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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ December - Page 2 ~
Subject: a little backwater semantiks
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 16:45:36 -0800
ray, aside from the 'a', what is the difference betwixt perception & apperception?...
what difference betwixt seeing & perceiving?...
does perceiving mean seeing beyond the 'i'?... that sumthing 'else' is seeing?... as in pure Being itself?...
Sentience with a kapital B?...
or am i slipping into horse 'lattitudes here', my toes nosing into the fuzzy warmth of my konditioned thimking & behaviour?...
in 'mine' feeble diktionary perceive is: to be aware of thru the senses; see, hear, taste & smell - (note that 'touch' is okkluded, as is feeling, with a capital F, from which i kan only ass-u-me that feeling itself is the senses - why list the obvious, tho beyond this definition, to me, at least, pheeling is a sense in it's one 'write')...
so from perception i move onto apperception... to wit: the assimilation of a new perception by means of a mass of ideas already in the mind; a klear perception; full understanding...
say what???
say that with apperception 'IT' is sumthing other than what the 'i' that sees... & say further that the eye without the 'i' may be pure Being itself - a Sentient apperceiving beyond perception itself...
& yet this in itself is a perception...
i fear that i am wasting away oxymoronikally...
i had a point i wish-ed to highlite but see now that i needed only to highlite it to my selph... or rather my selph is highliting it to me, whomever that may be...
i watch the ripples radiate to the edge of the pond...
i am klear to my selph now but saddened by the 'indifference' that the moonlight throws ahead of me... there is still so much of the road ahead of me...
with kompassion, a friend of garcia lorca
Subject: Re: a little backwater semantiks
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 03:22:37 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->aside from the 'a', ->what is the difference ->betwixt perception & apperception?...
A vast difference Dear Friend. Thank you for asking, for many wonder but few actually try to find out. Perception is based on the contents of your mind, with all the Desires and Likes and Dislikes and Attachments and Emotions and Judgements and conditioned notions of all sorts. Perception is Filtered through the Rose Colored Glasses that the Grand Trickster provides. So perception is always influenced to a greater or lesser degree by our conditionings. Now to let go of all those Desires and Likes and Dislikes and Attachments and Emotions and Judgements and conditioned notions of all sorts, unFiltered and uninfluenced because the mind is Empty, Observing What-IS AS it IS, is to Apperceive.
->what difference ->betwixt seeing & perceiving?...
To see is to perceive and to See is to Apperceive.
->does perceiving mean seeing beyond the 'i'?...
No, perceiving is seeing via the *I* and the *eye* -- object recognition, association, identification, classification.
->that sumthing 'else' is seeing?...
The fallacy of the "else" or *other*, for "the Two must be made One". YOU are all you have Dear Friend, so it is YOU who does all the seeing and perceiving and Seeing and Apperceiving and even the BEing. You are a Totality. Your outer and inner and upper and even your downer and higher and lower and all Points in between IS YOU. Yes, even the full contents of a conditioned Sleeping programmed controlled manipulated mind or Grand Trickster IS YOU. So how could there be "sumthing 'else'" ?
->as in pure Being itself?...
Only BEing is Pure, purified via purging of the contents of the conditioned mind, as BEing is the manifestation of True Nature. Being is simply human, yet BEing is human True Nature AS it IS. Awakening is a Being BEing. A Being being BEing. BEing True Nature. BEing What-IS.
->Sentience with a kapital B?...
Sentience is simply human (in a general sense), as Being. And as sentience is not limited to humanity neither is BEing, though Being is limited to humanity.
->or am i slipping into horse 'lattitudes here', ->my toes nosing into the fuzzy warmth ->of my konditioned thimking & behaviour?... -> ->in 'mine' feeble diktionary ->perceive is: to be aware of thru the senses; see, ->hear, taste & smell - (note that 'touch' is okkluded, ->as is feeling, with a capital F, from which i kan ->only ass-u-me that feeling itself is the senses - ->why list the obvious, tho beyond this definition, ->to me, at least, pheeling is a sense in it's one 'write')...
*Roaring Laughter* No, it seems that you are peeking out from under the Comforter to Glean some Insights into your conditioned thinking and behavior. You do not need a different language, just a different dictionary for the one you are conditioned to use does not cover Apperception nor Awakening nor What-IS nor True Nature. You do not need a different perception, but rather trade it in for an Apperception.
->so from perception i move onto apperception...
No, you drop or let go of the perception in order to BE Apperception.
->to wit: the assimilation of a new perception by means ->of a mass of ideas already in the mind; ->a klear perception; full understanding...
*Roaring Laughter* Oxymorons: clear perception, full understanding. That is, there is only Clarity AS Apperception thus Delusion in perception and there is only Understanding AS Emptiness thus the full contents of the mind are Fool's Gold.
->say what???
What is to say, as there is no one to say it.
->say that with apperception ->'IT' is sumthing other than what the 'i' that sees... ->& say further that the eye without the 'i' ->may be pure Being itself - ->a Sentient apperceiving beyond perception itself...
That is indeed a mouth-full. Though it looks a bit like diarrhea. A mouth-full of diarrhea. Well, "to each", they say.
->& yet this in itself is a perception...
*Deep Bow*
->i fear that i am wasting away oxymoronikally...
*Roaring Laughter* A major Insight for sure.
->i had a point i wish-ed to highlite ->but see now that i needed only to highlite it ->to my selph... ->or rather my selph is highliting it to me, ->whomever that may be...
*Deep Bow*
->i watch the ripples ->radiate to the edge of the pond...
Ah..... the Wonders of the Pond..... and of course the favorite place of the Legless Frog. Yet, we must Still the Pond Dear Friend, for only AS Silence we Hear and AS Stillness we ARE our True Nature BEing What-IS.
->i am klear to my selph now ->but saddened by the 'indifference' ->that the moonlight throws ahead of me...
"What Evil lurks in the Hearts of men ? The Shadow knows". Look upon the Moon and not it's beam, for naught is in the shadows or reflections cast other than your perception. BE this ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment and not a step ahead and a step behind yourself.
->there is still so much of the road ahead of me...
Road ? If there is a road there will be traffic, thus you might get run over by that train you mistake for a *Light At The End Of The Tunnel*.
Subject: Re: a little backwater semantiks
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 13:22:42 +0100
Dear E.J. and Volker, The both of you flabbergast me, from time to time. Wonder full post and also a Wonder full reply !! Really had to wrap me head around that one/two ;-) ! Wombat:)
Subject: Re: choice
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 03:38:51 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->If people have a choice why do people do certain things & not even know ->it????
Habit. People are conditioned to habitually think and behave as they are conditioned to think and behave, thus much of what Sleeping humanity thinks or does is quite unconscious. As the program plays the robot acts out the program. But it is an Illusion and projected conditioned Judgement and arrogance to think that robots have choices. Sleeping (conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automatons) we have no choices for we simply think/do what we are conditioned/programmed to think/do. Awakening we have no choices either for we simply do what must be done. Sleeping we *think* we have choices, Awakening we Recognize that there are none. It is not coincidence that for all these past centuries that humanity has *thought* he had choices that humanity has not been without war and conflict and Suffering. Perhaps if humanity Recognized that there were no choices perhaps humanity could be without war or conflict or Suffering. Humanity will never know for sure until he tries.
True ?
Subject: Good morning
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 06:46:12 -0800
Passing on this little goodie, not sure who wrote it:
What have you lost that you cry?
What have you got that you laugh?
What did you come with?
What will you leave with?
What is yours today, was somebody else's yesterday and will be somebody else's tomorrow
What you got, you got it from here
What you gave, you gave it here
Change is essence of Life
One that knows this, lives from this knowing, is beyond change.
And then the real living starts
And like a cloud bursting with rain drops
Showering takes place
Not by somebody, for somebody
but because not-showering is no longer possible.
Subject: A Sharing
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 06:42:17 -0800
I received this, this morning and thought you may all enjoy it. Any comments-oh quiet ones?
Do not confuse impatience with thirst With thirst there is yearning but no struggle. With impatience there is struggle but no yearning With longing there is waiting but no demanding With impatience there is demanding but no waiting. With thirst there is silent tears With impatience there is a restless struggle
Why seek for a purpose of Life? If you seek you will never find because it is eternally hidden in the seeker. Life is without purpose Life is its own purpose, therefore he who lives without purpose truly lives. Live! Isn't living itself enough? The desire to have more than just life is a result of not lived at all- and that is why the fear of death What is death to one who is really alive? When living is intense and total, who has the time for fear of death, nay who has time for death itself.
There is a music which has no sound, the soul is restless for such silent music There is a love in which the body is not, the soul longs for such unembodied love. There is a truth which has no form, the soul longs for this formless truth
Therefore melodies do not satisfy bodies do not satisfy and forms cannot fulfill the soul
But this lack of fulfillment must be understood properly For such understanding brings about transcendence
then sound is the door to the soundless the body becomes the path to the unembodied and form becomes formless.
Non-attachment is not concerned with things but with thoughts Non-attachment is not related to the outside but to the within Non-attachment is not to do with the world but with oneself
One day a beggar went to see a Sufi fakir and found him seated on velvet cushion inside a beautiful tent with it's ropes tied to golden pegs in the ground.
Seeing all this the beggar cried:What is all this! I have heard so much about you and your spirituality and non-attachment but I am completely disillusioned by all this ostentation around you. The fakir laughed and immediately jumped up and said Let's go and walked off with the beggar not even waiting to put on his sandals. After a while the beggar was distressed. "I left my begging bowl in your tent. What shall I do without it? Please wait while I go back and fetch it."
The Sufi roared in laughter. My friend said he," the gold pegs of my tent were stuck in the earth, not in my heart; but your begging bowl is still chasing you."
To be in the world is not attachment The presence of the world in the mind is the attachment and when the world disappears from the mind- this is non-attachment.
Subject: Baggage
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 03:08:09 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->May I ask what you mean with intellectual baggage? The precise meaning here is of great importance. When does it become a burden instead of a tool?
Intellectual baggage is simply mentally acquired information, yet can be of great help (Tool) AND a great hindrance (Burden). It is a Tool when used as an instrument to fathom your conditioned state, and is not clung to for it is simply a Tool. It is also a Tool to sort out the various Multiple aspect of Unity in the world. It is a burden when you start clinging to it as some authority or having some importance other than a disposable Tool, for then it is baggage that you carry around with you for some false sense of security and identity and even supremacy. The mind is a Wondrous instrument that is actually our greatest asset, yet can be our worst enemy (and is our worst enemy when full of conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notion of all sorts). It took humanity millions of years to Evolve/Involve his mind, yet totally wasted because he fills it with nonsense. Just like reading Truthful information we must first Understand what is not Truth so we can Recognize it in the reading, so too we must first Understand the mind for it's attributes and mostly it's shortcomings and what is not the mind before we can ever hope to both Recognize and then Root Out the Defiling conditioned notions contained therein.
How do you Understand Truth: it is not conditioned or personal. How do you Understand what is not Truth: it is conditioned or personal. How do you Understand the mind: Empty and Silence it. How do you Understand what is not the mind: Empty and Silence it so the mind can BE what it IS without the Additions of conditionings.
Anything anyone would like to add ? Or query ?
Subject: Re: Baggage
From: Dovesign420@cs.com
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 16:05:14 EST
nope think you pretty much answered all my questions this time =) Susan
Subject: Re: choice
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 12:18:21 +0100
Dear E.J., Hi All, Returning to the warmth of the fire :-))) & Snipped with reverence for space.
I'm afraid you'll have to spell this one out for me my friend. You can go to war or you can say no to that, n'est-ce-pas?? Love Wombat:)
From: "E.J." Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 4:38 AM Subject: Re: choice
> Sleeping we *think* we have choices, Awakening we Recognize that > there are none. > It is not coincidence that for all these past centuries > that humanity has *thought* he had choices that humanity has not been > without war and conflict and Suffering. > Perhaps if humanity Recognized > that there were no choices perhaps humanity could be without war or > conflict or Suffering. Humanity will never know for sure until he tries. > > True ?
Subject: Re: Baggage
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 12:32:38 +0100
From: "E.J." <Anything anyone would like to add ? Or query ?
** I have found in the past, that people overly endowed with intellectual qualities, have problems in the emotional area, it's like through the intellect, they turn of the music of feeling and sensing. Not that feeling/sensing is the beginning and ending of the world. But it is nicer and easier to communicate with a balance of the two.
>How do you Understand Truth: it is not conditioned or personal. How do you Understand what is not Truth: it is conditioned or personal. How do you Understand the mind: Empty and Silence it. How do you Understand what is not the mind: Empty and Silence it so the mind can BE what it IS without the Additions of conditionings. ** Understanding these 3 sentences takes a lifetime, to feel and know the truth of them. Still working at it :-)))
Subject: Re: choice
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 15:41:16 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: ->Returning to the warmth of the fire :-))) & Snipped with reverence for ->space.
Very good to see you Dear Friend.
->I'm afraid you'll have to spell this one out for me my friend. You can go to ->war or you can say no to that, n'est-ce-pas??
I was only indicating the association of choices = war and conflict and Suffering. Thus when there are no choices there is no war or conflict or Suffering, but to Truly Understand that humanity would have to let go of it's conditioned notion of choices. Choices involve personal likes and dislikes, personal realities, personal truths, personal Judgements, personal hatred, personal greed. Choicelessness involves Universality and Brotherhood -- the Pathless Path, the Wayless Way, the Gateless Gate. Give it a try, you might like it {8->
Imagine by John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one
Crippled Inside by John Lennon
You can shine your shoes and wear a suit You can comb your hair and look quite cute You can hide your face behind a smile One thing you can't hide Is when you're crippled inside
You can wear a mask and paint your face You can call yourself the human race You can wear a collar and a tie One thing you can't hide Is when you're crippled inside
Well now you know that your Cat has nine lives Nine lives to itself But you only got one And a dog's life ain't fun Mamma take a look outside
You can go to church and sing a hymn You can judge me by the color of my skin You can live a lie until you die One thing you can't hide Is when you're crippled inside
Well now you know that your Cat has nine lives Nine lives to itself But you only got one And a dog's life ain't fun Mamma take a look outside
You can go to church and sing a hymn You can judge me by the color of my skin You can live a lie until you die One thing you can't hide Is when you're crippled inside
One thing you can't hide Is when you're crippled inside One thing you can't hide Is when you're crippled inside
Subject: Re: Baggage
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 16:23:19 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: ->** I have found in the past, that people overly endowed with intellectual ->qualities, have problems in the emotional area, it's like through the ->intellect, they turn of the music of feeling and sensing. Not that ->feeling/sensing is the beginning and ending of the world. But it is nicer ->and easier to communicate with a balance of the two.
Whether intellectual or village idiot, when there are emotions there will always be problems. Most often there is confusion with what people call "feeling/sensing" and emotion, as this "feeling/sensing" is more akin to Compassion than the memory based attachment emotion. The arising of emotion is triggered by an association of some past event thus initiating reaction. "Feeling/sensing" or Compassion is always engaged thus responds to What-IS AS it IS at Present. A vast difference and one that should be looked at a little more closely. Likened perhaps to the "I AM" idea, in that because the *I* is associated with Divinity the *I* remains a constant in man's thinking. Thus through this association humanity *thinks* that it's personal *I* must also be Divine. Yet when we let go of the personal *I* we Realize/Recognize that "I AM" actually means "All IS". Much of humanity's Delusion is in his convenient mis-associations. Be Mindful of such ruts in the Journey.
->>How do you Understand Truth: it is not conditioned or personal. How ->do you Understand what is not Truth: it is conditioned or personal. How ->do you Understand the mind: Empty and Silence it. How do you Understand ->what is not the mind: Empty and Silence it so the mind can BE what it IS ->without the Additions of conditionings. ->** Understanding these 3 sentences takes a lifetime, to feel and know the ->truth of them. Still working at it :-)))
Au contraire Dear Friend, we must be Mindful of them our Lifetime but they are a constant always AS the Present. Try not Dear Friend, Do or not Do, but trying or "working at it" is laziness. Odd thing about BEing, before we ARE we think we are going to lose something in this Transition between NonBEing and BEing yet what happens is a Major Enhancement. Why settle for just the Cake when you can also have Frosting on it ? Not spending a lifetime to get it but rather BEing it for a Lifetime.
Subject: Re: Godd morning
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 12:19:29 +0100
And a Good Godd morning to you too dear Shar :-))) - beaut post !! Wombat:)
Subject: new word
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 06:24:42 -0800
I just want to share a new word with you. My kids made it up and it is very useful. :)
It is pronounced " hommmmm-in-eeeeee"
The meaning is for the tones that are played in the movies right before something exciting,unexplainable or totally beautiful happens. This can be used in daily living when you find yourself in a position when there are no right words for the undescribable.
Do we have a Light Mission dictionary for new words or sounds?
Happy New Year
Subject: Re: Godd morning
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 06:10:38 -0800
At 12:19 PM 29/12/2001 +0100, you wrote: >And a Good Godd morning to you too dear Shar :-))) - beaut post !! >Wombat:)
And to you. Nice to see you again. So what have you been up to? Been quiet around here, can you stay awhile?
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