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~ November 2009 ~
Subject: As One Thinketh.....
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:28:35 -0800
"The basis of correct knowledge is correct perception, correct deduction, and correct witness (or accurate evidence). Incorrect knowledge is based upon perception of the form and not upon the state of being."
-- Patanjali
Subject: I Wonder.....
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 11:49:04 -0800
Greeting Silent Meditative Community,
I was just wonder if the craze of games and play-stations, multi-tasking phones, and perhaps surreal amusement is distracting people from study and working on themselves? I see a lot of social and public emphasis on surreal activities and gadgets that occupy one's time and thus their life. Does all this keep people from the Internet or a center for inner learning? The Internet seemed to have enhanced study and work on oneself with so much information for so many people. But modern gadgets and games seem to occupy not only a person's time but also their attention and seems to give them something else to cling to. Seems to me that if people obsessed about working on themselves like they obsess about games and gadgets they would be Enlightened in no time {8-)
What do y'all think, ej
Subject: Re: I Wonder.....
From: "Bill Stokes" <Bill7@Earthling.net> Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:26:19 -0800
I agree. People are crazy about their games and phones. And texting while watching a movie or even driving. I don't know about enlightenment but people are crazy about all the games and arcades and fancy phones. "God is great and beer is good and people are crazy," is what the song says :)
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 11:49:04 -0800, you wrote: ----Greeting Silent Meditative Community, ---- ---- I was just wonder if the craze of games and play-stations, ----multi-tasking phones, and perhaps surreal amusement is distracting people ----from study and working on themselves? I see a lot of social and public ----emphasis on surreal activities and gadgets that occupy one's time and thus ----their life. Does all this keep people from the Internet or a center for ----inner learning? The Internet seemed to have enhanced study and work on ----oneself with so much information for so many people. But modern gadgets ----and games seem to occupy not only a person's time but also their attention ----and seems to give them something else to cling to. Seems to me that if ----people obsessed about working on themselves like they obsess about games ----and gadgets they would be Enlightened in no time {8-) ---- ----What do y'all think, ej
Subject: Re: I Wonder.....
From: Bonnie Milks <milks63@yahoo.com> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:12:09 -0800 (PST)
It may behoove (ha!) us to follow the wisdom of masters yore and stay with one task at a time giving it our all. The internet has opened up so much knowledge, friendships and depth to my path. Moderation has been mentioned to me somewhere along the line. I have gratitude in my heart for all things in this life. There are some who are willing to do anything not to look at themselves...painful...but necessary; I suppose gadgets and gizmoz are a part of that too.
May Rainbows Light Your Path!
Subject: Re: I Wonder.....
From: "E.J." <ejLight@Light-Mission.org> Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 12:50:34 -0800
Thank you Bonnie and Bill,
Good input, food for thought indeed.
Anyone else's input would be good too {8-)
Metta, ej
->On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:12:09 -0800 (PST), you wrote: ->Greetings, -> ->It may behoove (ha!) us to follow the wisdom of masters yore and stay with one task at a time giving it our all. The internet has opened up so much knowledge, friendships and depth to my path. Moderation has been mentioned to me somewhere along the line. I have gratitude in my heart for all things in this life. There are some who are willing to do anything not to look at themselves...painful...but necessary; I suppose gadgets and gizmoz are a part of that too. -> ->May Rainbows Light Your Path! -> -> ->Hi, -> ->I agree. People are crazy about their games and phones. And texting while ->watching a movie or even driving. I don't know about enlightenment but ->people are crazy about all the games and arcades and fancy phones. "God is ->great and beer is good and people are crazy," is what the song says :) -> ->bill
Subject: Special Greetings and Salutations to All
From: Scribe <Holidays@Light-Mission.org> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 17:47:24 -0800
Special Greetings and Salutations to All Holiday Greetings to All --
Greetings Dear Friends,
Guess What!!! Light Mission invites you all to join us in our ThanksGiving Celebration. Stop in at:
BE Well and Mindful Wonderful Friends, Namaste, Metta, Zikr
As Namaste is to say *may the Divine Essence AS me Embrace the Divine Essence AS you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say *may the Loving Kindness AS me Embrace the Loving Kindness AS you as Loving Kindness of One*, so too Zikr is to say *may the Self Remembering AS me Embrace the Self Remembering AS you as a Self Remembrance of One*. So *may the True Nature AS me Embrace the True Nature AS you as a True Nature of One*. It is in the Inner Embracing of each other that we Realize that we are all cut from the same bolt of cloth yet most do not Realize it yet.
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