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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ January - Page 1 ~
Subject: Re: Godd morning
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 12:24:30 +0100
Hi Dear Shar, If all goes well, yes I hope to have some quiet time to be here and answer numerous e-mails :-)) To keep something nice like this Peaceful Haven, means to work at keeping it here and not leave it all up to E.J., Orin and a few others. Happy New Year to all! Wombat
Subject: Re: new word
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 12:28:21 +0100
> I just want to share a new word with you. > My kids made it up and it is very useful. :) > > It is pronounced " hommmmm-in-eeeeee"
Dear Shar, Excellent word :-)))) - if it wasn't there already, it should have been invented, don't you think ;-) Let's have an additional dictionary then :-)) Wombat:)
Subject: Re: Godd morning
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 01:38:53 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: ->If all goes well, yes I hope to have some quiet time to be here and answer ->numerous e-mails :-))
Good, we look forward to getting into some DEEP discussions with you and perhaps others.
->To keep something nice like this Peaceful Haven, means to work at keeping it ->here and not leave it all up to E.J., Orin and a few others.
Ah, Celestial Poetry indeed. This Discussion Community is not just to laze around and enjoy the sun and white sandy beaches, as Peaceful a Haven it may be. It is about getting together, a Community, as the name implies, to discuss concerns and/or Insights and/or Wonderful experiences and/or stumbling blocks along the Way and/or just about anything else. No riff-raf, and leave the Baggage at the door, but no real criteria other than Sanity/Peace/Brotherhood {8->
->Happy New Year to all!
Eternally Infinite Happy New Moment, each Eternally Infinite Moment, to you Dear Friend.
Subject: Re: choice
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 01:58:09 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: -> I realised that my ->intake of the fairy tale was conditioned. I managed a very quick ->unconditioning :-))), I really enjoyed it. ->Imagine is a beautiful song, but the Crippled inside is new to me, I'll try ->and get to hear that! ->Wombat:)
Ah, so we are detecting what Lennon sang about as "Crippled Inside". Conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts are very crippling, and thus our ability to Wake-Up from the delusions we hold so near and dear. Likened perhaps to hobbling a horse such that it can not Walk off from the task Trained to do. Disabled by the very contents of our mind.
On another note: "Crippled Inside" is on the "Imagine" album. On yet another note: did you hear about the Mission Of Light Retreat Center *Personal* business card that can be made up for you with your name on it ? Check out the sample at the www.Mission-Of-Light-Retreat-Center.org web site and let me know if you would like a template for the cards. Which also goes for anyone at the Community. On a similar note: there is a nice new tri-fold leaflet for the Retreat Center also, which looks real nice on design paper.
Subject: Re: clones
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 20:30:50 GMT
Greetings Community, ->What about clones? ->If a human is cloned, or an animal even, do they have the same propensity ->towards awakening?
Of course. Where there is Life there is the True Nature of that Life, and thus no less possible to start Awakening than any other Life. Life IS Life, whether it be a *duplicate copy* or not.
->Are they human/spiritual beings all the same?
Cloning is just physical manipulation, thus regardless of the so called *creator* if there is potentiality for Life then Life will BE. If there is no potentiality for Life then there will be no Life regardless of who creates it. All Life, whether man made or naturally made, is very much Life and thus very much Spiritual. Life was not created by a creator but rather the natural Evolution/Involution of Operant Potential Consciousness, thus the mere emanation/manifestation of Consciousness in what we term physical form. Only when, in our conditioned delusions, do we separate Life from Life and call one moral and one not moral do we fall into the trap of thinking that one is more important or more Spiritual than the other. Yet morality, like time, is but a man made contrivance as a tool for some purpose (whether Noble or Evil).
->But i think you spoke one time about there being an exact amount of human ->souls that never changes in count.
What was offered was that we have passed the mid-point (Ring-Pass-Not) in this Manvantara (Life Cycle) and thus no more Life can Evolve from lower Kingdoms to the Human Kingdom. Yet Life is not limited to some number at this point, in that physical form goes and comes. The population of humanity is still growing so we have not reached it's maximum potentiality yet. Though you are correct that there will come a point that humanity's numbers will stop growing and only the number that leave will be replaced.
->What happens when we start creating and introducing new beings into the ->world of our own accord?
As stated above, as long as there is still potentiality for Life we can *manufacture* all the forms we want. Yet, as also stated, when there is no more potentiality left our manufacturing will stop being as successful. That is where the *cyborgs* of the si-fi movies come in, as mechanical look-alikes. Which is, actually, what Sleeping humanity already is -- look-alike robots {8-> Perhaps that is the problem with them not being able to Wake-Up, they are mostly Cyborgs {8->
Anyone else have anything to offer ?
Subject: Re: godd mornings, choice & stuff
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 02:31:19 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->anyways, after the funeral & kommunion with 'ma mere' - unkanny how kold a ->body kan be without the 'source' flowing thru it - i kame, essentially, to ->one 'perception' & this is what the perception/apperception was: there is ->nothing but 'sole'... the rest is shit - more kindly - the rest is illusion ->generated by the body to quantify its materialism, its physikality...
Yes, Sleeping, we always mistake the animation for the animator. Only at the demise of the form do we glimpse that the form is but an animation of the formless. Form being formless AS the animation yet still formless without the animation. Animations come and go and change, with a common denominator of formless BEing or True Nature.
->all sentient being has or rather is an expression of sole... sole is ->eternal, sole is free, sole is a 'bite of godd' - not a bit of godd, ->sharnanda, but a byte of godd as in a sound byte, okay??? & the sole, which ->kame from eternity & to which it will return becuz it 'lives' in eternity, - ->that sole desires nothing more than freedom... the freedom to BE... becuz ->troo BEING is free - it kannot BE other than it IS...
Beyond/between the rhetoric there seems to be an Insight. Yet rhetoric often becomes an entangling web we weave for no real purpose other than protecting us as the caterpillar is protected by the cocoon. Yet unlike the caterpillar we do not always emerge from the rhetoric. The animation is not separate from the animator, the form is not separate from formlessness, though animation/form rises and falls animator/formless flows as a continuum as the stream flow down the mountainside taking it's many twists and turns. Thus Seeking Freedom is not the True Nature Seeking Freedom from the form. True Nature Seeks Expression AS form thus enabling the form to BE formless. It is Awakening Seeking Freedom from Sleep. As in the Inertia of Sleeping is difficult to overcome, so too is the Inertia of Evolution/Involution difficult to hold back. We contrive rhetoric to cloud this issue of Freedom and Awakening and Sleep. Perhaps to give some credence/rationalization to our *conditioned condition*.
->anyway, mr ray & other rayettes, the SOLE purely IS & that which is added to ->it is purely eggo in the sense of dressing a nakedness when, as we all know, ->nekkedness don't need to be dressed, it too, IS purely what it IS... there ->is nothing beyond this IT - the rest is/are merely akkretions, veils, tee ->shirts & jeans, so to speak, to hide the KNOWABLE/UNKNOWABLE BEAUTY of NAKED ->& RAW BEING... (a little flatulent there, i know, ray)
*Deep Bow*
->but still the SOLE IS IT!!!
Be careful not to stumble on rhetoric, it tends to influence and even distort our Understanding. As Wombat pointed out in her watching "Cinderella". Even the word sounds a little fishy {8->
->my eggo has a big desire to to free - i don't know why & i don't know what ->it desires to be free of - itself, i suppose, especially when the rest of ->the natural world is naked, why should this eggo thing desire to klothe ->itself as an omelette - kan it be so that the rest of the world cums to the ->restaurant??? for the omelette??? and by eating the omelette we might ->pretend to absolve our selves from sleeping???
Oh there is a pretense all right, but the pretense is that we are not even Sleeping. Pretending that we are already awake so there is no reason to Wake-Up. But what the ego wants to be free of is the nagging Evolving/Involving True Nature Urging expression. It wants to get out of the Cage that the ego keeps it in. Yes the ego does wear Masks and Costumes to Fool us into *thinking* that it is Awakening, yet is but the Wolf in Sheep hide. But is actually quite obvious, as Little Red RidingHood pointed out: "my, what big Teeth you have". If it waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and acts ducky, even though it is dressed up like a frog, it most likely is a duck.
-> (turning aside to the others, lowered voice: what ->kinda jointz this, iggy, ever cum here before?)... fade out...
It does have a certain Strangeness, a certain Stillness, a certain Peace and WellBEing to the place. A certain Fantasy Island, in that I have not seen one like it in the whole of the Realm. A certain Sir Thomas Moore aspect to it. Glad you dropped in Dear Friend.
Subject: A bit miffed.
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 19:22:22 -0800
Today our Provincial Government announced the cut backs for the Government industry. They are cutting jobs by the thousands, closing court houses with cases still piled up from years before. They are cutting back the welfare system, so that single parents must go back to work when the youngest child reaches the age of three.
They are closing some jails and correctional institutes, as well as some hospitals and Forestry offices. There are cuts in the highway departments and details will follow the first week in Feb.
But absolutely no notice of a wage cut back for the Premier, or MLA's , or in their pension system. IT's crazy as if they make a second election, their pension runs around 60 thousand per year. More if you make 3 terms and higher. As usual it appears that others have to suffer to save their sorry asses.
These cuts, during the last election campaign, were not suppose to happen. These aren't liberals at all, but a continuation of the Social Credit party that we fought so hard to get rid of.
The world is going to hell in a hand basket, starting with BC. This is just another opportunity for the government to sell ourselves to the highest bidder.
There is no compassion in this government, just as many before them . They are blind and deaf to the needs of society, and yet ears wide open along with their pocket books when it comes to personal gain. . One way- in, no way out.
It will be interesting when the next bombshell hits in February. Pardon me, I am a bit pissed off tonight, and wonder how the poor will survive once again. The single person gets 5oo per month from welfare to survive. They are allowed to make 200 per month by other means before they are cut down on government money. Now that 200 allowance is cut off. . One is only allowed to be on welfare, 2 years of every five. How in the hell are the infirm, the mentally ill and the handicap going to survive for the other 3 years out of the five?
How can people be so bloody blind? I think the crash has to affect the rich before anything gets done to help anyone. And even then who knows.
Sheesh, just bitchin.
Subject: Re: A bit miffed.
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 04:47:23 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: ->They are cutting jobs by the thousands,
Yes, most economists say that this will be the worst recession that anyone alive today has ever experienced. Not only in the government sector but all over in just about all industries. And the consumer is much more cautious in spending and confidence is very low. Telltale signs are less traffic on the roads because people are not shopping as much, less transport vehicles because stores are not stock or selling as much because of less spending. Some economists try to cheer us up by telling us that they expect a rise in the economy this year, while other tell us that there will be many small rises but lower falls and thus the economy may not really pick up until 2003. The present economic situation is indeed something that we must be Mindful of. And, it would seem, a good reason to get behind a mostly self-sufficient Retreat Center Community.
->As usual it appears that others have to suffer to save their sorry asses.
As usual indeed. The norm. Expected, in fact.
->The world is going to hell in a hand basket, starting with BC. This is just ->another opportunity for the government to sell ourselves to the highest ->bidder.
I know that you are speaking for your personal location, but it is like that all over. So BC can not have all the fun {8->
->How can people be so bloody blind?
Some avoid looking, others put on the Blinders of Nationalism and hope for the best. It is all in the Program. The conditioned programmed controlled manipulated state of *Eyes Wide Shut*.
->I think the crash has to affect the rich before anything gets done to help ->anyone. And even then who knows.
*Roaring Laughter* You have it up-side-down, the supporting walls are cut before the roof falls. During the 1929 stock market crash in this country, the poor jumped out the windows and the rich just got pissed and the Ultra Rich smiles.
->Sheesh, just bitchin.
This is something new ?
Any updates about the economy where the rest of the Community members are ? There are still a few members in the Community, are there not ? This Community houses people from all over the world, so what is happening where you are ?
Subject: Re: A bit miffed.
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 08:40:24 -0800
> > Yes, most economists say that this will be the worst recession that >anyone alive today has ever experienced. Not only in the government >sector but all over in just about all industries.
Ain't that the truth. This town alone has the major industry shut down. Now the cut backs. Every second house is up for sale, but no one around to buy.
> And the consumer is >much more cautious in spending and confidence is very low.
With the increases in natural gas, oil and hydro, no one has anything left to spend.
> Telltale signs >are less traffic on the roads because people are not shopping as much, less >transport vehicles because stores are not stock or selling as much because >of less spending.
I saw on the news last night, the accident on the freeway in LA. Five lanes tied up and no one moving. Where do all these people go anyway?
> Some economists try to cheer us up by telling us that >they expect a rise in the economy this year, while other tell us that there >will be many small rises but lower falls and thus the economy may not >really pick up until 2003.
And yet, our Premier tells us that the cut backs will continue until 2003. Others will be frozen until then.
> The present economic situation is indeed >something that we must be Mindful of. And, it would seem, a good reason >to get behind a mostly self-sufficient Retreat Center Community.
Working on it behind the scenes as best one can.
>->As usual it appears that others have to suffer to save their sorry asses. >As usual indeed. The norm. Expected, in fact.
Of course. It just ticks me from time to time.
> I know that you are speaking for your personal location, but it is >like that all over. So BC can not have all the fun {8->
I don't hear anyone else complaining, so thought it was just us.
> Some avoid looking, others put on the Blinders of Nationalism and hope >for the best. It is all in the Program. The conditioned programmed >controlled manipulated state of *Eyes Wide Shut*.
Government will never save anyone if there is no money in it for them, either personally or as a group.
>->I think the crash has to affect the rich before anything gets done to help >->anyone. And even then who knows. > > *Roaring Laughter* You have it up-side-down, the supporting walls >are cut before the roof falls.
And we sit idly by and let them do, instead of doing for ourselves.
> During the 1929 stock market crash in this >country, the poor jumped out the windows and the rich just got pissed and >the Ultra Rich smiles.
Well, the taliban knew it would get noticed if they hit the trade center. the money center. Would the effect been as great if it was a library? I don't think so.
>->Sheesh, just bitchin. > This is something new ?
No, always bitchin I guess. As long as there is bitchin to be done, it may as well be me.
>Any updates about the economy where the rest of the Community members >are ?
Na, I am the only bitch.
>There are still a few members in the Community, are there not ?
Na, answered above.
>This Community houses people from all over the world, so what is happening >where you are ?
Oh, we have more than just me on this list? LOL
Subject: 11 steps for suffering
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 08:39:29 -0800
A Method For Making The Worst Out of Every Situation ( a parody)
1. Deny the situation 2.Close your eyes and become aware of the feeling in your body_wallow in it-Indicate when the discomfort becomes excruciating. 3.Are you willing to blame everyone else for all aspects of the situation? name names. 4.Do you agree that you have done nothing wrong and nothing anyone else says or does is right?Please rationalize. 5.Perceive the situation again. Create another emotional scar. 6.Do you realize you are getting screwed and the other person is loving every minute of it. 7.Do you realize that seeing the other person as a reflection of yourself only makes you look bad?Do you wish to blame your mother? 8.Do you realize what you are experiencing is really worse than you think and no body cares. 9.Please describe the ways you've been emotionally vandalized by yourself and others and what you are doing to get even. 10.Go behind the apparent circumstances of the situation and locate the terror in yourself and all other others involved. 11.Feel the intense fear and pain that comes when terror is found and expressed.
The Lotus Position Be still. Watch silently and listen intently. Do not be disturbed by what you see or hear. Watch your thoughts pass through your mind. Let them come and go like clouds passing gently across the sky. Make no investment in your perception. For moment by moment each formation takes another shape. There is no need to fix or change. There is no need to analyze. There is no need to criticize. There is no need to figure things out. Stay in the attentive detached present. Observe what happens. Be happy. Centered in uncertainty.
Subject: Re: The Ray of Light.
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 04:22:24 GMT
Greetings Silent Community,
It has been said: ->I don't think I 'quibbled' with the statements meaning...just the ->word. There is tons of agreement....:))
You are wholeheartedly agreed with, the word *surrender* is most often used for ill ends and thus not a favorite word here either. Yet, to Focus too much Attention on particular words distract us from seeing between/behind the word. As Truth is not found in words but rather AS the space between them and the Energy behind them. When we get the finger to close to the eye we Blind ourself such that we can not see where the finger Points. So it is not the finger that is of any real importance but rather the Pointing.
->However, after a swig...I might find that my true nature would rather ->be sitting in a lotus by an azure pool in complete and silent ->"surrender" to that moment....:))
Both words, surrender and embrace, indicate the Dualistic notion that there is something to embrace or surrender to and someone to do the embracing/surrendering. So both words are Illusion as Dualism is but Illusion. Only when the Two are made One is there True Understanding and thus Awakening.
->I would add.."unconscious mind"... Becoming aware and conscious of the ->contents seems to me to take care of the problem to a huge degree.
Yes, all contents, conscious or unconscious. But many will go so far as admit that they are conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automatons, yet few will do anything to rectify the situation. Too arduous, too Painful, to let go of those dearly beloved notions. So just knowing about it is only the first step, as the follow through is doing what must be done about it.
->Well...it is also said by the great Chopra...'we are not our ->thoughts...we are not our emotions...we are not our body etc.' So...in ->that sense, I think our thoughts do not determine who we are...so much ->as what we DO and how we react. And so too..they have an effect for ->sure on the body and the experiences we create.
Deepak was saying the same thing Jesus said, in that we are not those thoughts (conditioned notions) so get rid of them. Our True Nature is not any aspect of the manifest realm, though when we Identify with that realm we are that realm in our deluded conditioned mind. So both Jesus and Chopra said to Empty the contents of the mind because you actually are not those conditioned contents but rather only Identify with them so you think you are.
->And making the unconscious -- conscious will give us the mechanism of ->choice in that also.
Sleeping we have the many *choices* that we contrive, Judgements, likes/dislikes, believed right/wrong, thus we have no other *choice* than what we are conditioned to *choose*. When we are conditioned that when we hit the red button nothing happens and when we hit the green button we are satisfied in some way, our so called *choice* is always going to be the green button. It is all in the Program. Awakening we have no choice because we can only do what must be done. Thus *choices* are more of the Grand Trickster's Illusions.
->And so, take that statement..."as a man thinketh..." One could start a ->whole religion or philosophy on that which would be based on a very ->partial understanding, a 'description and comparison' of black ->boxes...mmm. Maybe I could do my phd on that ya figure? lol... -> ->I think it's already been done come to think of it...:))
Indeed, sadly it is the norm.
->Consciousness is the only way to go beyond any of that in my view.
*Roaring Laughter* All IS Consciousness, so where is to go and by whom. No matter where we go, there we are. To find ourself we just have to BE Still.
->And be what when empty? Pure consciousness.
Emptiness IS Emptiness, thus to BE Empty is to BE Free to BE Empty. For Emptiness is not something one obtains but rather what one IS.
->And are we therefore once more being controlled when we start thinking ->again. Is this what life is meant to be all about? This struggle ->between empty and full?
Empty does not mean that we do not think, for thinking is simply the mind being the mind doing what minds do. Thinking is an Evolved/Involved skill that is a side effect of a developed brain/mind. Thus there are no contents about thinking but rather simply the functioning of the brain/mind. What we Empty is the conditioned baggage that we have acquired throughout our life, as that is what influences our thinking. Without the conditioned baggage, there is only thinking with no influence. One might say *Pure Thought*.
->We can only be thought free for a short time comparitivley ->speaking...and, yes. The more we do that...the better life gets ->because in my view we are meant to be full AND empty in turn.
Please adjust your thinking about thinking, and your statement here will reveal it's fallacy. The Fully Enlightened Buddha still had to think to communicate to his students, as all Wise Sages have done. For the thinking was Pure, without any projected conditioned notions.
->But only empty? It is not sustainable to make it a practical and only ->solution in the 'real' world. Krishnamurti does mention 'choiceless ->awareness' though. But it is not an emptiness...rather no movement. At ->least in my understanding...
Jiddu was indeed one of the Wise Sages just referred to. Awakening is Choiceless and Pathless, IS the Apperception of What-IS. And if there is anything else involved, it is just more Sleep.
->Silence the chatter? Absolutely! That is an almost automatic result of ->times spent in pure consciousness, in the emptiness....well...there is ->more, but tis a prime ingredient. And I only speak for me...
Emptiness, Silence, Stillness, Pure Consciousness, is not about being *in* anything but rather in BEing Emptiness, Silence, Stillness, Pure Consciousness. BE, simply BE the True Nature we ARE. Only the conditioned notion of Dualism dictates that there is something to be in and someone to be in it. Only when the Two is made One will we Truly Understand/Awaken.
Anyone have anything to add ? Discussion is welcome {8->
Subject: Re: The Ray of Light.
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 01:48:41 +0100
Dear E.J., Shar, Volker A thought occurred to me. If we breathe in light and breathe out light, good, progress is made. BEing is at hand. When we slip a bit and we find ourselves confronted with negative thoughts, it occurs to me, that when we voice them out loud, we are putting out a negative vibe into the ether. So you don't. If we withhold doing that, the thought is still there and what we think, we are, but the thought has the same negative negative efect as if having voiced it. If we don't voice it and withhold it, it has the same effect, but also it is being suppressed. The suppression digs a hole inside, leaves something and it won't go away, it keeps coming back. It withholds growth, creates unease and ultimately illness. Sometimes there are no kind words to be found, how do you deal with that? Someone said something so incredibly unimagineable and hateful to me a while back, and I am not dealing with it too well. Wombat:)
Subject: Re: A bit miffed.
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 01:32:51 +0100
Dear Shar, Better late than never sorry about that. Do you know I heard on our Dutch TV over here, that the whole WTC thing, caused 830.000 people to loose their jobs - my goodness! I don't know what planet I was on not to have realised that before. It's terrible when those who have so little end up with even less. Indeed. Tonight my hubby and me saw the news on the TV, India shot a rocket into space. People starve & die in the streets there, yet you can send rockets into space. So I'm thinking that when you have a Prez who decides that you really need protection out in space, (from whom?) where does the money come from ....? yup! You have every right to be miffed.
Subject: Re: The Ray of Light.
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 03:40:32 GMT
Greetings Wombat, you wrote: ->A thought occurred to me. If we breathe in light and breathe out light, ->good, progress is made.
Then you would be a FlashLight {8->
->BEing is at hand.
Where is "hand" ? If that is where BEing is at ?
->When we slip a bit and we find ourselves confronted with negative thoughts, ->it occurs to me, that when we voice them out loud, we are putting out a ->negative vibe into the ether. So you don't.
Not necessarily. The primal expulsion is very releasing/relieving, and with the Right Intent there is no negativity generated. It is all in the Intent Dear Friend. This is a Key factor because we are not always in a position to express otherwise when dealing with a Sleeping world. We must Understand what is needed that Moment and thus do whatever needs done. When what needs done is "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH !" then "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH !" must be done. When done in Compassion even "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH !" is an expression of GoodWill.
->If we withhold doing that, the thought is still there and what we think, we ->are, but the thought has the same negative negative efect as if having ->voiced it. ->If we don't voice it and withhold it, it has the same effect, but also it is ->being suppressed. The suppression digs a hole inside, leaves something and ->it won't go away, it keeps coming back. It withholds growth, creates unease ->and ultimately illness.
Ah, the Fires of Hell is the residence of those who suppress their frustrations and anxiety. We are our own worst Tormentor. The Sleeping world at large offers more than enough Torment without we ourselves adding to it. Thus repression/suppression must not even be considered.
->Sometimes there are no kind words to be found, how ->do you deal with that?
Look a little Deeper. Look at the situation. Look at the folly of trying to fight Fire with Fire or drowning it with petrol. Even laugh at thinking such. What is this negativity, and what is it's purpose, and what is it's Cause ? Is it longing to be thwarted by Kindness ? Throw a monkey wrench into the works by straining and locating that defusing kind word. It is not lost, it just needs to be Uncovered. Our conditionings tend to cover them up, thus *out of sight out of mind*.
->Someone said something so incredibly unimagineable and hateful to me a while ->back, and I am not dealing with it too well.
Why "deal with it" ? Is it worthy of dealing with ? Is the source so Perfect that their word is impeachable ? Misery likes company, thus we try to inflict our Suffering upon others so we will not feel alone. Obviously this person accomplished their task of having you join them in their Suffering. What is this negativity, and what is it's purpose, and what is it's Cause ? Is it longing to be thwarted by Kindness ? Throw a monkey wrench into the works by straining and locating that defusing kind word. This must be Understood so that you can Help them out of their Suffering. Do not let them and the Grand Trickster get away with this. BE the Compassion you ARE and do what must be done to Help them in their Suffering, as they obviously need your Help. *Respond* with Compassion and not *react* with anger or emotion or Fear. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is worth the destruction of Peace Of Mind. So consider *why* this negativity and what must be done to Help them in their time of Need. They obviously have the Problem, yet why do you also want to have this Problem ? Let go of the Problem and Help them with their Problem.
Subject: Re: The Ray of Light.
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 15:04:35 +0100
> Then you would be a FlashLight {8-> > > ->BEing is at hand. > > Where is "hand" ? If that is where BEing is at ? **** :-))))) - flashing back at you a big grin/flash :-)))
> Not necessarily. The primal expulsion is very releasing/relieving, > and with the Right Intent there is no negativity generated. **** the hard bit, ... is swallow then and breathe ahhhh :-) - duly noted for further ref's - thank you:)!
It is all in > the Intent Dear Friend. This is a Key factor because we are not always in > a position to express otherwise when dealing with a Sleeping world. We > must Understand what is needed that Moment and thus do whatever needs done. > When what needs done is "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH !" then > "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH !" must be done. When done in Compassion even > "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH !" is an expression of GoodWill. **** I'll bare that in mind then:)
> Ah, the Fires of Hell is the residence of those who suppress their > frustrations and anxiety. We are our own worst Tormentor. The Sleeping > world at large offers more than enough Torment without we ourselves adding > to it. Thus repression/suppression must not even be considered. **** duly realised you know ;-)
> Look a little Deeper. Look at the situation. Look at the folly of > trying to fight Fire with Fire or drowning it with petrol. **** I did, that's why I wrote to you :)
Even laugh at > thinking such. What is this negativity, and what is it's purpose, and > what is it's Cause ? Is it longing to be thwarted by Kindness ? Throw a > monkey wrench into the works by straining and locating that defusing kind > word. It is not lost, it just needs to be Uncovered. Our conditionings > tend to cover them up, thus *out of sight out of mind*. **** ahhh, like the spider and Bonnie Prince Charlie eh ;-)? Try try try again.
> Why "deal with it" ? Is it worthy of dealing with ? Is the source > so Perfect that their word is impeachable ? Misery likes company, thus we > try to inflict our Suffering upon others so we will not feel alone. **** Dealing with it merely comes to mind, when it returns again after a while, the wish to understand why it does, why I *allow* it to happen.
> Obviously this person accomplished their task of having you join them in > their Suffering. What is this negativity, and what is it's purpose, and > what is it's Cause ? Is it longing to be thwarted by Kindness ? Throw a > monkey wrench into the works by straining and locating that defusing kind > word. This must be Understood so that you can Help them out of their > Suffering. Do not let them and the Grand Trickster get away with this. > BE the Compassion you ARE and do what must be done to Help them in their > Suffering, as they obviously need your Help. *Respond* with Compassion > and not *react* with anger or emotion or Fear. **** mmmm emotion then.
Nothing, absolutely > nothing, is worth the destruction of Peace Of Mind. So consider *why* > this negativity and what must be done to Help them in their time of Need. > They obviously have the Problem, yet why do you also want to have this > Problem ? Let go of the Problem and Help them with their Problem. **** okidokey:) Many thanks Wombat:)
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