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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ September - Page 1 ~
Subject: *MissionOfLight-l ListServer* Back One-Line
From: Scribe@light-mission.org (Mission Of Light Community)
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2002 15:41:16 GMT
Greetings Ye of Understanding,
This is just a note to let you know that the *MissionOfLight-l* is back on line and will run as usual.
Light Mission will be securing a Dedicated Server for it's ListServer operations soon (hopefully this coming week). Thus will be offering some good Specials for those who want to start up a discussion group of their own.
BE Well and Mindful Wonderful Friends, Shanti, Namaste, Metta, Zikr --
As Shanti is to say *may the Humility AS me Embrace the Humility AS you as a Humility of One*, so too Namaste is to say *may the Divine Essence AS me Embrace the Divine Essence AS you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say *may the Loving Kindness AS me Embrace the Loving Kindness AS you as a Loving Kindness of One*, so too Zikr is to say *may the Self-Remembering AS me Embrace the Self-Remembering AS you as a Self-Remembrance of One*. So *may the True Nature AS me Embrace the True Nature AS you as a True Nature of One*.
It is in the Inner Embracing of each other that we Realize that we are all cut from the same bolt of cloth, yet most do not Realize it YET.
AS Silence we Hear, AS Void we See, AS Awakening we ARE.
Subject: RE: *MissionOfLight-l ListServer* Back One-Line
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 06:53:42 -0500
Nice to have the light back on. Now I can find my keys.
Subject: kundalini
From: SwedishGod80@aol.com
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 15:49:16 -0400
anyone had or heard of any bad experiences with a premature, forced forth kundalini arousal? Feel free to share :)
Subject: Re: *MissionOfLight-l ListServer* Back One-Line
From: Warren Hoke <ghoke@mountain.net>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 20:15:55 -0400
After the peaceful time of no messages, it is time to share again. Let the good times begin!
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 04:45:25 GMT
Be careful of the foot prints in the sand that you follow, for though they all *seem* to be leading to Awakening some will lead you to the Mountain and Wisdom and others will lead you to the Ocean and endless Sleep.
Is there a "here" or a "there" ? Is there a "this" or a "that" ? Why "struggle" with something that is but an Illusion ? Is it not only BEing where we ARE, and BEing What-IS ?
Subject: a little saw dust
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@telus.net>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 15:57:58 -0700
greetings in return, ray...
now that i am 'here', having left 'there', have i knot in the interval 'moved' from 'that' to 'this'?...
i know that the 'here' & 'there' are but Illusions... as are the 'this' & 'that'...
yet from the back of the room, on a stool, if i may, - where wud i place the 'movement' betwixt these 'kontraires'?...
the digestive system?...
mite knot the 'struggle' itself konstitute BEing?...
or am i still sleeping on the Shore, exhaling the snore of marc's blue horse?...
what is that expanse between a noun & a verb?
the zeez (zzzzzzzzz's) issuing from the bite of the saw on both sides of the sawhorse?
the seahorse?
great to see the mission up & about again...
u have bin missed...
awl of u...
Subject: a story
From: SwedishGod80@aol.com
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 06:39:59 -0400
There was once a lioness. She was giving birth, but shortly after, she died. The cub survived thanks to a flock of goats that adopted the little lion, and as the years went by, the lion forgot that it was a lion. It ate grass, vegetated, and even walked like a goat. One day while hunting, another lion came upon the flock of goats. Sensing the presence of the lion, the flock naturally panicked and started running. Upon seeing the lion-goat in the midst of the other goats - trembeling like a rabbit with fear - the lion was greatly bewildered. She ran up to the lion-goat, and against its will, she dragged the terrified animal to a near by pond. Seeing itself in the refelction of the water, the lion-goat let out a mighty roar, never to behave like a goat again.
..Behold the power of conditioning.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 05:22:28 GMT
It is a futile game we play with ourselves to regret some past Moment or to anticipate some future Moment, for the only Moment that we can actually do anything AS is the very Present one.
Follow no one, not even yourself. Look to where the Wise Point, but ponder not the finger nor the foot prints he leaves in the sand. The Way is quite Wayless, as the Path is most Pathless. Though the Trail we Blaze is not our own, it can not be of another. The Route is not the Path any more than it is the Way. BE Well but mostly BE Mindful, as the Wise Sage leaves no foot prints to follow.
Subject: Re: a little saw dust
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 02:56:41 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->greetings in return, ray...
That Ray does not talk much but always says something.
->now that i am 'here', having left 'there', have i knot in the interval ->'moved' from 'that' to 'this'?...
Form is the only thing that can seem to move, Dear Friend. And since All is Consciousness, Consciousness can not move because there is nowhere to go other than Consciousness. It is a matter perception and relativity, slanted by the conditioned notion of Identity and locality. It is a matter of who you think you are and where you think you are. Thus totally in your head, so to speak. AS the Present Moment, continuously anew, no matter where you seem to go you can BE nowhere other than where you ARE. Clinging to the past you think there is somewhere yet to go, as clinging to the future you think there is somewhere you have been. When you can BE the Present Moment continuously, all those Dualistic head games amount to just that - Dualistic head games - that keep us ever somewhere other than where we ARE (which can only BE the Present Moment). Everyone asks for examples of conditioned ideas and images and meanings to let go of, and you just offered a good one.
->i know that the 'here' & 'there' are but Illusions... ->as are the 'this' & 'that'...
Forget *knowing* it and Remember to BE it. Thank you for another example of a conditioned notion to let go of.
->yet from the back of the room, on a stool, if i may, - ->where wud i place the 'movement' betwixt these 'kontraires'?...
It is betwixt your ears Dear Friend, for there is only seeming movement of form. In the Dance of Life there is a constant Flow without any particular locality, wherever the form IS it is nowhere else but where it IS. Snap-shots along the Flow are but Attachment points that keep our Attention somewhere other than the Present Moment. When the Dancer IS the Dance the Dancer IS the Flow, without even a single snap-shot in hand. When the Present is always anew, and we ARE the Present, there can not be conflict or hatred or corruption or even war. So is it really worth it to cling to those snap-shots ?
->mite knot the 'struggle' itself konstitute BEing?...
It is AFTER the struggle, the struggle with conditioned notions to let them go, do we Still/Silence/Enliven BEing AS Whatever-IS IS at Present. BEing is quite natural and requires no effort at all, the struggle and the Pain is with letting go of the conditioned notions.
->or am i still sleeping on the Shore, ->exhaling the snore of marc's blue horse?...
Rest in Peace.
->what is that expanse between a noun & a verb?
->great to see the mission up & about again...
It has been such for a couple of weeks now. Always a step ahead or a step behind..... ourself {8->
->u have bin missed...
Well..... offer us some more conditioned notions that can be Pointed to for examples {8-> You are a walking classroom Dear Friend, good to see you back as well.
Subject: Body/Mind Complex
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 02:53:44 GMT
Greetings Community,
What is generally known of the biological organism/mechanism is quite so, a simple matter of basic Evolution. And indeed the ability of this biological organism/mechanism to conceptualize is again a simple matter of Evolution/Involution. That is, a progression of/in Totality AS it always has been and IS. I would add the learned behavioral and survival skills beyond basic instinctual that are also a form of conditioning. All most needed for our Present interaction AS the Moment from Moment to Moment. All most natural and quite IS our True Nature. Fools try to change it or even try to delete parts of it, yet our True Nature is all we can actually BE. All of this conditioning is quite relative to our Awakening and is no Veil to our Recognition/BEing that True Nature.
However, there is yet other forms of conditioning that indeed do Veil our Recognition of and BEing our True Nature. THAT is the conditioning that I am always speaking ill of. THAT is the conditioning that many a Wise Sage of yore and of Present have also spoken ill of. THAT conditioning is based on the conceptualized need to control and manipulate. Conceptualization is not really a shortcoming, but rather the resultant concepts can very well be. In this concept of control and manipulation we contrive ways to *train* or *program* others such that they will do as we expect they should. Many a means from Pavlov to Skinner, from rote overt reward systems to subliminal induction, all to elicit a desired response to a given stimulus. The human element in this Grand Play / Divine Dance of manifested form is not a robot, but rather a quite spontaneous creative result of an Unfolding Evolution/Involution. So it is the *baggage* or *added* conditioning that is the Veil to our Awakening, not the natural conditioning/programming of biological Evolution/Involution. It is the baggage that we must let go of, the added conditioned notions and beliefs that we must let go of, the Causes of our Suffering that we must let go of.
We must be as newborns, we must shed the influences, we must only take with us what is needed, we must empty the mind, "There is only one Master, and it is neither male nor female. It shines within you as your own Self."(Poonjaji). And to BE our "own Self", to "be as little children", to "avoid influences", to Silence and Empty the mind we must let go of the conditioned notions that Veil the Recognition/BEing our True Nature IN the very Present Moment. And this conditioning that Veils our Awakening does not just fade off into the sunset one day, as it is the most Painful and arduous undertaking to lep go of. Arjuna's Battles were Illusions ? Yes they were, but he went through Hell and back (much Pain and Struggle) to let go of those Illusions. Showing that we would give up most anything for some cause whether it be noble or folly, yet will refuse to the death to give up a single minor shard of the Causes (added conditioned notions) of our Suffering. It is the conditioned notions and beliefs that are the Mother of our Illusory perception.
Sound reasonable ?
Subject: Re: a story From:
"B. Sue" <milks63@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 07:15:32 -0700 (PDT)
Similar to the yarn of the eagle who was raised with chickens in a barn yard. No matter what the farmer did, the eagle stayed there pecking and pecking. One day the farmer went out and said to the eagle...look there in the sky there is one like you....there is where you should be. But the eagle was comfortable and ignored the farmer...forever pecking with the chickens.
Subject: Re: a story
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 23:10:34 -0700
Hello B.Sue, ->Similar to the yarn of the eagle who was raised with ->chickens in a barn yard. No matter what the farmer ->did, the eagle stayed there pecking and pecking. One ->day the farmer went out and said to the eagle...look ->there in the sky there is one like you....there is ->where you should be. But the eagle was comfortable and ->ignored the farmer...forever pecking with the ->chickens.
True enough, one can not soar with eagles when one would rather flock with turkeys (or chickens). In the other story I don't think goats flock though, or lions for that matter. But the main thing is did you see the overpowering influence of both stories? They both stressed the importance of the predator being the predator. The predator being the hero. All that hidden direction in what seems to be just a good story. Isn't that how slaves are trained? Unknowingly?
Good to see that others are here too, thanks.
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