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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ October - Page 3 ~
Subject: Re: E.J. + Shar + others :-)
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 00:52:26 +0200
Dear E.J. & Shar,
I fall behind too often these days, to want to answer your kind replies from 9th October now, but my many thanks to you both.
It occurred to me, that if I make a practice of only coming in from time to time, that I keep drawing you both back into the past by replying so late and that would not be living in the here and now very well would it ? :-(
Shar this is my number 53008361 but I hardly use it, should our paths cross however, I shall like having exchanges with you :-)
I'm hopelessly behind our current discussions, so I'll just pick up on todays. My apologies to all,
Subject: Re: E.J. + Shar + others :-)
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:15:10 -0700
Hi Wombat,
>It occurred to me, that if I make a practice of only coming in from time to >time, that I keep drawing you both back into the past by replying so late >and that would not be living in the here and now very well would it ? :-(
LOL, your here and now is the moment you read your email, not before, not after. So why not reply? Sometimes it's so quiet on the home front sometimes there isn't any mail to read, late or not.
>Shar this is my number 53008361 but I hardly use it, should our paths cross >however, I shall like having exchanges with you :-)
I hardly use it anymore either but once in awhile I do check in and see what's up with those I am in contact with. I have many old school chums on it.
>I'm hopelessly behind our current discussions, so I'll just pick up on >todays.
I am just plain hopeless so that makes us even. ha. I was without a computer for awhile and when I got to my daughters, I couldn't get the mail to work through this server, finally figured it out a couple days ago.
Still waiting for the birth of my newest grandbaby, but nothing as yet. My other daughter will be here for the weekend as she has a weekend course to take for her job. We are kind of hoping, wishful thinking, desiring that the new babe enters the world while she is in the area. We shall see.
Anyway, that's my news, nice to hear from you. How are things going for you these days?
Love to you
Subject: Re: E.J. + Shar + others :-)
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 01:52:08 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: ->I fall behind too often these days, to want to answer your kind replies from ->9th October now, but my many thanks to you both.
Many thanks to you Dear Friend for letting us know that you are still well.
->It occurred to me, that if I make a practice of only coming in from time to ->time, that I keep drawing you both back into the past by replying so late ->and that would not be living in the here and now very well would it ? :-(
Au contraire, regardless of when a post is replied to the reply would be in the Present Moment and thus so would be the reply to the reply. Everything that happens always happens in the very instant Present Moment, there is nowhere else that it can happen. Anything else is all in one's head. There is a *did happen* and there is a *will happen*, but neither are Real this anew Present Moment. The Present Moment IS Eternal and most Infinite and very Timeless, so consider not that any reply of your's could draw anyone anywhere other than the Present Moment.
->I'm hopelessly behind our current discussions, so I'll just pick up on ->todays.
Your's was the first discussion today {8->
->My apologies to all,
Apologize only for Sleeping, and that you apologize to yourself. You are always a welcome contributor to the Community, so do not apologize for that.
BE Well and Mindful Wonderful Friend, Shanti, Namaste, Metta, Zikr --
As Namaste is to say *may the Divine Essence AS me Embrace the Divine Essence AS you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say *may the Loving Kindness AS me Embrace the Loving Kindness AS you as a Loving Kindness of One*, so too Zikr is to say *may the Self-Remembering AS me Embrace the Self-Remembering AS you as a Self-Remembrance of One*. So *may the True Nature AS me Embrace the True Nature AS you as a True Nature of One*.
It is in the Inner Embracing of each other that we Realize that we are all cut from the same bolt of cloth, yet most do not Realize it YET.
Subject: nite flite to venus - hi nune at the ok korral
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 22:47:15 -0700
konsider the language:
infinite justice; fighting the forces of evil & darknesse (the esse-sense of the dark); draining the swamps of the middle east; smoking the mothers out; if u don't wanna be blasted to kingdom kum, then kough the fuckers up to our justice system...
these words kame from the mouth of a talking head on the skreen... thru the Media, whom my grandfather believes wud not bullshit him - they're the 5th estate, he tells me - then picks up a paper & sez: look diego, they found a mermaid in a tuna fish sandwich...
but the infinite justice thing. fighting the farces of Evil - (wot grandiloquence - wot reliance on Words, irrespektive of their source - are we all peons - another word - peons - go figure, jack - best to stay with the herd than be an Outsider - d'ya really wanna be a black sheep? - my grandfather again, talking thru my veins)... anywaze, who opened this post?
a sandbox bully? stanley kowalski? rambo? bruce willis? harry kalaghan? - nay....
howse about chuck konnors in the rifleman? chuck norris? kurt angle? vince mcmahon? the marlboro man? - nay, nay nay...
those are hollywood dudes - this kinda shit dribbles outta reality, outta the sides of the president's mouth - konvincingly in a Publik Relations way, though we all, hopefully, know that invisible hands move the mouth of the dummy - the same hands that moved the lips of the string of dummies before him - the akorn never falls far from the tree cuz it's too heavy to float...
thimk nietzsche wunz sed: all Good things move on lite feet... & float in/with the TAO...
so who's the Ventriloquist? who's 'belly' is 'speaking' when these obscenities assault the aire?
sertainly not the father of the pup becuz the Ventriloquist spoke thru the father as well... as an aside to the brothers south of me: who wuz the last prez who spoke from his heart, his own Being - if such a Kreature exists? - just kurious... in my own book, t'was paine, whitman & thoreau... perhaps abraham, martin, bobby & john... not thugs, at any rate... or kretins in the kaligula way...
so what's all this about?
it's about 'collateral damage' - to my Selph...
with all this heavy shit going down, i find it diffikult to get back into my own Skin... komFORTtably...
i find it hard to just go on as if 'nothing more' is going on than sum unnamed ashmoles looking to protekt me from threats that are in 'esse-sense' meaningless to me...
like Kreditor Ballons hounding me thru-out the Mall becuz i am tardy with payments to the Kard...
when it's time for Tatooing, i may be found Unakkseptible tho my skin (with a dozen tats already) wud make a nice lampshade...
aside from that, the ratio for interest on the ATTACK ON AMERIKA is GROTESQUELY disproportionate to the damage done - i speak of kollateral damage - only in AMERIKA kan a BEING be konsidered as KOLLATERAL - mayhaps this is why AMERIKA has so many FRIENDS & are BELOVVED the WORLD over...
thank god they're the ONLY SUPERPOWER... who else wud magnamimously drop MACBLOWS (with wet towelletes) on the peons & poems we're bombing... only AMERIKA...
think what it wud be like if the REDS were still around?
or if the camel jocks took over? the micks? the spicks? the chinks & the spades?
truly, thank god for AMERIKA...
god bless amerika, judy garland & marilyn munroe...
sleep tight, they only bomb at 9, 12, & 3 pm...
with a mouth also manipulated by UNSEEN HANDS, i am, diego garcia - once a chump of the ROSENBERGS & then an UNSAVORY BUFFALO SOLDIER in the war in/for AMERIKA...
long live kapitalismus...
ps george: how'd the vote go?
Subject: Re: nite flite to venus - hi nune at the ok korral
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 13:41:18 GMT
Greetings Volker,
A most honorable undertaking to Point to the Truth Though it falls on Deaf ears Deaf from their youth, It does not want to he Heard nor even be known For then the Seeds of defilements can't be Grown.
The most Dangerous Villain number one is the Fool For he only knows Foolishness as his only Drool, Even much worse than the very Demons of Hell For they know not the very things they Do or Tell.
There has been Oppression and Oppressors so Bad When you no longer are you will BE don't be Sad, The Grand Trickster seems an Insurmountable task Yet Truth/Reality surely prevails if you will only Ask.
Do you Understand those silly Programs that you do The same old routine that you keep going through, Your Little world of make believe that you know Keeps you from the very Freedom you Talk of so.
It is all in your head the opinions you think are true Living your life wearing Blinders of a Rosy Hue, You think you've got it made don't Rock the Boat Yet your conditioned Living Hell just will not Float.
That you think you're not conditioned is quite Sad That the whole world is wrong that it's not so Bad, So you Fool yourself into Oblivion without a Clue There's nowhere to look for Salvation it's up to you.
Though if you do not want to Hear nor want to See You only Fool yourself by saying you want to be Free, You have to want Awakening more than even life Or your Destiny will always be Suffering and Strife.
Subject: re: das letzte geheimnis
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2001 18:22:24 -0800
hallo herr licht,
licht! mehr licht! aber nicht das licht hinterher meinen augenlid! mogten mehr das licht der echten atem, ein hauch von dem schnauf der moment...
hey, ray, don't know why but the last few post from u are as tasty & digestible as kibble & bits... i should like to say i understand what ur saying but feel that 'that' wud be presumptous (wot a nice word - so round & full in the middle, no? & yet finishing with a beautifully belted sibilence - the hiss of the aurobus as the tale goes into it's mouth)... anywaze, mon ami, i feel as if i am absorbing sum of the kontent of what ur saying & have bin saying since day one - whenever that wuz...
if i may, a hallo to the taft ranch & by the way, bob, i konkur with ray - a 50 is definitely a tad steep, tho we do get what we pay for, not so? i thank u, sir for posting it... t'was or t'is as if u've 'loned' me 50 big ones to squander in a frivolous animal minded way - which i did by kalling (or trying to kall) mr bush & telling him that he should kum to spiritweb & download this i opening thing... 50 smackeroos?!? jumpin jay, it is a bit on the high side, think u knot, now that u've read it & followed the principles? r u a klear?
back to ray - "No one to blame that the contents are there, but we are to blame when we cling to the contents. For the mind is just the mind doing what the mind does." ] - what is it, ray, that the mind does? what is it that desires to cling to the contents of whatever the mind perceives? is this the nature of the mind? to pick up spit from the sidewalk & then discard it or kling to it like a klingon?... kan a klear mind differentiate betwixt essentials & non essentials, assuming, of course, that the mind is truly klear & in it's own domain rather than arm wrestled into submission by the social kontrakt... "hey, jacko, an uther 5 pints & a coupla packs of marlboro"...
more eggsaktly, ray, how kan i get the mind to kapitulate to the 'bearing' i put on it... how kan i 'klear' the mind & give it the freedom to do what it does? must i differentiate betwixt the big head & the little one?... must i 'rite arm' wrestle with napoleon, wear freud's prothesis or put laden's balls under the saddle as we ride into john wayne's sunset on hollywood boulevard?
>"Awakening is not in mindlessness but rather in Mindfulness. Though it seems that most are mindless, where would we be without one ? Only with a Vacant mind do we Truly Understand." <
ray, how do i vacate my mind? & if i vacate the mind, how do i silence the heart, which has mind of it's own? i thimk & pheel & each has it's own centre of gravity, tho in my 'mind' the pheeling is what krutches me into the future - the mind is a toy to me, my pheelings are my legs... i permit the animal world to dominate the mental becuz it is my legs that do the walking - the mind is an after thought for where i am, where my 'leg's' have brought me...
this too is konditioned thimking, yes? after all, the frog has no legs - it is mindless - it jumps when it needs to jump & it kroaks when kroaking is required or requested by the the diktates of life?
what are the diktates of life? & what ARE the DIKTATES of LIFE? does the bullshit ever end? are we left to our own devices? what is the meaning of life, brian? where does life end? where does it begin? i am trying to absorb the mentation of STONES but find it hard to do... is this an absence of MIND? a presence of MIND? or an absence of BEING?
ironikal that WATER still rains down on the RUINS...
what say, ray? respekfully, diego rivera, ernesto liquido & max beckmann
Subject: Re: re:die letzte geheimnis
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 07:05:36 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->- what is it, ray, that the mind does?
The mind is a the processor of information. When the mind is full of already process content, the mind processes the new information to fit the context of the content. This blending of information we refer to as perception. When the mind is Empty there is no blending to be done so the information is simply processed AS it IS. As the processor is to the computer, the mind is to us.
-> what is it that desires to cling to ->the contents of whatever the mind perceives? is this the nature of the ->mind?
Oh, the mind does not perceive but rather simply processes the information. It is the blending of input with the contents of the mind that perception is fashioned. The mind simply processes the resulting perception. It is the contents that generate perception through the blending of information, and thus generates Desire and Clinging to both that perception and contents. When the mind is Empty there is Apperception, the unattached Observation of What-IS AS it IS without any projection of mental contents.
-> to pick up spit from the sidewalk & then discard it or kling to it ->like a klingon?... kan a klear mind differentiate betwixt essentials & non ->essentials, assuming, of course, that the mind is truly klear & in it's own ->domain rather than arm wrestled into submission by the social kontrakt...
The Empty mind just processes the information, thus can not cling to anything to be discarded. Only an Empty mind Apperceives What-IS AS it IS, thus there is no choice as to what is essential and what is not. This unattached Clarity of Vision can only occur AS this very anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment, thus can not be tainted by contents.
->more eggsaktly, ray, how kan i get the mind to kapitulate to the 'bearing' i ->put on it... how kan i 'klear' the mind & give it the freedom to do what it ->does? ray, how do i vacate my mind?
First, do not try to get the mind to do anything. The mind already does what it is supposed to do without our meddling. What we have to do is let the mind do what it does. What we have to do is Empty the mind so it can do what it does without the influence of the contents we harbor therein. Now, to Empty the mind is not like a leisurely walk in the park because first you must be Totally Open and Honest with yourself and take a critical look at the contents of your mind. AFTER you have acknowledged that the contents are an inhibiting factor to Awakening AND acknowledge the responsibility to drop it. There are no quick fixes and it is not a one day process. Openly and Honestly Observe each and every arising thought as it arises and let it go regardless of the Pain it may cause. Yes, to Empty the mind means that you let go of all those dearly beloved notions that keep your Attention other than AS the Present Moment. Beloved notions that control and manipulate your thinking and behavior.
-> & if i vacate the mind, how do i silence the ->heart, which has mind of it's own?
If we do not usher the Grand Trickster to the door and bid him goodby we can kick ourself in the butt for being afraid to do so and let him stay. Not an easy task to evict this vermin for he will hold onto you whimpering and whining and pointing out all the rewards he bestows upon you, all the pleasures he holds in store for you. A very convincing tale indeed for most. He has a hook in our emotions and tugs at them to let you know that he is the one who gives you these pleasures and memories. He will try any trick in the book to convince you that you would be an empty shell without him. That treading into the uncharted realm of the so called unknown can be quite Painful and scary without him at your side to guide you. So you believe him. And the eviction notice is tossed out. But how do you know he tells you the Truth ? Or I, for that matter ? You do not ! So I would suggest to believe neither of us. Both of us may be full of it. The only way you are going to know for sure is to "Just Do It !" and find out for yourself. Just as certain as I will still be here for you to laugh at my offerings, so too the Grand Trickster will be ever ready to move back in with his offerings. So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So "Just Do It". Indeed, the Grand Trickster is ever awaiting your return to his ever open arms to comfort you. Indeed, the Wolf in Sheep's clothing.
->i thimk & pheel & each has it's own centre of gravity,
Emptying the mind there is no center or gravity, but rather only BEing. The conditioned need to possess some dominion for our very own vacates with the contents. When each of us have our own truth, we are always at conflict with others who have their own truth. Harboring such contents, we can not see the forest due to too many trees in the way. And thus the foundation of War and Hatred and Conflict.
->this too is konditioned thimking, yes? after all, the frog has no legs - it ->is mindless - it jumps when it needs to jump & it kroaks when kroaking is ->required or requested by the the diktates of life?
*Deep Bow*
->what are the diktates of life? & what ARE the DIKTATES of LIFE?
Whatever needs to be done, AS it needs to be done.
->does the bullshit ever end?
It seems not, as long as the mind is full of conditioned contents.
-> are we left to our own devices?
Sleeping, yes.
-> where does life end? where does it begin?
-> i am trying to ->absorb the mentation of STONES but find it hard to do... is this an absence ->of MIND? a presence of MIND? or an absence of BEING?
Presence absently present.
->ironikal that WATER still rains down on the RUINS...
Then are they ruined ?
Subject: Re: die letzte geheimnis
From: Dovesign420@cs.com
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 02:18:13 EST
EJ, I can attest to the "cluttered" way of thinking from my own recent experience~~ once the mind is emptied one does not continuely build and rebuild ~~ once the mind is emptied there is nothing dwell on~~ Susan
Subject: Re: die letzte geheimnis
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 07:38:51 GMT
Greetings Susan, you wrote: ->I can attest to the "cluttered" way of thinking from my own recent ->experience~~ once the mind is emptied one does not continuely build and ->rebuild ~~ once the mind is emptied there is nothing dwell on~~
*Deep Bow* Thank you for the input. A welcomed pleasant surprise to see you out and about the Community. That was not so hard to hit the *send* button, now was it {8-> Please do contribute more often Dear Friend.
Subject: More On Emptying The Mind
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 03:26:24 GMT
Greetings Community,
Emptying the mind is about Emptying the contents therein..... that our friends and parents and loved ones and even ourself put there to help us solve the many dilemmas we face in life. No one to blame that the contents are there, but we are to blame when we cling to that contents. For the mind is just the mind doing what the mind does. We would not want to do without it, as it has taken us millions of years to develop it. So the mind is a very important Tool, it is the junk we harbor there that makes the mind our worse enemy. Thus we keep getting in our own Way, always a step behind and a step ahead of ourself. Merrily going through Life with our eyes wide shut hoping for someone to Save us from ourself.
Awakening is not in not having a mind but rather in Emptying the one you have. Awakening is not in mindlessness but rather in Mindfulness. Though it seems that most are mindless, where would we be without one ? Only with a Vacant mind do we Truly Understand. Likewise, with a mind full of conditioned contents we can only follow the dictates of the contents (or follow those who rattle the chains of those contents). So it is the contents that is the "terrible thing" we harbor.
"Trying" is simply a rationalization when something is not accomplished. "Trying" is a useless excuse. It is offered not to "try" but rather DO, or DO NOT. Not thinking and thinking of nothing are two different situations. To Silence the mind is to not think at all. Which, in Mindfulness Meditation, that is what one does, not think. When the mind is requested to think of nothing, it uses all the contents therein to think of something that is nothing. So is doing so one's mind is thinking of something, which is nothing. A futile enterprise. On the other hand when one does Empty the mind there is no thinking occurring so the mind is quite Silent. So the Key to Silencing the mind is not to think of nothing but rather to not think. That is, Observe without projecting any ideas or images or meanings or identification onto/into that which is Observed. Just look in awe at the Wonders of Life and living. We do not need to define Reality, for it will reveal it's meaning to us once we Empty the mind and Realize/Recognize it.
Mindfulness is more a state of BEing rather than a meditation practice, thus the Mindfulness meditation practice is to establish the Mindfulness state of BEing. For it is this Mindful state of BEing that we embrace our daily life with. Mindfulness is Observing What-IS AS it IS and responding to What-IS AS we ARE without thinking about it. Spontaneous, Open, Honest, uninhibited by defiling mental contents. The new born little Guru Teaches us this, IF we would pay Attention.
There is no mind separate from you. One would not BE without the other.
Any comments, Silent Ones ?
Subject: ..to Be or NOT to Be
From: "Carl Ross" <ross-dufferin@home.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 20:41:28 -0500
I have always been reluctant to talk about religion in the Light Mission forum.
Perhaps i just don't know enough about different beliefs. Perhaps i just don't know enough.
Today i feel comfortable.....comfortable enough...to say that religious dogma is enormously trying!!! There is killing and then there is NON KILLING. It doesn't have a darn thing to do with religion. There is killing and there is not killing.
What a damn stupid world we live in.
Subject: Re: ..to Be or NOT to Be
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 04:31:06 GMT
Greetings Rhonda, you wrote: ->I have always been reluctant to talk about religion in the Light Mission ->forum.
Good to hear from you Dear Friend. Nothing wrong with talking about religion or their various belief systems IF it can be done in an intelligent Peaceful way. Problem is that either it is about one religion proselytizing to gather members or argument over which and/or who is more right than the other. Though discussion is very Welcomed here, argument is frowned upon. Topics can be anything.
->Perhaps i just don't know enough about different beliefs.
What is to know ? All beliefs are based on the same premise, which is the lack of Direct Experience (either physical or astral) and the reliance on what another says. Nothing wrong with acknowledging what another says as possible Truth, but then we must find out for ourselves (Directly Experience it in some way) before we can actually acknowledge it as Truth. But most are either lazy and do not want to bother finding out for themselves or they are afraid to find out for themselves, so they just *believe* and hope for the best. For most, being herded along by beliefs is fine with them as long as they can have their little pleasures and vices. It is less complicated. Or is it ? The herd seems jolly enough, but there is a lot of conflict and hatred and Suffering in the herd.
->Perhaps i just don't know enough.
Perhaps you just do not know that you know more than you know you know.
->Today i feel comfortable.....comfortable enough...to say that religious ->dogma is enormously trying!!!
*Roaring Laughter* That has got to be the underest understatement I have heard in a long time {8-> So what is trying you about religious dogma ?
->There is killing and then there is NON KILLING. ->It doesn't have a darn thing to do with religion. There is killing and ->there is not killing.
Ah what Evil is wrought in the name of God. What Evil lurks in the hearts of men, waving the flag of their religion ? Many found out during the Crusades of the Middle Ages, as many are finding out in this present day Crusade.
->What a damn stupid world we live in.
"Ain't dat da Trute". Indeed though it seems so, it is actually that the world is very much conditioned/programmed, thus we have an intelligent humanity thinking and acting stupid.
Thank you for your thoughts Dear Friend, Please continue {8->
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