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~ May - Page 3 ~
Subject: RE: Western Rose Coloured Glasses
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 07:24:59 -0500
To continue the dance...
->To define quality in terms of quantity,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* To get beyond clinging to trying to define quality at all.
->To define monism in terms of dualism,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* To get beyond dualism, but how? It is a large ocean and I am but a small fish.
->To define Zen in terms of ritual,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* Either everything done is Zen or nothing is.
->To define concept in terms of dogma,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* Intellectual mind games are at best only pointers and at worst are traps holding us back.
->To define East in terms of West,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* There is no Eastern truth and Western truth, if there is truth it can be found within anyone at any place and time.
->We always get it wrong.
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* The gut feelings that come from within are nearly always right. It is the externally applied concepts that are the problem.
->If self is not self then I still exist,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* There is no way I can ultimately be this collection of senses and desires and adapted reactions along with the consciousness to make sure I get my way.
->If God is not real he still answers prayers,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* The biggest obstacle to discovering God is religion.
->If Nirvana is heaven then there Buddha sits,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* If Buddha was truly Buddha he gave up on sitting.
->With Ganesha removing the obstacles in our way,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* We put the obstacles in our way and we have to remove them ourselves.
->To becoming Christ and merging with Siva,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* We have never stopped being Christ and have never separated from the One reality so how could we speak of becoming and merging.
->Of taking the hand of the Mediatrix Isis,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* The only Mediatrix of grace is found within our authentic nature of awareness.
->And Resurrecting into the Pleroma of Spirit,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* How can you resurrect into a place that you never departed from.
->As Saint Peter opens up the pearly gates,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* We have to open our own gates.
->And we wake up from the maya dream,
"Western Rose Coloured Glasses"
* We have never been asleep. The part of us that is asleep is this extra baggage we have piled on and surround ourselves with.
Subject: Re: Western Rose Coloured Glasses
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 13:53:42 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->To continue the dance... -> ->* To get beyond clinging to trying to define quality at all. -> ->* To get beyond dualism, but how? It is a large ocean ->and I am but a small fish. -> ->* Either everything done is Zen or nothing is. -> ->* Intellectual mind games are at best only pointers ->and at worst are traps holding us back. -> ->* There is no Eastern truth and Western truth, ->if there is truth it can be found within anyone ->at any place and time. -> ->* The gut feelings that come from within are ->nearly always right. It is the externally applied ->concepts that are the problem. -> ->* There is no way I can ultimately be this collection ->of senses and desires and adapted reactions along ->with the consciousness to make sure I get my way. -> ->* The biggest obstacle to discovering God is religion. -> ->* If Buddha was truly Buddha he gave up on sitting. -> ->* We put the obstacles in our way and we have to ->remove them ourselves. -> ->* We have never stopped being Christ and have ->never separated from the One reality so how could ->we speak of becoming and merging. -> ->* The only Mediatrix of grace is found within ->our authentic nature of awareness. -> ->* How can you resurrect into a place that you ->never departed from. -> ->* We have to open our own gates. -> ->* We have never been asleep. The part of us ->that is asleep is this extra baggage we have ->piled on and surround ourselves with.
All the above statement say "I am afraid to leave my Dualistic Comfort Zone". But in order to Truly start Awakening, you have to. To repeat an earlier post, "No Clue": There is no "answer" required Dear Friend, there is only doing what must be done to rid ourself of defiling beliefs. So the challenge is a *face off* between the Totality of our BEing and the Grand Trickster. And it is more an Arduous Painful Battle than a quiet reflecting walk in the park. So your "answer" is in your question, in that whatever we seek will always elude us when we are always looking in the wrong places. So it is our own conditioned thinking and behavior that must be Challenged, Moment to Moment, as there is no other Moment to Challenge them in. It is about BEing our True Nature of Silence/Stillness/Understanding/Awareness/Empathy/Compassion and drop all the added Baggage we carry around. It is about BEing it, rather than looking for answers for it. Just BE it. BE Whatever-IS the Present Moment. THAT is the Beginning of the rest of your Life. And in order to get to that Beginning you have to purge the attic of it's conditioned contents harbored throughout the whole form. Though Dualists *think* so, a conditioned notion will not voluntarily leave on it's own or work to eliminate other conditioned notions any more than a turnup will wrench itself out of the ground and journey to your kitchen to cook itself and snatch a plate from your cupboard putting it on your table and jump up on your plate for your dinner. And all the Wise Teachings and Scriptures you cram into your head only act as a Veil to your own Wisdom. And all the tea in England will not help you to grasp Truth due to the Dualistic Wall that Imprisons you. If you can not BE it then you can not See it and you will never know it, thus the Talk is but profiteering on the like ignorance of others. BE the Jump of a Legless Frog. Or continue to be Dualistically Froggy.
Ramesh Balsekar has said, "One hammer blow after another is usually needed to destroy the sense of duality. The only proof of absolute Truth is not in knowing it, because it can not be known, but in BEing it."
Of course it has also been said that we reach our Highest aspirations without ever leaving the basement.
Subject: Re: Why ARE we here?
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 23:09:55 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->I feel stuck in my growth, like there is no further movement or very very little if any.
Yes, there comes a point in our practices and learning and study that requires actual application and not simply doing. We put on the Mask and we feel good and look good, but we are not the Mask so the feeling and look fades. First, find out who that *I* is who is getting stuck. Then find out what preconceived conditioned notions it has for *growth*. Understanding both will be a big step in the Right Direction.
->I meditated religiously for almost 2 yrs 3 time a day for 30-45 a sitting. I was able to get somewhat concentrated and very still at times. I also learned to listen and watch thoughts as well as feel my ->feelings (something very foreign to me) at least the obvious ones it was very healing.
A very good practice, though when the Meditative state of mind is Unfolded properly the *practice* becomes quite secondary it is still a good practice to Center or Balance. In fact, True Meditation is the DoorWay to the very realm all so called Seekers try to Step Through. The Key, then, is not so much the practice but rather the result of the practice when practiced correctly. That is, BE the practice, BE Meditative all the time.
->I stopped after reading non-dualist teachings which explained no methods are required (Ramana, Belsheckar, etc.) and in fact only hinder growth because they foster belief in a separate indivual who is missing something and has to go out and get it. They taught what we are looking for is what is looking, what we already are. So I dropped it all, and true I was getting obsessed with progress. So I dropped it with the intent of focusing on awareness and the phenomena of identification.
NonDualists do not meditate ? Think again. You missed the Point, it seems. The West trying to understand the East without considering the East. "Ramana, Belsheckar, etc." do not mean to Drink the Wine before it is Properly Aged. That is, as indicated above, you practice until that practice IS your very BEing, emanating it in every aspect of your life, THEN the practice is secondary and some then no longer even practice. It is a matter of BE-ing it rather than just practicing it, but you have to practice it in order to BE it. And indeed the Wine is most sour when you try to Drink it before it's time. Let the Wine Age and it Transmutes into an Elixir, a sip of which is Bliss. So look into NonDuality AS it IS rather than what you are conditioned to *think* it is
->Yet now I feel stuck somehow?
Of course, trying to fathom the East with Western eyes. First things first, drop the conditioned contents harbored throughout the whole body. Emptiness, Empty of all preconceived ideas and images and notions of all sorts. Then let the practice Age, let it Unfold, BE it.
->I don't know if its judgment or similar, but well its like I have started drinking again and although it not causing problems for me personally, well I just don't know. I don't see or experience growth like in the beginning. Which leads me to believe that maybe there are more deeper feelings that need to be searched out and experienced. Which leads me to my question finally:
Getting into something new is always a Rush, but when not jumped into Correctly the rush fades. By Correctly, it is meant that we have to crawl before we walk and walk before we run. Empty the conditioned clutter, return to the practice, emanate that practice into every thought and action to BE that practice.
->Are there any tools that can be used to uproot and dig out deep seated hidden feelings? Or do you see something else going on here?
Truth, Reality, are the only Tools you need. But in order to be able to use those Tools you will have to give up all those dearly beloved conditioned notions you cling to. As long as you harbor those conditioned notions you will only get as far as the Grand Trickster will allow you. You can not Serve two Masters at the same time and succeed with either. You can Serve the Grand Trickster and continue to Suffer, or you can Serve your True Nature of Truth/Reality and BE the Bliss you Seek. So it would seem that your greatest Weapon is a little common sense. Who wants to Suffer ? So a little common sense would tell one that if you do not want to Suffer that it would behoove us to let go of the Causes of that Suffering. And the Cause of our Suffering is the Grand Trickster. So if you are Fearful of letting the Grand Trickster go then you will have to put up with the Rain. BUT if you want to see the Rainbow you will have to drop that Sick Puppy. What is going on is that you are consulting the Grand Trickster about Awakening. That is like asking a Frog if you can take his legs because you like to eat frog legs. Do you think the Frog would help you out ? Perhaps *way out*. Well, that is where the Grand Trickster is helping you, way out into left field. Get rid of the Grand Trickster as your Council and you just might find your Way.
True ?
Subject: RE: Why ARE we here?
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 07:05:09 -0500
Isn't it just conditioned mind that thinks it is stuck, tricking us once again? If you lived there, you'd be home now. Conditioned mind can never intellectually get it or understand the process. Not only does the process not mean growth for conditioned mind, it actually means death. Everything that you used to live your life for is now considered worthless mind games, trivial pursuits, bouncing between desires and aversions, volitions and dreams for someone in here to attain something out there. You traveled the road for so long and it dawned on you to just stop and sit and breathe and take in the moment and realize that you have nowhere to go and there is no one to get there. No further movement. You've discovered the gate.
Subject: Re: gain
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 13:54:11 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->awaking to one's true nature is a natural, spontaneous and intuitive ->event unto itself requiring only an open mind and an open heart ->in this state all beliefs and concepts are naturally dropped ->and there is peace and the laughter
Yes, the popular scenario. The one most followed, thus a well worn trail, thus a rut or trench, that leads right to the Grand Trickster's Mansion of Many Wonders. It is a popular trail because there is no Work, nor is there Pain. It all *just happens* all by itself, and all we have to do is stand there waiting for the Lightening to Strike. And the best place to get optimal metal rods to facilitate the Strike is at an ocean front Cafe in Iowa. Thus the True Path is missed. There is no such item as a Free Lunch, except at the Grand Trickster's Cafe. And there is no such item as Gain Without Pain, except at the Grand Trickster's Gym. The Talk has brought in Billions of both people and pesos, but the Talk has never brought in Enlightenment/Awakening. Walking is Work and sometimes Painful, but it leads us to right where we ARE.
Indeed Awakening AS one's True Nature is most Natural and spontaneous, yet is a continuous Unfolding and not really an "event" per se. And IS Openness and Honesty, mostly with oneself, that is an Empty mind and Pure Heart. But those dearly beloved conditioned notions do not naturally drop off of their own accord any more than the eye can see itself. The Grand Trickster is not suicidal, thus he laughs AT you and not WITH you.
Why do you suppose that Siddhartha stressed not to believe anything in leu of finding out for yourself ? Why do you suppose that Jesus stressed that he was not going to be around forever so we would have to take care of things ourself ? That we would have to get rid of all outside influences ? Why do you suppose Balsekar said that it would take one hammer blow after another to whip the Grand Trickster ? Why do you suppose that the tale in the Bhagavad Gita about Arjuna overcoming his shortcomings depicts a Battle ? Why do you suppose that the Dhammapada says to strive hard and become wise ? Are all these people foolish ? Why do you suppose you think you have come up with a better Mouse Trap ? In fact, it is the same Trap that has been used since time immemerable. It did not work then, it does not work now, has not worked between then and now, so why keep using it ? Drop the Stick !
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