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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ April 2009 - Page 1 ~
Subject: Thank you
From: "cyrille.simone.andrieu" <cyrille.simone.andrieu@wanadoo.fr>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 21:20:07 +0200
Thank you for adding me on your mailing list.
Is it also possible to access your teachings?
Respectfully Yours,
Subject: Re: Thank you
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 14:36:54 -0700
->On Wed, 1 Apr 2009 21:20:07 +0200, you wrote:
->Thank you for adding me on your mailing list. -> ->Is it also possible to access your teachings? -> ->Respectfully Yours, -> ->Simone
Greetings Simone,
Welcome and thank you for joining our little oasis. The "teachings", as they are called, if they could be called that, are really everywhere and nowhere. From the simple blooming of a flower and the smile of a new-born to a super nova millions of light-years away, if we can not learn from these nothing could be taught. He who has the eyes to see will see and he who has the ears to hear will hear. The information at the Light Mission website is simple insights that hopefully help wayfarers in their so called Spiritual Journey. Ponder the information and talk about it here, we used to have some real in depth discussions here years ago {8-) There is a short weekly mailing of such insights as are found at the Light Mission website too. I am sure that you are on that mailing list.
Light Mission has been 'off the grid' for a few years and was recently (Jan/09) opened back up on the WWW. I am glad that people are finding interest here {8-)
One last thing for now, this has never been considered a "spiritual forum" but rather a forum for talking about just about anything that might be interesting or helpful in a sort of inner self improvement. We do try to stay away from politics and religion though, and anything that might be offensive or off-color. Peace loving people being peaceful {8-)
Be Well and Mindful new Friend, Namaste, ej
Subject: Requirements and Choice
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Sat, 04 Apr 2009 20:29:51 -0700
Greetings Community,
I have been asked, "What is required to wake up? What to read, what to learn, what to do, what to let go? What is required to wake up? There are so many avenues that so many take, and *it seems* that some actually do attain something. But it all seems to be so 'hit and miss'. What is required to wake up?"
May I offer that when we stop looking for what is required we will find what is required. When we search for God we find religions, but when we search for ourselves we find God. We rarely find what we are really looking for because we are always looking in the wrong places. When we stop looking for 'something' 'somewhere' we find that what we were looking for was right there in front of us all along.
It is like helping others, nothing is actually 'required' to be done. We help because we know that help is needed. Some say that they "must" help because there is no real 'choice' in the matter for them. If they can help they could not very well opt not to help. Sure we can convince ourselves that we do have choices and the free will to make those choices or not. Those so called 'choices' we make however, would be the same whether we had choices or not. That is, we would do whatever we do whether we were offered a choice to do it or not. We do what we do because that is what is needed to be done. We had to do it regardless of what it was because that was the need. Even if we had not done it that is what we did. We confuse this fact, we have no volition, we are not gods who can choose this or that. All happens because it happened, and it had to happen the way that it happens. Such arrogance, thinking we have the power to control even the universe, is what got us in the mess we are in now. And pride is keeping us there. It seems that if man would simply observe the natural flow of life and flow with it, instead of always being in conflict with it, we would live in relative harmony with all the rest of life. Every Wise Sage Teacher since time immemerable has imparted this message. Even Jesus in his "not mine, but thine will be done" was simply saying 'flow WITH the Divine Nature in ALL life - mineral, plant, animal, human, angelic. Who are we to say that we choose anything. Selfless is just that, we help because help is needed and not because we 'chose' to help. Selfless is that there is no self in the equation. Help is done though there is no 'we' to be doing it, let alone to make any choices. We observe, we see need, we help. So you see, "I" do not have a choice. If we can help then we help. Is there really a choice?
Did we even chose to start Seeking our True Nature. At first we say that we chose to. But we do not ask ourselves, "do I go Seeking or don't I?". There was this unexplainable urge to go Seeking so we did. So it seems that there was not even a choice there. If you really think about it, everything in your life simply came about and you were drawn into doing things or not doing things but the so called choices were really simply support props that were not actual in the first place. Some may call it Karma. Things come together, we respond or react. Nothing correct or wrong, it all just happens. We do not live life, life lives us. I must justify this however, because due to man's greed and corruptive ways he has 'rigged the game' to an extent. He has conditioned everyone so that everyone can be controlled and manipulated. So first we have to level the playing field, we have to get rid of the conditioned ideas and images and notions of all sorts. People are conditioned to 'believe' they have the 'choice' to do what they are conditioned to do. When conditioned to make certain choices, it seems that it is not really much of a choice.
Hopefully someone else in the Community would like to address this question of choices and requirements? Please do not be shy {8-) We just started the forum back up again so we are only a very small group, so please 'speak out'.
Metta, ej
Just a tid-bit here Silent Community,
It seems that the great mystic Sufi poet Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi also agrees when he writes:
"Do you think I know what I'm doing? That for one breath or half-breath I belong to myself? As much as a pen knows what it's writing or the ball can guess where it's going next."
Namaste, ej
->On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 20:29:51 -0700, you wrote: ->Greetings Community, -> -> I have been asked, "What is required to wake up? What to read, what ->to learn, what to do, what to let go? What is required to wake up? There ->are so many avenues that so many take, and *it seems* that some actually do ->attain something. But it all seems to be so 'hit and miss'. What is ->required to wake up?" -> -> May I offer that when we stop looking for what is required we will ->find what is required. When we search for God we find religions, but when ->we search for ourselves we find God. We rarely find what we are really ->looking for because we are always looking in the wrong places. When we ->stop looking for 'something' 'somewhere' we find that what we were looking ->for was right there in front of us all along. -> -> It is like helping others, nothing is actually 'required' to be done. ->We help because we know that help is needed. Some say that they "must" ->help because there is no real 'choice' in the matter for them. If they can ->help they could not very well opt not to help. Sure we can convince ->ourselves that we do have choices and the free will to make those choices ->or not. Those so called 'choices' we make however, would be the same ->whether we had choices or not. That is, we would do whatever we do whether ->we were offered a choice to do it or not. We do what we do because that is ->what is needed to be done. We had to do it regardless of what it was ->because that was the need. Even if we had not done it that is what we did. ->We confuse this fact, we have no volition, we are not gods who can choose ->this or that. All happens because it happened, and it had to happen the ->way that it happens. Such arrogance, thinking we have the power to control ->even the universe, is what got us in the mess we are in now. And pride is ->keeping us there. It seems that if man would simply observe the natural ->flow of life and flow with it, instead of always being in conflict with it, ->we would live in relative harmony with all the rest of life. Every Wise ->Sage Teacher since time immemerable has imparted this message. Even Jesus ->in his "not mine, but thine will be done" was simply saying 'flow WITH the ->Divine Nature in ALL life - mineral, plant, animal, human, angelic. Who ->are we to say that we choose anything. Selfless is just that, we help ->because help is needed and not because we 'chose' to help. Selfless is ->that there is no self in the equation. Help is done though there is no ->'we' to be doing it, let alone to make any choices. We observe, we see ->need, we help. So you see, "I" do not have a choice. If we can help then ->we help. Is there really a choice? -> -> Did we even chose to start Seeking our True Nature. At first we say ->that we chose to. But we do not ask ourselves, "do I go Seeking or don't ->I?". There was this unexplainable urge to go Seeking so we did. So it ->seems that there was not even a choice there. If you really think about ->it, everything in your life simply came about and you were drawn into doing ->things or not doing things but the so called choices were really simply ->support props that were not actual in the first place. Some may call it ->Karma. Things come together, we respond or react. Nothing correct or ->wrong, it all just happens. We do not live life, life lives us. I must ->justify this however, because due to man's greed and corruptive ways he has ->'rigged the game' to an extent. He has conditioned everyone so that ->everyone can be controlled and manipulated. So first we have to level the ->playing field, we have to get rid of the conditioned ideas and images and ->notions of all sorts. People are conditioned to 'believe' they have the ->'choice' to do what they are conditioned to do. When conditioned to make ->certain choices, it seems that it is not really much of a choice. -> -> Hopefully someone else in the Community would like to address this ->question of choices and requirements? Please do not be shy {8-) We just ->started the forum back up again so we are only a very small group, so ->please 'speak out'. -> ->Metta, ej
Subject: Tid-Bit
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 12:17:30 -0700
For the Restive Community I thought you might enjoy a little tid-bit from Sir William Blake:
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." -- William Blake
Subject: Furthermore.....
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:16:35 -0700
Just in case anyone might be interested:
"I wearied myself searching for the Friend with efforts beyond my strength. I came to the door and saw how powerfully the locks were bolted. And the longing in me became that strong, and then I saw that I was gazing from within the presence. With that waiting, and in giving up all trying, only then did Lalla flow out from where I knelt."
-- Lalla 14th Century North Indian mystic
Subject: A Thought For Food
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 15:56:10 -0700
"Wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing. The intellect can never lead one to a complete insight. One has to use one's entire being to come into contact with the truth."
-- Huineng
Subject: Re: A Thought For Food
From: "Frank Morrow" <FMorrow@Mail.com> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 18:01:21 -0700
Hi, I'm new here but I thought the saying was "food for thought."
->On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 15:56:10 -0700, you wrote: -> ->"Wisdom and knowledge are not the same thing. ->The intellect can never lead one to a complete insight. ->One has to use one's entire being to come into contact with the truth." -> -> -- Huineng
Subject: Re: A Thought For Food
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 18:24:38 -0700
->On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 18:01:21 -0700, you wrote: -> ->Hi, I'm new here but I thought the saying was "food for thought." -> ->Frank
Greetings Frank,
Welcome new friend. Thank you for coming forward with your input. I wish more would do that, regardless of the input. Anything posted here is to get community members to contribute in some way about whatever is posted or even quoted. Their opinions or experiences that may give some insights on the postings for other members to glean. Anyway, thanks for chiming in with your input {8-)
Now more to your statement; I would think that it all depends on the hunger, whether one would want food for thought or thought for food. After all, there is hunger and then there is Hunger. That is, the intellectual hunger or the Hunger of the BEing, the Hunger of the True Self Awakening from the slumber of hunger. Reminds me of a quote I received from a dear friend recently:
"They live in nests on the tops of trees; and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls, and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are." ~Peter Pan
Metta, ej
Subject: A Sharing
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 14:17:39 -0700
Thought I would share this with you Dear Community,
A Friend asked: ->It seems there were a hundred questions in my head yet they have all dispersed somewhere...
You do not really need questions to Wake-Up, you just need the Will to do so. Not just 'want' to Wake-Up, but actually have the Will to do whatever it takes to Wake-Up. The Will to force yourself to Wake-Up. You see, many many people 'want' to Wake-Up but they are not willing to give up those near and dear causes of their suffering. They just can not seem to bring themselves to let go of their conditioned thinking and behavior. They will go through hell and back to show their sincerity about Waking-Up but they will not even lift a finger to get rid of even a slight cause of their conditioned state. Though oddly those who have let go of their toxic conditionings wonder what took them so long to do so. Letting go is the hardest fear to overcome. Yes fear. The fear of letting go of what you think, of letting go who you think you are. The fear of not 'being'. Fear to let go and fall into some weird nothingness. Fear of letting go and poof, no more you. Fear because you do not know what it is like after you let go. You are holding on for dear life and you can not see where you will land from the fall. The hardest fear to overcome. But it is the easiest thing you will ever have to do, just let it go. Yes it takes that proverbial 'leap of faith'. But then it did not harm Siddhartha or Jesus or Muhammad or Dogen or Bodhidharma or any of the great teachers who have come along to try to tell people the very same thing that I just told you. But, as I told you, they knew that it is the easiest thing people would have to do yet the hardest fear to overcome. But that is what it takes. Conditioned notion by conditioned notion, aha by aha, we Awaken. Many routes lead to it, but there is only One Way.
->Since we are all one energy how does one use that to further our awakening or that of others?
Simple really, it is like distance healing. In distant healing you send out your energy to help someone else. That works the other way around too. You concentrate on drawing strength from those who have plenty of extra energy for you to draw from in your work toward Awakening. Whether alive or past Masters, there strength and energy is a Well for those like yourself to draw from to help you Awaken. Concentrate, draw, fell the added strength and energy that will help transform you. That alone will not do it, you yourself have to Walk the Way. But it can be an aid for you. Try it, what do you have to lose?
->keeping it simple seems boring...
Simple is to say 'uncomplicated'. Not simple as in 'not many' or 'few', but rather not complicated. Organized, clear, obvious. Life is anything but simple. Think in terms of 'keeping things straight', not too tight and not too loose, no extremes, the Middle Path.
Metta, ej
Subject: Re: A Sharing
From: "Bill Stokes" <Bill7@Earthling.net> Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 22:09:33 -0700
now that was a mouthful. just thought i'd say hi and that it's interesting reading here. glad i joined :) bill
->On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 14:17:39 -0700, you wrote: ->Thought I would share this with you Dear Community, -> ->A Friend asked: ->->It seems there were a hundred questions in my head yet they have all dispersed somewhere... -> -> You do not really need questions to Wake-Up, you just need the Will to ->do so. Not just 'want' to Wake-Up, but actually have the Will to do ->whatever it takes to Wake-Up. The Will to force yourself to Wake-Up. You ->see, many many people 'want' to Wake-Up but they are not willing to give up ->those near and dear causes of their suffering. They just can not seem to ->bring themselves to let go of their conditioned thinking and behavior. They ->will go through hell and back to show their sincerity about Waking-Up but ->they will not even lift a finger to get rid of even a slight cause of their ->conditioned state. Though oddly those who have let go of their toxic ->conditionings wonder what took them so long to do so. Letting go is the ->hardest fear to overcome. Yes fear. The fear of letting go of what you ->think, of letting go who you think you are. The fear of not 'being'. Fear ->to let go and fall into some weird nothingness. Fear of letting go and ->poof, no more you. Fear because you do not know what it is like after you ->let go. You are holding on for dear life and you can not see where you ->will land from the fall. The hardest fear to overcome. But it is the ->easiest thing you will ever have to do, just let it go. Yes it takes that ->proverbial 'leap of faith'. But then it did not harm Siddhartha or Jesus ->or Muhammad or Dogen or Bodhidharma or any of the great teachers who have ->come along to try to tell people the very same thing that I just told you. ->But, as I told you, they knew that it is the easiest thing people would ->have to do yet the hardest fear to overcome. But that is what it takes. ->Conditioned notion by conditioned notion, aha by aha, we Awaken. Many ->routes lead to it, but there is only One Way. -> ->->Since we are all one energy how does one use that to further our awakening or that of others? -> -> Simple really, it is like distance healing. In distant healing you ->send out your energy to help someone else. That works the other way around ->too. You concentrate on drawing strength from those who have plenty of ->extra energy for you to draw from in your work toward Awakening. Whether ->alive or past Masters, there strength and energy is a Well for those like ->yourself to draw from to help you Awaken. Concentrate, draw, fell the ->added strength and energy that will help transform you. That alone will ->not do it, you yourself have to Walk the Way. But it can be an aid for ->you. Try it, what do you have to lose? -> ->->keeping it simple seems boring... -> -> Simple is to say 'uncomplicated'. Not simple as in 'not many' or ->'few', but rather not complicated. Organized, clear, obvious. Life is ->anything but simple. Think in terms of 'keeping things straight', not too ->tight and not too loose, no extremes, the Middle Path. -> ->Metta, ej
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