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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ October - Page 1 ~
Subject: Re: a story
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 13:48:21 GMT
Greetings Ma, you wrote: ->True enough, one can not soar with eagles when one would rather flock ->with turkeys (or chickens). In the other story I don't think goats flock ->though, or lions for that matter. But the main thing is did you see the ->overpowering influence of both stories? They both stressed the ->importance of the predator being the predator. The predator being the ->hero. All that hidden direction in what seems to be just a good story. ->Isn't that how slaves are trained? Unknowingly?
You brought up a good Point. That is, a place where subliminal conditionings are planted. Which is actually everywhere, in comical stories and fairy tales and fables as well in advertising and promotions and many other places. A continual bombardment from the day we stepped into this realm (and even before) to the very Present Moment. So we must be Mindful all the time to be able to thwart these efforts of the Grand Trickster to influence our thinking and behavior. Those simple embedded directives get us all the time when we are Snoozing.
Welcome and thank you for joining in.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 04:40:27 GMT
Awakening is sort of an in-line in-play Unfolding, as holding an onion in your hand and pealing it layer by layer until you Uncover the Core. And what is the Core of an onion ? Nothing ! That is the onion's True Nature, as it is our True Nature. When we reach this state of Nothingness, of BEing Void, of BEing Silence of mind, BEing Still, by pealing away our conditioned notions, we enter a most awesome state of Fullness that embraces everything that IS Nothing.
The Fact that you have no answer, IS your answer. Sleeping, you had all the answers -- Awakening, you Realize that there are no answers, that there is only What-IS. Is not What-IS *THE* answer ?
Subject: Re: Effort vb Evolution
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 19:45:55 GMT
Greetings Community, it has been asked: ->Is human kind bound to evolve into realized beings or is effort the ->only catalyst in humans becoming enlightened? Is inevitable or just ->a coincidence?
Indeed we are potentially Enlightened, via the natural course of Evolution/Involution. An operant potentiality, throughout the manifested realm. Yet we are Prisoners of our own creation. We are the Jailers who secured ourself with the Chains of conditioned thinking and behavior. Cut the Chains and you will BE Enlightened, continue to cling to the Chains and you will remain Sleeping. So effort is not needed to BE Enlightened as it is our natural un-conditioned un-influenced state of BEing. Yet much effort is needed to let go of the conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts that Veil our Realization/Recognition of the Fact that we are already Enlightened. Buddhas/Christs in our own Right, yet due to our conditionings we are but Legends in our own mind. You are already Enlightened, you just can not Realize/Recognize it until you drop the added Baggage you have acquired throughout your life. Enlightenment is simple, you just have to BE the True Nature you ARE. But to BE Enlightened you must Empty yourself of conditionings, Silence your mind of self arising thoughts, Still yourself to your very Core, which is the most arduous and Painful undertaking that humanity has ever or will ever have to undertake. An undertaking few are willing to endure because it means that you would have to give up some dearly beloved conditioned ideas and images and meanings. A Price few are willing to Pay. So they remain BedFellows with the Grand Trickster living the Great Illusion.
True ?
Subject: Re: In the world
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 06:06:04 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->The bible quotes to be in the world but not of the world. Do you need ->to exclude yourself from the meaningless babble and worthless actions ->of the world to free yourself from it? Is it necessary to remove ->yourself from the world as most people know it. To remove yourself ->from the financial network and retire to a cabin on a mountain?
It would *seem* so most of the time {8-> And, of course, one can recluse totally in some distant cabin or forest retreat or mountain cave. But Awakening is not about running away and/or hiding but rather about Embracing What-IS AS it IS (and not how we are conditioned to perceive it). We ARE the world so how could one run away from who/where one IS ? No matter where we go, there we ARE. So we have no real choice as to being *in* the world because we ARE the world, but we do not have to be *world oriented* (*of* the world). Which was what Jesus meant, BE the True Nature that you ARE every bit in the world just do not cling to or otherwise orient yourself to/with the world. Stand back a step and Witness, and Help/Serve as you can. Understand what can be Helped and do not worry about that which can not be Helped, and Realize/Recognize the difference. Awakening is about BEing where/who you ARE and DOing what must be DOne, but not Identifying or associating yourself with anything because this world is so transient and impermanent. We are but Visitors, Strangers in a Strange Land. Embrace it and Enjoy it, but do not plan on Staying (or Leaving, for that matter). Just BE, simply BE, (AFTER letting go of all the defiling conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts).
True ? Don't everyone speak at once though {8->
"You must BE Spring in your Heart every Moment of your Life. Regardless of weather or circumstantial conditions, when it is always Spring in our Heart the flowers are always blooming and the birds are always singing and the sun is always shining -- the wind is always at our back Helping us forward and the sun is always in our face Refreshing us. To BE it is to Understand/Realize/Recognize it." -- Yogajyotii
Subject: Re: In the world
From: Dovesign420@cs.com
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 03:24:44 EDT
to me this says it all...glad to be back by the way
> "You must BE Spring in your Heart every Moment of your Life. > Regardless of weather or circumstantial conditions, > when it is always Spring in our Heart > the flowers are always blooming > and the birds are always singing > and the sun is always shining -- > the wind is always at our back Helping us forward > and the sun is always in our face Refreshing us. > To BE it is to Understand/Realize/Recognize it." > -- Yogajyotii
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 19:48:57 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->In real life, when one realizes that Death shall visit ->him one day, it becomes more difficult for a person to ->let go of his goals in life because to let go of his ->goals would mean that there would no longer be meaning ->in his life.
*Roaring Laughter* To Truly Understand Real Life one must BE Real Life, otherwise life is but a cyclic play of birth and death and Suffering. Thus you have it a bit backward, in that when you Realize that physical manifestation is impermanent and lasts for only a blink of the eye, the folly of some future goal is mute for it is unreal. In such Realization you can then Embrace the Present, BEing Whatever-IS that Present. BEing/Living each Moment as though it is the only Moment of existence. Thus Emptiness IS maximum Fulfillment. But THAT can not be Truly Understood UNTIL you Drop the Stick you keep beating yourself with. THAT can not be Truly Understood UNTIL you let go of the conditioned notions about death and a contrived meaning of life. As long as you are OF the world you can not BE Awakening. Granted, a most arduous Painful undertaking is getting rid of the conditioned notions but the only Way to BE Real Life that is without Suffering. Try it, you might like it {8->
-> Projection of goals and ideals are the ->source of our strength;
Again a misnomer, for your conditioned projections are little more than Illusion that is the major Cause of our Suffering. Drop the Stick and BE the Strength that you ARE. Sadly we never reach our maximum Potential because we are always dealing with some past regret or future goal. As the old cliche goes: "if you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans". The Present Moment IS, and will BE AS it IS without our conditioned projections. Why try to fix that which is not broken ? BE whatever the present IS, Embrace it and Enjoy it, BE it.
This is actually not fathomed from a Dualistic perception, as the real problem is that there are goals and someone trying to attain those goals. You see, there are sort of *goals* in that there is a kind of *intention* of doing what must be done. Not our petty *will* but rather whatever needs doing. When we Truly Understand this then we just do whatever needs doing and go on to whatever else needs doing. And with it comes a profound experience of accomplishment. Not that WE personally accomplished anything but rather that what needed done got done. A satisfaction way beyond Identification. No fanfare or trophies or ticker-tape parades, just the Awesome Direct Experience of DOing what needed DOing, DOing "thy will and not mine" so to speak. Obviously not very describable, so please excuse this feeble attempt at such. But one thing for sure, until you drop the Dualistic conditionings you will never return from your *Fall From Grace*.
All those trinkets and bobbles you collect and call your own, degrade and entropy just like you do. So when you leave this physical realm, and it is a Fact that we all eventually do, you can not take them with you. No Baggage allowed on that Trip. Enjoy it all while you can, but do not cling to it because it's possession is an Illusion. When you *think* that you possess it, it actually possesses you {8->
-> I find it hard to accept one of Zen's ->teachings:
Accept nothing. Directly Experience it yourself. Believe nothing. Directly Experience it yourself. But first you have to "make the Two again One", as Jesus so aptly put it. That is, you have to drop the Dualistic approach/perception. There can BE only One. More accurately, there can only BE not Two.
->But why, oh Life should I live in ->moderation when you have given me only a single chance ->for existence?
Yet another Dualistic conditioned notion, of you given anything AND that there is something to be given AND it is separate from Existence AND there is but one chance AND that you could be deprived of anything. You ARE, therefore all you can do is BE. All else is a display of conditioned Dualistic gibberish.
Drop the Veil of Dualistic conditionings and Realize/Recognize the True Nature you ARE and BE it. It is the Dance, the Dancer BEing the Dance. It IS Real Life..... Lived.
Someone else's turn to Key-Up {8->
Subject: Re: Meditation Seed-Thought
From: Dovesign420@cs.com
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 17:03:16 EDT
living life day to day is important. after my recent brush, all things are more beautiful. colors are alive. situations no matter what they be are a learning experience to me it is only too bad that we cannot see ths before having such a traumatic experience . guess being hit by the famed 2 by 4 is what it took. *smiling* be grateful for what you have and realize what you have. everything can be lost in a single moment. cherish each and everyone of them. they are precious. there are reasons for everything... and i find in the quietness of my mind (spirit,soul) that the answers are provided for me. we are not what we appear to be, what we are is not flesh but the still inner voice we hear . bright blessings to you all, Susan
Subject: Re: Meditation Seed-Thought
From: Bonnie <milks63@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 06:07:08 -0700 (PDT)
Thank you and may rainbows light your path.
Subject: RE: Meditation Seed-Thought
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 09:12:58 -0500
Why is it that we usually only paint rainbows With "brushes with death"?
We only begin spiritual quests After going through pain?
We only see the distant stars In the darkest nights?
Subject: Re: Meditation Seed-Thought
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:39:04 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->Why is it that we usually only paint rainbows ->With "brushes with death"? -> ->We only begin spiritual quests ->After going through pain? -> ->We only see the distant stars ->In the darkest nights?
When seeming death occurs, due to interruptions in the neural communications within that fine organ the brain, the form seemingly cut off from Consciousness, a seemingly lifeless dreg, Consciousness seemingly separate from the form, we gaze upon the form as a worthless remnant of perhaps what was. Which is fine at this point, for seemingly we are no longer burdened by this dreg. But the seeming unknown is seemingly more perilous, thus we claw and fight to return to what we seemingly know. Once form and Consciousness is seemingly United again, it is unacceptable for seeming Divine Consciousness to dwell in some dreg so that part is Buried so as not to well up again. We convince ourself that it is Divine Providence that we are *brought back* to life for some Divine Purpose. And so off we go on a Crusade to seemingly help the world with our own defilements, perceiving and speaking not of the dreg but of the seemingly Divine Emirate God has placed in the service of humanity by thwarting our seeming death.
Yet that was not Death, so all the Divine Emanations seemingly revealed to and by us are little more than our conditionings projected. Little more than arrogant self-worth, generated mainly by our Fear of the seemingly unknown. These *brushes* with death should and many times do show us how fragile the form really is. But they should also show us that our Essence or True Nature is not dependant on the form but rather that the form is dependant on our True Nature, thus the form is little more than a temporary vehicle of the manifested realm. Thus not real worthy of clinging to. It can be *here today and gone tomorrow*. Thus all of our conditionings are part of the physical realm so not worthy of clinging to either. So our Focus must be on our True Nature rather than on the ways of the conditioned realm, letting go of the ways of the conditioned realm. BEing our True Nature thus BEing Life thus BEing the physical realm AS it IS rather than we are conditioned to perceive it.
Indeed the Bardo of Death is an Enchanting one, and just as alluring as the Fear of it. Yet just another Moment that IS as much of Life as Life itself. Just another day of Life, so to speak. Nothing to Fear yet nothing to enhance or Desire. The word 'Bardo' is used very much the same as Dante used it in his epic poem about the various *levels* or *degrees* or *stations* or *realms* applied in his *Cantos of Hell*. That is, Bardo used in such reference to physical death (after physical death) is to enter the various levels or degrees or stations or realms in a state not of physical manifestation. Enter or meld with a state of BEing that is the very state of BEing that those who have let go of this physical plane ARE. In this way, though still animated in the physical realm, we can Understand What-IS after physical death and can Understand What-IS near death. And hopefully Understand What-IS Life -- Life AS it IS rather than we are conditioned to perceive it.
Some Food.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 05:36:13 GMT
Greetings Ye of Truth and Understanding,
Letting go of one or two or some Causes will indeed lessen our Suffering, but letting go of all of them would eliminate our Suffering.
Subject: RE: A Ray Of Light
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 07:23:00 -0600
Then you feel like you are free falling And you tend to grab whatever you can To maintain some semblance of reference. Then the cycle starts again.
If duality is an illusion anyway Then there is no one to let go And nothing to let go of
The Dharma wheel goes in a circle, There is no end. Perhaps realizing this is the end?
Clinging to enlightenment Produces just as much baggage As clinging to pleasures or possessions.
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 19:52:48 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->Then you feel like you are free falling
Sort of, but really not "falling", but rather just "Free".
->And you tend to grab whatever you can
When "falling" yes, but when Free there is not even an inkling of grabbing anything.
->To maintain some semblance of reference.
At first the state of BEing Free is quite unfathomable, with it's lack of "reference" and lack of Identity and lack of anything worthy of clinging to. So we do tend to *pinch ourself* (so to speak) to make sure this state of BEing Free is Real. In every instance All BEing Real, we rest in the Fact of the ever anew state of BEing Free thus BEing Real.
->Then the cycle starts again.
Cycles can only start when they end, yet BEing Free is an ever ongoing Unfoldment. So it would seem that if the seeming freedom is cyclic that it is just a projection of our own conditionings. Something to Seek thus a Seeker to Seek it.
->If duality is an illusion anyway ->Then there is no one to let go ->And nothing to let go of
The Rationalization of Duality. Duality is a description of perception. That is, the obvious multiplicity is not separate but rather a Unity or Whole or Totality though appearances would indicate otherwise. Thus it is in the appearances or Identity that establishes the separation or Duality and not in the obvious multiplicity. That is, there is not Two though we are conditioned to *believe* otherwise. As the cliche goes: "It's all in your head".
->The Dharma wheel goes in a circle,
And as long as we cling to it we will continue circling around with it chasing our tale. As our story is a lot longer than our tail.
->There is no end.
Siddhartha said to let go of the wheel and it will meander down the road out of sight, so that we can BE Dharma.
->Perhaps realizing this is the end?
There is no more an end as there is a beginning, as All IS as All ever WAS as All ever will BE. The end IS the beginning, as the beginning IS the end. What we fashion betwixt IS merely perceived thus IS merely Illusion.
->Clinging to enlightenment ->Produces just as much baggage ->As clinging to pleasures or possessions.
*Deep Bow* Enlightenment is just another word for nothing left to cling to. When we Drop the Bags or Drop the Stick we Realize/Recognize that we are already Enlightened. But as long and we clutch ever so tightly those Bags and/or that Stick Enlightenment timidly Hides. So easy it is to Forget and so difficult to again Remember.
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