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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ July - Page 3 ~
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 04:57:28 GMT
Greetings Ye of Truth and Understanding,
Yes, at times we wonder "why did we have to slip up and start Waking-Up ?" Things seemed easier when Sleeping, so we would like to go back to Sleep. Some times we even try to go back to Sleep. But alas, we can not get the Door to our Awakening shut quite all the way. Once we Open that Door, no matter how hard we try to close it back up, a little bit of the Light of Awakening will ever after Shine through and disturb our attempts to Sleep. So we trudge on. Against the tide of a conditioned world. A long difficult battle with our conditioned notions, but we find that things do get easier as we go along. THEN we Realize that actually we were not so bad off at all, that others are in worse shape than we ever were. THEN we cherish our Awakening and feel sorrow for them.
Such is the Way of Awakening. For no one Saves us but ourself, no one can and no one may, others can Point to the Path, but we ourself must Walk the Way. Do not dwell AS What-WAS, dwell AS What-IS. For What-IS, NOW, is all there really IS.
Subject: Dead Poets' Society
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 02:41:00 GMT
Greetings Community,
Why is it that Teachings of Teachers of yore are so popular ? Could it be that misinterpretations can not be corrected ? That such Teachings can be misconstrued to our own liking, without the source for explanation ? Thus misunderstanding, without need of clarification ? Thus falls in line with existing conditionings, without reason to Wake-Up ? The Teacher's name sounds good to toss about in social gatherings ? Or just the fashion of the day ? Or that you think uttering such words magically transfers some Wisdom to you ? Well, the good news is that the Teachings will be Helpful and may even aid in adjusting a faulty perspective. The not so good new is that Sleeping is still the order of the day. For any interpretation filtered through conditionings will be as faulty as the conditionings, rendering the words of Wise Teachers useless when chirped by a Parrot. So whether it be the words of Siddhartha Gautama or Jesus or Muhammad or Ravi Shankar that are spouted, as Wise Pointers the words may be, is just a recording played by the Grand Trickster. Such folly reveals one's Sleeping ignorance, though may beguile the multitude. The Blind leading the Blind. Buyer beware.
Bottom line: as long as we harbor any conditioned notion, as minor as it may seem, we only fool ourself by *thinking* we are onto something studying Wise Teachings and/or Wise Teachers.
But then, most are not in so called Spiritually oriented discussion groups to actually gather vital information that will aid them in Awakening. Rather, they are in these groups for verification of their own *beliefs*, or validation, or a pat on the head for being a good member of the herd, or to wave some foolish flag of their own. Recite and memorize the words, check to make sure that the Chains or secure. Resident beware.
You missed the Boat And you did not even know that it Sailed. You did not even know there was a Boat. You have been conditioned to believe that the cubical you keep safe and secure in was a state room on the Boat, yet it is but a Casket. Your Casket. Who Is Your Guru ?
Who is your Guru just a rubber chick Is the message thin or is it quite thick, Long or short circle's upside down Wordlessly speaking do not frown.
Who is your Guru go now to see It is your center of what you'll be, What have you done on your own No doubt nothing not been shown.
Who is your Guru just a rubber duck Does it float or does it give you luck, Do you really need it to come back Or is what you need just a Whack.
Who is your Guru what is his name Players and programs are the same, What name would you give the Truth In your old age or in just your youth.
Who is your Guru just that figurine What works have you done or seen, It is after Talking the Talk is done That Walking the Talk IS One.
Who is your Guru just another fool Condemning fools on the same stool, How many parrots can fit on a limb What props are needed or a shim.
Those Gurus with their Hocus-Pocus will drive you so wild But beyond the smoke and slight of hand See like a child, They Dazzle you with the Talk they Talk but pay no heed For when it comes Walking time the canes are their need.
Do you really want Awakening or do you want the Thrill Do you want to Wake-Up or Lie to yourself say you will, Are you ready to End the Lie and so give up the Illusion Or would BEing Real/True be too much of an Intrusion.
Subject: re: the dead poets society
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@telus.net>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 21:37:16 -0700
they tell me that tomorrow the moon is full... ain't it always full? when is the moon less fuller than it is?... kinda a misnomer there, n'est-pas?... the moon IS always full - it's only the play of 'lite' that creates the illusion if 'it' waxing & waning... no sirree, dubya, the moon she is always full - go ask the guys that played golf on it & planted the flag that flapped o so patriotikally in its' vacuous atmosphere'...
anywaze, ray, the dead poets society post sertainly came across summat mighty powerful - specially this part: "You missed the Boat And you did not even know that it Sailed. You did not even know there was a Boat. You have been conditioned to believe that the cubical you keep safe and secure in was a state room on the Boat, yet it is but a Casket. Your Casket. Who Is Your Guru ?"
ouch!!! obviously a whack in no longer enuff, eh ray? now ur into scissoring pinkos, oops, pinkies & baby toes... no matter, what u say rings true sumwhere in this kasket - i kan hear u through the dirt & the mahoghany...
howse do i get out???
u ask who my guru is - t'wuz sum chap named edgar - i shoulda known when i saw that he had his koat on bass ackwards & his kollar wuz 'up-front' like a priest - edgar allen, he said, shaking my klaw - he looked strait forward enuff - a sheaf of paper out of one pocket, a disney 25th anniversary 'winnie the pooh' video in the other... who is my guru?
kriminy, i don't got no guru, ray!!!
i don't even got a self!!! jest this 'noise' that flows into one ear & dribbles outta the other like sum elmore leonard character talkin outta the side of his mouth... holy mackerel, man, have i bin had!!!
an here i thought i wuz safe from all the shysterisms of the shistem, man... i'd alwaze gone by sum dicktum i'd heard sum where: what other people think of u aint ur business - jest go on being who u are... apparently i kant be who i wuz any longer,- u've sniffed me out, ray: i did indeed miss the Boat & they wouldn't let me on the Trane when i emptied my pockets of all their poverty - they said it wuzn't my time yet...
what wuz i supposed to do, man?... i faked my way into a State Rhume & now u tell me it's only bin a casket laden with all manner of self bs... & when u ask who my guru is - ray, i gots enuff problemos keeping my bones in their skin - howse kan i afford a guru???
a guru, man???
the only guru i got is the guy or the 'broad' pullin on the ring on my 'knowse... for ur own good they tell me - but it don't look so good when they pull me to the river where a gazillion other beasts are drinking their faces outta what looks like a river... an small wonder - they're all where they stand...
i dunno, ray - i drink my own reflection & linking 'i's with the beast beside me & in front of me, i stupidly 'nod' & say: yeah, it ain't as bad as it looks... i'm aktually lapping at the moon in the water... the moon with it's flags & golf playing astronauts whose shadows are all wrong...
pass me the gunn, peter, it's time i sed goodnite...
wanna give these pages to lenore when u see her...
Subject: Re: the dead poets society
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 06:25:31 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->they tell me that tomorrow the moon is full... ain't it ->always full? when is the moon less fuller than it is?... kinda a misnomer ->there, n'est-pas?... the moon IS always full - it's only the play of 'lite' ->that creates the illusion if 'it' waxing & waning...
*Deep Bow* Indeed an optical delusion, though there is much more to the waxing and waning of the moon than meets the *eye*.
->anywaze, ray, the dead poets society post sertainly came across summat ->mighty powerful - specially this part: "You missed the Boat And you did ->not even know that it Sailed. You did not even know there was a Boat. ->You have been conditioned to believe that the cubical you keep safe and ->secure in was a state room on the Boat, yet it is but a Casket. Your ->Casket. Who Is Your Guru ?" -> ->ouch!!! obviously a whack in no longer enuff, eh ray? now ur into ->scissoring pinkos, oops, pinkies & baby toes... no matter, what u say rings ->true sumwhere in this kasket - i kan hear u through the dirt & the ->mahoghany...
Thunder Rolls like the French "r", Lightening Strikes like the "Immortals" Victory. None can Save Humpty Dumpty, as Fate is his Destiny.
->howse do i get out???
Drop the Stick ! Let go of the Baggage that is too Heavy to Carry. Thus you would be Lighter.
->u ask who my guru is - t'wuz sum chap named edgar - i shoulda known when i ->saw that he had his koat on bass ackwards & his kollar wuz 'up-front' like a ->priest - edgar allen, he said, shaking my klaw - he looked strait forward ->enuff - a sheaf of paper out of one pocket, a disney 25th anniversary ->'winnie the pooh' video in the other... who is my guru?
"Quoth the Raven, 'Never More'"
->kriminy, i don't got no guru, ray!!! -> ->i don't even got a self!!! jest this 'noise' that flows into one ear ->& dribbles outta the other like sum elmore leonard character talkin outta ->the side of his mouth... holy mackerel, man, have i bin had!!!
You did not notice because you were too busy gathering up your Baggage for your Trip. You Tripped and skinned your knee. Not much of a Pleasure Trip.
->an here i thought i wuz safe from all the shysterisms of the shistem, man...
"Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide". The Grand Trickster (Big Brother) is Watching.
->what wuz i supposed to do, man?... i faked my way into a State Rhume & now u ->tell me it's only bin a casket laden with all manner of self bs... & when u ->ask who my guru is - ray, i gots enuff problemos keeping my bones in ->their skin - howse kan i afford a guru???
The Ritz looks good on the outside, and so we Pay the high dollar for a Room, yet even Orkin fears to tread there as the Bugs are ferocious. Always ask if they have a regular Exterminator or your Stay will not be worth the Price you Pay.
->a guru, man??? -> ->the only guru i got is the guy or the 'broad' pullin on the ring on my ->'knowse... for ur own good they tell me - but it don't look so good when ->they pull me to the river where a gazillion other beasts are drinking their ->faces outta what looks like a river... an small wonder - they're ->all where they stand...
That herd has been heard of, but a motley group indeed. They step on each other's hooves and push each other away so as to edge closer to the watering hole. Only to be Tripped to fall in the mud. Not even noticing the Oasis yonder.
->i dunno, ray - i drink my own reflection & linking 'i's with the beast ->beside me & in front of me, i stupidly 'nod' & say: yeah, it ain't as bad as ->it looks... i'm aktually lapping at the moon in the water... the moon with ->it's flags & golf playing astronauts whose shadows are all wrong...
Keep repeating that and you might even convince yourself one day. You can fool them all some of the time, and fool some of them all of the time, but when you start fooling yourself it is all over except for the nailing down of the lid and lowering the box in the hole.
BE Well, but mostly BE Mindful Dear Friend. Bugs Bite.
Subject: bugs bite, even on the love boat
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@telus.net>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 01:15:40 -0700
hay ray,
u say, and more than once: drop the schtick, dilko - let go of the baggage that is too heavy to karry & thus u would be lighter...
good advice to sum one anchored by 'gravity' - but if one is almost lighter than 'aire', should it knot be strings that the 'wind' should worry about?...
because the 'wind' is an awesome master, yes, though it IS still the 'string' that holds IT to the 'earth'...
maternally, like a kite
the 'umbilicus' separating one world from an other; the 'unscene' from the 'scene', though the 'scene' is ever present...
in each moment that flies...
- the kinda krap that blows thru my mind when the moon is in her menses & the hour is small - almost unborne...
- zak ackermann
Subject: Re: bugs bite, even on the love boat
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 13:52:08 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->u say, and more than once: drop the schtick, dilko - let go of the baggage ->that is too heavy to karry & thus u would be lighter... ->good advice to sum one anchored by 'gravity' - but if one is almost lighter ->than 'aire', should it knot be strings that the 'wind' should worry ->about?... ->because the 'wind' is an awesome master, yes, though it IS still the ->'string' that holds IT to the 'earth'... ->maternally, like a kite
Indeed, no matter what one names it, Stick or Baggage or String, we are attached to a myriad of Anchors that prevent us from Moving AS the Flow of the Eternal Infinite Present Moment. Attachments to this and that, clinging to our dearly beloved conditionings, holding on to the notion that the impermanent is permanent, is a basic malady that keeps us ever Sleeping, keeps us ever in the Dream we are conditioned to *think* is life. Yes, a Dream, a self-contrived Illusion so we can *think* we have some control over our life yet in such notion we are controlled/manipulated thus Stuck in the Sleep Mode.
->the 'umbilicus' separating one world from an other;
There is no other, thus the seeming Separation is but an Illusion. Embrace the Whole and BE One. Simply BE.
->the 'unscene' from the 'scene',
Are but aspect of the UnSeen and Seen, which is in the BEing of that which IS.
->though the 'scene' is ever present...
ALL IS the ever Present, and is only Realized/Recognized with one's Presence at Present. BE What-IS, as all else is but a Fantasy.
Subject: twice re: reality
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@telus.net>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 21:04:04 -0700
" Philosophies are ideas or concepts, even opinions in many cases, and indeed Monism is a philosophy. Yet Non-Duality is not philosophies or ideas or opinions or concepts, but rather a state of BEing."
& a state of BEing need 'knot' be konceptualized by any kind of nomenklature, yes?... so that by labelling the pure state of BEing as Non-Duality - is this not akin to putting the kart before the hoarse... u say urself: " The fallacy is in reducing a state of BEing to a conceptualization in order to compare it to another concept. In so doing you are trying to compare an apple with an orange, thus the essence of both are lost in the translation."
& why is this, i wonder, when we 'all ready' know that apples & oranges are hoarses of a diffirent colour?... why bother kom-paring when in truth there is no Thing to kompare to an Other - which, in my shorthand, is also merely a Thing that beggars a Name...
an apple & an orange...
One fruit, the both of them, & One knife to slice or splice them both together...
in my 'pidgin' komprehension of what u say, ray, most sertainly what u say is true...
& also, as u point our many times, that which is named is 'knot' that which IS becuz how kan an ISNESS possibly have a name when IT is purely the spektakle of 'BeKoming' as 'eye' observe without an 'i' to observe with...
i don't know nuthin, ray but at least i know that i don't know & for NOW that is enuff...
leroy flynn, from room 205 at the sylvia hotel on beautiful english bay in vancouver...
Subject: Re: twice re: reality
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 06:00:02 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->i don't know nuthin, ray ->but at least i know that i don't know ->& for NOW that is enuff...
*Deep Bow* NOW there IS no knowing, as not knowing IS all there IS NOW. When we Realize/Recognize THAT, we have taken the first Step in Awakening. Yet can not be known, as knowing even not knowing is still known. That which is known is not that Which-IS, thus that Which-ISNOT. As we Tighten the Knot ever tighter of the Noose called Known. A Clone called Goose. A Cooked one at that. Who Cooks the Goose ? And where does the Wingless Goose Fly ? Happy Birthday.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 04:49:09 GMT
In a Real sense the Kingdom of Heaven is Within, yet by the same token the Kingdom of Hell is Within also.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 04:28:47 GMT
Is the fish Aware that it is a fish ? Or is it simply BEing a fish, BEing Aware ? Likewise, is the Universe Aware that it is the Universe ? Or is it simply BEing the Universe ? Is the Legless Frog Aware that it is a Legless Frog ? Or is it simply BEing a Legless Frog, Jumping around ?
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 04:34:16 GMT
Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,
It is not what you *lack* that keeps you Sleeping, but rather what you *do not lack*. Such as the Baggage you like to carry around.
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