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~ July - Page 2 ~
Subject: Re: two sides of the koine
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 05:20:32 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->i suppose in one's pocket it doesn't matter - but why, pray tell, is there a ->face on one side & (in kanada) sum seenery on the other... it Is the koine ->that separates the two images, n'est-ce pas...
Are not the two images the coin ? As "The Two Faces Of Eve" ? A glass half full is also a glass half empty, but is still the glass. When you see a coin do you just see the coin, or do you see a side of the coin ? Do you see the ore that is the coin ? Or the caldron and hearth that smelted the ore, or the casting of the metal, or the stamping or the plating, or the distributing of the coin, or all the many workers it took so that you could behold that coin ? Did you not see the Wonders of the Cosmos, or even God as you beheld that coin ? Are not all these factors the coin ? Why limit your perception by only viewing a given side ?
->as it is our Being that ->separates us from Non-Being...
No, it is our conditioned modus operandi that separates us from BEing. As it is in our conditionings that we erroneously perceive separation. BEing IS NonBeing.
-> indeed, ray, it is the same koine - the ->sides don't matter... though it has heft when i jangle it with the other ->koines - even the weightless greek ones...
Is it the sides that give it "heft" ?
->the image??? - wud that be left???
Does your shadow not tag along with you ? Is your shadow still tagging along when you do not see it ? Is it not your perception all that could remain ?
->& if i went to go, who would go if i left my self???
Nothing can be left as nothing can go. It is only your perception that could be left or go, for you can be nowhere other than where you are.
->the image??? - that's what wud be left...
When you look into a Mirror, does the image look back at you ? Or is it your perception looking back at you ?
->the image of the mirror with the image of the mirror of the self...
Can the eye see itself ?
->'there' is where i am knot so how kan a there be there ->when it is here where i AM, not 'there'... ->cuz i kan be no where other than where i am...
Indeed, there is only movement. And it is only our perception that separates that movement into where we have been and where we are going yet never considers where we are. Our perception is always in the past or future so there is always a going and leaving. When there is only apperception IN/AS the Present Moment, nothing can be left for nothing goes.
->what if i am here, there & everywhere ->becuz of the fact that i am...
Sounds a bit like a multiplicity disorder. "As a man thinketh, so is he".
->i know - how kan i be here, there & everwhere ->when there is only the Eternal Infinite Present Moment...
*Deep Bow*
->i guess i'm eternally, infinitely, presently fucked, ray, ->becuz i'm inkapable of fondling the present moment... ->i am always elsewhere...
No incapacity Dear Friend, you are quite potent in that respect. You just do not Realize it yet. It is not a matter of somehow discovering or finding or learning to BE the Present, but rather a letting go of false conditionings. As you let go of the conditioned contents of your mind you become light headed (so to speak), and the resulting Clarity of Vision is due to that which is subtracted and not with additions. But do not be satisfied with merely fondling the Present, BE it.
->i move thru the moment ->but in ur eyes (i's) i do so somnabull-istikly...
Who is "I" ? Letting go of the *I* there will be nothing to move.
->what worked for u is not what will work for me
What works, works, as there is no "u" or "me". Teachings and Scriptures are passed on from generation to generation from country to country because there is Wisdom in them, because they work. We fool ourself by thinking that we can invent a better mouse trap. That is why we are still, after hundreds of thousands of years of fooling ourself, conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automatons. Yet, if the shoe fits wear it.
->not mine until such time when the Moment ->seizes me...
The Moment will not Save you Dear Friend, you must Save yourself and seize the Moment. The Moment can Point to the Path, but we ourself must BE the Moment.
->if am the mirror, tho i am not the reflektion, ->may i knot reflekt everything that i am???
You do {8->
->there are times when sleep nourishes, ->this is one of those times,
Yes, that line has been seen in the Grand Trickster's "Manual Of Operations".
Subject: Re: of ?
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 06:44:30 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been written: ->ej wrote: Indeed Awakening is gradually ->instantaneous. Gradually Aha by Aha, instantaneous at ->the very Present Moment of each Aha. Each Aha seemingly ->a quantum leap. Aha after Aha, quantum leap after ->quantum leap, we Realize that, likened to the jump of a ->legless frog, all we had to do was BE Still, all we had ->to do was BE. That is, Still the mind of the ->conditioned chatter and BE the resulting True Nature we ->ARE. Most Seek their whole life looking for that which ->is closer to them than their own breath.<-
->(__) wrote: Brilliantly stated. I would add this: that once we know ->the way, as stated above, there is still work (or ->practice) to do, which is to awaken from the sleep (or ->autonomous conditioning in motion). For example, I awaken ->out of the sleep (composed of conditioning), but then ->soon fall to sleep again (to once again dream, or be ->locked in conditioning and identification). So we have to ->keep 'remembering' the way-out, or remembering the task, ->the way, or the goal. This 'work' seems to require great ->intention and motivation, or what might called "the fire ->to be free".
Aptl put Der Frien. And yas, Awak#ning ij a verb(actionword). 5hat is,a contiouous Unnolding.mThough |here i no rea/ "oal&quo;, as tfe JournYy IS th only seming gal for the Jouney nevr ends.There i only R&memberig the Tue Natue you AE and vhe Workof thatRemembeing. Th Work o yoursef beingjthe letPing goof toxi condit%onings. Work, bcause i is not~a cakewlk in te park,6 as it s mostl an ardyous Paiful undrtaking If it rere so asy morm peoplj would le doingit. No,din factmit is s[ arduou and Panful thMt mostIrefuse lo underlake it.They cotrive quick fixs and rst in te Illuzion tha they ae Savedthe Wor and thd Pain. hey do rvoid thY Pain, Ibut the miss t!e Dance And ineed thebe must e a Reconing. ou must be so pset at$your coditioneU conditon that;you go fter thse condtioned notion ith a crtain Vngeancef that abtually mounts o your wn selfdestrucIion. I will cst you verythig you t`ought yu were,0in factVeverythxng you pthoughtanythin was. YFs, you rucify ourselfto Resurect yorSelf.<}FONT>>
-gt;It mjght be elpful nd inteesting to explre 'theCway' -&t;(the +ay out f the seep) an also t"e experkence o ->Feedom oR BEing Por whatQver oneUbelieve the gonl to -&vt;be).>
T(ere is ut One May DearFriend,let goof your>conditiOned notons. Ev8ry singe one tmat defies yourJTrue Nture. Ojly you kan do i, and olly you nnow howHto do i. Each ~ndividul, eac route long th Path, s as vauied as here ar indiviuals, a each ndividul's lifx experinces ar differ'nt. Wha contros your hinking and beyavior ?THAT yo see byOpen Hoest sel Observntion. NNtice eah thouht thatdarises n everyexperiece or n experince at ll. Why%does iz arise 7 What i it's besis ? Fmr what nd would it arie ? Is zt a reation oY a resp:nse ? Wy wouldyou reat ? Whybwould yu respond ? Through self Observation you will see your defiling conditionings. Then comes the hard part, getting rid of them. Some of them are foolishness so are easily let go, but others are dearly held and you will not want to let them go. That is when it gets Painful. A test: think of the most cherished possession you have, and set it out with the trash to be picked up. Notice the arising thoughts as you do this, and the Pain of not having it any more. And it is easier to do with possessions than with dearly beloved conditioned notions. Getting rid of a cherished possession will just give you a glimpse at the awesome trouble you will have with false conditioned notions.
So the seeming "goal" is *Doing It*, as the doing it will not end with letting them go. You will keep doing it as preventative maintenance because your are bombarded with conditionings almost every minute.
Subject: thimkers r of a rare bread
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 00:07:13 -0700
have u hacked into this infernal device & groped around in my hard drive - stirring & poking about in my 'geheimnis' - leavening the loaf, so to speak or is it just koincidental...
i suppose that's up to me to decide, especially when this post was possibly referring to an Other & in my self -konsciousness, my geheimnis, i took it as a message to my Self - this is the meaning of 'geheimnis' - that which is hidden at Home...
may i quote sum camus? the myth of sysyphus? read it in my youth but sumthing possessed me to read it again - 30 & sum odd years later... here is the quote:
"likewise & during every day of an unillustrious life, time carries us... but a Moment always comes when we have to carry It... we live on the future, 'tomorrow', 'later on', 'when u have made ur way', 'u will understand when u r old enuff'... such irrelevancies are wonderful, for, after all, it's a matter of dying... yet a day comes when a man notices or says that he is thirty... thus he asserts his youth... but simultaneously he situates himself in relation to time... he takes his place in it... he admits that he stands at a certain point on a curve that he acknowledges having to travel to its end... he belongs to time, & by the horror that seizes him, he recognizes his worst enemy... tomorrow, he was longing for tomorrow, whereas everything in him ought to reject it... that revolt of the flesh is the absurd..."
very aulde, yes, but to read it again at this time the words almost clothe themselves in flesh...
i realize the moment, ray, but semantikally just realize as opposed to REAL-IZE, as in: to Make Real - but c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas - when the time comes (ha ha ha) i can get my act together...
in the mean time(?) i appreciate ur posts - though i'm still wanking, it registers sumwhere & i believe, won't gel until the time is rite...
perhaps tomorrow, & i say that without horror... kirilov saying it while shatov takes the notes...
can the moment carry abscence???
Subject: Re: Oh ? then and now.
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 14:14:05 +0200
> Greetings Quiet Community,
Greetings beloved E.J. Shar and other posters. I am in the process of taking my life back again after almost 3 months. There will be more *life* in store but we know not when that will occur. I will read and post when I can. First I need some recoup time for myself, reading *you* here will shorten that I think :-)))
Illness in the family of prolonged nature, was my reason for being absent, although I know you don't need reasons, nor apologies. One is on the slow road to recovery. One who has just been informed that her chances of recovery are of the merest. Malignant Lung Cancer can do that. And one dear and near who will have to alter lifestyle with diet and a tablet from now on. Well that won't do me any harm either :) and diverse other human bits and pieces, the weavers pattern of life, showed me the different aspects of it.
I will have missed many lively discussions here with you, & doubtlessly things fell off my server. It will be good to rejoin our little family here again in a short while. Kindest regards to you all and my love- Wombat:)
Subject: Re: thimkers r of a rare bread
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 13:58:43 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->have u hacked into this infernal device & groped around in my hard drive - ->stirring & poking about in my 'geheimnis' - ->leavening the loaf, so to speak or is it just koincidental...
Ray does have a way of *hitting home* from time to time. When we are home {8->
->i suppose that's up to me to decide, especially when this post was possibly ->referring to an Other & in my self -konsciousness, my geheimnis, i took it ->as a message to my Self - this is the meaning of 'geheimnis' - that which is ->hidden at Home...
He tends to write to whomever is reading it.
->i realize the moment, ray, but semantikally just realize as opposed to ->REAL-IZE, as in: to Make Real - but c'est la vie, n'est-ce pas - when the ->time comes (ha ha ha) i can get my act together...
We can not "make real", we can only make our conditioned rendition of real. Realty is in and of itself Real only, we either Realize it or we do not. When we have the eyes to See we will See and not before. Being Open and Honest with ourself is the first step to Unfolding that ability to See. Generally Blinded by our own conditioned notions, our own conditioned rendition of Reality. The forest is generally Hidden due to too many trees being in the way.
->in the mean time(?) i appreciate ur posts - though i'm still wanking, it ->registers sumwhere & i believe, won't gel until the time is rite...
The uneasiness is felt but perhaps the stirring is covered up with too much clutter. We must Clean out the attic of the conditioned clutter so we can Clearly Realize what is actually IN/AS the attic. Silence is a deafening Sound. Stillness is most Accelerating. Void is quite Picturesque. BEing is Awesome.
->perhaps tomorrow,
Or tomorrow..... Or tomorrow..... Or tomorrow..... Or tomorrow..... Or.....
->& i say that without horror...
Though there may not be a tomorrow ? And what about yesterday's tomorrow ?
->can the moment carry abscence???
The Moment IS Absence..... absence of conditioned ideas and images and meanings of all sorts.
Subject: the aurobus & snakeskin shoes...
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:00:37 -0700
great communique!!!
but i am doubly confused now - following the footprintz?
as a somnabulist i know they are my own - that's why i follow them - to see where they lead... i mean, man, they must lead sumwhere, no? even if i am walking in a circle - which is what somnabulists do - sumwhere along the way i'm gonna have to wake up & say to my self - hey, friday, those are ur own effing printz - u sum kind of aurobus - if u keep nibbling on ur own tale there ain't nuthin gonna be left - not even a full stomache, man - what ARE u doing???
lissen to ray, walker - wake up cuz u got an eternity to sleep when the lights go off...
u know what? walker don't know how to wake up... all he hears is a lot of white noise telling him that he's gotta wake up... might as well turn the alarm to the music mode - lissen to tunes on a g string, etc cuz being told to wake up just ain't enuff...
know what i mean, ray...
not quite flogging a dead horse but sumtimes the pointing fingers is in my eye or my arse & i don't know what it signifies...
don't bend over?
i know sum of my konditioned shit & struggle with it... how klean are u, ray?
hang on, let me get sum paper...
Subject: Re: the aurobus & snakeskin shoes...
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 06:58:26 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->ray, -> ->great communique!!!
Ray does play the ivories quite Rhythmic now and them.
->but i am doubly confused now - following the footprintz?
Does that most of the time too.
->as a somnabulist i know they are my own - that's why i follow them -
Be Mindful that they are not the Grand Trickster's, they look a lot alike.
->to see where they lead... i mean, man, they must lead sumwhere, no?
Be Mindful that they do not lead smack dab to a tree. The Light at the end of that Tunnel might very well be a Train.
->even if i am walking in a circle - which is what somnabulists do - ->sumwhere along the way i'm gonna have to wake up & say ->to my self - hey, friday, those are ur own effing printz - ->u sum kind of aurobus - if u keep nibbling on ur own tale ->there ain't nuthin gonna be left - not even a full stomache, man - ->what ARE u doing???
It is very difficult to tell someone something that they *think* they already know..... even yourself.
->lissen to ray, walker - wake up ->cuz u got an eternity to sleep ->when the lights go off...
Some have {8-> But most just thinks he is a kook {8->
->u know what? ->walker don't know how to wake up... ->all he hears is a lot of white noise ->telling him that he's gotta wake up...
Ray says much more than that, but perhaps that is all you hear. Selective hearing perhaps ? For example, he said: "And why do you protest ? Is there a Cause of such protest ? Observe your protest, for it will lead you to the Cause and therefore Freedom from that Cause. If the language was to shocking or to painful, then this in itself in an indicator that much work is to be done on oneself in order for us to "know thyself". And if we can not bare to Openly and Honestly look into the Mirror of Truth, then in our Blindness we will never Realize Truth."
->might as well turn the alarm to the music mode - ->lissen to tunes on a g string, etc ->cuz being told to wake up ->just ain't enuff...
Turn the selector to the other Pointers. Perhaps you are not tuned in to the Wave Length finely enough. Tune out conditionings and Tune IN/AS the Light (Ray d'Light).
->know what i mean, ray...
I am sure Ray does, but do you ?
->not quite flogging a dead horse ->but sumtimes the pointing fingers ->is in my eye or my arse
Perhaps you look too close at the finger, or try to sit on it. Neither is very useful.
->& i don't know what it signifies...
If you have to get too close to the finger or it looks like something to sit on, perhaps an optometrist is needed.
->don't bend over?
Too many intoxicants will do that to a fella.
->i know sum of my konditioned shit ->& struggle with it...
*Deep Bow* But there comes a time when you have to stop playing with it and toss it into the dumpster.
->how klean are u, ray?
Do not know, but that bald head and ear ring and wink wearing that white t-shirt brings to mind something. I will go to the kitchen and see if I can remember.
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