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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ June - Page 2 ~
Subject: Re: Death all around
From: "Carl ross" <ross-dufferin@home.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 07:44:01 -0400
> Allot of healing to take place of those who are left behind. > > Peace be with them, > Sharlene >
..and Peace be with you too, Shar much Love to you
Subject: Death all around
From: Sharlene <Sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 21:12:17 -0700
Good evening
It appears this is the time of year to experience the death of those around me. In the last couple of weeks I have had four leave their earthly existence for other experiences. An Aunt, a cousin, a good friend, and today my Uncle that lived next door.
Allot of healing to take place of those who are left behind.
Peace be with them,
Subject: Re: Death all around
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 13:45:50 GMT
"Harvest season the golden fields blanketed with the golden wheat
Swaying gently, dancing with wind, ripe, mature, ready to eat
Farmer's sickle or harvester, with its blade will kiss the wheat
The plant is touched with kiss of death, but kiss of life the wheat will greet
A life beyond the life of plant awaits the newly harvested wheat
The chafe separated from the grain, to the rhythm of a new beat
In this brutal separation, we mainly follow the grain of wheat
Subjected to many more hardships, but now rests in late summer heat.
When a mother goes to labour it is time to harvest the child
Through the certain death of foetus, a baby on life smiled,
Separation of umbilical cord, a new rhythm of life beating wild
Though many challenges await the baby, in her mother's arms resting mild.
Every life comes to fruition, every project to its harvest
And that, the end of old life, this death perhaps the hardest test
Through this death and this harvest, we find new life must be blest
If subjected to separation, with some pain in life invest
A new start to many more trials, but for progress this the best."
-- Mevlana Jalal-e-Din Mevlavi Rumi
Subject: the song remains the same
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 00:02:21 -0700
when one finally Knows One's Self when One finally Realizes who One Is spekulation falls by the wayside & One just karries on from Moment to Moment as One did before questioning One's Self
i am not kissproof yet i still have baggage perhaps it is baggage that i need for the next kamp
perhaps i do not know perhaps i do not realize my pure nature but, ray, i don't thinkl i'm going to realize by kostantly flogging myself with the realization that i do not know
if i don't know, so be it if i don't see, so be it if i sleep thru the alarm, so be it perhaps this is my true nature but ultimately it is what u point to
why wrestle with ghosts
vince macmahon is doing that already
konditioned, dualistik drivel
so what
i'm off to see boba fett to listen to an akadian fiddler
& becuz smoke gets in my eyes i'm klearing the aire
a gitanes?
reverentially, ernesto liquido, janitor of the Hotel Dieu
Subject: Re: INTELLECT
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 04:24:02 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->Can you dissuade me from my current 'lazy' philosophy -
What is conversion other than a change of clothes ? The same person, just a different look. So convert not Dear Friend, BE the True Nature you ARE. We do not need more things to look at, but rather a different way of looking at What-IS.
->'What does anything matter anyway. This character is part of 'the ->Absolute's little 'play' and I might as well just get on with the part. 'I' ->will merge back into the absolute in the natural course of things anyway'.
Phenomenally, this is True. The physical manifest realm comes and goes, so to speak. And the "natural course of things" does play out in spite of our folly. But this merging back into the Absolute, considering that this Absolute is Pure as it is said to be, the impure or defiled would not merge well with the Pure it would seem. So there would be no merging. It would seem that only the Pure could merge with the Pure, and so perhaps the impure would merge with some Dark Abby. So, it would seem that we must Purify ourself so that there would be no catches in this merging. But, who is 'I' ?
->Also - this is a bit of a paradoxical question, but has anyone in the group ->had a direct experience of the absolute at any time in their lives? I mean ->paradoxical because obviously one does not experience the absolute but ->actually is the absolute.
It is True, All IS What-IS. But your question is not answerable, for the answer would occur in the past which is not Real and the Absolute IS IN/AS the ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment which is the only Reality at our disposal. The Moment that one would Realize that the Absolute was Directly Experienced would no longer be Directly Experiencing the Absolute, so any answer would be unreal because it would be an answer in the past which is unreal. So one can only Directly Experience the Absolute, savor the BEing IN/AS Absolute, and enjoy the Dance. And chuckle about it, especially when asked your paradoxical question {8-> It is only added that Sleeping we delude ourself by *thinking* that one could Directly Experience anything other than one's conditioned projections.
Just for today, I will let go of anger, Just for today, I will let go of worry, Today, I will count my many blessings, Today, I will do my work honestly, Today, I will be kind to every living thing. Temper is what gets most of us in trouble, pride is what keeps us there.
Anyone else have some input ?
Subject: re-membering & the waze of the world
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 23:12:34 -0700
as usual, another neat & nifty post, mr light... having just read a whole shitlode of ken wilber stuph, i hear u loud & klear...
what u term 'awakening' is truly 'remembering' before the conditioning took hold of the 'innocence' of Being...
is dis kool so phar?
cuz my Being wuz programmed, manipulated, konditioned, etc before i wuz even aware of what wuz happening... i trusted & believed what the Big World dispensed & the first dose wuz this: ur just a childe, man, wot dah hell do u know, we bin thru all dis krap so we know wots happening - lissen to us, man, cuz we bin where ur goin & we wanna save ya a lot of grief...
u katch the drift, n'est-ce pas? & as a childe who don't know nuthin, who u gonna believe - there ain't even a need to believe - but they tell me there is & so i believe them because they are my first kontakt with the World...
i make more kontakts as i go along & get more befuddled, besotted & konditioned that i no longer Know what i Knew when i first walked into the Room... i have already forgotten to Re-member, not even knowing what Re-membering is all about or knowing that i need to know a koncept like Re-membering... i started out kissproof, klean, man, like a roll of toilet paper still in its packaging...
gosh, i wuz klean onze... like the morning sky skratched by the honk of geese flying in formation over the lake... wot the heck has happened to me? where & when did i fall asleep? especially when i just (relatively) kame from the sleeping world, a debutante under the eaves the Notre Dame with gargoyles & ashmoles perching back asswards above me - i shoulda known better, i shoulda known better...
but i trusted the Big World, ray, see? i ass u me d that we wuz playing the same game... zut alors! wot a rude awakening i got, eh? sitting here, brooding on my hems, 79 years olde & still no wiser to the waze of the world...
oh yeah, biologikally, i don't sleep as much anymore - very little in fakt, a thimbleful each nite - it suffices -
just wish to gawd i cud understand & fit in with all this new age stuph that i hear so much about... is time really that relevant? the sea is calm at times & at other times stormy, nevertheles the sea Is what it Is & time is just another konstrukt that wuz passed on to me as a truth...
the lite dims, so i must go...
remember that the shoehorn is a slide for the heel,
respektfully, cheeseboorga my new emale name... kool, eh, ernesto liquido
Subject: Opinions ?
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 02:37:13 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said that the so called *spiritual forums* on the Internet are simply people gathering together to exchange opinions and ideas. Everyone seems to have differing opinions and ideas, so the question arises as to which of these many opinions and ideas are of value. To which, I could only offer that no opinion or idea is worthy of much attention for such is never based on Direct Experience of Truth/Reality but rather conditioned thinking. For as it is, those offering opinions and ideas *think* that all offerings are opinions and ideas for they do not Understand the difference between Fact and opinion. Which, they can not because they *believe* their opinion to be Fact. As they *believe* their Sleeping is their Awakening.
Opinions and ideas do us and others no good. Interesting sometimes, and humorous at other times, yet mostly entertainment at best. Indeed, there is always a running perspective based on the amount of input but conclusions can not be established on limited input so it is useless to fantasize and even more useless to offer those fantasies to others. These limited input conclusions are but opinions and ideas filtered through conditioned thinking and reveals the lack of Understanding. As these seeming conclusions arise, Openly and Honestly Observe them. Why is there a conclusion, a closure ? What is to be accomplished by such reaction ? And why is there a reaction ? Open Honest Self-Observation is a very Insightful undertaking. It has been called, to "know thyself". In so doing, we tend to Understand the fallacy in *thinking* opinions and ideas have anything to do with Fact/Truth/Reality.
Opinions, like beliefs, tend to lose their luster as we Realize that they are walls that imprison our Understanding. We find that our opinions and beliefs do not hold up well under an Open Honest Self-Interrogation. In our conditioned need to have something to hold onto, some stability and/or control over our lives, we pledge our allegiance to the Grand Trickster the Grand Master of opinions/conceptualizations/intellectualizations/rationalizations. Awakening we start to notice these defilements and do what must be done to uproot them from the core of our being. We start to view opinions and beliefs and organizations with a more critical eye, until all are seen as merely a crutch. Sleeping, indeed they have their place though quite Illusive. Yet manifested form did not manifest to Sleep, but rather to BE the ever Unfolding Awakening that it IS. BEing the Awakening we ARE, All is Wondrous Life (immortality) whereas Sleeping (opinions/beliefs) is Death (mortality).
Sleeping we are an endless cycle of Birth/Death for that is what we Identify with. Awakening there is no Identification save IN/AS the ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment for IN/AS the ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment All is AS it IS. An apperception of What-IS, with no mental association/projection as to What/Why/Where/When. It All IS, ever Unfolding anew, unlabeled, Directly Experienced AS the Experiencer Experiencing, Undirected Unconfined Mindful Attention, seemingly 360 degree peripheral Vision. No clinging for there is nothing to cling to. No beliefs for there is nothing to believe. No opinions for there is nothing to opinionate. Free. Stillness. BEing. Totality. Wholeness.
The anchor we cling to is actually a Weight. Seems to be a grave injustice to lug that weight around, for we are more worthy than the conditioned programmed controlled manipulated weight-barer we have become.
Yea or Nea ?
Subject: Re: [spirit-l] the song remains the same
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 13:34:58 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->when one finally Knows One's Self ->when One finally Realizes who One Is ->spekulation falls by the wayside ->& One just karries on ->from Moment to Moment
Anew IN/AS wonderment IN/AS awe Eternally Infinitely Present, and not as you said: ->as One did before questioning One's Self
You take one step forward and two steps back, not much progress it would seem.
->i am not kissproof yet ->i still have baggage ->perhaps it is baggage that i need ->for the next kamp
Rationalize it well, so that you can continue to cling to it. In so doing you do not fool anyone but yourself Dear Friend. Why lug all that baggage around ? Seems an unnecessary burden.
->perhaps i do not know ->perhaps i do not realize my pure nature ->but, ray, i don't thinkl i'm going to realize by ->kostantly flogging myself ->with the realization that i do not know
Some *get it* right away, yet some are hard headed. Until we admit that we do not know, we will never know. Until we let go of the known, we will never embrace the seeming unknown. Until we let go of the past, we can not embrace the anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment. Until we Dwell IN/AS the Silence we will never Hear, until we Dwell IN/AS the Void we will never See, until we Dwell IN/AS the Awakening we will never BE.
->if i don't know, so be it ->if i don't see, so be it ->if i sleep thru the alarm, so be it ->perhaps this is my true nature ->but ultimately it is what u point to
*Roaring Laughter* We have settled for being the Grand Trickster's lap dog for centuries. Is it too arduous and Painful a task to let your Puppeteer go ? Does he invoke such Fear ? Our True Nature is not captivity Dear Friend, so why refuse to leave that prison of conditioned programmed thinking ? You slight yourself by accepting it as your due.
->why wrestle with ghosts
Indeed why wrestle with projected illusions ? So too, why cling to them ? Let go of the conditioned notions and there will be no projected Illusions for wrestling or clinging. You try to wrestle the illusion and leave the conditioned notions intact, a useless endeavor. Root out the conditioned notion and there will be no illusions to wrestle.
->konditioned, dualistik drivel -> ->so what
Yes, that is what humanity has been saying since time immemerable, "So What ?" As a result, still after all this time, we still have to deal with war and conflict and strife and hate and greed and crime and corruption and selfishness and a myriad of ills. Is that not a clue that something is wrong with the conditioned Dualistic drivel ? Is Peace and Compassion and Empathy and Selflessness and Caring so evil that we protect ourself from it by clinging to the conditioned Dualistic drivel ? Is it not time to Wake-Up ?
Subject: pucks, tucks, & kajun velkro strips
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 23:29:15 -0700
with all ur emphasis IN/AS the Moment, may i raise a few questions?
when i am in the moment, can i stay there indefinitely, or will that moment ooze into the next... kan that moment be eternal...
i think my question has more to do with time than it does the moment, though moment is an aspekt of time, if looked at thru the Big Eye, oui?
see ray, i once sed i wuz content to move from moment to moment but i get this line from u about once u r 'in the moment' u r no longer in the moment becuz the moment has moved on, like a carny guy, to the next fly-speck town on the road...
i feel that the word moment has movement in it & hence one kannot stay 'in' the moment becuz when one 'is' in 'it, it is already gone... this is zo, n'est-ce pas?
kanst thou see my konfusion?
by being IN/AS the moment, i am both static & fluid... i move but do not move becuz i am IN/AS the moment, which moves but doesn't move because it IS... and, in my small grasp of the moment, if it Is then IT/WAS & IT/IS are essentially the same, yesno?
the moments r us...
becuz, it is possible, notso, ray, to get stuck in the moment so that it no longer is the moment IN/AS it IS...
perhaps i have Always bin in the moment, & i don't mean as a 9 month old guru, not being aware of It in the manner which troo awareness demands...
like elliot ness, i came from the Moment & to the Moment i shall return... All of Us shall return... but in the mean time, i am living In time? kan this be so? & if i live In time & that Time, as it is presented to me, is made up of Moments, is it not possible for me to live moment to moment without getting WHACKED on the head for not Being IN/AS the moment? kan moments be konsekutive? WHACK! & if they kant, wud they (IT) not be eternal??
again, kanst thou see my konfusion?
kan the konfusion be a matter of semantiks?
kan i Be in eternity & by Being in eternity, in my own small thimking process - the moment is a slice of eternity - kan i not therefore Be in the moment as well...?
must i konstantly chide myself for not Being IN/As the moment, when perhaps in truth i Am???
or is this the severest of sleeps?
with the right side of my head on the pillow but my head on the left side of the bed where the angels sleep & my ear is kloser to the light,
i am, essentially perplexed, ernesto liquido, nine cousins removed from the unkle who holds the patent on hockey sticks...
Subject: Re: Opinions ?
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 04:55:42 GMT
Greetings Community,
Some feedback: ->I often find the spiritual forums to be the most opinionated of ->them all. -> ->Ironic.
Yes, we are conditioned to *believe* that so called self-proclaimed Spiritual people speak Truth when in fact it is opinions/beliefs. It is obvious that they know little about God or they would see God every time they opened their eyes.
->My opinion? According to this, does it matter?
Opinions are of no use to anyone Seeking Truth/Reality because they are based on preconceived (conditioned) notions. As said, they are entertaining {8-> More, actually, they are a means for study of our fellow man. In that they reveal what is known and what is not known, what is Realized to be so and what is wishful thinking. This gives us the tools to Help our Brothers/Sisters. Though they are always in a state of denial for they refuse Help because they are conditioned to *believe* that they do not need help. But, the finger must Point whether anyone notices or wants to notice where it Points. Simply the finger BEing the finger, doing what fingers do.
->If the intent is transformation, I feel transformation is a ->feeling. Transformation is becoming that which we have never ->been and if we have never been it, then we cannot know it. Like ->falling in love, we will never put it into words, however ->eloquent.
In Alchemy they speak of Transformation/Transmutation/Transfiguration, offerings from here are only to Wake-Up. Awakening can not be a Transformation by your definition, for Awakening is Realizing the True Nature we already ARE and then BEing it. We do not Understand that True Nature because we are conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automaton so we *think* we are the robots we have become. Though we refuse to admit it. We are conditioned to *believe* that phenomenality is reality and so we cling to it because we are conditioned to *believe* that it is permanent in some way. To use your term, could not Transform also be a remake of that which was into that which is now ? Since nothing remains the same, are we not Transforming from instant to instant ? Is not the whole of the manifested realm in a constant flux of Change/Transformation via an Evolution/Involution ? All changes whether we consider it or not, but what we do have the power to Change is our conditioned nodus operandi. Which would be closer to your definition of Transformation, as we must let go of or toss out the conditioned contents of our mind and let it BE the Consciousness/Awareness/Understanding/Realizing/Recognizing Apperception that it IS. Yet it is True, words can be nothing but Pointers to Truth/Reality for words are merely for skills of communication. And Truth/Reality can not be communicated, but must be Realized/Recognized AS it IS without our projected opinions/beliefs into/onto it.
->Since spirituality cannot BE put into words, it and the Internet ->are perhaps a mismatched pair.
Though Spirituality, as Truth/Reality, can only be talked *about* rather than actually stated in words, IF one is Open and Honest with themselves the Internet can be a powerful medium for Truly Seeing Truth/Reality Pointed to.
->None-the-less I enjoy learning about what others are thinking.
A problem with the so called Spiritual forums, too much mental chatter and too little Stillness. They *react* with/from opinions/beliefs in stead of *respond* with/from the ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment (Truth/Reality).
Thank you for the reply.
Subject: Re: [spirit-l] re-membering & the waze of the world
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 07:19:20 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->ray, ->as usual, another neat & nifty post, mr light... ->having just read a whole shitlode of ken wilber stuph, ->i hear u loud & klear... -> ->what u term 'awakening' is truly 'remembering' before ->the conditioning took hold of the 'innocence' of Being... -> ->is dis kool so phar?
*Deep Bow* Dear Friend. A number of people use a number of terms, but yes the Key is to look to where the term Points instead of looking at the term. Awakening, Enlightenment, Self-Remembering, Self-Realization, Innocence of BEing, Nothing, regardless of the term if the term Points to getting rid of conditioned notions that Veil our Realization/Recognition of the True Nature we ARE then all the various terms mean the same thing.
->cuz my Being wuz programmed, manipulated, konditioned, etc before i wuz even ->aware of what wuz happening... i trusted & believed what the Big World ->dispensed & the first dose wuz this: ur just a childe, man, wot dah hell do ->u know, we bin thru all dis krap so we know wots happening - lissen to us, ->man, cuz we bin where ur goin & we wanna save ya a lot of grief...
*Roaring Laughter* "I'd say you've *got it* Dr. Watson".
->u katch the drift, n'est-ce pas? & as a childe who don't know nuthin, who u ->gonna believe - there ain't even a need to believe - but they tell me there ->is & so i believe them because they are my first kontakt with the World...
This is True. There is no one to blame, but we are to blame if we do not break the vicious circle. Once we Realize the Truth we then can make our offspring aware of it too, so that our grandchildren may not have to go through this sometimes arduous Painful task of Waking-Up.
->i make more kontakts as i go along & get more befuddled, besotted & ->konditioned that i no longer Know what i Knew when i first walked into the ->Room... i have already forgotten to Re-member, not even knowing what ->Re-membering is all about or knowing that i need to know a koncept like ->Re-membering... i started out kissproof, klean, man, like a roll of toilet ->paper still in its packaging...
*Deep Bow* It is a shame that we start out Enlightened, only to be sedated, and later on in our life we Realize that we have Slept our life away and NOW we have to Wake-Up.
->gosh, i wuz klean onze... like the morning sky skratched by the honk of ->geese flying in formation over the lake... wot the heck has happened to me? ->where & when did i fall asleep? especially when i just (relatively) kame ->from the sleeping world, a debutante under the eaves the Notre ->Dame with gargoyles & ashmoles perching back asswards above me - i shoulda ->known better, i shoulda known better...
We did not "fall asleep" Dear Friend, we were put to sleep. Our well meaning parents and peer group, wanting us to be just like them. They did not know any better, because that is the way they were also programmed. NOW that we do know better, NOW we have to break the chain that keeps this programming circle turning.
->but i trusted the Big World, ray, see? i ass u me d that we wuz playing the ->same game... zut alors! wot a rude awakening i got, eh? sitting here, ->brooding on my hems, ->79 years olde & still no wiser to the waze of the world...
It is quite the slap in the face. And adding insult to injury, now we have to go through the Work of uprooting all the games. Getting rid of all that baggage we had learned to cherish collecting. All of a sudden it is worthless junk, that we worked our butts off to collect for the better part of our life.
->oh yeah, biologikally, i don't sleep as much anymore - very little in fakt, ->a thimbleful each nite - it suffices -
And with one eye open too, for we must be Mindful of the Grand Trickster sneaking up on us. He is a crafty Devil.
->just wish to gawd i cud understand & fit in with all this new age stuph that ->i hear so much about...
Be thankful.
-> is time really that relevant?
Only relative to phenomenal duration.
-> the sea is calm at ->times & at other times stormy,
BE Still, just BE.
->nevertheles the sea Is what it Is & time is just another konstrukt that wuz ->passed on to me as a truth...
Not all is what it seems.
->the lite dims, so i must go... -> ->remember that the shoehorn is a slide for the heel,
Remember to give the Grand Trickster the heel.
Subject: Re: pucks, tucks, & kajun velkro strips From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.) Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 14:23:02 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->when i am in the moment, can i stay there indefinitely, or will that moment ->ooze into the next... kan that moment be eternal...
Technically speaking, there can be no other than the Present Moment. It is our attention to and Realization of that Fact that establishes us IN/AS the Present Moment. That is, when we ARE the Present Moment there can be no Reality elsewhere. When all there is is the Present Moment, though continuously anew, it is quite Eternal and most Infinite. Not only during meditation session or away form the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but actually with our interactions of everyday life.
->i think my question has more to do with time than it does the moment, though ->moment is an aspekt of time, if looked at thru the Big Eye, oui?
Eternal and Infinite is quite Timeless. And though the keeping track of duration is a handy tool for many things, time has no real relevance though Mindful of it IN/AS the Present Moment.
->see ray, i once sed i wuz content to move from moment to moment but i get ->this line from u about once u r 'in the moment' u r no longer in the moment ->becuz the moment has moved on, like a carny guy, to the next fly-speck town ->on the road...
The Present is always the Present, though continually anew, an un-incremented continuum of Whatever-IS IN/AS the Present. Since the Present is ever Unfolding anew, the Present this instant is not the Present the next instant. The instant you Identify with something in the Present, that Present is already the past. Science tells us that it takes a half a second to perceive an occurrence after it has occurred, so by the time we perceive the occurrence it is already in the past. Remaining IN/AS the ever anew Timeless Eternal Infinite Present Moment is a continual Apperception of What-IS that ever anew Timeless Eternal Infinite Present Moment.
->i feel that the word moment has movement in it & hence one cannot stay 'in' ->the moment becuz when one 'is' in 'it, it is already gone... this is zo, ->n'est-ce pas?
Do not be mesmerized by the finger, but rather look to where the finger Points. The word is not that which the words Points to. There is movement but nothing moves, so we must BE the Moment. AS or IN/AS rather than just IN.
->by being IN/AS the moment, i am both static & fluid... i move but do not ->move becuz i am IN/AS the moment, which moves but doesn't move because it ->IS... and, in my small grasp of the moment, if it Is then IT/WAS & IT/IS are ->essentially the same, yesno?
WAS and IS can not be the same thing. Do not cling to words.
->becuz, it is possible, notso, ray, to get stuck in the moment so that it no ->longer is the moment IN/AS it IS...
Indeed, when we cling to some given Moment it is no longer Present, and it is the Present that we must BE.
->perhaps i have Always bin in the moment, & i don't mean as a 9 month old ->guru, not being aware of It in the manner which troo awareness demands...
*Deep Bow* Yes, you can be nowhere else but the Present Moment but the conditioned mind does not Realize that. Sleeping we perceive only the past because of our attachments to that which we *think* is the present. Awakening we apperceive What-IS the Present. It is the perception of and the clinging to that keeps our attention in the past -- a step behind ourself.
->like elliot ness, i came from the Moment & to the Moment i shall return... ->All of Us shall return...
Indeed we all will return to the state before manifestation, but may never return to the Present as we were after manifestation.
-> but in the mean time, i am living In time? kan this be so?
The Present is quite Timeless. Manifested form is subject to duration due to the natural entropy of manifestation, and as we cling to that manifestation we are bound to time also. BEing the Present, the Present being Timeless, the concept of time and the form's duration is not a consideration.
-> & if i live In time & that Time, as it is presented to me, is ->made up of Moments, is it not possible for me to live moment to moment ->without getting WHACKED on the head for not Being IN/AS the moment? kan ->moments be konsekutive?
When we cling to the concept of time everything is incremented and labeled, for Identification. Sleeping the Moment to Moment that we live in are past Moments, for the Present is without increments and labels. The Present is an ever anew Unfolding that we never lose Mindfulness of, Awakening. The Present is Eternal and Infinite and Timeless, apperceived without mental activity or projections. Anything else is the Grand Trickster's realm.
->kan the konfusion be a matter of semantiks?
No, it is a matter of perception.
->kan i Be in eternity & by Being in eternity, in my own small thimking ->process - the moment is a slice of eternity - kan i not therefore Be in the ->moment as well...?
No, there are no slices in Eternity. We have to embrace What-IS AS it IS and not how we perceive it. It is not broken, so why fix it ? Why try put legs on a snake ?
->must i konstantly chide myself for not Being IN/As the moment, when perhaps ->in truth i Am???
You are, yet you perceive that you are not. It is a matter of perception.
->or is this the severest of sleeps?
Incrementing again. Sleeping is sever.
->with the right side of my head on the pillow ->but my head on the left side of the bed ->where the angels sleep ->& my ear is kloser to the light,
Sleeping, your head is always where the sun does not shine and angels never tread.
->i am, essentially perplexed,
It is a matter of perception.
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The great Path has no Gates, thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through this Gateless Gate he Walks freely between Heaven and Earth.
"Let There Be Light -- Always in All Ways" http://www.Light-Mission.org
"Light Mission's
Private Postings/Teachings"
"Light Mission's
"Light Mission's
Ray Of Light"
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There Be Light", just click
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