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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ June - Page 3 ~
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 04:59:06 GMT
Greetings Ye of Truth and Understanding,
Let the dead knowledge go, let the conditioned dualistic notions go. A mind that is filled with dead knowledge, conditioned notions, can not be filled with the Wonder of Awakening.
Subject: Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 05:15:24 GMT
Greetings Ye of the Community,
Must we say "flower" in order to appreciate the Wonder of a flower ? Is there more to the flower than we appreciate ? Is not the sun seen in the flower, knowing that the sun must be present in the flower in order for this flower to be the wonder that it is ? Is not the rain seen in the flower, knowing that the rain must be present in the flower in order for it to be the wonder that it is ? Is not the earth seen in this flower, knowing that the earth must be present in the flower in order for this flower we appreciate is the wonder that it is ? Can we not simply drink of the flower's beauty and bathe in it's fragrance and awe at the Wholeness of Life that it IS ? Yet never give it a thought that it is a flower ?
Subject: Anthony De Mello(enjoy)
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 05:06:24 -0700
Most people don't live aware lives. They live mechanical lives, mechanical thoughts--generally somebody else's--mechanical emotions, mechanical actions, mechanical reactions.
Do you want to see how mechanical you really are? "My, that's a lovely shirt you're wearing." You feel good hearing that. For a shirt, for heaven's sake! You feel proud of yourself when you hear that. People come over to my center in India and they say, "What a lovely place, these lovely trees" (for which I'm not responsible at all), "this lovely climate." And already I'm feeling good, until I catch myself feeling good, and I say, "Hey, can you imagine anything as stupid as that?" I'm not responsible for those trees; I wasn't responsible for choosing the location. I didn't order the weather; it just happened. But "me" got in there, so I'm feeling good. I'm feeling good about "my" culture and "my" nation. How stupid can you get? I mean that.
I'm told my great Indian culture has produced all these mystics. I didn't produce them. I'm not responsible for them. Or they tell me, "That country of yours and its poverty--it's disgusting." I feel ashamed. But I didn't create it. What's going on? Did you ever stop to think? People tell you, "I think you're very charming," so I feel wonderful. I get a positive stroke (that's why they call it I'm O.K., you're O.K.). I'm going to write a book someday and the title will be I'm an Ass, You're an Ass. That's the most liberating, wonderful thing in the world, when you openly admit you're an ass. It's wonderful. When people tell me, "You're wrong." I say, "What can you expect of an ass?"
Disarmed, everybody has to be disarmed. In the final liberation, I'm an ass, you're an ass. Normally the way it goes, I press a button and you're up; I press another button and you're down. And you like that. How many people do you know who are unaffected by praise or blame? That isn't human, we say. Human means that you have to be a little monkey, so everybody can twist your tail, and you do whatever you ought to be doing. But is that human? If you find me charming, it means that right now you're in a good mood, nothing more.
It also means that I fit your shopping list. We all carry a shopping list around, and it's as though you've got to measure up to this list--tall, um, dark, um, handsome, according to my tastes. "I like the sound of his voice." You say, "I'm in love." You're not in love, you silly ass. Any time you're in love-- I hesitate to say this--you're being particularly asinine. Sit down an watch what's happening to you. You're running away from yourself. You want to escape. Somebody once said, "Thank God for reality, and for the means to escape from it." So that's what's going on. We are so mechanical, so controlled. We write books about being controlled and how wonderful it is to be controlled and how necessary it is that people tell you you're O.K. Then you'll have a good feeling about yourself. How wonderful it is to be in prison! Or as somebody said to me yesterday, to be in your cage. Do you like being in prison? Do you like being controlled? Let me tell you something: If you ever let yourself feel good when people tell you that you're O.K., you are preparing yourself to feel bad when they tell you you're not good. As long as you live to fulfill other people's expectations, you better watch what you wear, how you comb your hair, whether your shoes are polished--in short, whether you live up to every damned expectation of theirs. Do you call that human?"
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 04:56:35 GMT
Is it worth it ? Is the Pease of not dwelling in the past or future worth it ? Is the Calm of no plaguing thoughts and memories worth it ? Is the Freedom from another's control and manipulation worth it ? Is the Direct Experience of the Wonders of Life (manifested form) worth it ? Is the sense of Well BEing experienced that is IN the Moment worth it ? Is Reaching with mental Hand and Touching the Face of God worth it ? Is knowing thyself worth it ? Is not being tethered to the transient forms worth it ? Is Clarity of mind and BEing worth it ?
Subject: T.V. Watching
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 13:41:13 GMT
Greetings Community,
BEing AS the Present Moment may be likened to the situation of the television camera as you are watching television. As the camera scans in a continuous motion whatever it is projecting to the viewers, whatever the camera sees that is what the viewer sees. You do not see where the camera has been and you do not see where the camera is going next. Your attention is focussed on what the camera is focussed on. No past, no future, only the Present. Whatever the camera sees is recorded for playback when and if needed. So the camera cares not what it has seen any more than it cares what it will see. The camera has no mind, it has no thoughts, it just focusses on what is in front of it. So, Empty the mind, stop all self-arising thoughts, and focus only on what is right where you ARE. Every cell of the body will record what has been and what will be, so pay no attention to either the body or the memory. Just focus on the ever anew instant Present Moment as though you are watching television. BE focussed, just like being totally absorbed in what is being viewed on television, frame by frame Moment by Moment.
Just about everyone who watches television is Present that Moment from Moment to Moment being totally absorbed in what they are watching. We see it when we watch someone watching television. Now apply that Present Moment attention to everything you do in everyday life. BEing Present is as easy as watching television.
Subject: RE: God
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 09:00:02 -0500
What I got out of the Gita is that Arjuna has to face his own situation and do it himself. Krishna is giving him hints as to how to do that, but in the end it is Arjuna's battle that he must experience. All of his kinsmen on the battlefield of life are the conditionings of society. Krishna tells him that it is better to be purely youself, however stripped down and bare, then to be something you are not, however built up with seeming riches. To die in this battlefield is to find how to truly live. The chariot is consciousness and the enemy is the grand trickster. Arjuna has to experience it, has to live it, has to save himself from the battlefield of life. There is a reason why this story has been around for thousands of years. It is a guidebook for how to get through the battle of being controlled by cravings and attachments, volitions and ambitions, desires and brainwashings, language and ritual, religion and science. Once the battle is over, Arjuna is dead to that world.
Subject: Re: God
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 19:45:05 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->What I got out of the Gita is that Arjuna has to face his own situation and ->do it himself. Krishna is giving him hints as to how to do that, but in the ->end it is Arjuna's battle that he must experience. All of his kinsmen on ->the battlefield of life are the conditionings of society. Krishna tells him ->that it is better to be purely youself, however stripped down and bare, then ->to be something you are not, however built up with seeming riches. To die ->in this battlefield is to find how to truly live. The chariot is ->consciousness and the enemy is the grand trickster. Arjuna has to ->experience it, has to live it, has to save himself from the battlefield of ->life. There is a reason why this story has been around for thousands of ->years. It is a guidebook for how to get through the battle of being ->controlled by cravings and attachments, volitions and ambitions, desires and ->brainwashings, language and ritual, religion and science. Once the battle ->is over, Arjuna is dead to that world.
Well, that is what many a Wise Sages before you "got out of the Gita" also, so I would say that you are on to something here. That is why I refer to it over and over. Not that other volumes, including Christendom's Bible, are not also "guidebooks" for the very same thing but Arjuna's Battles in the Gita seems to be the most blatantly obvious one. "Dead to that world", however, seems a bit *terminal*. For once Awakening the world is Embraced with a Totality unbeknownst before, a Realization/Recognition that we ARE the world but can not be controlled/manipulated by that Fact. We do not close our eyes to the world but rather Open our Eyes to the world and BE it AS it IS. The world becomes a Wonder of Miracles to BE Lived not conditioned/programmed. "IN the world but not OF the world", so to speak.
Thank you for the offering. Though these days the Bhagavad Gita is widely available, few Westerners who read it actually Understand the True significance of Arjuna's Battles. But then few Westerners accept the Fact that they are conditioned programmed controlled manipulated robots either {8->
Subject: RE: So.....
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 11:08:46 -0500
Breathing in is one's spiritual side. Breathing out is one's unspiritual side. The difference is the amount of air in the lungs. It is marked by following your breath.
Whatever is inspired will one day expire. Whatever is clung too will one day have to be let go of. Whatever is composed will one day decompose.
You never own the air you breathe. You never become the air you breathe. You never own the sights you see. You never own the sounds you hear. You never own the words you use to think with. You never own the name tag you wear.
Good and evil, light and dark, truth and lies. All snapshots of greater flowing waves of air. That pass through us and are left behind.
Is there any way to get spiritual? Is there any way to get unspiritual? Is clinging to either snapshot a limitation?
Somedays all you know to do is to breathe.
Subject: Let There BE Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 04:50:25 GMT
Greetings Ye Of Understanding,
*Transcend* ! Though we do work through and work out our many fallacious Illusions of conditioned thinking and behavior, our recovery is an Unfolded Realization of our *actual* responsibilities not only to others but also to ourself and not merely a compromise. So we rise from the ashes of our Illusions as the Phoenix, rather than learn to live with the ashes.
"The True Awakening *Meditation Room*"
Subject: Not Even.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 19:49:02 GMT
"If your mind is fixed on a certain spot, It will be seized by that spot and No activities can be performed efficiently. Not to fix your mind anywhere is essential. Not fixed anywhere, The mind is everywhere - The Original Mind is like water which flows freely Whereas the deluded mind is like ice There is a passage in the Diamond Sutra that says: "The mind should operate without abiding anywhere.'" -- Takuan
Subject: Re: Not Even.....
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@telus.net>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:46:46 -0700
thank u, ej,
indeed my mind is fixed on many certain spots & nothing i do seems to flow freely... my body is alerting me of the imbalances...
i appreciate the 6/9/02 10:45 pm post the meditation room... i believe this is what's called for at this time of 'dis-ease'...
thank u...
Subject: Re: Not Even.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 01:41:12 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->indeed my mind is fixed on many certain spots & nothing i do seems to flow ->freely... my body is alerting me of the imbalances...
A simple matter Dear Friend, of BEing Mindful of All that IS What-IS AS it IS AS the Present Moment. Not dwelling on a past and not on a future but rather always Present at Present embracing Whatever-IS AS it IS anew as the Moment Unfolds. Dwelling nowhere in particular and BEing the Present, Aware of What-IS right NOW all the time. There is no other Reality. Happy Birthday ! Each Moment is a Birthday because the past Moment is no longer Real. We are anew each Moment just as each Moment is anew. We are born each Moment, thus it is our Birthday every Moment. For it is the first Moment of the rest of our Life. So BE a Birthday Party continuously Moment to Moment because you are Born anew each Moment.
->i appreciate the 6/9/02 10:45 pm post the meditation room... i believe ->this is what's called for at this time of 'dis-ease'...
Yes, Relax and Enjoy your Birthday Dear Friend.
->thank u...
Oh, but it is you whom you must thank Dear Friend because it was you who Realized/Recognized the Insights you offered in your post. So thank you. Happy Birthday !!!
Subject: For All Seasons
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 07:01:53 GMT
"In spring, hundreds of flowers; in autumn, a harvest moon; In summer, a refreshing breeze; In winter, snow will accompany you. If useless things do not hang in your mind, Any season is a good season for you." -- Ekai
And the Seasonless Season ? Presently Present, AS right NOW. Which is actually NOWless. The Pathless Path, the Wayless Way, the NOWless Now, the Soundless Sound, the Full Emptiness, the Motionless Dance, the Mindless Mind. EverPresent Void/Nothing. Finding what you have never Lost, BEing what you always ARE, Remembering what you have never Forgotten.
Subject: Just Wondering.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 06:59:20 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->How can you ask for direction when you don't know were you are ->going?...
*Deep Bow* A most profound question indeed. To "know thyself" is the Key to the answer.
~ Original Face ~
AS Truth All Routes are indeed to Lead to One Path Ideally this is so yet what route is not full of the wrath, In this so conditioned programmed controlled maturity Survival we erroneously call life is no Thread of Purity.
Have not those original Pearls been re-cast in a plastic Has not Thine Thread been eliminated in the fantastic, Present Fake Pearls seeming Pearls are but for *show* Stage props not actual they are only worn but *no go*.
Indeed some do echo such a very Divine Pure Thread Yet echoes are drowned out by a self-perpetuation head, Self-proclamation and self-interest so goes the Grand Lie Replace your Word the Creator of Lies usurp your Why.
When you stop wondering and "Just Do It" so just start Let go of the conditioned notions that are in your heart, Don't stand in the way of you BEing AS the Present Act AS a Moment continuously then you will know for a Fact.
Do not believe one way or the other find out for yourself Life is not a spectator sport can't set there on that shelf, BEing AS the Present Moment is very much sustainable Somewhat permanently indefinitely but not so believable.
All you have to do is start letting go of the defiling notions Those conditioned ideas and images not Magic Potions, Conditionings Veil Awakening to that Fact thus paralyzed Because it has to be Directly Experienced to be Realized.
Pointing to the crux of the chain of conditioning that Blind Thus a humanity in Bondage to the Grand Trickster's kind, We groom our young to follow in our footsteps of disgrace Though those footsteps lead to war/hate not Original Face.
Subject: RE: Just Wondering.....
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 06:56:30 -0500
I was playing a video game last night. We usually don't think of games as awakening tools. We usually think of games as distractions. But I was observing that as I played the game, I had to continuously concentrate on the present. I couldn't think about the day that just passed by. I couldn't plan about tomorrow. I couldn't think about what I did wrong in the last game. I couldn't plan what my next game would be. I could only take the Playstation controls And keep the present game going. So easy to do in a game, so needed to do in life. If life was an adventure, a constant need to pay attention Or we would crash and die or not get through some test, We would live Now like we are playing a video game. It is just that it gets so routine, so boring, So mundane and mechanical that we can sleep through it, Daydreaming about some past experience or future hope. We know how to live Now and take controls of a game. If we could only apply that to our lives.
Subject: Re: Just Wondering.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 13:41:23 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->If life was an adventure, a constant need to pay attention ->Or we would crash and die or not get through some test, ->It is just that it gets so routine, so boring, ->So mundane and mechanical that we can sleep through it, ->Daydreaming about some past experience or future hope.
But..... but..... but..... every day is your Birthday, every Moment is your Birthday. Happy Birthday ! Celebrate ! No time for dallying for each Moment is an Adventure, a continuous Celebration of your Birthday each anew Moment. When you Realize/Recognize THAT, Life is everything BUT routine and boring. Indeed when we create our own reality, nothing is really out of the *ordinary*. BUT when we stop trying to create our own reality, thus allow Reality to Unfold anew each Moment AS it IS, every anew Moment is like stepping through the Door into a Surprise Birthday Party.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday how do you actually feel The first day of the rest of your life nothing else is Real, Yesterday is dead and gone the future is not here yet Just BE the Present Moment and forget the petty Bet.
So........ Walk for a while, and you will See Wonders unbeknownst before - you will See the Wonder of YOU. There is but One Miracle in all of manifested form, and that Miracle is YOU. The Mirror of Truth is held up for you to Truly See that Miracle. Of course looking into the Mirror of Truth is not without Pain, for it reflects our flaws and Causes of our Suffering.
Oh yes, we can turn away from the Mirror of Truth and thus avoid the Pain but we would miss the Dance - the Cosmic Dance of Awakening to the Miracle that we ARE. Come........... Dance.
Subject: Ray today
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 06:20:15 -0700
We must let such memories go and let them stay *back then* instead of continually clinging to them holding them as the Present where we should be. We can not forget, but we must let go of the memories and let them be in the past where we are not. Our Suffering is in such defilements that we cling to. Transcend such defilements, for another, regardless of their evil thinking and behavior, is worth our opportunity of Transcending and Awakening.
Me: This is perfect for me today and the last couple of weeks. But it is not something I can do right now either. I am afraid that the sexual assault thing weighs my brain down daily. Not that I am always thinking about it, but that there are triggers that bring forth the thoughts. I want it all behind me and forget it. And yet it will another week or so before I know the guy gets charged or not. And it will also be time before I hear from human rights about my complaint. My life is not in limbo, as the days continue and I do my job cleaning the new school. I also have to work all weekend to get it done by Tues. The inspectors are coming Wednesday from Vancouver and all the dust has to be gone along with the black marks etc off the floors. Not that they are judging the cleaning but the quality of the painting, drywalling and floor laying. Amongst other things as well.
Can't see flaws when things are covered in dirt. Not much different than awakening is it. Can't shine in our glory when we are covered in conditioning.
Anyway, I can't seem to constantly keep the experience between my boss and I out of mind constantly. I do have long periods of no thoughts, then it hits me again.
I find it hard to describe how it makes me feel. In some areas nothing has changed and yet, it has made me not so free in the enjoyment of working with the opposite sex. I am aware of their every word and mine.
Doesn't help that I am working 10 hour days in silence other than lunch and coffee.
Nice job though, watching the school beginning to shine and be prepared for 300 children when it opens next year.
Got to go, enough thoughts and words about what is.
Love to all
Subject: Re: Ray today
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 02:48:53 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: ->Ray: We must let such memories go and let them stay *back ->then* instead of continually clinging to them holding them as the Present ->where we should be. We can not forget, but we must let go of the memories ->and let them be in the past where we are not. Our Suffering is in such ->defilements that we cling to. Transcend such defilements, for another, ->regardless of their evil thinking and behavior, is worth our opportunity of ->Transcending and Awakening. -> ->Me: This is perfect for me today and the last couple of weeks. ->But it is not something I can do right now either. ->I am afraid that the sexual assault thing weighs my brain down daily. ->Not that I am always thinking about it, but that there are triggers that ->bring forth the thoughts.
Yes, you do not lose the memory and it seems to self-arise forever. But, of course, if you do not give the arising thought any real attention it does fade away eventually. Or at least fades away to a point that it is non-effectual. The Key is, like any self-arising thought such as in meditation, that as it arises note that it did arise but keep your major Focus on What-IS at hand AS the Moment. A minor up-side might be that you must be an awesomely desirable chick for a guy to risk persecution and prosecution with such stupid behavior {8->
The sad part is that such behavior and thinking is not getting any better. In fact, to the contrary. Obviously we evolved from lower primates, but it would seem that we have come way too far to still act like lower primates. Oddly, the lower primates seem to act more civilized than your old boss. He must have some real psychological problems. Too bad that you had to get the blunt end of those problems. Luckily it was just a scare or wake up call rather than an actual altercation where you could have gotten physically hurt in some way. Not much of a consolation when the arising thoughts of the situation drive you up the wall, but you know that the guy has some Karmic Hell to pay thus will get his due reward. Hopefully the legal system will do their part also.
->I want it all behind me and forget it.
It is already behind you, so do not cling to those self-arising thoughts of the situation which keep you behind you also. Apply the same thing you do with arising thoughts in meditation, let them come and let them go again without contributing any real attention to them. You can not help but notice them, but you can help not to let them control your thinking and behavior. Yes, a wake up call that even the outback of B.C. has Kali Yuga baring down on it.
->And yet it will another week or so before I know the guy gets charged or ->not. And it will also be time before I hear from human rights about my ->complaint.
A real pain dealing with all that paperwork and agencies, not to mention a nuisance. But there is a lesson to be learned, perhaps more so by him than you. So, just do what must be done and let it go at that. Each Moment is anew, and so are you.
->My life is not in limbo,
The complications of working under your labor laws there and thus normal working may be in limbo, but your life is your own and can only be controlled and manipulated if you allow it. Your life should continue AS the True Nature you ARE, and not staying a step behind yourself letting self-arising thoughts irritate you. Do what must be done, push self-arising thought away, and stay on track. Nothing, absolutely nothing is worth the destruction of our Peace of BEing. Focus on THAT.
->as the days continue and I do my job cleaning the ->new school. I also have to work all weekend to get it done by Tues. ->The inspectors are coming Wednesday from Vancouver and all the dust has to ->be gone along with the black marks etc off the floors. ->Not that they are judging the cleaning but the quality of the painting, ->drywalling and floor laying. Amongst other things as well. -> ->Can't see flaws when things are covered in dirt. ->Not much different than awakening is it. Can't shine in our glory when we ->are covered in conditioning.
*Deep Bow*
->Anyway, I can't seem to constantly keep the experience between my boss and ->I out of mind constantly. I do have long periods of no thoughts, then it ->hits me again.
Do not try to keep it out of your mind. Let the thought arise and let it pass away. Just do not hold onto it when it arises. It will get tired of arising and slowly but surely fade into oblivion. Not over night, but if you do not feed it when it comes begging at your door it will slink away.
->I find it hard to describe how it makes me feel. In some areas nothing has ->changed and yet, it has made me not so free in the enjoyment of working ->with the opposite sex. I am aware of their every word and mine.
Yes, a sense of Trust violated. Is the world coming to a point where there is no one left who is TrustWorthy ? Are burglar alarms on cars still an optional feature ? BEing Mindful of Whatever-IS any given Moment is most essential these days, it seems. "Here's your Sign ".
Thank you for the update Dear Friend.
Subject: Re: Just Wondering.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 15:43:50 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->Hi. I wondered if anyone ->has any Spiritual Experiences they would like to share ?
Is not BEing Life, this ever anew Present Moment from Present Moment to Present Moment, AS it IS without our conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts projected onto/into it, a *Spiritual Experience* ? If not, you are missing a very Happy Birthday. Awakening, all of Life is most Wondrous and very Spiritual. Sleeping, we keep looking for it but can not find it because our time is spent looking for it instead of BEing IT. To Know it, to Find it, to Discover it, to Realize it, to Recognize it, to Understand it, is to BE IT. And not just BE IT once in a while, but rather BE IT continuously AS every aspect of our Life.
~ BEing IT ~
Could be very misleading to one just into Work Station And misconstrued it can be an excuse for dementation, For True Work IS the polishing of a Philosopher's Stone A Mirror of Truth so we may see defilements of our own.
Self-Evaluation must be a constant continuous State As one is to start Truly Awakening we practice our Fate, Activity opposed sitting for the *BEing IT State of Mind* As a *BEing IT State of BEing* next Stillness we Find.
Then we must emanate that State of BEing into our life So that Mindful BEing IT is a practice to let go of Strife, We delve deeper and deeper into ourself for Liberation No longer needed as practice we ARE Concentration.
So True Work/Life is in BEing that Meditative Rhyme AS everything we do or say everyday and all the time, Some refer to this State of BEing as BEing so Mindful BEing the Moment BEing AS NOW Presence we Cull.
Our task is to BE that State of BEing AS interactions AS everyday life not just in those interaction sections, For those interaction sessions and *it all* IS life AS IS We must BE a Mindful State of BEing not that or this.
Not a coat we wear once in a while or times of a day But rather a coat we wear AS life in what we do/say, Wisdom IS zazen and zazen IS Infinite and Eternal AS a Mindful BEing AS Life itself thus very Supernal.
Subject: Re: Just Wondering.....
From: <furst@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 11:24:21 -0700
Recently I have been going through a spiritual growth or experience that I accept & appreciate BSMI:where their is no mind, or ego!Only awareness & witnessing!This has allowed me to understand the structure & nature of the person, the spirit or soul,and the personality to make changes or shifts in my reality that I prefer,with less effort & pain.It has brought more contentment & joy!
L. Furst
Subject: Re: Just Wondering.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 22:04:59 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->> ->Hi. I wondered if anyone ->> ->has any Spiritual Experiences they would like to share? ->> -> I'd be interested too to ->> ->hear about what paths we all follow? -> -> Thanks for your reply, but that wasn't the question.
Oh dear, my condolences Dear Friend. If your Life is not a *Spiritual Experience* then indeed, as E.A. Poe so aptly penned: "Ride boldly Ride, the Shade replied, if you Seek for Eldorado". But that for which you Seek will always elude you because you are always looking somewhere for it. We go to great lengths scouring the world over Seeking to find that which was never lost, Seeking to find that which always IS. What you Seek is closer to you than your breath. It seems that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once said, "We are not human beings having a Spiritual Experience, we are Spiritual Beings having a human experience". So it seems that Chardin thought that just being human was a Spiritual Experience. Can Spiritual Being have anything else other than a Spiritual Experience, all Experiences BEing Spiritual ?
The Way is quite Pathless Dear Friend, though indeed there are many *trails* leading in a myriad of directions. The well worn path, the ones that are most often trod, are Dead Ends in a Maze. It would seem that coming nose to that Dead End Wall is a Spiritual Experience in itself. The Realization/Recognition that you have been duped by the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind is the Rudest Awakening you will ever Experience, and it is very Spiritual indeed because the very core of your conditionings start to falter. The Dark Night of the Soul, some call it.
You ask, and there is a Pointing, yet you stay transfixed on the finger. A dime is quite small, yet when placed to close to our eye all we see is the dime thus Blinded to all else. If it is the finger you Seek then do not ask about "Spiritual Experiences", ask about fingers. Yet when we do not want to hear an answer other than our own then there is little use in asking the question. So it would seem that the question is where the answer lies and not in some seeming answer. When we Truly Understand the question we Realize/Recognize that we already have the seeming answer. So perhaps questioning the question would reveal a greater Insight than some answer to it. And whether we get the answers we want or not, we must always BE Mindful not to *miss the Point*.
Sleeping, there are many Bells and Whistles. Awakening IS the Bells and Whistles. But if you have a Bell or a Whistle to display, please do display it.
Subject: Re: Ray today
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 05:57:31 -0700
Hi ya EJ,
> Yes, you do not lose the memory and it seems to self-arise forever. >But, of course, if you do not give the arising thought any real attention >it does fade away eventually. Or at least fades away to a point that it >is non-effectual.
True. Nothing worse than running into him face on though, or vehicle to vehicle which happened a couple of times now. Both times he was coming out of the liquor store corner so I know he is drinking lots again.
The thing is that for me, the worst is over, for him, it may be just beginning.
> The Key is, like any self-arising thought such as in >meditation, that as it arises note that it did arise but keep your major >Focus on What-IS at hand AS the Moment.
I am in my moment. Never mopped so many floors, so many times. Today I have to the gym and outside windows. All the workers are finished now until the inspection, which will be this coming Wed, if the plane leaves Vancouver.
> A minor up-side might be that you >must be an awesomely desirable chick for a guy to risk persecution and >prosecution with such stupid behavior {8->
Ha ha ha, I think he never thought I would take offence or report it. I never thought I would report it either. With the fear of sounding sexist, which isn't the intent, some men have to learn that the days of controlling women and taking advantage of them, is over. It used to be the normal thing, under the heading of "men will be men" But thanks to the days of "bra burning" they no longer can get away with it. They can in a legal sense, but not in the eyes of many people. It also is a male bonding thing where other men don't understand what the problem is and they think that women over react to such an experience.
>He must have some real psychological problems. Too bad >that you had to get the blunt end of those problems. Luckily it was just >a scare or wake up call rather than an actual altercation where you could >have gotten physically hurt in some way.
I know what you are saying here, and yes, although I am grateful he didn't push his size and weight on the issue, it still is an assault. Its funny what goes on in the brain during such an experience. All those mixed emotions based in fear, and yet one doesn't want to freak out and possibly make things worse. One doesn't know exactly what to do. I got up and made coffee and had breakfast, then quickly went back to work. Then after the I should haves, could haves, one feels like an idiot. I didn't have to ride home with him, I could have caught a ride home with someone else, and yet again, the first reaction is not to tell anyone from embarrassment. Thats the stupid part, I should have told the first guy to walk into work that morning. Instead I retreated into myself and silence. Then one can not beat themselves up with should have done.
> You can >not help but notice them, but you can help not to let them control your >thinking and behavior. Yes, a wake up call that even the outback of B.C. >has Kali Yuga baring down on it.
Thats true.
> A real pain dealing with all that paperwork and agencies, not to >mention a nuisance.
I can see why people don't bother seeing things through. I can see why they give up as the system is built in such a way as to discourage government work. Thousands of employees who pass the buck from one place to another. The police is behind me pushing me forward into not letting it go, which makes me wonder if they know more than I do about his history. After all that is one area they have access to information, when people always keep this type of experience to themselves and never share. I mean, who would admit such behavior to another in passing over coffee.
> But there is a lesson to be learned, perhaps more so >by him than you. So, just do what must be done and let it go at that. >Each Moment is anew, and so are you.
Yes, and yet each moment of doing what must be done always brings you back to the details. When I am mopping, I am mopping. In fact, I was thinking that in cleaning the school, it is like a purging for me. A self cleansing also. The difference being the school is clean dirt, if one understands that logic.
> The complications of working under your labor laws there and thus >normal working may be in limbo, but your life is your own and can only be >controlled and manipulated if you allow it.
Working with him has come to a halt, and yet this job right now has been a blessing for me. I have met some wonderful people and reconnected with many old friends and acquaintances. I seem to "need" people in my life right now. Perhaps for a distraction, or a confirmation that they are not all like him.
>Your life should continue AS >the True Nature you ARE, and not staying a step behind yourself letting >self-arising thoughts irritate you.
I get irritated when the thoughts arise, I get down right angry, and yet that anger stays directed at him and does not affect the relationships of others. I do admit that I spend a few minutes angry and would love to pull a bobbitt, then something will happen that takes me out of that moment and into the next.
> Yes, a sense of Trust violated. Is the world coming to a point where >there is no one left who is TrustWorthy ?
Thoughts of trust never enter my mind, Whether I could trust him or not was never in question. If I questioned every move, nothing would get done. The thing is too, I was in denial, I recall asking him for a raise, and his reply the second time was, if you are nice to me I will consider it. I thought he was joking. Like clueless or what? Thats not awareness of what may come. Nor is it preparing for the future while living in the present. It is just walking around figuring that people think like I do. DUH!
>BEing Mindful of Whatever-IS any given Moment >is most essential these days, it seems. "Here's your Sign ".
Well, I missed the sign under the wolf in sheeps clothing.
> Thank you for the update Dear Friend.
So much for waking up and being aware of assholes.
Off again, may be done today, then sleep for a week. ha ha
Subject: Re: Just Wondering.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 22:37:06 GMT
Greetings Community,
Merely Pointing to the Fact that when one IS the so called Spiritual Experience THEN everything even eating or washing dishes or pouring a cup of tea is as much a Spiritual Experience as Zazen or Ultimate Samadhi. Thus relating a walk in the park would be relating a Spiritual Experience. Too often we are beguiled by the bells and whistle of some grandiose experience and thus always chase after re-experiencing it. The Diamond Sutra Points out that our mind should not dwell anywhere or on anything, but rather dwell Mindfully AS All. Our questions sometimes draw attention to *something*, thus distracting attention from No-thing. Though, I was not trying to slight the question but rather Pointing to where such a question leads. Hence, questioning the question.
Indeed All Routes lead to the Path. What was Pointed to was that eventually all Routes must become the Path, which is Pathless. When one becomes the practice there is only the practice, yet when one becomes the Path resulting perhaps from the practice there is only the Path with no Separation of a particular practice. There is no practice higher than Truth/Reality. Not to slight any practice, but eventually there can only BE the Path.
BEing Life AS it IS is quite simple, thus difficult to Separate IT Dualistically into segments for Dualistic interpretation. Likened perhaps to a frog removing it's legs and jumping. Have you followed the jump of a legless frog ?
Ah, the *first glimpse*. Once that Door is opened, one can never get it closed all the way again. Though we try because the Light is too Blinding and too Painful. But little by little, as we Drop the Stick, as we drop conditioned notion after conditioned notion, we ease Open that Door. And eventually fling it Open Wide and Dive into that Bliss. But think about it, who would be in such forums about anything seemingly Spiritual unless they have glimpsed THATness ?
Ah, *THE Rude Awakening*. Many relate *that moment* when they finally *saw the light*, but actually that was only the *straw that broke the camel's back* (so to speak). Many *glimpses* occurred before then that led up the *the moment*, so the *the moment* is actually incidental and most misleading because *the moment* is always a Moment when much is going on that *the moment* is related too. Example being that perhaps *the moment* was when attending some church meeting so *the moment* is related to that church or whatever the meeting was about and not the Realization/Recognition of What-IS Truth/Reality. Then we cling to both the church or the content of the meeting and *the moment* experience. Since it is fleeting we are always Seeking to re-experience it, thus perhaps keep attending the church or such meetings. And in our Seeking for it we miss it because we are always looking outside ourself for it. When in actuality one must BE it, simply BE IT (BE THAT).
Awakening seeks to understand what Moses taught - And honors what the Hindu sages brought - The mysteries of the pyramids inspire - Awakening honors Zoroaster and his fire.
Respects what wise Confucius has to say - Will seek the wisdom found the Tao way - Wherever hearts and hands are raised in prayer - In every shrine, a living God is there.
And whatsoe'er the Godward Path may be - The Awakening will give it dignity. True Brotherhood seeks only to ascend. All paths that lead to God must somewhere blend.
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