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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ March - Page 3 ~
Subject: Re: no summa cognita
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 03:22:58 GMT
Greetings Jacquie, you wrote: ->Ah.... ->then there is in this light of reality absolutely no one to argue with ->or talk about for it is such a pigwiggliggly wiggle and giggle is it ->not, at least as it sits on this side of the donut without the holes.
First, the donut is as much the hole as it is without the hole (NonDualistically speaking). For there can be no differentiation between the hole and the absence of the hole -- all is One, not Two. Indeed, IN/AS such Realization/Recognition there is no one to argue with nor anything to argue -- All IS just the way it IS. No opinion or rationalization or intellectualization or conceptualization, just YOU IN/AS Whatever-IS. So, our only means of communicating this Realization/Recognition IS "a pigwiggliggly wiggle and giggle" {8->
Subject: re: living in the moment
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 14:18:14 -0800
Yes, E.J....it is easier to talk about it than actually doing it. Now the difference for me is I know that my screws ups are cause I am either future tripping or past tripping and being up and down instead of in.
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 20:44:15 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->The following may not EXACTLY fit in to the messages you send ---but ->it might? Syd Ceaser (the old time comic) who has been hit by all manner of ->physical problems (by passes etc) said on the Larry King show that life's ->message to him has persuaded him to LIVE ONLY IN THE MOMENT----the NOW! In ->his own explanation of this he said (his words)-----"there is only the ->now---the was---and the gonna be" He went on to say-----the "WAS" is gone ->forever, the "gonna be" may never come----and all that's left in the NOW. I ->was impressed with this former comic's seriousness---& was impelled to pass ->it on for a comment. Needless to say---he former lifestyle was the exact ->opposite. Quite a change!!!!
Thank you for sharing this. Precisely what I am always saying Dear Friend. Yes, I recall Syd Ceaser {8-> Even in the surface acknowledgement of the Present as the only Reality is a major breakthrough for humanity in general. Which of course leads into the deeper levels of BEing each and every Moment anew from Moment to Moment. So you see, my notion of "Dwell IN/AS the Moment" is not so crazy after all, when everybody seems to be realizing it FINALLY {8->
It is not a new message, and I did not start it. Every Wise Sage since time immemerable stressed that our attention and even our very BEing should be focussed IN/AS the Present (the Moment, the NOW). It is just that few have Truly Listened. More and more people are realizing it's validity, yet still few actually practice it completely and all the time. It has become a popular item so talked about more often and becoming more out in the open. Many cling to that notion as they used to cling to other notions. In that respect it is of no use, just sounds good. But even if they are just mouthing the words it is at least getting some attention, which is more than it has in the past. The problem that I have found in discussion groups is that it is hard to convince one that they are just Talking the Talk and that they are not Walking it (living it). They think that because they studied it and can talk the language of it they are it. It does not work that way. So all they have done is exchange one belief for another, which is useless.
True ?
Subject: Re: yep
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:51:14 -0600
Thanks Gary!
Wow! You sure know how to cheer someone up!!!! :)
And . . . where is my friend E.J?? He's not cheering me up? LOL
Subject: Hey! E.J WHERE ARE YOU???????
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 20:03:50 -0600
Hi There!
What? You don't allow attachments?? I wanted to share my little Lexxy with the family, and the attachment would not go through.
Perhaps you can understand this "greek" that came through, I couldn't~
Subject: Re: yep
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:56:33 -0600
<<<<Now, applying that Force against the Grand Trickster IS the task we must undertake>>>>
Now E.J., dear, "the Grand Trickster?" Would that be my "worst half" we are talking about? Yes, it sounds like him. He definately does spell trickery. Yes, that would be him. A cold hearted sob if I ever saw one. Hates kids. Who, in their right mind, wouldn't adore a little tiny 10 month old with big blue eyes and a beautiful toothless smile; and that "giggle" of hers! She is such a happy baby; yet this "trickster" has never held her; and said to her mother (my daughter), that he didn't talk to "babies" until they are "HUMAN BEINGS." He means it to, he's never spoken to her, or held her and even took her little tiny hand into his.
Ya know, I almost feel sorry for him - I said "almost". He's missing so much
With a lot of love to you and a wonderful community.
Subject: Re: yep
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:57:46 -0600
Are you saying that my email is boring? > zzz....as i fall asleep with confu soup....:)>
Love me (the boring one).
Subject: Re: yep
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 15:48:53 -0800
no...I am not saying your e-mail is boreing....tell you the truth...I have no idea what i am saying....today I am cleaning up poop from all winter long....now the snow melted and my dog sure leaves her tail and tail/tail signs....now that is boreing.
Subject: Re: yep
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 20:05:31 -0600
Well Jacquie:
I can "emphasize" with you. I have 2 yorkies and a toy poodle. I'm having the same problem here - OH! MY ACHING BACK and that "mask" over my face . . . . During my lunch hour lately, that's what I spend my time doing.
Subject: Re: Hey! E.J WHERE ARE YOU???????
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 02:13:48 GMT
Greetings Pam, ->What? You don't allow attachments?? I wanted to share my little Lexxy with ->the family
No, sorry, no attachments via e-mail or otherwise. But If anyone would care to write you or me privately either one of us would gladly send her picture to them as an attached file. And it will be posted on your website soon, when I get some time {8-| She is a cute little thing {8->
Subject: Re: yep
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 19:19:55 -0700
Welcome all Poopy Pickers ~ Spring has Sprung. Yoho, ho-ho off to work we go .....
Ain't it incredible ... the force of Love!
Subject: Re: living in the moment
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 03:12:42 GMT
Greetings Jacquie, you wrote: ->Yes, E.J....it is easier to talk about it than actually doing it. Now ->the difference for me is I know that my screws ups are cause I am either ->future tripping or past tripping and being up and down instead of in.
Yes, it is easier to Talk, but actually there is no "doing" by us but rather BEing. IN/AS the Moment there is nothing to do and no one to do it, All simply IS as it IS. There is just YOU IN/AS the Moment. That is, we are not an individual entity separate from all else any more than whatever is done is separate from all else. We ARE what is done. So there is doing and there is that which needs done and we do it, but not as separate from all else that IS. A Flow, a Dance, an Eternal Infinite Continuum of What-IS (which is what has been and what is and what will be, as well as what has not been and what is not and what never will be). There is nothing lacking IN/AS the Present Moment -- nothing to regret or remember or desire. No Pain, no Suffering, only the Pure Heart of the new born. Only the awesome NonDual Wonder IN/AS Whatever-IS. The best that anyone has been able to communicate such state of BEing is *All IS One*. Which actually means nothing, for it has to be Directly Experienced to actually Realize/Recognize/Understand it.
So, paradoxically, once we ARE that state of BEing it becomes more difficult to Talk about accurately for words are insufficient. IN/AS the Moment, IN/AS the Direct Experience of it, and the communication of such state of BEing are not the same thing. Though indeed such Talk is quite Recognizable by those Walking that state of BEing (whether it be from the Direct Experience of Walking it or just Talking it). As there is but One Truth, there is but One Moment -- Eternally Infinite as it IS.
"Future tripping or past tripping and being up and down". Why ? How ? There is no one to trip. It is all in your head {8->
Subject: Re: yep
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 18:49:14 -0800
Ok...Gary....I am glad you are so enthusiastic....:)
Subject: oh
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 20:18:50 -0800
old brown rose hanging by a thread from a thorn white chalk poop hiding under a pile of moldy leaves spongy grasses and red buried sprinkler raking the hair of this yard like a green goddess me sinking into a moment of bliss as my dog runs in a circle from a circle of circles. wow this moment is not begun and it is not over as one curls up into a wreath of spring....
Subject: listening skills
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 12:14:57 -0800
Wombat...you have taught me something with the way you listen and echo back what you hear. Thankyou.
Subject: Point to Ponder
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 02:07:47 GMT
Greetings Community,
"You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." -- Kahlil Gibran in "The Prophet" on Children
*Deep Bow* Kahlil, another who is always in this Heart, such Wise words thee offer. Pointing to the crux of the chain of conditioning that keeps humanity in Bondage to the Grand Trickster. We groom our young to follow in our footsteps, though those footsteps lead to war and hate and conflict and greed and eventually to Hell. It is long past the time when we must brake this chain by educating our young, who are now adults rearing their own young (our grandchildren). They must be shown what we have done to them and what vile conditioned notions we have burdened them with, so that hopefully they will not burden their young as we have done to our's. WE are causing generation upon generation to follow Blindly into the Doom of humanity's eventual demise. So WE are the only ones who can Save us. WE broke it, so WE have to fix it. No one Saves us but ourself, no one can and no one may, others can Point to the Path, but we ourself must Walk the Way.
More shootings reported today in high schools. Where will it end ? Who is to blame ? Look around, outside the cubical we construct for our little worlds. Such homes are made of straw. Are we pleased with what we see ? WE broke it, so WE have to fix it. Is it not time we start braking the chains ?
One of the old masters was asked "What is the Way ?" the old master took his brush and wrote the character for "attention". The monks ask, "is there anything else ?" The master wrote: "attention, attention". The monks say, "that's it !?!" The master writes: "Attention ! Attention ! Attention !"
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 00:10:24 -0700
Dear Community, The BEing Awakened state in which I (mostly) find myself IN, is certainly a revelation to what was. I cannot find the words to describe the Joy in each moment of Revelation at the cusp of my reacting to another's mirroring. This Awareness is The Force (Energy) that 'propels' me to widen my scope of Awareness at each experience. I also know that my journey is ever ongoing. The realization to what IS happening is such that the human language cannot describe it. I share this with you, trusting that my thus sharing will add to your Energy as you journey along your own path. I am reminded of an experience as a 9 yo boy, trekking through China during W.W.II. Our party had to go over a mountain so steep that the natives had over the years carved out a S path to the top and over; down to the valley below on the other side. I remember looking up from below at the start of the trek, and thinking to myself that the only way I could make it to the top is to focus in the moment, placing one foot before the other, a step at a time. Not only was the trek long, but I was also terrified of the height as we began our ascent. From that instant I never looked up again. For the next 60 years I applied this same principle to my life when having to overcome adversity. I have not always been diligent with the application. but the often times that I did has paid off. As in a recent posting I mentioned that I would not like to go through my life's experiences again, but in this moment I am grateful for having had them. This is the best 'time' in my life.
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: "Pam's E-Mail" <elkk@ucinet.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 17:49:14 -0800
What a wonderful story. Are you a nurse? My husband is, and he is also an alchoholic. Thanks for having such a wonderful heart and for caring. It meant a lot to that man's family too. Pam in La Grande
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 16:00:10 +0100
Hi gang, some 55 posts later....
From: E.J. : sent: 1-3-2001 4:32 AM An Observation
snipped with reverence: >What seems to be so Fearful about Awakening ? The sky does not fall. > We can still enjoy the very things we have always enjoyed. > Seeing the world without the rosy red hue is a problem ? > What seems to be so Mysterious about Awakening ? > Yes ? No ? Crazy ?
There is nothing to fear but fear itself. What is so horrible about onesself? Okay you can hit some unknown corners maybe, but when you do, you are in a certain place (at least I am) that makes it easier to see, to accept and to alter when you step back. Sometimes it's not actually altering that needs to be done, just knowing can be helpful - knowing and accepting it. I had a really shitty time of it up till say around my 20's. Then I started doing other things, I met other people, met other ways... only to discard it all again later on... it took a very long time for me to understand that I lived more in the past than in the present, that while I was brooding over the harmful past, I was taking away my here and now, and already shaping my future, by not allowing there to be one. Discarding may sound a bit awful, I am merely observing the step from working class to middle class. It was impressed on me, that thAt was far more desirable LOL ... I felt it very lacking, very superficial and at times even hypocrite ... observe the prejudices if you please <smile> ... in the course of time, I smelt many flowers, took some steps on different paths and byways ... I am now *classless ... <wg> ... also each must walk their own path. Whilst we listen to dear Shar here who shares her thoughts with us, I observe we are quietly pointing out some things to her, that i wonder if we need point them out. Shar has walked a long road with this bro ... it sounds to me as if she has reached a place within herself of neither hope, nor dispair butr some acceptance for that which she can not alter ... the fact that Shar is still on talking and listening terms says a lot about our Shar here ... it speaks love. Her bro walks his particular path, obliviant maybe of his family ... a small story here later ... I read recently somewhere that to criticise someone is to *stunt* ones personal spiritual growth .. a thought.
A Short true story: Many years ago now I worked in a movie theatre. There was a young man who came to take in a show which he did with some regularity, he was always very drunk, obviously an alcoholic but of the quiet sort, he would stand weaving and searching the same pockets for his money to buy a ticket, as he was quiet, I always sold him the ticket when he came. One particular night when he came in, he didn't come out again, I found him on the floor in-between the aisles of chairs. He had passed out. I couldn't wake him up, my partner couldn't wake him up. It was the middle of the night, I had to resort to phoning the police, I did not know his name or where he lived. It started to snow outside. The police came, they knew the young man, they tried to *kick* him awake, back to consciousness to my horror. I fell down to my knees to tried hard to protect him. He started to vomit, he was lying on his back, but being passed out he weighed a ton of *dead-weight* you can't turn someone by yourself then. I asked for help. The officers said let him lie in it. I said it was dangerous, that I wouldn't do that to an animal, let alone a human-being. One went off to call for a car with a trailer, to hoist him on to it, - (first they wanted to leave him outside *serve him right* they said) - with much effort, and one police officer I finally managed to turn him onto his side, so he wouldn't die in his own vomit. Both my husband and I were severely shocked how this young man was hoisted without any care or consideration onto the trailer which took off jostling him and trailer up and down. 2 Months later a young man came in, nicely dressed, beautifully taken care of, he said, "you might not remember me", and I blinked a bit, "no - I'm sorry I don't" he said I was that young man, you took care of late at night. He said I lost control of my body, my speech, I couldn't lift a finger, but I heard all you said, that helped me to break with alcohol. There have been other ocassions where I learned from personal experience that someone unconscious has hearing faculties when all else fails, patients I used to nurse, one or two in a coma. Myself when under a mild anaesthetic heard the hospital staff exchange remarks... perhaps this might prove useful to one or you or 2 of you perhaps <s>
---------------- >From E.J. : sent 3-3-2001 0:16 AM Affirmations of Light
snipped with care:
>In seeing this cyclic rhythm, could we not determine our strong energy times and weak energy times of the year so as to better facilitate *Work On Ourself* ? Of course anytime is the Correct time, but is it not likely that at certain times of the year our potential for this extremely important Work offers greater advantage for such Work ? Then would it not be of value to know these peak energy times ?
>>> Yes I have observed that my body seems to have it's own cyclic rhythms also E.J. I tend to lean towards more colds & flu's and such come winter time than any other part of the year - all the more so if I have had insufficient sun hours during summer. I do great in summer time usually, I am very aware of summer scents and smells, the flowers etc. I like all the seasons, but my strength seems to accumulate in the summer. In itself I find this odd, not being born in the northern hemisphere, I was born in the middle of winter time... yet for donkeys ages have now lived north but just love the summer. I once read that according to astrology, you reach your peak around your day of birth... well mine confuses me for this reason... or perhaps my day of birth is smarter than I figure LOL and minds not the seasons :-) - also I get better as the day lengthens itself, I am a night person and not a day person, which sometimes plays havoc with my good intentions ;-) - but it has improved immensely - it is possible to tell your inner self timeclock you want to wake at dawn for Prayer even though you have only slept briefly - mad laughter, I must mind however not to grow into Wolves sleeping moments <wg> However, that being said, the last years with a considerable amount of energy work, I thought I had gained a corner on my health situ during wintertime. I hadn't been ill for years, alas since November last I have been down 4 times already, this is confusing me slightly after all the work :) - :-)))) wei wu wei, I hear you whisper:)!
----------------- Sharlene : Sent: 4-3-2001 16.26PM Update snipped with care:)
>What a perfect opportunity to practise living in the moment. Mundane things change into the not so mundane when we focus on them. It is when we let our minds drift unto things we would rather do, that we find what we are doing, mundane. Everything we do is an experience if we allow it to be. Some find housework mundane and yet it is an experience of gratitude and humility.
Dear Shar:) Agreed:)! - where I used to abhor house work (merely because it kept me from doing other things I thought:) - I would gather it through the week to do it all on my scarce days off - I mind less these days. These days I know it also has strongly to do with being focused too. I learned a lesson from an old teacher of mine it was called: *Saving time* I used to be very scatter-brained, badly focused, I used to say I MUST an awful lot .. these days I say * I might* or *maybe* or plain nothing. ;-) When you think you MUST do a lot of things, it creates pressure within, we do this to ourselves. You try to hold on to MUST like death, it might have something to do with a badly functioning ego issue <s>, - you try to get it all done, but being scatter-brained you can't focus on one thing at a time, so your thoughts roam from here to there becoming even more dislocated and you become forgetful too. You go to a store and forget the one thing you went there for... you go upstairs and stand there a bit dim-witted for you no longer remember why you mounted the stairs to start with. OKAY so saving time.... You get up and say, what do I want to do today, are there things I really need to do, you might have a Doctor's appointment say around 10.00 o'clock, if you say to yourself, how much time does that leave me with, you can divide it, to either doing one chore or to maybe doing 2 chores before it's time to go. It also means you stop instead of just going on round and round with a wet cloth in your hand hitting anything remotely in your way and calling it cleaning :-) It helps make you more focused and if you stick with it, the result is you actually SAVE time, because you are focused on what you are doing (staying in the here and now:)!! This means that you can get more things done and still have time left over, because you have worked within a time frame as if it were. I know this might sound like a lot of crap to someone with small children or grand babies, but it really worked for me and a few friends I sent it to. I don't mind it all now, because I have brought it into my here and now sphere:) >we are guests borrowing what we call our own Yes Native American Peoples and the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia are more aware of being guests of Mother earth than most are, to our shame. >You are welcome in my mailbox anytime Thank you for the kind invitation Shar:)
---------------- Oren: 5-3-2001 1:28PM Amazing how some things work out...
A Beautiful post Oren! I was unaware of these facts, thank you:)! snipped with care: >Someone once said: What goes around comes around. Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening
... it seems like every I see a bit of this, there is a bit *more*, anybody got the *full* one???, I like this so much!
------------ E.J. 6-3-2001 21:37PM re: Dissolving thoughts ~ Dualism And NonDualism ~ ... thank you ! Even more food for thought my friend !
------------- Vinny Amador: 15-3-2001 15:36PM re: yesterdays ray
>Vinny, my thoughts exactly. Freedom is much overrated and much underrated. Took me years to understand the word Freedom, to *feel it, to *know it, to know it is within, not without. There is only one way to be comfortable within yourself, and that is to be yourself as much as you can be. To Be as accepting of ones shortcomings as much as we might be of things we are mildly pleased with ;-). To do things others do, dress or whatever, is only taking yourself away from yourself instead of becoming closer to what we are in the here and now. In mediation everything just is, no yes-es or no-s, just BEing. Momentary glimpses of BE-ing and breathing in and out. --------------- I rambled on quite a bit, but there was no way I could do true good justice to say 55 posts my friends. Please know I value all of your contributions and that you all set me thinking on one road or another - most of the time with a smile or a *new* thought, that's a true gift, new thoughts, thank you for them. Kindest regards, Wombat:)
Subject: Re: listening skills
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:00:55 +0100
Dear Jacquie, Thank you :-) for the kind thought - oh dear me, .. my mind wandered off to the thought of a well (source) and a Dutch expression ... "holle vaten klinken het hardst " :) ... meaning empty barrels make the most noise :) .... now where did the thought go ... mmmm .... E.J.'s duality.
Subject: Re: Point to Ponder
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 11:11:18 +0100
From: "E.J." Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 3:07 AM Subject: Point to Ponder
Couldn't bear to snip Kahlil :
> "You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. You > are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." > -- Kahlil Gibran in "The Prophet" on Children *** they are so much nicer as themselves:)
> WE are the only ones who can Save us. WE broke it, so WE have to fix it. > No one Saves us but ourself, no one can and no one may, others can Point to the Path, but we > ourselves must Walk the Way. *** and may the road rise up to greet us.
> One of the old masters was asked "What is the Way ?" > the old master took his brush and wrote the character > for "attention". > The monks ask, "is there anything else ?" > The master wrote: "attention, attention". > The monks say, "that's it !?!" > The master writes: "Attention ! Attention ! Attention !" *** our ever needed wake-up call:) Kindest regards - Wombat:)
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: Sharlene <Sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 04:55:17 -0800
>Hi Gary, you offered, >I remember looking up from below >at the start of the trek, and thinking to myself that the only way I >could make it to the top is to focus in the moment, placing one foot >before the other, a step at a time.
Shar: I can relate to this, and also do my best to apply it to myself every day. It's like painting a house, which is what I have been doing these last few days. Carpet layer comes on Monday. First I had to prime ahead of the ceiling texture, then had to prime the walls behind him. Now two coats of colour. Which isn't bad but there are eight bedrooms,four bathrooms,etc.It's a new group home and the grand opening is April.I have been busy. Instead of doing the panic, one can only focus on the work. It never seems to fail, I go in the AM and the next thing I know, it's 6pm. And it's not that I am not aware of the afternoon sun, the rain, and the surprise snow flakes or the comings and goings of other construction workers. The mind is focused on the trim so the fresh sprayed ceiling doesn't turn the same colour as the walls. It's easier to focus on the brush then it is to retouch the ceiling. I love doing that type of work, there is never a bad day, and the finished product is an accomplishment, love made visible. Yet one knows that none of this would have been possible without a whole bunch of group effort down the line. I am just a part of the whole.
> As in a recent posting I mentioned that I would not like to go >through my life's experiences again, but in this moment I am grateful >for having had them. This is the best 'time' in my life.
Shar: I wouldn't wish to regress either, I am aware of the past, and try to keep from repeating that which I have already learned. I am off baby sitting for another week. More time with the little people. We really are a versatile bunch, from construction worker to granny in minutes. Isn't life grand?
Just prattling on and catching up.
Love to all
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: Sharlene <Sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 05:44:41 -0800
Hi Pam, you wrote: >And . . . what if you are a total failure?
Shar: Is there such a thing as a failure? Only if we believe others words or judgements on us. We may not live up to others expectations or projections, but we can't be responsible for their conditioned brains. What is important is what we are to ourselves. I experienced living with a man that never told me I did anything right, totally dwelled on what he thought I did wrong. So instead of a compliment from time to time, it was a total slam. As it is living with any alcoholic, they seem to blame anyone around them for their position and situation, and over time we begin to believe it. If only we did this, or said that. The more we try and fix the situation, it is not the situation that needs the fixing, but the ones within it. Since we can't another, we can only take responsibility for ourselves. Reminds me of a mail list I just signed off, The moderator didn't like my style of speaking so would write and tell me I should have, could have said things differently. This was so much like listening to the past, power and control issues. Who needs it?
We stay in situations out of fear of change. The world doesn't fall down if we leave everything behind. There is nothing worth losing ourselves over. Why would we kill our spirits over a mortgage, furniture, a job, a relationship we are not content in? They don't have a bearing on who we really are, unless we give them the power to affect us. The minute we say we are failures, we fail. We fail ourselves. If we judge others as failures, we see ourselves in them, not liking what we see, strengths our thoughts about ourselves.
We never like the things we see others, because we can't accept those things in ourselves. We all have the power to be or do like anyone else.Why do we judge a killer, when we, ourselves can kill? It is our choice not to, but in a given situation, would we? We don't know until we are face to face with that choice. We like to think we wouldn't, but are any of us really sure of that? The reason's don't matter, the justifications don't matter, we either would or wouldn't when the situation presents it's self. There are many things we say we wouldn't do and judge others for doing them. We give them the power to make us unhappy when we dwell upon what they do, instead of what we can do within the moment. Be at peace within ourselves in spite of what goes on around us. When we are at peace with ourselves, others lose their power over us.
We are never failures, it just takes time to learn some lessons. We beat our head against the wall, enduring the pain, then we find a helmet and the pain lessens, but we are still beating it against the wall. Then we are down to another two choices, remove the head, or remove the wall. and How long it takes is up to us. In the spirit of evolution, change is inevitable, it happens no matter what, through awareness we change with it effortlessly. We just do what must be done.
What we resist-persists.
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: Sharlene <Sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 04:51:15 -0800
>Hi Wombat,
Been awhile, but it's great hearing from you again. You sound peaceful.
>However, that being said, the last years with a considerable amount of >energy work, I thought I had gained a corner on my health situ during >wintertime. I hadn't been ill for years, alas since November last I have >been down 4 times already, this is confusing me slightly after all the work >:) - :-)))) wei wu wei, I hear you whisper:)!
Shar: This is so familiar. I went for over ten years with no illness, not even a cold, (not counting other things that needed repair) and, as you, this has been a winter from hell. I just had another round of tests to see what it is I am maybe lacking or some part that requires a little TLC that I am to noisy to observe and hear properly. So, I am getting to know all what isn't, and yet not sure what is. Other than I'm sick again. Feels a bit like pneumonia this time, or maybe the last time didn't go away but laid dormant for awhile. Whatever it is- definitely IS. lol and life goes on.
>Dear Shar:) >Agreed:)! - where I used to abhor house work (merely because it kept me from >doing other things I thought:) - I would gather it through the week to do it >all on my scarce days off - I mind less these days. These days I know it >also has strongly to do with being focused too. I learned a lesson from an >old teacher of mine it was called: > *Saving time*
Shar: I was good at that, until this winter, now it's called brain dead. : ) Well, what I know comes to the surface as I need it, other than that, no thoughts.
>It helps make you more focused and if you stick with it, the result is you >actually SAVE time, because you are focused on what you are doing (staying >in the here and now:)!! This means that you can get more things done and >still have time left over, because you have worked within a time frame as if >it were. I know this might sound like a lot of crap to someone with small >children or grand babies, but it really worked for me and a few friends I >sent it to. I don't mind it all now, because I have brought it into my here >and now sphere:)
Shar: Even those with children and grandchildren can be focused on what they are doing, and totally open to the changing of the moment. For this one needs to be totally aware of noise around them and ten sets of eyes.
> >we are guests borrowing what we call our own >Yes Native American Peoples and the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia are more >aware of being guests of Mother earth than most are, to our shame.
Shar: We can't be responsible for others, we can do what we can for ourselves, point, and maybe others will follow. Teach by example.
>Please know I value all of your contributions >and that you all set me thinking on one road or another - most of the time >with a smile or a *new* thought, that's a true gift, new thoughts, thank you >for them.
Shar: Ditto. It's been quiet around here lately, nice to hear some chatter. Thanks everyone.
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: ghoke@mountain.net
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 09:07:52 -0500
Hi, Shar!
I but hope I learn my lessons from this lifetime and can go forward.
I want to go back and print out what you said about managing time. My son and I both have problems staying focused. I seem to have adapted. Somehow, I go thru both high school and college without developing good study habits. I carry this over in my work today. I am good at the immediate and reacting under pressure. Life would be so much better if i would do a little bit along instead of letting it pile up.
Thanks of your postings.
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 07:52:50 -0600
And . . . what if you are a total failure?
Subject: Re: listening skills
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:47:18 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: ->meaning empty barrels make the most noise :)
*Deep Bow* BUT Empty heads make the most Beautiful Music.
->.... now where did the thought go ... mmmm .... E.J.'s duality.
What thought ? What thinker ? Is the thought separate from the thinker ? Has it not been said that "as a man thinketh, so is he" ? When there is no thinker or thought, there is only Beautiful Music and there is only The Dance.
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 20:50:19 GMT
Greetings Pam, you wrote: ->And . . . what if you are a total failure?
Failure at what ? Who can be a failure ? There is no one to fail nor anything to fail at. On this Path effort never goes to waste and there can be no failure. For on this Path, the Path of Awakening, we fail only when we are Sleeping. Slips and falls and mistakes ARE the Journey, so that is not a failure. We can only fail ourself by *thinking* that those Sleeping can point to failure. Sleeping IS failure, and therefore can not see failure any more than the eye can see itself. So if you are basing failure on the dictates of the Sleeping, you have to get out of that mode of operation and laugh at their folly. Thich Nhat Hanh has said, "Don't let your thoughts carry you away, come back to the path every moment. The path is your friend. She will transmit to you her solidity, and her peace". Reside there Dear Friend.
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 20:24:34 GMT
Greetings New Friend Warren, you wrote: ->My son and I ->both have problems staying focused.
May I offer to stop focussing on focussing. Distractions are the problem Dear Friend, not focussing or concentrating. Single focus or concentration is something the mind does quite naturally, for actual attention can only be given to one thing at a time. The mind is a marvelous instrument but is limited in this way. So, do not try to stay focussed but rather do not pay attention to the distractions. The easiest way naturally is to eliminate the distractions, which is not so easy very often. But, as in True meditation, as a distraction arises and tries to get your attention, acknowledge that it is there but pay it no heed as though you have no use for it. They will always arise, but as surely they always fall. It is all in what we pay attention to. I mention meditation because it is that Meditative Sate of Mind that we must emanate into every aspect of our life (including focussing).
-> I seem to have adapted.
May I offer to stop simply adapting and rather *take the bull by the horns*. Develop, Unfold, the Meditative State of BEing so that there is nothing to adapt to and no one to do any adapting. BE who you ARE. BE your True Meditative Nature.
-> Somehow, I go thru ->both high school and college without developing good study habits. I carry this ->over in my work today.
When we ARE IN/AS the Moment, from Eternal Infinite Moment to Eternal Infinite Moment, there only IS what happens to BE that very Moment. We only have to seemingly catch up when we seemingly let things go. Back again to distractions and lack of focus. So I would say that your task at hand is to Work on not being distracted. In this way you would BE whatever it is to be done all the time, eliminating anything left undone or to do. When the doer IS that which is done, there is no longer a doer because all is done.
-> I am good at the immediate and reacting under pressure. ->Life would be so much better if i would do a little bit along instead of letting ->it pile up.
Ah, a quick thinker and quick doer. Each Moment is anew Dear Friend, so we must stop being one step behind and/or one step ahead of ourself or we miss the Moment -- we miss The Dance. BE Mindful.
Subject: I Have A BIG Problem with "Procastranation"
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 17:37:53 -0600
Hi E.J. and Community:
All my life, I have always waited for the "very last minute" to do things that needed to be done "yesterday." Yet, when I'm finished I feel so good about it. Then, why do I procastranate (SP?) so much!!!!! I've tried to stop, but everything I've done just doesn't work!
Subject: Re: I Have A BIG Problem with "Procastranation"
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 18:13:35 -0600
Hi "Sehlene of Dragons Wing:
Thank you so much for your suggestion :) I'll try it; at this point, I'll try anything :)
Again, thanks!
Subject: failure
From: o.dodge@att.net
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 20:38:24 +0000
Greetings EJ,
you wrote...
"Failure at what?"...
An interesting word/concept -- 'failure'. And what exactly is failure?... failure = unrealized expectation = unfulfilled DESIRE
It's choosing "what isn't" over "what is".
you also wrote...
"Who can be a failure ?"
One should also realize how directly related failure is to it's twin sister -- 'success'.
Consider this. If the current stock market reduced Bill Gates to having only $10,000,000 in the bank, he would probably consider himself a total 'failure'. Yet to 99.9% of the world -- that would be a total 'success'.
Do the math...
if failure = $10,000,000
and success = $10,000,000
then failure = success
So genetically, success and failure are the very same thing at their core -- DESIRE -- it's just that we choose to believe that one is a little prettier to look at.
love and grace.......oren
Subject: Re: I Have A BIG Problem with "Procastranation"
From: Sehlene <sehlene@dragonswing.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 14:59:04 -0800
Dear Pam,
Was a sufferer of the same thing for a long time until my sister made a very interesting suggestion. She said that she felt I was trying to do too much at one time and the size of the project overwhelmed me. SO, she suggested that I break it down into little cycles of action---it worked!
Love to all
Sehlene of Dragons Wing
Subject: Re: Observing and commenting... to U
From: Sharlene <Sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 07:59:50 -0800
>Hi, Shar!
Hi Warren, Where and how ya been? Do you keep disappearing or are you always here?
>I but hope I learn my lessons from this lifetime and can go forward.
I'm not sure that its just about lessons anymore. Maybe my outlook on lessons have changed. I figure that it's more of self awareness. Through self awareness we recognize what areas we need to work on. We don't have to turn our life into one lesson after another until we learn them. We can be aware of our reactions and responses enough to change them. By changing our reactions/responses we also change what ever is around us, therefore the lesson no longer exists. And that was allot of words to say very little. :) Hope you catch what I am trying to say.
In a rush, have to pack for another week of sitting and its a four hour drive when the weather is good, and today is not good. Listening to Mom's scanner last night and there were five accidents within 20 minutes of each other, all on different roads leading out of town. They had to call ambulances in from other places. Not a good night for many. It's March and its snowing. Crazy spring.
Talk as soon as I can hook up again.
Subject: Re: I Have A BIG Problem with "Procastranation"
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 00:52:51 GMT
Greetings Pam, you wrote: ->All my life, I have always waited for the "very last minute" to do things ->that needed to be done "yesterday." Yet, when I'm finished I feel so good ->about it. Then, why do I procastranate (SP?) so much!!!!! I've tried to ->stop, but everything I've done just doesn't work!
~ Procrastination ~
Subject: Re: The Body
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 16:44:03 -0700
E.J.you wrote ~
> AnyBody have anything to add ? >
Only a smile. For the author to whom you responded could have been me. This is so representative of how many today still are unable to discard that conditioned mode to living out their present incarnation.
This is said, not from a position of "superiority"; rather from a state of thankfulness that I did and do realize that discarding of these conditioned notions is imperative.
I recently read an article on medical scientists paying serious attention to (what has been termed "New Age") the relationship between mind, thinking and body (health). The article also referred to the reduction in stress when one is operating in the moment ~ dealing with what IS rather than with considering what WAS or WILL be.
Subject: The Body
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 22:17:55 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->many have problems accepting ->"I am not the body".
Why would you want to accept that ? You are as much the form as you are formless. There is a Totality IN/AS physical existence, and an aspect of that Totality in that body. It is not that there is not this form, but rather that not conditioned we are not identified with that form. We are conditioned to identify with the form thereby separating and glorifying the form at the expense of the Totality that this form is an aspect of. A multiplicity IN/AS Unity. When we Realize that the body is but a facet or aspect of the Unity/Totality of our True Nature, we tend to it's needs but give it no more importance than any facet/aspect. The Key being attention on the Whole rather than it's seeming parts.
->Who cares?
There is your answer. There is no one to care. There is no one identified with whatever it is to care about. When each multiplicity is more important than the Unity/Totality there is divisiveness and self-importance. When Unity/Totality is more important than it's various multiple aspects (the body, for example) there is only What-IS (IN/AS Unity/Totality).
->we are aware of the body at an early age.
How long have you identified with that body ?
->the body changes and matures and adapts.
And degenerated, as is the way of all manifest form.
->people (bodies) come and go.
Obvious impermanence.
->memories are stored in the mind.
Actually stored in even cell of the form.
->memories are both pleasure and pain.
How can they be either, being but an Illusion of permanence ? Memories are but photographs, collected data, and carries no inherent Reality or pain or pleasure with them. It gets back to identifying with them. That which has been is not, so there is no need to identify with that which is not ? Clinging to that past is but a chain keeping you from the Present Eternal Infinite Moment.
->To stop the mind.
The mind can not stop, and we would not want it to. It is the constant arising conditioned notions that we harbor and store there that we must stop by letting them go -- like the importance of the body and seeming permanence of memories.
->how about stopping the pleasure/pain cycle ? No pleasure ?
What makes you *think* there is no pleasure when we stop the ever swinging pendulum of arising conditioned thoughts ? You may have a treat in store {8->
AnyBody have anything to add ?
Subject: Re: The Body
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 05:01:07 GMT
Greetings Gary, you wrote: ->This is said, not from a position of "superiority"; rather from a state ->of thankfulness that I did and do realize that discarding of these ->conditioned notions is imperative. -> ->I recently read an article on medical scientists paying serious ->attention to (what has been termed "New Age") the relationship between ->mind, thinking and body (health). The article also referred to the ->reduction in stress when one is operating in the moment ~ dealing with ->what IS rather than with considering what WAS or WILL be.
"How shall I attain Eternal Life?"
"Eternal Life is now. Come into the present."
"But I am in the present now, am I not?"
"Why not?"
"Because you haven't dropped your past."
"Why should I drop my past? Not all of it is bad.
"The past is to be dropped not because it is bad but because it is dead."
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
Subject: Re: The Body
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 22:22:36 -0700
Thank you E.J. How very true.
Subject: some random thoughts.......
From: "Vinny Amador" <vinny@angelreiki.nu>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 08:00:56 -0600
Hi EJ and all;
just some random thoughts as I meander along.......
I keep running into people who are in love with their guides. Their ears twitch and it means the guide is saying this, or that. The guides tell them this, the guides tell them that. The light bulb glowed when cleaning up the yard, while moving a bush in a wheel barrow. Being led by guides is like being led by a wheel barrow. Sooner or later you might realize it is you pushing the thing.
My one work associate keeps obsessing on all the pretty women he sees and laments about not dating them. He buys porno tapes and watches other pretty women. Somewhere it occured to me that his desire to possess and control was what made him so unhappy. Same with the people trying to get that new lexus or mercedes. What was a revelation though was seeing the same thing with the spiritualists seeking after their path. It was not about seeing where the finger points, but simply accumulating, seeking after to control and possess (I got these crystals and those guides and this system). Same dance, different tune.
Listening to the radio the other day I happened accross a christian station. One group of people was essentially trashing the other because the other did not support this or that belief. The one group was teaching that when one is angry or frustrated or whatever, to focus on god in the moment. The other group said that they did not teach the trinity, or the divinity of jesus and other stuff. What was that line ..... teachings are like a finger pointing to the moon........ Perhaps stop worshiping the finger and look where it points. What they were teaching seemed more like "pull my finger".
I keep running into all these ascension folks. They have lots of beliefs in "ascended masters" (if they are ascended what are they doing hanging around telling you what you want to hear. Maybe they need a wheel barrow?) higher selves, that their self is progressing towards ascension, etc. It all seems very complicated. Upon reflection it seem that there is only that *which is*. That which is, is, and is everywhere. That which is, does not ascend. Since it does not ascend, it does not descend. (See who said that all those logic classes taken with the Jesuits at Loyola were a complete waste of time?) Progress is an illusion. As long as you think that you are on the way somewhere you can never be in the moment where you are. Thinking you need to get somewhere means you are never happy where you are. It might seem that the idea of ascending, getting somewhere, making progress, having fantastic beings who alone guide you are simply a source of succor and comfort for those who are not happy with where they are in the present moment.
Oh well; I must get to work now.
Have fun, take gentle care;
Vinny May all creatures, all living things, all beings one and all, experience good fortune only. May they not fall into harm. Anguttara Nikaya II, 72
Subject: Re: The Body
From: "Vinny Amador" <vinny@angelreiki.nu>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 09:34:11 -0600
Hey EJ and all; you shared from the other letter:
It has been said: ->many have problems accepting ->"I am not the body".
This is something I was talking with someone about the other day :)
(laughs) this is seemingly complicated to write.
When you identify with the body (like my steroidally enhanced body builder pal) then you are attached to it. In your identification you believe that it is everything that must be preserved, protected, clung to and take whatever steps in your sleeping to keep it, preserve it. Not seen, this attachment to the body leads to all sorts of unhappiness for in confusing this finite limited manifestation for what you are, you are unhappy, you are suffering.
It might seem that the issue is not whether or not "we are the body", but that we are not attached conceptually to it. It is simply another manifestation that arises in what is. It might appear easier to remove conditioning related to external things, but harder to remove the conditioning related to the body since it is so easy to identify with the "self" or ego.
Take gentle care, be mindful, be happy
Subject: Re: some random thoughts.......
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 15:16:19 GMT
Greetings Vincent, you wrote: ->just some random thoughts as I meander along....... <major snip>
*Deep Bow* Thank you for the Insightful observation. Yes, the rules for the Grand Tricksters's game is the same regardless of what game we contrive. A sad fact is that it not only applies to the usual religious games but also to the more Eastern Spirituality games. Basically none of these games are actually games UNTIL we apply the Grand Trickster's (our) rules to them and fashion them to our liking. And interpreting Scriptures and Wise words filtered by our conditioned modus operandi. We get in trouble in discussion groups when we Point out these hypocrisies, these obvious misrepresentations. We are seen as heretics trying to start trouble, even though all we are doing is trying to Lovingly Point to the Moon that they only see the reflection of in a pool of water *thinking* it is the Moon.
Their dedication to their Illusions are awesome, without a lull in energy. If only they would apply that dedication and energy to their own Awakening they would not continue to spin their wheels in the mire they themselves generated with the games. I never cease to be amazed at the Evolved/Involved capacity of the intellect to work overtime to complicate that which is simple. We are always re-inventing the wheel because we do not understand how it works. We have this notion that Wise Sages of yore are insane recluses devising traps for us. So, as Frank Sinatra sang "I'll do it My Way". He made millions with that line, we just make the mire we stand in deeper.
Yes, by not playing the games we have the opportunity to Observe the workings of the games. Not being a part of the problem, it is easier to be part of the solution. And Pointing is about all that can be done, though few will take note. That can not discourage our Pointing, however, because their lack of seeing where we Point can not be taken on as our own burden. We can Empathize and have Compassion for those stuck in the quicksand, but when they would rather sink than take hold of the rope we Point to we can not take it personally.
Thank you for the morning Wise Observation Dear Friend, keep Pointing.
Subject: Re: some random thoughts.......
From: "Vinny Amador" <vinny@angelreiki.nu>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 09:48:17 -0600
Hi Ej and all;
you wrote:
*Deep Bow*
*bows back*, metta dear one.
you wrote: ".....A sad fact is that it not only applies to the usual religious games but also to the more Eastern Spirituality games. Basically none of these games are actually games UNTIL we apply the Grand Trickster's (our) rules to them and fashion them to our liking. And interpreting Scriptures and Wise words filtered by our conditioned modus operandi. "
Hehehehe, I joined some list and people were talking some eastern stuff. A bit too complicated and it made my head hurt and there was no ibuprofen in the medicine cabinet. Paying attention and not attaching to the pain was interesting and it slipped away. Lucky thing that.
The other day (and this is somehow related, hehehe) I was driving in the car and a song I like came on the radio. I was singing along and realized I was in la la land day dreaming that my old band was together and we were performing it. What was remarkable was that in my mind the thought arose of the scripture where Satan tempts Jesus in the desert (or is that dessert, I have been tempted by some awesome desserts in my time but that is another story). Satan says I will give you this or that, all the kingdoms in the world, yadda, yadda, yadda......."
Slow dawning awareness, the light went on, the penny droped, etc. What precisely did I think the mind was, that the grand trickter was doing all this time........ It was just so funny at the time I almost drove the car off the road laughing. My mind was promising me all the kingdoms in the universe, be this , be the rock star, be that, I can give it all........
just pay no attention to the man behind the curtain ( obvious Wizard of Oz reference in case you missed it.)
How funny
Be mindful, be well
Subject: An Observation
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 16:13:53 GMT
Greetings Community,
I would offer that only in man's conditioned arrogant self-importance does he *think* that he has some Divine volition to *create* anything other than the Illusions he is conditioned to think are Real. Most positive thinking efforts most often feeds humanity's folly. For it is not in filling the head that we Truly Awaken, but rather in Emptying it. It is not in individual self-importance that we Awaken, but rather in our insignificance. It is not in our separation that we Awaken, but rather in our Unity. It is not in our Duality that we Awakening, but rather in our NonDuality. It is not in taking on more conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts that we Awaken, but rather in our letting go of the conditioned baggage that we have already accumulated throughout our life.
Wholeness or Totality is the foundation of NonDuality -- All Is One, a Unity of Multiplicity. But "divine volition" ? What is volition other than the ability to choose ? Volition, choice, Divine or otherwise, is but a contrivance of Duality. If All Is One, who is to choose ? If All Is One, what choices are there ? So who is there to create ? Even Einstein said that nothing is created but rather rearranged. There can only be One or Two, the seeming mixture is folly. If you are to be Wholeness or Totality or Oneness, may I offer that using Duality to do so is a hypocrisy and contradictory and will only add to already established delusion.
It is one's Understanding or Awareness of What-IS that must be inclusive of All that IS. For "individual importance", even if you say it is "who's singular presence is the universe", connotes possession. Who is there to possess ? What can be possessed ? "Singular personage integrity" is counterproductive to Oneness or Wholeness or Totality.
We are conditioned to "self-validate" via our conditioned notions. We are conditioned to *think* there is permanence ? These are our conditioned notions. There are aspects (Laws) of the Cosmos that are seemingly stable or permanent in our limited short duration in any given incarnation. Yet, as each Moment is Eternal and Infinite, each Moment IS anew and always in flux or change.
Subject: peacefulness
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 11:32:37 -0800
when one does not live in habitual conditionings of thought and action, then peacefulness is this....moment anew... shoo fly shoo
Subject: food
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 10:37:51 -0800
There are many funny ideas about food. I have realized that one does not have to join the herd of those who think that one must or should eat three meals a day....where did that come from or that food has to consist of four food groups...again why. ...Sometimes all I eat is a teaspoon or a tablespoon of something...sometimes I do not think of food for hrs, or even a day. I have lost 9 bls...not by eating meals at certain times of the day but by simply eating not little or much but just what presents itself to me in a moment....a choiceless amount so to say.
Subject: What about the Doritos?
From: LaRAZZZA@aol.com
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 14:52:18 EST
In a message dated 3/31/01 8:19:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, ejLight@Light-Mission.org writes:
<< It is one's Understanding or Awareness of What-IS that must be inclusive of All that IS. For "individual importance", even if you say it is "who's singular presence is the universe", connotes possession. Who is there to possess ? What can be possessed ? "Singular personage integrity" is counterproductive to Oneness or Wholeness or Totality.
Alllriiiighty then! <raising hand carefully from the back of the classroom>
Can I keep my Doritos? LOL
Man plans and God laughs....
Subject: Re: What about the Doritos?
From: LaRAZZZA@aol.com
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:51:27 EST
In a message dated 3/31/01 2:35:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, Well333@turbonet.com writes:
<< Hi Renee....now when you eat the doritos they pass through you do they not ....that is if the doritos are something eatable?...now my own body is not mine either for it is made up of the stuff that is making up all other stuff too...is it not or am i simply having a dream about all this...pass the taco's please. jacquie >>
ROFL!!!!!!! My point was to step back and not intellectualize this stuff so much. One can get lost in the MIND as well as in this world. Have a sense of humor..that sort of thing.
Can we compromise and agree upon mutually likeable Lays? How about Cheeze-it's? Ritz? HEE HEE
Subject: Re: food
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 13:10:07 -0700
Hi Jacquie! I totally agree with you and did change ( many years ago) my eating habit from the old conditioned habit of "shoulds" and "musts" to the more "sane" way of listening to my body telling me when I need "refueling". Sometimes it could just be a piece of fruit or vegetable, and other times, a full course meal. As a result, I am much healthier then I have ever been and more comfortable with my weight which at one point was in a constant flux. All too often, our lifes' are so busy (or we are too comfortable) we don't make the effort nor take the time to listen to what it is telling us to do. Worse, the conditioned society in which we work to sustain our living in the physical manifestation won't allow for this. When one breaks away from the so called "norm", one is then looked upon as an "odd ball" or labeled :eccentric" ... and even considered "not with it having a few loose screws up in the belfry!" It takes much energy, courage and discipline to stand alone in a crowd. Thanks for your posting ... good topic.
Subject: Re: What about the Doritos?
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 13:46:05 -0800
Hi Renee....now when you eat the doritos they pass through you do they not ....that is if the doritos are something eatable?...now my own body is not mine either for it is made up of the stuff that is making up all other stuff too...is it not or am i simply having a dream about all this...pass the taco's please.
Subject: Re: What about the Doritos?
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 15:33:40 -0800
Your point is wonderful....now for some tofu cheese whiz...laughing too.
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 16:24:46 -0600
Hello "Great Teacher!"
I love this and will place it in my special folder!
Subject: Re: What about the Doritos?
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 17:26:03 -0700
> ROFL!!!!!!! My point was to step back and not intellectualize this stuff so > much. One can get lost in the MIND as well as in this world. Have a sense > of humor..that sort of thing. > > Hi Renee! > Much as I like spicy food they don't like me ...... so any frogs' legs. Bon appettite.
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