowing In ->The Wind, the answer is Blowing In The Wind.
This analogy of Reality being as the Wind, does it have anything to do with what True Self being the One that Shines as the cosmos, ever present, ever inclusive, like Empty Space? Yes we are the Missing Link, the Missing Brick In The Wall, to ->Complete the Relentless Journey Blowing In The Wind.
Blwoing in the Wind... elaborate please?
Whether high tide or ->low tide the water is still wet.
What does this really mean?
Subject: Re: from newsletter #174888
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 02:40:40 GMT
-> Okay. Some take the high road and some take the low road but they ->->always meet Dancing With The Wind. Yes the answer my Friend is Blowing In ->->The Wind, the answer is Blowing In The Wind. -> ->This analogy of Reality being as the Wind, does it have anything to do with ->what True Self being the One that Shines as the cosmos, ever present, ->ever inclusive, like Empty Space?
Yes, you could say that. There are many routes along the Way, but they all lead to One Path via the True Self.
-> Yes we are the Missing Link, the Missing Brick In The Wall, to ->->Complete the Relentless Journey Blowing In The Wind. -> ->Blwoing in the Wind... elaborate please?
Sleeping we are tossed hither and yon with the currents that the wind is blowing, therein lies your elaboration, therein lies the answer that is Blowing In The Wind.
Bobby Dylan: "How many years must a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea How many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free How many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesn't see The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky How many years must one man have Before he can hear people cry The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind"
-> Whether high tide or ->->low tide the water is still wet. -> ->What does this really mean?
No matter where you go, there you are. You can run away from anything, but you can not run away from your Self.
Subject: Re: Test777777777777777777777777777
From: LMRepresentative@Light-Mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 03:40:35 GMT
-> Have been having trouble with the list, so running this as a test to ->see if it is back working {8-)
It seems to work : )
On another note:
It strikes me, Sire, that Truth is very very simple. There is something with simplicity that I have overlooked, that I haven't realized. Lies and rationalizations need to be complicated so as to not be caught or seen for what they are, but truth is very simple, very down to earth, very humble. Simplicity and humility is the same, almost, no? When I sit in meditation and let the following words have an affect within me: I am simple - it feels funny, feels true, feels different from ideas of self-greatness. Like a small kid, simple. There is no *I* in AWARENESS. Naked awareness must be so simple, just 'suchness' - without complicated ideas, which is only a bunch of talk anyways, and at best, ways to describe phenomena and reality, but still fail to do so accurately. They can only serve as pointers. I think I am getting a feel for this thing with not comparing. Nothing can be compared! All is in its place in creation, because it is the only element that can be it and have the function that it has -- a divided House cannot stand.
Subject: Re: Test
From: Shar <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 04:45:53 -0700
At 09:37 PM 25/07/2005, you wrote:
> Have been having trouble with the list, so running this as a test to >see if it is back working {8-)
So, is it up and running again? I guess this one is also a test to find out.
Just arrived home from N.Van. last night so am behind in email and such things.
Just in case, hi everyone........... Been awhile for any action on the list. So get at it heh??? :)
Subject: Re: Test
From: ghoke@mountain.net
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 08:44:17 -0400 (EDT)
Greetings, EJ.
I have lurked here for years or so it seems. I get the emails, read or delete them, and go forward.
We are all on a journey thru life. It is only the ones we touch and the memories we leave behind when we pass on.
> Have been having trouble with the list, so running this as a test to > see if it is back working {8-)
Subject: Re: Test
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 06:26:57 -0700
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 04:45:53 -0700, you wrote:
Greetings Sharlene, ->> Have been having trouble with the list, so running this as a test to ->>see if it is back working {8-) -> ->So, is it up and running again? ->I guess this one is also a test to find out.
So far so good {8-) Mail server updates required list software updates, and it looks like it is all functional. As long as the list has been running it would be nice if people would use it more.
->Just arrived home from N.Van. last night so am behind in email ->and such things.
"The Adventures of Sharlene", surely you are compiling material for a series of books {8-)
->Just in case, hi everyone........... ->Been awhile for any action on the list. ->So get at it heh??? :)
Yes there used to be some lively discussions here. Surely not everyone is so busy with their sojourn through life that they can not "reach out and touch someone" at this little Oasis.
Good to hear from you.
Subject: welcome back
From: LMRepresentative@Light-Mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 14:03:35 GMT
Welcome back Shar : )
->At 09:37 PM 25/07/2005, you wrote: -> ->> Have been having trouble with the list, so running this as a test to ->>see if it is back working {8-) -> ->So, is it up and running again? ->I guess this one is also a test to find out. -> ->Just arrived home from N.Van. last night so am behind in email ->and such things. -> ->Just in case, hi everyone........... ->Been awhile for any action on the list. ->So get at it heh??? :) -> ->Shar
Subject: Re: Test777777777777777777777777777
From: Shar <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 07:29:25 -0700
At 08:40 PM 26/07/2005, you wrote: >On another note: >It strikes me, Sire, that Truth is very very simple. There is >something with simplicity that I have overlooked, that I haven't realized.
Shar: Life is simple. Truth IS, which is simple. Truth is so simple, there are no words to describe it. Anything that isn't simple, isn't reality.
>Lies and rationalizations need to be complicated so as to not be caught or >seen for what they are, but truth is very simple, very down to earth, very >humble.
Shar: I wouldn't exactly call it lies. As it is reality as someone may see it. Reality through the eyes of conditioned, learned behavior and beliefs. As it has been said, Forgive them, as they know not what they do.
>Simplicity and humility is the same, almost, no?
Shar: Humility is lack of self importance. Simplicity is what is, with nothing added. At least that is my interpretation of it.
> There is no *I* in AWARENESS.
Shar: and in the middle of the word lie, is the 'I'
Just a small two cents worth, Shar
Subject: Re: Test777
From: "Ma" <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:38:03 -0700
> At 08:40 PM 26/07/2005, you wrote: > >On another note: > >It strikes me, Sire, that Truth is very very simple. There is > >something with simplicity that I have overlooked, that I haven't realized. > > Shar: Life is simple. Truth IS, which is simple. > Truth is so simple, there are no words to describe it. > Anything that isn't simple, isn't reality.
> >Lies and rationalizations need to be complicated so as to not be caught or > >seen for what they are, but truth is very simple, very down to earth, very > >humble. > > Shar: I wouldn't exactly call it lies. As it is reality as someone may see it. > Reality through the eyes of conditioned, learned behavior and beliefs. > As it has been said, Forgive them, as they know not what they do.
If not true, then what would that be? Just because someone sees a lie as truth does not make the lie any more truthful. Reality too would then be a lie or untruth if see through any sort of distortion. Of course we must forgive them for their ignorance, though their ignorance is not too relevant to those not ignorant, but can they forgive themselves? Truthfully?
> >Simplicity and humility is the same, almost, no? > > Shar: Humility is lack of self importance. Simplicity is what is, with > nothing added. At least that is my interpretation of it.
Humility is the natural state of things, self importance and even the lack of it is arrogance. Simplicity, again, is the natural state of things. What is added or even taken away is arrogance, in thinking that there was something to add or take away or that there was anyone to do such.
> > There is no *I* in AWARENESS. > > Shar: and in the middle of the word lie, is the 'I'
> Just a small two cents worth, > Shar
As opposed to a large two cents?
Subject: talking
From: LMRepresentative@light-mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 02:35:38 GMT
->Humility is the natural state of things, self importance and even the lack of it is arrogance. Simplicity, again, is the natural state of things. What is added or even taken away is arrogance, in thinking that there was something to add or take away or that there was anyone to do such.
Is this why you can almost get sick of talking about simplicity and humility, because it is like the air we breathe? It must be experienced, not much sense in talking about it?
Subject: Re: Test7777
From: "Ma" <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 19:50:29 -0700
>It strikes me, Sire, that Truth is very very simple.
How do you know?
>There is something with simplicity that I have overlooked, that I haven't realized.
Overlooked or too obvious to see?
>Lies and rationalizations need to be complicated so as to not be caught or >seen for what they are,
>but truth is very simple, very down to earth, very >humble.
An honorable character indeed, who goes by this auspicious name. Do you know him?
>Simplicity and humility is the same, almost, no?
Arm in arm brethren to be sure, but as much alike as a tailor and a cobbler.
> When I sit in >meditation and let the following words have an affect within me: I am >simple - it feels funny, feels true, feels different from ideas of >self-greatness.
Simple is as simple does.
>Like a small kid, simple.
Try to figure one out :)
> There is no *I* in AWARENESS.
Your spell-check works.
>Naked awareness must be so simple, just 'suchness' - without complicated >ideas, which is only a bunch of talk anyways, and at best, ways to describe >phenomena and reality, but still fail to do so accurately.
Awareness 'is' reality.
>They can only >serve as pointers. I think I am getting a feel for this thing with not >comparing. Nothing can be compared! All is in its place in creation, >because it is the only element that can be it and have the function that it >has -- a divided House cannot stand.
All is unique unto itself, and in such uniqueness all is the same. What is there to divide? Who is there to divide it?
Subject: Unique
From: LMRepresentative@light-mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:36:35 GMT
->All is unique unto itself, and in such uniqueness all is the same. ->What is there to divide? Who is there to divide it?
Ah.... Like each snow-flake is unique, yet it's all snow? How do you mean that in such uniqueness, all is the same? All is cut from the same bolt of cloth, yet no piece of cloth (appearance) is another alike?
Thank you.
Subject: Rhonda
From: LMRepresentative@light-mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:38:23 GMT
->> Just arrived home from N.Van. last night so am behind in email ->> and such things. ->> Just in case, hi everyone........... ->> Been awhile for any action on the list. ->> So get at it heh??? :) ->.....'sigh'.... feels like Home again, for some reason :) ->love, rhonda
Glad to be in your company, Rhonda ; )
Subject: some poems
From: LMRepresentative@light-mission.org (Johannes)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:52:57 GMT
I found some poems I wanted to share, I liked them a lot:
Silence The Mind
Silencing the mind is your due It is what you really need to do, All else will happen quite natural Once the mind is Silent Devotional.
A Silent mind will Light the Way To your Unfolding Clarity this day, It will Wake-Up the very Force Needed in Awakening of course.
The Miracle that you ARE is Free Contemplate on Silence let it BE, It is the Music to your Dance When you get a chance.
Just Flow with the Sound of Silence The Unstruck Cord of Deliverance, Unchanted Devotion of Inner Sphere A deafening Rhythm mortals never Hear.
Listen well take note with Quill On Parchment Clear it is your Will, There must be no ripple in the Pond A Mirror of Truth a Magic Wand.
It is the Word that is unspoken And is the Flow of Life unbroken, It is a leaf floating down the stream Thus this very Life is but a Dream.
Where the Permanent Atom Resides A Space with no height or width or sides, Yet only in the Silence it is Heard Like the Flight of the Wingless Bird.
2004 - Yogajyotii
~ I Am Just A Simple Monk ~
I am just a simple monk Without means or even a trunk, I go about with begging bowl Hoping to help just one soul.
Service is my only name Seeking not fortune or fame, In the search to be Free I even lost the one who is me.
I learned from Masters very great Yet to all of life I prostrate, Letting go of outward concern Though Zoroaster's Fires Burn.
Nothing was or will be Nor is quite what I see, Looking it is far away Only Remembering this day.
I can not go yet can not stay I can only Walk the Way, There is nothing I can give Only this life I live.
A bird is naught without song The Dancer Dances along, The frog is his jump As jester sits on hickory stump.
In the Rapture of no time There is only this rhyme, All is just One big chunk I am just a simple monk.
2004 - Yogajyotii
Subject: Re: Unique
From: "Ma" <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 21:25:03 -0700
>->All is unique unto itself, and in such uniqueness all is the same. >->What is there to divide? Who is there to divide it? > >Ah.... Like each snow-flake is unique, yet it's all snow? How do you mean >that in such uniqueness, all is the same? All is cut from the same bolt of >cloth, yet no piece of cloth (appearance) is another alike?
Your answers are in your questions :)
Subject: Re: Rhonda
From: Anna <Apsara@light-mission.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 22:12:11 -0700
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:38:23 GMT, you wrote:
-> ->->> Just arrived home from N.Van. last night so am behind in email ->->> and such things. -> ->->> Just in case, hi everyone........... ->->> Been awhile for any action on the list. ->->> So get at it heh??? :) -> ->->.....'sigh'.... feels like Home again, for some reason :) -> ->->love, rhonda -> -> ->Glad to be in your company, Rhonda ; )
Glad to be in All Your company, Friends :)
Subject: Re: Test
From: Shar <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:38:55 -0700
>.....'sigh'.... feels like Home again, for some reason :) >love, rhonda
Bout time you showed up. The windows need washing. lol
You are doing a great job writing these days. Keep up the good work.
So how much of a family gathering do we have here still? Everyone has been so quiet lately. Love to all
Subject: Re: Test
From: "E.J." <ejLight@light-mission.org>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 06:41:07 -0700
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:38:55 -0700, you wrote:
->So how much of a family gathering do we have here still? ->Everyone has been so quiet lately. ->Love to all
List statistics show 25 subscribers. Obviously mostly listeners. And admittedly, just listening rather than allot of jibber-jabber has its good points {8-)
Subject: Re: Test
From: Bonnie Milks <milks63@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 10:31:32 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Everyone,
Nice to hear from everyone...wish you all blessings...
Subject: Re: Test (s)
From: "Rhonda" <Radhapatma@light-mission.org>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 14:34:23 -0700
> >.....'sigh'.... feels like Home again, for some reason :) > >love, rhonda > > Bout time you showed up. > The windows need washing. lol
If i wash the windows...you will continue to peek! i don't do windows (gracefully) :) > You are doing a great job writing these days. > Keep up the good work.
Now see....if i were a 'wise one' i would smile calmly and be gently pleased...but no i'm THRILLED with the compliment from you. I will work at trying to inspire you, if you promise to keep reading them. :)
> So how much of a family gathering do we have here still? > Everyone has been so quiet lately. > Love to all > Shar
EJ answered: >List statistics show 25 subscribers. Obviously mostly listeners. And >admittedly, just listening rather than allot of jibber-jabber has its good >points {8-)
:) rhonda says....let the jibber-jabber from the heart commence!
Johannes wrote: >Glad to be in your company, Rhonda ; )
Your stuck with me, bro. Always in All Ways. :) I hope your healing well.
Anna wrote: >Glad to be in All Your company, Friends :)
Sweet. Just sweet.....that is the only word for you. :)
Ma wrote: >All is unique unto itself, and in such uniqueness all is the same. >What is there to divide? Who is there to divide it?
It just Is. If this kind of jibber-jabber persists!.... :) Thank you, Ma.
Bonnie wrote: >> Hello Everyone, > Nice to hear from everyone...wish you all blessings...
Hey, Bonnie! Nice to hear from you too, and thank you ....blessings returned.
love, rhond
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 21:42:13 -0700
Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,
Why assume "a dumber thing"? Conditioned, there is no "dumber." I may suggest that you not look for questions to answers nor look for answers to questions. *The Quest* is the Open Directionless Observation of What-IS at any given Moment. Judging nothing, projecting nothing, choosing nothing, expecting nothing, wanting nothing, AS that Moment. An Open ended Inquiry into whatever What-IS IS, without our conditioned notions attached to it or projected into/onto it. Answers are so *terminal*, questions seeking answers are so *limiting*. And if the questions are based on conditioned thinking and behavior, the answers will not be much better. The massive wall that stands in the way of our Awakening is none other than ourselves in our programmed state of being.
Happy Birthday!
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: "Ma" <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:40:12 -0700
Hello Ray,
> Why assume "a dumber thing"? Conditioned, there is no > "dumber." I >may suggest that you not look for questions to answers nor >look for answers >to questions. *The Quest* is the Open Directionless >Observation of What-IS >at any given Moment. Judging nothing, projecting nothing, >choosing >nothing, expecting nothing, wanting nothing, AS that >Moment. An Open ended >Inquiry into whatever What-IS IS, without our conditioned >notions attached >to it or projected into/onto it. Answers are so >*terminal*, questions >seeking answers are so *limiting*. And if the questions >are based on >conditioned thinking and behavior, the answers will not be >much better. >The massive wall that stands in the way of our Awakening is >none other than >ourselves in our programmed state of being.
Your vacancy shows in what you say. Or maybe your experience in the school of 'hard knocks'. Whichever, it is always refreshing to hear someone who does not identify with the words they speak. One does not have to cling any longer to what is resolved. Most aware people I know are vacant sometimes and overwhelmed at other times. Phasing in and out of awareness maybe. Bipolar maybe. It is said that the 'middle path' is the 'way'. But who can tell when so busy with extremes. Thanks for the insights, would like to hear more from you.
> Happy Birthday!
How did you know? Well, vacant, of course you would know (:-)
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: "E.J." <ejLight@light-mission.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:41:02 -0700
Greetings Ma and Ray and All,
Yes, it is unbelievable. We look for Aware people, look for Karmic Connections, we long and grasp for them, but we 'know' that it is impossible so we just keep dreaming about them. While all the time they are right there in front of us. Though it is impossible, unbelievable, at lease we can dream. Problem is that if we do not Grab The Ring we will simply keep going around and around on the merry-go-round. If we do not grab hold of it when it is right there within our grasp we will miss it when it is no longer there. I wonder whether a fish swimming around in the ocean ever dreams about having a nice drink of water? All possibilities are before us, if only we would take a Clear look without any self-interests and See them. As Ray said, "The massive wall that stands in the way of our Awakening is none other than ourselves in our programmed state of being."
->Hello Ray, ->->> Why assume "a dumber thing"? Conditioned, there is no ->> "dumber." I ->>may suggest that you not look for questions to answers nor ->>look for answers ->>to questions. *The Quest* is the Open Directionless ->>Observation of What-IS ->>at any given Moment. Judging nothing, projecting nothing, ->>choosing ->>nothing, expecting nothing, wanting nothing, AS that ->>Moment. An Open ended ->>Inquiry into whatever What-IS IS, without our conditioned ->>notions attached ->>to it or projected into/onto it. Answers are so ->>*terminal*, questions ->>seeking answers are so *limiting*. And if the questions ->>are based on ->>conditioned thinking and behavior, the answers will not be ->>much better. ->>The massive wall that stands in the way of our Awakening is ->>none other than ->>ourselves in our programmed state of being. -> ->Your vacancy shows in what you say. Or maybe your experience ->in the school of 'hard knocks'. Whichever, it is always ->refreshing to hear someone who does not identify with the ->words they speak. One does not have to cling any longer to ->what is resolved. Most aware people I know are vacant ->sometimes and overwhelmed at other times. Phasing in and out ->of awareness maybe. Bipolar maybe. It is said that the ->'middle path' is the 'way'. But who can tell when so busy ->with extremes. Thanks for the insights, would like to hear ->more from you. -> ->> Happy Birthday! -> ->How did you know? Well, vacant, of course you would know ->(:-)
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: "R. Edge" <redgender@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:59:29 -0400
Hi everyone, WOW, some heavy stuff in the ether-ways here. thanks. i like the light mission site material so i joined this group. but it has been quiet. though i must admit the little tidbits are worth it. i have been a seeker for a long time but all i find is hot air. books are dry and not alive. teachers are egocentric. i find Ray refreshing too Ma. and would like to hear insights from anyone who would care to share them with me (us). thank you Ray and Ma and EJ for urging me out of hiding :)
>EJ> Yes, it is unbelievable. We look for Aware people, look for Karmic Connections, we long and grasp for them, but we 'know' that it is impossible so we just keep dreaming about them. While all the time they are right there in front of us. Though it is impossible, unbelievable, at lease we can dream. Problem is that if we do not Grab The Ring we will simply keep going around and around on the merry-go-round. If we do not grab hold of it when it is right there within our grasp we will miss it when it is no longer there. I wonder whether a fish swimming around in the ocean ever dreams about having a nice drink of water? All possibilities are before us, if only we would take a Clear look without any self-interests and See them. As Ray said, "The massive wall that stands in the way of our Awakening is none other than ourselves in our programmed state of being."
->Hello Ray, ->->> Why assume "a dumber thing"? Conditioned, there is no ->> "dumber." I ->>may suggest that you not look for questions to answers nor ->>look for answers ->>to questions. *The Quest* is the Open Directionless ->>Observation of What-IS ->>at any given Moment. Judging nothing, projecting nothing, ->>choosing ->>nothing, expecting nothing, wanting nothing, AS that ->>Moment. An Open ended ->>Inquiry into whatever What-IS IS, without our conditioned ->>notions attached ->>to it or projected into/onto it. Answers are so ->>*terminal*, questions ->>seeking answers are so *limiting*. And if the questions ->>are based on ->>conditioned thinking and behavior, the answers will not be ->>much better. ->>The massive wall that stands in the way of our Awakening is ->>none other than ->>ourselves in our programmed state of being. -> ->Your vacancy shows in what you say. Or maybe your experience ->in the school of 'hard knocks'. Whichever, it is always ->refreshing to hear someone who does not identify with the ->words they speak. One does not have to cling any longer to ->what is resolved. Most aware people I know are vacant ->sometimes and overwhelmed at other times. Phasing in and out ->of awareness maybe. Bipolar maybe. It is said that the ->'middle path' is the 'way'. But who can tell when so busy ->with extremes. Thanks for the insights, would like to hear ->more from you. -> ->> Happy Birthday! -> ->How did you know? Well, vacant, of course you would know ->(:-)
Subject: A mornings ponder
From: Shar <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:14:08 -0700
Just taking a moment to say a word or two, then hitting the bush for a few hours. And like they say, will be back later, God willin and the crick don't rise.
The ponder is about living life.
How does one just live? I don't mean breathe eat and sleep live. But to just live?
Without the influence of TV, politics, neigbours, family, shopping etc. I think about the way is life is going right now, the painting, the picking, and the building of a small deck and sidewalk to keep out the mud and the crud. The earning some money and the spending of that money to do these things that I think as important to my life in the present. And in the long scheme of things, isn't really important at all.
I think about the floods and the hurricanes that happen in the south. And the money and labour spent to rebuild peoples lives. And the thought about rebuilding right where they know it floods, and the even higher possibility of reflooding.
Is this what life is all about? Building and rebuilding? New starts? Endings of what was for what is and what can be?
I wish I could explain where my mind is at these days. And its not just with these thoughts, this is just the mornings ponder.
I think coming to terms with the fact that these is no control, was the biggest learning curve thrown at me. And the one change that literally and finally sunk home. At first that was really hard to accept. I fought it tooth and nail. And yet, when the light dawned that that was truth, all other concepts seemed redundant.
To take thoughts back into the primal brain. The one of survival, instinct and basic necessity. And to take it even farther, into the idea of a higher place to be, a higher place to reside within oneself. And that to me is just another concept.
I have a hard time even with believing in a higher power, or the universal energy. Or some other kinds of higher realms or levels. Or even a God, call it what you may.
Even that is folly. There is no life after death, no better place to be, no home to go home to. There is nothing, and there is no beyond that nothing. There is nothing to aspire to. Nothing to believe in. Nothing to work towards. All the meditation and all the silence in the world, doesn't take you to that place of being and surviving. It does give you moments of being there.
I feel like I am back to square one, the original question.
What is life? And what is the purpose of life?
Only this time, the answer to myself is;
there doesn't have to be a purpose. There doesn't have to be anything, other than life. And death is just a part of that life. All there is , is change. And its change that can not be controlled.
So pack your water and chop your wood, thats life. Oh ya, and pick your mushrooms.
Then again, this could be all be just another concept and may be open to be changed by tomorrow.
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:35:26 -0400
Shar: Pondering over Life.......
Ram: Hi Shar. Writing to you after a real long time. How are you doing? Shar, in that case of unsurity and all that pondering , I would start completely fresh as follows:
- I will suspend all my earlier beliefs. And ensure that my mind and heart is completely open and fresh. I mean, "Open and Fresh..".
- I will redirect my attention to the universal energy/void/emptiness/consciousness (in which all the phenomena happens) to make it clear to me as to what guides me in all my endeavors.
- Then I will let this request go and let the answer come to me in the course of time. And whatever my silence tells me to do, I will do it till it is absoultely clear to me what do I follow.
- I will crystallize any speck of light I get.
- Then I will make it a prototype to follow. And this model, I keep refining as and when I am shown. Remember, it is the silence that opens the door/shows the way. "Be still and know....." is well known all over.
- And through unity-practicing, I go for SELF-Expansion till I am one with all as a "Universal-person".
Best Wishes........Ram
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: "Ma" <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 12:05:51 -0700
"There is nothing but water in the holy pools. I know, I have been swimming in them. All the gods sculpted of wood or ivory can't say a word I know, I have been crying out to them. The sacred Books of the east are nothing but words. I looked through their covers one day sideways. What Kabir talks of is only what he has lived through. If you have not lived through something it is not true."
- Kabir
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:48:59 -0400
Ma: What Kabir talks of is only what he has lived through. If you have not lived through something it is not true."
Ram: Of course, Kabir's way of knowing the Truth is the most practical pointer towards self-realization. However, what is your recommendation about the truths contained in Geeta or other such sacred books? You may say that these are the truths realized by them and they have shared with us through the scriptures. There are a few chapters in Gita that are devoted only to the highest realities/Truths. Are we going to take them as our starter pointers to realize our truths/understandings in the course of time throrough silence and real living of our lives?
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: "E.J." <ejLight@light-mission.org>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 16:34:44 -0700
Greetings Sharlene, On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 07:14:08 -0700, you wrote:
->Just taking a moment to say a word or two, ->then hitting the bush for a few hours. ->And like they say, will be back later, God willin and the crick don't rise. -> ->The ponder is about living life.
Life is not to ponder, but rather to BE Lived. We waste too much time wondering about the attributes and shortcomings of life. The only way to understand Life is to Live it, then there will be no need for wondering.
->How does one just live?
*Roaring Laughter* How? As the word 'life' eludes to, it is already living. Life as we know it is a mere product of manifestation, and it is its nature to continue to progress regardless of whether we take part in it or not. So it would seem that all we have to do is 'let it happen' as it has always 'happened'. It matters little whether one sits and pines about it or is thrilled about it, it is going to 'happen' AS it IS. So the real question is: why not? Why not simply Live it AS it IS, any given Moment? And, if we are Mindful, each and every Moment, we just might find out 'how' it is Lived.
->I don't mean breathe eat and sleep live. ->But to just live?
Just BE, just BE Real, and Totally Engaged each Moment, and you will get a glimpse at Life being Lived.
->Without the influence of TV, politics, neigbours, family, shopping etc.
Yuck. Such influences are indeed Poison.
->I think about the way is life is going right now, ->the painting, the picking, and the building of a small deck ->and sidewalk to keep out the mud and the crud. ->The earning some money and the spending of that money ->to do these things that I think as important to my life in the present.
You just answered your own question of "How does one just live?"
->And in the long scheme of things, isn't really important at all.
Important? You are back to 'wondering' again. Why wonder whether it is important? Does it matter? If Lived, who cares whether it is important or not. What is important is that you Live it, whether it is important or not. Do you think a mushroom wonders about the importance of its life?
->I think about the floods and the hurricanes that happen in the south. ->And the money and labour spent to rebuild peoples lives. ->And the thought about rebuilding right where they know it floods, ->and the even higher possibility of reflooding. -> ->Is this what life is all about? ->Building and rebuilding? ->New starts? Endings of what was for what is and what can be?
Indeed Life is full of new starts, building and re-building. But as far as the Sleeping conditioned world is concerned life is just a Vicious Circle.
->I wish I could explain where my mind is at these days. ->And its not just with these thoughts, this is just the mornings ponder.
Thank you for sharing a morning with us {8-)
->I think coming to terms with the fact that these is no control, ->was the biggest learning curve thrown at me. ->And the one change that literally and finally sunk home. ->At first that was really hard to accept. ->I fought it tooth and nail. ->And yet, when the light dawned that that was truth, ->all other concepts seemed redundant.
Ah, the old control notion. We come up with all sorts of notions to convince ourselves that we have some control over our lives. Control over life and how it is to be lived, even. What folly, because by dropping the notions then it is Realized/Recognized that you do not need to control anything. That all you really have to control is yourself. Then one can simply BE Life Lived. And you will not find it 'out there', with schemes and practices, because the Living of Life starts in the Heart.
->To take thoughts back into the primal brain. ->The one of survival, instinct and basic necessity.
What else is needed to Live Life?
->And to take it even farther, into the idea of a higher place to be, ->a higher place to reside within oneself. ->And that to me is just another concept. -> ->I have a hard time even with believing in a higher power, ->or the universal energy. Or some other kinds of higher realms ->or levels. Or even a God, call it what you may.
The higher is lower and the greater is the lesser. Life can only be Lived right where you ARE at any given Moment. And no one is present, not even you. Yes Present, but not present.
->Even that is folly. ->There is no life after death, no better place to be, ->no home to go home to. ->There is nothing, and there is no beyond that nothing. ->There is nothing to aspire to. ->Nothing to believe in. ->Nothing to work towards. ->All the meditation and all the silence in the world, doesn't take you to ->that place ->of being and surviving. ->It does give you moments of being there.
Yes, none of that matters. All that matters is Living Life AS it IS, just BEing Life.
->I feel like I am back to square one, the original question. -> ->What is life? And what is the purpose of life?
Again, does it matter? The so called 'purpose' is what is Lived, and the only way one can know the so called 'purpose' is Live it and find out. There is little sense in trying to know the unknown, because Life is unknown until it is Lived.
->Only this time, the answer to myself is; -> ->there doesn't have to be a purpose. ->There doesn't have to be anything, ->other than life. And death is just a part of that life. ->All there is , is change. ->And its change that can not be controlled.
Or changed. Wise Observation {8-)
->So pack your water and chop your wood, -> thats life. ->Oh ya, and pick your mushrooms.
THAT is IT, as IT is THAT, thus All IS. Simple enough.
->Then again, this could be all be just another concept ->and may be open to be changed by tomorrow.
Indeed. Thus what does it matter? Just BE, and All Lives AS a Dance of Life being Lived. Simple enough.
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: Shar <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 16:36:02 -0700
Hi ma, you wrote> >"There is nothing but water in the holy pools. >I know, I have been swimming in them. >All the gods sculpted of wood or ivory can't say a word >I know, I have been crying out to them. >The sacred Books of the east are nothing but words. >I looked through their covers one day sideways. >What Kabir talks of is only what he has lived through. >If you have not lived through something it is not true." > > - Kabir
Oh my heavens. He knows what I am talking about.
And more Man, here is your worth: Your meat is of no use! Your bones cannot be sold For making ornaments, And your skin cannot be played On an instrument!
Translated by Azfar Hussain
Thanks Ma
Subject: re: numen
From: volker <volkerm@shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 16:37:16 -0700
i don't know if the 'numen' speaks aloud to all of us - i'm sure it does, being human numens - & yet i wonder, at those times when we are knot alwaze at home, how many of us kan truly 'here' what the numen/human is saying to us as we live the same moment over & over again as if 'it' was new & yet knot have remembrance of what to dew when the to & fro stops swinging
meaning that in 'essence' we keep turning the same page over & over again bekaus betwixt the kovers of that book, outside of the 'tale' it 'tells' us, if we do not change our selves, the story will go on 'ad nauseum' until we die or the human lets the numen in the door to at least peruse what is offered: a business kard - no numbers, no name - 'it is only when u realize that 'life' is taking u nowhere that 'it' begins to have meaning
14,ooo,ooo,ooo distink nerve-cells, mr - mr - blanknoire, is it? - any way, mr blanknoire, each of these cells has about 100 or so branches with other nerve-cells - do the arithmetik, my man, we border on infinity & yet - this is truly friteful - if an impulse or impression enters the brain, in general, it follows only the well worn path - the ones it knows best from association: the way to the well, the outhouse, the chicken koup, the 'would' pile & so on, if u grasp my point
in essence we live only in the 'basement' of ourselves, of our mansion: we get up, yawn, eat brekkie, make our usual remarks to the wife, express our usual likes & dislikes & so on & so forth
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: Shar <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:23:57 -0700
you wrote: >Shar: Pondering over Life....... >Ram: Hi Shar. Writing to you after a real long time. How are you doing? >Shar, in that case of unsurity and all that pondering , I would start >completely fresh as follows:
Hi Ram, I have been great thanks. And you? But perhaps, lets clear up one thing first before we proceed. I am not feeling unsure of anything. I have no moments of doubt. Just questioning myself to see if there is something to believe in. Some sort of belief system out there that fits in with what I have come to see and know as my own knowledge of things. But alas, I find none.
>- I will suspend all my earlier beliefs. And ensure that my mind and heart >is completely open and fresh. I mean, "Open and Fresh..".
My mind is open to change and to acceptance of whatever happens. But it is not open to hanging on to knowledge that is no longer my own.
>- I will redirect my attention to the universal >energy/void/emptiness/consciousness (in which all the phenomena happens) >to make it clear to me as to what guides me in all my endeavors.
Yes, that would be interesting, that is for sure. To actually see what is beyond that light. If for sure there is something beyond that silence and light.
>- Then I will let this request go and let the answer come to me in the >course of time.
Yes, I sense answers on what to do quite regularly. Right now, I am sharing with a friend in Vancouver that is experiencing the accepting and releasing of her Father in physical form. We have gone from denial to acceptance, and have reached the letting him go in peace and with grace. Since this happened, he has slowly been able to allow himself to go farther into the process himself. Apparently now he smiles and squeezes hands instead of trying to speak. He has a trach tube and that was difficult for him. It has been another learning curve for me. To actually guide someone through this experience and process. And I think that is one reason that todays ponder came back to the forefront. So I could question my way and my means into something more to help guide her with.
>And whatever my silence tells me to do, I will do it till it is absoultely >clear to me what do I follow.
I don't know if I will ever know what it is that needs following. I don't know and can't guess where this stuff comes from. Could it be my higher self? Or the self that is at one with all beings? And if we are at one with all beings, when we are joined together, what is it we become? The 'one' term doesn't mean anything to me. It did, I must admit it did at one time. But now, I even question what 'the one is' And perhaps question is not the word either, it is more like an acceptance that there is no 'one' And also, this 'there is no one' thing, doesn't make me feel lonely or afraid. It gives me a sense of clarity more than anything. Even wondering if clarity is the right word.
>- I will crystallize any speck of light I get.
No, can't do that. Light is freedom. Light is beautiful and wonderful just being as it is. I can't hold it or freeze it, or retain it. It is not possible. Nor would I want to if I could.
>- Then I will make it a prototype to follow. And this model, I keep >refining as and when I am shown. Remember, it is the silence that opens >the door/shows the way. "Be still and know....." is well known all over.
No, I can't do that either. No prototype. No beliefs, no refining. All of that is not possible. I know that. None of this is possible. It is only concepts that make that idea possible. It can not be accomplished.
>- And through unity-practicing, I go for SELF-Expansion till I am one with >all as a "Universal-person".
practising unity isn't going to happen either. There is no unity other than in our minds. And our minds are what tells us there such a thing as unity in the first place. Something else to work towards, to hold on to, to achieve. And beat ourselves up when we don't achieve it. Unity is a crutch we use, to keep us thinking we are special. That we are a part of the whole. And yet, no one can say what the whole is. No one has seen the whole and lived to tell us about it. NDE's don't see the whole. They see the light, experience the light, but never the source of that light. If there is one. And if there is a source to that light, then we can once again believe that there is a God, or one more powerful than ourselves. Someone to live up to, to fashion ourselves to. Someone to worship and hold above our own selves. And that is what would be on a pedestal, or have statues made for worship. Back into organized religion and belief systems. Why can't that light just be light? Like fog, or the clouds, or the sky. Infinite light of nothingness. just as we are just being. Why does there need to be more than what is? And where does 'what is end" to become really what is 'is'?
And in the same way, there is no non dual or dual thinking. There is just thinking. Why do we need something other than 'what is' at all?
It can't be both ways. It is either IS what IS, or there isn't. There can't be dual thinking. Its all about acceptance. You either accept what is, or you don't.
What is is not playing the game. The games are in what is not. And thinking that there is more than what is, is a game. A game we win or lose. depending on how long we wish to play. Win some lose some. Until there is no more game to be played.
Not today thanks. think I'll pass. :) Joking. And probably the guys in the white coats will arrive at any moment. Gotta run. LOL Shar
So EJ, has all your hard work gone out of the door?? Has this place of being, totally tore your beard out yet? lol
I can see it all now. ..............yikes.........LOL
Subject: >Re: A mornings ponder
From: "Ma" <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:35:40 -0700
>Re: A mornings ponder
Hello Ram, >Ma: What Kabir talks of is only what he has lived through. >If you have not >lived through something it is not true." > >Ram: Of course, Kabir's way of knowing the Truth is the >most practical >pointer towards self-realization. However, what is your >recommendation about >the truths contained in Geeta or other such sacred books? >You may say that >these are the truths realized by them and they have shared >with us through >the scriptures. There are a few chapters in Gita that are >devoted only to >the highest realities/Truths. Are we going to take them as >our starter >pointers to realize our truths/understandings in the course >of time >throrough silence and real living of our lives? > >Comments?
Kabir was just saying that you can put all the wise scriptural books in the world under your pillow before laying down to sleep but not a single insight will seep in by morning. Kabir was just saying that you have to apply and live the wise pointers to make them a reality. The written word is static and sterile. When not applied they are the quacking of a parrot. And Ramakrishna said, "Go into solitude and shut yourself in a cave. Peace is not there." Peace is in the heart. And in the heart is devotion.
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: "E.J." <ejLight@light-mission.org>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 21:36:53 -0700
Greetings Sharlene, On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:23:57 -0700, you wrote:
I am very glad that you did open up a share a bit with us. As usual, insights anyone can use. Thank you.
->And probably the guys in the white coats will arrive at any moment.
Don't flatter yourself {8-) Just because you sound crazy does not mean that you are crazy {8-)
->So EJ, has all your hard work gone out of the door?? ->Has this place of being, totally tore your beard out yet? lol -> ->I can see it all now. ..............yikes.........LOL
*Roaring Laughter* It is nice to see a few different people getting involved in the discussions. In fact I would like to see more get involved. We used to have some good discussions around here at this little Oasis. There are still 55+ members listening in, surely more have insights to share {8-)
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: Shar <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2005 05:57:06 -0700
you wrote: >Greetings Sharlene,
Yo Baby. Good morning to you too.
> I am very glad that you did open up a share a bit with us. As usual, >insights anyone can use. Thank you.
Share a bit? Man, that says it all. lol
>->And probably the guys in the white coats will arrive at any moment. > Don't flatter yourself {8-) Just because you sound crazy does not >mean that you are crazy {8-)
No? Dam. LOL
>->So EJ, has all your hard work gone out of the door?? >->Has this place of being, totally tore your beard out yet? lol >-> >->I can see it all now. ..............yikes.........LOL > > *Roaring Laughter*
I can see it in the papers now, Friend drives friend nuts Friend pulls hair out of beard until NOTHING remains.
>It is nice to see a few different people getting >involved in the discussions.
Ya, I would say we are different. Perhaps not as different individuals but different, non the less.
> In fact I would like to see more get >involved.
Ah, the drawing out of the silent ones. Perhaps they feel they have nothing to say yet. Which isn't true, but they don't know it yet.
> We used to have some good discussions around here at this little >Oasis.
Thats cuz we were louder than we are now. For me, life has turned many curves in the last while. Much time is spend in solitude. And in physical doings. Which has been needed after the happenings of the last couple years. One thing I have found, is my tolerance level for bull shit has lessened. And it takes allot of restraint to hold back truth as I see it. Talk about opinionated. :)
>There are still 55+ members listening in, surely more have insights >to share {8-)
Others may not see themselves as having insights, and yet, all live a life in the world. So experiences happen. And those experiences are our biggest teachers. Sharing experiences can be fun, as well as enlightening. Sometimes attempting to put things in words, is not easy. But through experience, words can open the door to the pathless path and awakening. Be it through anothers understanding, or anothers wrath.
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: "Ma" <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 08:39:53 -0700
Re: A mornings ponder
"Your very best thinking Got you into this mess. What obstructs Your view of the truth Is all that you know, All that you hold sacred. If you wish to truly See the sunlight Dance on the leaves You must have Clean windows. Ram Tzu asks: Who does windows?" -- Ram Tzu
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: Anna <Anna@BE-Real.net>
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2005 09:04:17 -0700
On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 15:48:59 -0400, you wrote:
Greetings everyone!
I have been following the discussion and it is nice to see some action here, and I would just like to join in and share my view.
->Ma: What Kabir talks of is only what he has lived through. If you have not ->lived through something it is not true." -> ->Ram: Of course, Kabir's way of knowing the Truth is the most practical ->pointer towards self-realization. However, what is your recommendation about ->the truths contained in Geeta or other such sacred books? You may say that ->these are the truths realized by them and they have shared with us through ->the scriptures. There are a few chapters in Gita that are devoted only to ->the highest realities/Truths. Are we going to take them as our starter ->pointers to realize our truths/understandings in the course of time ->throrough silence and real living of our lives?
I would think that that is the way Knowledge is attained, through own experience. I would think that that is how the Gita was written. Anything Real must be self-experienced otherwise it is only superficial, otherwise it is only talk, parroting, as Ma says. And what good does talk do for ourselves, do we feel any better about ourselves, does it Really change anything? Nothing and no one is more sacred, but rather pointers for us so that we can go and look where the so called sacred ones looked, so that we can realize for ourselves. If you haven't experienced it yourself it is a belief.
That's all for now... :)
Subject: Re: A mornings ponder
From: "Rhonda" <Radhapatma@light-mission.org>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 12:18:17 -0700
> Kabir was just saying that you can put all the wise > scriptural books in the world under your pillow before > laying down to sleep but not a single insight will seep in > by morning. Kabir was just saying that you have to apply and > live the wise pointers to make them a reality. The written > word is static and sterile. When not applied they are the > quacking of a parrot. And Ramakrishna said, "Go into > solitude and shut yourself in a cave. Peace is not there." > Peace is in the heart. And in the heart is devotion.
Beautifully stated. Thank you, Ma. May we all look ever closer at the heart and may we all realize this devotion.
Subject: Thanksgiving
From: Shar <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 11:44:58 -0700
Yesterday, I took the ashes of the parents and the brother to Kleansa Creek and said a final goodbye to the remaining physical existence of each one, one by one. Starting with The Dad, the Mom and lastly the Bro.
It's funny but no memory of any one thing came back during that process. Was wondering if any thought of the past would stand out more than another, but none did. I was accompanied by my Daughter, two grand daughters and my nephews wife. The other brothers didn't feel it important for them to go. And I was fine with that. So we all took turns saying goodbye, wishing them well, and saying I love you, for the last time.
Then we burned the boxes in the fire pit. We brought nothing home except a feeling of it finally being complete in itself.
So the ashes swirled around together in the water rushing down the falls. Some settled to the bottom to wait another storm and some followed the path of the gold, that moves with each high water.
We, as a family, starting when I was around 3, spent many hours in that park. Since the 50's. Watched the changes taking place, and the creek with a mind of its own, changing a little every year.
That was my parents favorite place to spend time. Dad, being an old time prospector before WW2. Working the mines at Wells when he got his draft papers.
So it seemed fitting as final resting spot.
What a perfect ending on this almost thanksgiving Day. To speak words of thanks for all they did for me.
Subject: Re: Thanksgiving
From: Shar <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 15:04:09 -0700
> >Thank you, Shar, for sharing this. >It kinda makes one do a complete 180 and take a >second look at what one has... at what is. >So much love to you. >rhonda
Life definitely is what it is. Some days are champagne and some are the cork. But yesterday was fine. It was pouring rain, The park was closed at the highway so we walked the mile into the falls.
The kids took their turn at spreading some of the ashes and also said they missed them and loved them. I know it to be true.
Life has changed in the last while. I think I am still adjusting to it all. My oldest brother has a new live in now, and her family is huge. I have met four brothers now but I think there is more. . But haven't met the sisters yet.
So instead of numbers dropping, they have appeared to rise. Oh well, all the more to love and enjoy.
Life isn't about what you have, or where you are going, or where you have been, its all about what you do with it right now. Accepting the present for what it is.
And the present, right now, the sun came out, so out I go into the yard for awhile, and catch a few rays while maybe raking up a few more leaves.
The teachers are on strike again. I can understand why, and yet its hard on the kids and the parents for this to happen. And yes, its about the money. At least some of it is. New teachers make 30 a year. And thats pushing it when they have families to feed. As per usual, the upper management gets 5 times that much, so seems a bit unfair. Cut the top and raise the bottom. Unheard of right? doesn't mean it can't be done.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. There is always allot to be thankful for. And right now, its the sunshine. even if for a moment.
Subject: Re: Thanksgiving
From: "Rhonda" <Radhapatma@light-mission.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 16:01:53 -0700
> Yesterday, I took the ashes of the parents and the brother > to Kleansa Creek and said a final goodbye to the > remaining physical existence of each one, one by one. > Starting with The Dad, the Mom and lastly the Bro. > > It's funny but no memory of any one thing > came back during that process. Was wondering if > any thought of the past would stand out more than another, > but none did. > I was accompanied by my Daughter, two grand daughters and > my nephews wife. The other brothers didn't > feel it important for them to go. And I was fine with that. > So we all took turns saying goodbye, wishing them well, > and saying I love you, for the last time. > > Then we burned the boxes in the fire pit. > We brought nothing home except a feeling > of it finally being complete in itself. > > So the ashes swirled around together in the water rushing down the falls. > Some settled to the bottom to wait another > storm and some followed the path of the gold, > that moves with each high water. > > We, as a family, starting when I was around 3, > spent many hours in that park. Since the 50's. > Watched the changes taking place, > and the creek with a mind of its own, > changing a little every year. > > That was my parents favorite place to spend time. > Dad, being an old time prospector before WW2. > Working the mines at Wells when he got his draft papers. > > So it seemed fitting as final resting spot. > > What a perfect ending on this almost thanksgiving Day. > To speak words of thanks for all they did for me. > > shar
Thank you, Shar, for sharing this. It kinda makes one do a complete 180 and take a second look at what one has... at what is.
So much love to you.
Subject: Re: Thanksgiving
From: Anna <Anna@BE-Real.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 22:29:09 -0700
On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 15:04:09 -0700, you wrote:
Greeting Shar and Everyone
->Life has changed in the last while. ->I think I am still adjusting to it all. ->My oldest brother has a new live in now, ->and her family is huge. ->I have met four brothers now -> but I think there is more. . ->But haven't met the sisters yet. -> ->So instead of numbers dropping, ->they have appeared to rise. ->Oh well, all the more to love and enjoy.
Life never turns out as expected, so it is a matter of Living it as it happens. Easy to be wise, but words won't change anything, only in taking it sincerely within and live it has it any Real power.
->Life isn't about what you have, ->or where you are going, ->or where you have been, ->its all about what you do with it ->right now. ->Accepting the present ->for what it is.
True, so true, and embracing the moment with all you have got. Those moments when there are no projections, when there is no trying to know what is going to happen next, and there only is an experience of moment to moment are freeing, like a horse on a field. Someone once said when I asked why I loved my dog so much, it is because she is being Herself, she is free. It seems like we always get in awe when we see kids or animals, like we are attracted to the purity, their natural state. Isn't it magical how a child's open and genuine smile just makes you smile back. And That is closer to who we really are. It do amazes me how deeply buried that is, how forgotten.
->The teachers are on strike again. ->I can understand why, and yet its hard ->on the kids and the parents for this to happen. ->And yes, its about the money. ->At least some of it is. ->New teachers make 30 a year. ->And thats pushing it when they ->have families to feed. ->As per usual, the upper management gets 5 times that ->much, so seems a bit unfair. ->Cut the top and raise the bottom. ->Unheard of right? ->doesn't mean it can't be done.
It happens sometimes but otherwise it seems to be the tune of the world :(
->Anyway, ->Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. ->There is always allot to be thankful for. ->And right now, ->its the sunshine. even if for a moment.
Subject: tamiflu & relenta
From: volker <volkerm@shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 22:08:06 -0700
seemingly sidestepping the thread of the last few days eye am nun the less still stitching from the same spool that's kommon to us all before the fall into sekular individuation
inch hort, mes amis, i am embroidering & darning, thru the in sites of this beautifully fluidik list, all the wholes in the bawdy fabrik that the 'mined' kan find to keep the body from killing its self thru seepage
individually, thru ware & tare, there is a fair that the ferry man kollekts for poling us from one shore to the other - it is the so lay of the oh bay that kan walk the talk & play upon all the elements of our konstitution if we but had the key - which we do - but do knot see bekaus it is in our hand whilst our fingers are busy strumming
& now the numbing fear of the avian flu
what's a guy to do when in his mind the numbers dead from the spanish flue are equal to the numbers killed in the first world war
he kant help making a konnektion between what man does to nature & what nature does in return to man - keeping the balance which belongs to gaia alone
the same guy tries to number all the dead of world war two, hiroshima, korea, vietnam & now iraq, while keeping all the 'hid' & quiet wars in mind - the silent knife that's daily slipped betwixt the ribs of the sleeping
he skims a stone akross the pond while from a flannelette frond a frog plops into the mirrored skye, ripples kiss the shore & then once more return to the frog jump & the plunk of the stone
narcissistikally eye am alone & yet my voice wavers with the 'faith' of the stone following its own thrown trajektory back to the shore
heimatlos und mit heimweh, von santa marta ivanov pigalle
Subject: a schauberger kwote
From: volker <volkerm@shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 22:12:39 -0700
"Our thinking is inconsistent with what we actually see. The eye is a perfect, natural organ. The seen image is a reaction phenomenon. Using an artificial optical apparatus, the same effect, for example, can only be obtained by a roundabout way, by means of a negative. The eye, on the other hand, immediately presents us with the diapositive, namely the true image."
"Our sight constitutes an unconscious, automatic transformation process, through which the negative image - like a photographic negative - (i.e. the effect), is transformed into a positive one, like a diapositive color slide. Our thinking, however, is really a purely individual, conscious process and therefore learnable. If our thinking is to attain the same perfection as our seeing, then we must change our way of thinking and learn to see reality, not as an action, but as a reaction. Perfect thought lies in the apprehension of the correct reaction, for before the eye can show us the positive, it must first transform the negative and in a certain manner must break up what it records. What we see therefore, is the turning inside out of what we receive. What our mind grasps in this way must be re-formed and re-thought if we wish to attain what we strive for."
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