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~ August - Page 2 ~
Re: 10 good ideas
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 14:01:34 +0200
Dear E.J., Bruce & Volker,
I had a quiet moment to read these last few posts. I enjoyed them. Odd to say perhaps but it was like reading on both sides of a fence, so well I understood you all :-)) The posts set a lot of thoughts in motion here - I can hardly do justice to your individual writings. So I am not even going to try. Know that I enjoyed them!
E.J. I have been reading for a much longer time than Bruce (= recently for me:) Volker a _ little_ longer :-) - so I know where E.J. is coming from yet at the same time, I can understand Bruce wishing to *see* a 'face' behind the posts - well to me, it isn't really relevant at all, but E.J.'s words are. It took me time to be content with that too :-) My own awakening goes slowly forward, sometimes slow enough as hardly to be noticeable at all and at other moments I am surprised at my little steps forward. That is " letting go" for me.
There are moments when I sometimes have a sense of *the other person* being a part of *me?* whatever that might be, as in * I * myself. These are precious, but few, moments alas. When it occurs I can't quite describe the feeling, it's like the heart chacra goes *boom* and it hurts, yet the other person is in place, inside, for a brief moment. It's like at such moments that all is one, that there is no difference, no you or me, but a communal oneness. It's like time stands still for a moment. In meditation this is more often to occur, though that isn't a daily or even monthly occurrence either, this brief moment, but being in the *now* when that happens is a rare emotion indeed. Afterwards, I need to think about it, which is as much as saying, that though this happens I can't wrap my head around it all in the precise moment in the *now* of that split second of feeling/knowing/experiencing. BEing.
Sometimes in the aftermath it leaves me with a deep sense of loss, like I was about to step over the 'border?' - (recently referred to:)- of * ? * and in that very same second, I lose * ? * Trying to analyse it brings me even further away, so I feel and let go, is all I can do and hope it happens again, sooner, more often until it becomes woven within :).
E.J. writes, it is my feeling, from a place just a bit beyond this state. Though I have no wish to vivisect or to endeavour to analyse, I couldn't. A place that I sometimes grasp for a brief moment in the *quiet* but isn't my *current* daily position. >From where (s)he writes, you can glance within, without undue emotion, that would only sidetrack from what *IS*. E.J. can speak perfectly well for the *self*:) - what I guess I am trying to say is that I think it is fine to read the offerings, without necessarily needing to know more about the actual person. The given words are thoughts, ideas, that can hum around in my head for a while leading to others. No attachment. Just learning, looking within.
I guess I see this n.g. as a place where people speak their thoughts, a place where I can come without feeling obliged to do so ;-), where there is always something uplifting going on usually speaking, a place where I can learn from. I have on occasion asked myself, what if one of these people was a very dear friend, of mine and I *knew* that person, would I learn as well from them then, if I *knew* that? Or would I start to put them or their words into a * translated* area, maybe even in little boxes, like "oh, ...means this or that! " - and from the familiarness, of the person maybe lose out on the given _message_ coz here you can't see faces, smiles or whatever, you can *only* read the words and let them sink in.
I hope I have conveyed a bit of my thoughts to you - sigh - so hard to do. Kindest and best regards to you all- Wombat:)
Subject: Re: 10 good ideas
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 01:40:01 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: ->I had a quiet moment to read these last few posts.
Glad you can stop by from time to time offering your Observations. Many times we get too close to the picture so we can not see the forest due to too many trees being in the way. We are Blinded by focussing our Attention on the individual trees. So we go about cutting down each individual tree, only to find out afterwards that the individual trees were the forest.
->My own awakening goes slowly forward, sometimes slow ->enough ->as hardly to be noticeable at all and at other moments I am surprised at my ->little steps forward. That is " letting go" for me.
Yes, slow and easy and steady as it goes -- savoring each Aha. Though Awakening is most instantaneous at each Aha, it is most gradual Aha by Aha. The less we think of the past or the future, the closer we get to the Present Moment. The more conditioned notions we let go, the more continuous our Ahas. To the point when All is a Wonder happening right before our eyes anew from Moment to Moment. Then there is not even Awakening, but rather BEing Whatever-IS AS the ever Present -- Present only IN/AS the Present. Pleasant.
->There are moments when I sometimes have a sense of *the other person* being ->a part of *me?* whatever that might be, as in * I * myself. These are ->precious, but few, moments alas. When it occurs I can't quite describe the feeling, ->it's like the heart chacra goes *boom* and it hurts, yet the other person is in place, ->inside, for a brief moment. It's like at such moments that all is one, that ->there is no difference, no you or me, but a communal oneness. It's like time ->stands still for a moment.
In a very real sense All of the physically manifested realm is One, yet multiple aspects cut from the same bolt of cloth. We seem different and separate on the surface, yet everything is a multiple play of forms with not real separation other than our perception. When there is no *me* doing *my thing* and *you* doing *your thing* but rather *we* doing what must be done, we will start to eliminate war and conflict and Suffering of all sorts. Yes, it is when time seems to stand still, as it is only in the Timeless that we can Realize/Recognize an ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment. And the more conditioned notions we let go, the less we dwell on the past or the future, the more Timeless the more Eternal the more Infinite the more Present the more continuous the Moment.
->In meditation this is more often to occur, though that isn't a daily or even ->monthly occurrence either, this brief moment, but being in the *now* when that happens is a ->rare emotion indeed.
Dwell IN/AS nothing else and there can BE nothing else. Do not ration such, immerse IN/AS the Present each and every Moment. Though the Rapture of BEing the Present Moment may seem an emotion, it is far from being an emotion. It is more a state of Awe or a state of Wonder or Amazement, BEing the very Spectacle happening/unfolding right before your eyes. Imagine right after child birth when the doctor showed you your first born, yes there was love and emotion but there was something more, and it is that *something more* that is the experience IN/AS the Moment. That state of shock and disbelief that you were part of the cause of this Miracle you are looking at.
->Afterwards, I need to think about it, which is as much as saying, that ->though this happens I can't ->wrap my head around it all in the precise moment in the *now* of that split ->second of feeling/knowing/experiencing. BEing.
And there might be the crux of the dilemma. Do not try to *think* about it. Absorb and let your Natural unprojected unconditioned BEing strain the dross from the Wisdom. The mind is based on conditioned notions so the mind can not Help in this. When it does, it will only defile it.
->Sometimes in the aftermath it leaves me with a deep sense of loss, like I ->was about to ->step over the 'border?' - (recently referred to:)- of * ? * and in that ->very same second, I ->lose * ? * Trying to analyse it brings me even further away, so I feel and ->let go, is all I can ->do and hope it happens again, sooner, more often until it becomes woven ->within :).
Analysing and conceptualizing and intellectualizing is mental noise, turn it off. That is, Empty the mind. You can not really turn the mind off, but you can Empty it of it's conditioned contents. Empty we are Full, Still we are the workings of the whole of the Cosmos.
->E.J. writes, it is my feeling, from a place just a bit beyond this state. ->Though I have no ->wish to vivisect or to endeavour to analyse, I couldn't. A place that I ->sometimes grasp for a ->brief moment in the *quiet* but isn't my *current* daily position.
Why is it not your "*current* daily position" ? Is there some other position ? Is there somewhere you can be other than where you are ? You will never find Awakening anywhere other that where you are right NOW this very instant Moment, and it will be at no other time. It is right here right NOW or it is not.
->>From where (s)he writes, you can glance within, without undue emotion, that ->would only sidetrack from what *IS*.
*Deep Bow*
->E.J. can speak perfectly well for the *self*:) -
Most say it sounds more like babble or prattle {8->
->what I guess I ->am trying to say is that I think it is fine to read the offerings, without ->necessarily needing ->to know more about the actual person. The given words are thoughts, ideas, ->that can hum ->around in my head for a while leading to others. No attachment. Just ->learning, looking within.
Indeed, the finger is of little importance. Our Attention must be on where the finger Points and of course on the resulting Insight gleaned. The closer we get our eye to the finger the more the finger block, and we could get the finger stuck right in our eye. A finger held right next to the eye or stuck in it Causes Blindness. Which is convenient, for if we can not See we can ask for forgiveness and someone else can save us. Did you know that there are more confession booths in the world than banks ? And that there are twice as many banks as rivers ?
->I guess I see this n.g. as a place where people speak their thoughts, a ->place where I can ->come without feeling obliged to do so ;-), where there is always something ->uplifting going ->on usually speaking, a place where I can learn from.
Indeed it is.
-> I have on occasion asked myself, what ->if one of these people was a very dear friend, of mine and I *knew* that ->person, would I ->learn as well from them then, if I *knew* that? Or would I start to put them ->or their words ->into a * translated* area, maybe even in little boxes, like "oh, ...means ->this or that! " - and from ->the familiarness, of the person maybe lose out on the given _message_ coz ->here you can't see ->faces, smiles or whatever, you can *only* read the words and let them sink ->in.
Yes, we are conditioned to classify and codify and categorize everyone, usually on their appearance or name or something personally about them. So we know what someone is going to say before they open their mouth. Though the Internet is most deceiving, which we must be on guard for, because we can not *see* the person, there is a certain *body language* in the written word that can be Recognized. For the Real Message is between the words and not in the words or the fingers that type them or the hand or arm or person doing the typing. In that respect, when we Attune ourself to Understanding the body language of the written word, Internet discussion groups can help us to focus our Attention on other than *the person*. Rather to focus Attention on what is said, how it is said, and perhaps why it was said. When you can stand face to face with another and focus your Attention on what is said rather than what the person looks like or where the person came from or even what background or education the person has, we have developed True Listening. Or, looking to where the finger Points rather that at the finger.
->I hope I have conveyed a bit of my thoughts to you - sigh - so hard to do. ->Kindest and best regards to you all-
Indeed you have, for which much appreciation is offered from here.
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