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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ December - Page 1 ~
Subject: What Good Is It ?
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2002 21:58:07 -0800
I just received this and thought you people might find it interesting. So in part:
Subject: What Good Is It ? From: Yogajyotii@True-Awakening.org (Bodhisattva) Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 05:51:14 GMT
Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,
These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Awareness -- The Awakening. It is hope you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold. /|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\/|\
Everyone talks about Awakening or Enlightenment or NonDuality or the Present Moment or generally Waking-Up. But what good can it be in everyday living ? With work and family and various everyday events, like working and shopping and tending to household and children ? What is beyond the rhetoric ?
Yes, after all the Talk is done what Awakening is really all about is the Walk. Awakening is all about Truly Living your Life AS it IS, with work and family and various everyday events, like working and shopping and tending to household and children. Anyone with half a brain can learn the Script and Talk the Play, yet few Walk that Talk. Few actually know what Living really IS. And most care not because they enjoy the little pieces of candy they get. Because the Walk is a lot harder to do than the Talk.
We are always Present, physically, so whatever we are doing we are always doing it in the Present. But the mind processes information much faster than the body can preform it. And some things are so mundane and routine that it does not seem that the mind has to pay any attention to the preforming of it at all. So the mind wanders. Bored with whatever is happening at Present thus checks into the past or future or just daydreams. So it is not a question of the body being in the Present, an obvious given, it is the mind that is rarely in the Present for it wonders hither and yon. But Awakening is Total (body and mind) Presence in the Present. At rare times we catch ourselves BEing Present, but it is fleeting and vanishes before we even get a chance to experience it. What happened ? How was that done ? We do not know because we were not aware that it was happening, or what we did to make it happen.
What happened was that the mind became so occupied with what we were doing that it was totally oblivious to anything else. Concentrated attention to the point of almost trance. Yes, concentrating solely on whatever we are doing is a means of attaining Presence in the Present. Hence the Zen axiom, "when walking, walk, when chopping wood, chop wood". This makes for the best chopping of wood, or the best dinner prepared, or the best job done at work, or the best attention given to a child, or the best shopping when shopping. This takes a certain effort to train (rather re-train) the mind not to wander from the task at hand. This somewhat forced attention can be limiting in that we are oblivious to that which is around us, though indeed a most Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying experience. During these times we are so inwardly focussed that the world and it's problems do not exist to us. And even though it may be quite temporary and not experienced as such, especially at first, it is within our reach even as conditioned automatons (or at least mostly so). Perhaps some good to it, even if we do not care to be a monk or a Wise Sage.
Another aspect of Presence in the Present is Mindfulness, however, which is a very important Key to maintaining Presence in the Present. Mindful not only of what is happening with any task at hand but also of everything that is happening around us. That is, a concentrated attention on what we are doing and a concentrated attention on everything else that is being done around us. Not a shared attention, but rather Total Attention on everything. This does not give the mind too much space to wonder, so it does not usually wonder. This makes for the best complete chopping of wood, or the best complete dinner prepared, or the best complete job done at work, or the best complete attention given to a child, or the best complete shopping when shopping. This includes the Totality of whatever we are doing at Present, what whatever we are doing effects and what effects whatever we are doing. During these times we are so inwardly focussed that the world and it's problems do not exist to us. This too can be temporary but not as temporary as task oriented single pointed attention, though indeed a most Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying experience. This too takes a certain effort to train (rather re-train) the mind not to wander from the task at hand and no split attention amongst whatever is happening around us. Perhaps some good to it, even if we do not care to be a monk or a Wise Sage.
The Key to getting past the temporary Presence in the Present is that you have to get Totally attuned with yourself. And the only way to that is to get rid of who/what you are not. And what you are not is all the added Baggage you have acquired in your lifetime. That Burdensome Baggage I always refer to as conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. Yes, that is the catch, you have to let them go. And until you do you can only be teased by fleeting Moments of BEing in the Present. And until you do all you can offer is the rhetoric (Talk the Talk). And it is far more obvious than you think. And actually a conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automaton is more respected than pretending by Talking the Talk. Yes it is work and it is Painful, but it IS the Way.
So you go through the work of ferreting out the conditionings and go through the Pain of deactivating them because you see them as the defilements that they are. Have you seen the look on a young child's face at their birthday party ? Have you seen the look on a young child's face when they are seeing something new ? Or when they are coloring in a coloring book ? Or when they are given a little puppy ? Well, if you go through the work of ferreting out the conditionings and go through the Pain of deactivating them because you see them as the defilements that they are, the look on that young child's face will BE your Moment to Moment Direct Experience. The Heart of a child in the body of an adult. Everything is Awesome, everything is Wondrous, everything is brand new every Moment, everything is Whole and Complete in itself, everything is worthy of Attention, everything is so Simple, and so Pleasant, and nothing is worthy of Distraction or Influence. You ARE and All else IS. No Judgement, no Choice, no Past, no Future, All IS Present. This is a continuous consistent Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying experience. This makes for a continuous consistent Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying complete chopping of wood, or a continuous consistent Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying complete dinner prepared, or a continuous consistent Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying complete job done at work, or a continuous consistent Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying complete attention given to a child, or a continuous consistent Peaceful Serene Contented Satisfying complete shopping when shopping. Always Present, always Aware, always Compassion, always Love, always Empathy, always Ready. This is BEing your True Nature, which makes the ills and shortcomings of the world nonexistent to you. You are just Witnessing thus can not be affected by it. You respond with what you have Realized/Recognized to be so, thus can never react based on what you think you know. Perhaps some good to it, even if we do not care to be a monk or a Wise Sage.
Just Do it ! Awakening is not about sitting cross legged in a cave or being a monk or Wise Teacher, but rather about Freeing yourself from the Bondage of your conditionings that Bind and Influence your every thought and action. And if you have no intention of going through the trouble and Pain of getting rid of the seeming known, why bother even looking into it. Some Urge initiated this Seeking, heed it, but heed it unencumbered by what you think you know, heed it Openly and Honestly. But there is little use in thinking you have when you have not. Just do it, just BE it ! The Price seems high before you Pay it, but once Paid it is Realized/Recognized to be cheap at ten times the Cost. Perhaps some good to it, even if we do not care to be a monk or a Wise Sage.
We can not Save the world, but we can Save ourself. Though, by Saving ourself and Helping others to do likewise we are Saving the world one person at a time starting with ourself. Yet, sadly, as long as there is one person left not Awakening there will still be wars and conflict and greed and corruption and hate and all manner of Suffering. But, as long as you save yourself it will not take it's toll on you. You will Dance as they Cry. You will only experience the pangs of Compassion for those still Sleeping. Perhaps some good to it, even if we do not care to be a monk or a Wise Sage.
So what are the toxic conditionings that we have to let go, you might ask. Since they vary in intensity and form with every individual, the *Rule Of Thumb* is: if it controls and manipulates your thinking and behavior, if it dictates your reactions to anything, then it is most likely toxic to your True Nature of Awakening thus must be let go. You see, Awakening, your thinking and behavior is quite non-committal thus a Flow with whatever the thinking and behavior is a response to. There can not be a reaction to anything because nothing other than Awakening is Real thus can only be Observed and responded with. Life is an ever Flowing Synchronicity of Whatever-IS. A Dance, and Awakening you ARE as much that Dance and any of the myriad forms IS.
Toxic conditionings are added to our modus operandi as we make our way through life. Added by parents and family members and friends and social peers and peer groups. You start out in any given incarnation with pretty much a Clear Slate, and the toxic conditionings are scrawled on that Slate during your life. Awakening is all about Wiping that Slate Clean again. So the first thing you have to acknowledge is that you are carrying around a lot of Baggage that is keeping you from BEing Free and start Awakening, a lot of Baggage that is the Causes of your Suffering. A lot of Baggage that is keeping you from Everything being Awesome, everything being Wondrous, everything being brand new every Moment, everything being Whole and Complete in itself, everything being worthy of Attention, everything being so Simple, and so Pleasant, and nothing being worthy of Distraction or Influence, you BEing and All else IS, no Judgement, no Choice, no Past, no Future, All BEing Present. Perhaps some good to it, even if we do not care to be a monk or a Wise Sage.
Subject: BE
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 05:31:38 GMT
"An old legend has it that King Midas hunted a long time in the woods for the wise Silenus, companion of Dionysos, without being able to catch him. When he finally caught him, the king asked him what he considered the greatest human good. The daimon remained sullen and uncommunicative until finally, forced by the king, he broke into a shrill laugh and spoke: 'Ephemeral wretch, begotten by accident and toil, why do you force me to tell you what it would be your greatest advantage not to hear? What would be best for you is quite beyond your reach: not to be, to be nothing. But the second best is to die soon" (Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy).
*Deep Bow* Silenus, *not to be identified with anything, to BE No-Thing, simply BE* is indeed beyond Sleeping humanity's reach. Thus, Wake-Up and have a Happy Birthday. Yes ?
Subject: Got It ?
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 02:51:48 GMT
Greetings Community,
"When will I be Enlightened?" "When you see," the Master said "See what?" "Trees and flowers and moon and stars." "But I see these every day." "No. What you see is paper trees, paper flowers, paper moons and paper stars. For you live not in reality but in your words and thoughts." And for good measure, he added gently, "You live a paper life, alas, and will die a paper death." -- Anthony de Mello, SJ
"A man's true wealth is the good he does in the world. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror." -- Kahlil Gibran
Saint Thomas said, in the Gospel of Saint Thomas, that Jesus said: "when the two are again made one, you will understand my words". Few get it Dear Friends, though perhaps suspect it or even Fear it. Problem is that we do not want to get it because it would be too Painful to let go of all those dearly beloved conditioned *knowns* and Embrace what most erroneously call the *UnKnown*. Which is actually closer to us than the seeming *knowns*. For it is our True Nature that we have to Embrace. A True Nature that is Void of toxic conditioned *knowns*. Silent of mind we Hear, Void of thoughts we See, Still of BEing we ARE..... Awakening.
Only a few have address these toxic conditionings to any extent when Pointing. Parables are offered to the masses, while the Deeper Mysteries are offered the those Totally Committed to Awakening. Those who have the Eyes to See will Look, those who have the Ears to Hear will Listen, those who are Ready will BE.
Why am I sending this message ? Not to annoy or disturb. It is just so disheartening to see so much potential hidden away from the Light thus preventing True Growth due to the Veils of the conditioned seeming *known*. "As a man thinketh, so is he". Silent of mind we Hear, Void of thoughts we See, Still of BEing we ARE..... Awakening.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 06:03:59 GMT
Indeed there always seems to be this certain Thirst that we can not quite quench. It is the quest for the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's Stone, Salvation, Wholeness. It is there and Understood when we are born into this physical realm and we Enjoy it's fullness and Wholeness -- we ARE that Holy Grail and Philosopher's Stone and Salvation and Wholeness. Then as we are introduced to the Grand Trickster we are so beguiled by his wonders that we become quite Blinded to our True Nature, and so this ever urging Quest to Return to that Wondrous True Nature plagues us to no end UNTIL we indeed give it priority in our lives. The caution being whether the Quest is based on our conditioned ideas and images and meanings of the Quest or the Quest AS it IS. For as the one who establishes the Quest, the so called Quest could very well be of our own contrivances. So our seeming Quest could be nothing more than a projection of our conditioned notions. It is when *our* Quest stops and we start Openly and Honestly Looking at ourself in the Mirror of Truth that the Real Quest begins.
For the Real Quest is not "out there" but rather the Quest to Remember our True Nature. We look for a Holy Grail and we look for a Philosophers's Stone and we look or Salvation and we look for Wholeness "out there". Yet we can not find them "out there", for they are not to be found anywhere. Only when we are not, we ARE. Stand back pausing for a Moment and take a good look at who you think you are, or rather who you seem to be to both yourself and others. Is that really you ? Or is it a character in the play written by the Grand Trickster ? And how can you tell the difference between the two ? And do you want to see a difference? For if you see a difference then it is not you. As, if you do not see a difference it is not you. It is when you see nothing for there is nothing to see and no one to see it, that it is you.
Indeed, this Path is not a free-flowing bowl of cherries most of the time because we always have to deal with the Sleeping world. And it is here in this everyday world that the Path is. So we wade through the nonsense and try to keep from getting any of it on us. Which is a Key, not picking up any of the nonsense and making it our own. We Help but we can not take another's nonsense from them and make it our own. You have to stay removed, so to speak, from the Work you do. That is, do what must be done but do not get involved or entangled in it. We are IN the world but we can not become OF the world. Granted, it is not so easy when dealing with family because we are already sort of involved. But we must remove ourself from that too, and be just like a close friend.
We are all *Walking The Plank* and the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind has a pointy Sword at our back prodding us to fall into the Deep Abbeys of Oblivion. What we have to do is Wake-Up and say "wait a minute, I am the Captain of this ship" and turn around and take the sword from the Grand Trickster by letting go of our dearly beloved conditioned ideas and images and meanings and prod the Grand Trickster off the end of the Plank so we can BE the Captain of our Life. That aside, this is actually raising two questions. That is, Silencing the mind and letting go of our programming. They are not one in the same.
Subject: standing in line
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 07:06:00 -0600
One time when I was in an amusement park I got into a line of people The line wasn't moving fast But a lot of people were in line So it had to go to something good Then the line began to move And it was all about to pay off At the end of the line was a worker Who was telling everyone to go their way Because the line ended at nothing And people were walking away laughing At having wasted time in another line That doesn't lead to anywhere.
The "thirst for the grail" Has cost several of us lifetimes Of looking past a lot of wonderful days In hopes of a better tomorrow And when tomorrow came, to waste it away Thinking of better yesterdays.
The grass is always greener... Over the septic tank.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 06:13:36 GMT
You must make a Pact, a no loophole Pact, a Pact signed in blood, a Pact with yourself. A 100% Unconditional Open Honest Commitment to yourself that you will do what must be done to rid yourself of the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind. The battle is a tough one, but there is much Joy and Pleasure and Gratification in beating that old fiend. And each time you beat the Grand Trickster at one of his games, it gives you Strength to engage in further battles with the whimp. Arming ourself with Truth, he is a pushover. Jump in the ring ! Ray is in your Corner !
Subject: ~ We Are Freed ~
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 02:08:01 GMT
~ We Are Freed ~
Subject: Just Do It !
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 11:53:20 -0800
"It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result." -- Mohandas Gandhi
Subject: Re: Just Do It !
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 13:03:09 -0800
>"It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You >have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your >time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing >the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But >if you do nothing, there will be no result." > -- Mohandas Gandhi
Hmmm, what is right action? Is there a right and wrong thing to do if one just does what one must do within the moment?
Subject: Sacrifise
From: SwedishGod80@aol.com
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 15:56:54 EST
"In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich."
Subject: Re: Just Do It !
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 02:42:07 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: ->Hmmm, what is right action? Is there a right and wrong thing to do if one ->just does what one must do within the moment?
Ah the PitFall of Dualism, *either this or that*. Mahatma did not mean *right* as opposed to *wrong*, but rather *Correct*. As you yourself Pointed out, *Right/Correct* IS what must be done that Present Moment. And the only place it can be done Rightly/Correctly IS the Present Moment, that is why Gandhi stressed that the fruits of any action is of little concern because then one would be projecting *wishful thinking* into some Illusive future which is not yet. The only Reality IS the Present Moment so it does us no good to think of some reward in a time that is not even Reality. There is only NOW, we contrive a yesterday and a tomorrow. Oh, there was and there will be but neither are to occupy much True Attention for they are NOT. So yes, doing what must be done AS the Present Moment Unfolds IS the Right/Correct thing to do.
The question is, what determines *what must be done*. For if WE determine what must be done then we are simply doing as we are conditioned/programmed/controlled/manipulated to do and calling it what must be done. Perhaps even convincing ourself. Yet, when a Response AS the Unfolding Present Moment AS a Flow of What-IS determines what must be done then we are doing the Right/Correct thing.
And yet a Deeper question is the intention of doing anything. When the intention is to glean or receive some reward, either at the time or at some future time, then we are simply doing what we are conditioned/programmed/controlled/manipulated to want to do. Yet when the intention is to do it because it needs done, without even acknowledgement of who did it (no doer yet doing and getting done), then we are doing the Right/Correct thing.
True ?
Subject: Sanity ?
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 12:37:31 -0800
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect." -- Mark Twain
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." -- Mohandas Gandhi
Subject: Re: Sanity ?
From: Bonnie <milks63@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 13:01:45 -0800 (PST)
Speaking of reflection, may I take this opportunity to send you all warm wishes for the Holiday Season and may you and yours be blessed. Thanks to all of you.
Subject: Re: Sanity ?
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 16:09:44 -0800
Hello Bonnie, ->Speaking of reflection, may I take this opportunity to ->send you all warm wishes for the Holiday Season and ->may you and yours be blessed. Thanks to all of you.
Well, thank you. A mighty fine sentiment indeed. My dearest regard also to you and the rest of the community and in fact the rest of the world this holiday season. And the way things are in most of the world, with it's suffering both physical and spiritual, it needs all the loving good wishes it can get.
Subject: Let Go !
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 15:42:51 -0800
"Discard all traditional standards. Leave them to the hypocrites. Only what liberates you from desire and fear and wrong ideas is good. As long as you worry about sin and virtue you will have no peace." -- Nisargadatta Maharaj
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 06:06:35 GMT
Yes, it is tempting to be part of the herd. And we even do at times, rebelling against the Inner Urge to start Awakening.
Subject: BE Thirsty Heart
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 02:13:38 GMT
"Be thirsty heart, seek forever without a rest. Let this soundless longing hidden deep inside you be the source of every word you say."
-- Rumi
Subject: Toy
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 12:28:08 -0800
"Mind is interested in what happens, while awareness is interested in the mind itself. The child is after the toy, but the mother watches the hild, not the toy." -- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Subject: All
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 20:58:55 -0800
"When you come to realize that knowledge and the pursuit of is a futile waste, you can be omniscient. When you come to realize that power and the pursuit of is a futile waste, you can be omnipotent. When you realize that past and future and the pursuit of is a futile waste, you can be omnipresent. You can when you will be." -- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
Subject: Liberation
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 19:08:12 -0800
"No matter how much you strive to acquire any worldly gains, they are bound to go; so also your concepts and various identities. Even if you follow any religion in the hope of obtaining something permanent form the outside, you will be sorely disappointed. The main purpose of true spirituality is to liberate oneself completely from one's concepts and conditionings." -- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Subject: Cheers
From: "Shar" <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 21:17:49 -0800
Have you heard the latest word? They have cancelled the word Christmas. It is no longer politically correct. Now what?
Subject: Tide Bit
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 18:43:09 -0800
"You will not get what you need when you are always taking what you do not need. So it is not what you get but rather what you do not take. So the key is not what you have but rather what you do not have." -- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
Subject: Behold...
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 17:13:09 -0800
Though in the world you are the most learned scholar of the time, behold the vanishing of this world and this time!
-- Rumi
Subject: Security
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 12:35:29 -0800
"No phenomenality is secure because nothing in the phenomenal realm is permanent. Not even experience is secure because it too is phenomenal thus impermanent. Only you are secure so get to know yourself. Knowing yourself is all that is permanent thus all that is secure."
-- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
Subject: Destiny
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 13:20:05 -0800
"All has a certain inevitable destiny because all was and will be so do not get in it's way by seeking it or even knowing about it. It is inevitable so just embrace it as it unfolds. What you have to seek and know is your folly so as to keep your folly away from your destiny because though it is inevitable you can distort it with your folly."
-- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
Subject: Viruses
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 12:49:21 -0800
Why do people send viruses to other unsuspecting people? Or hacking a site and loading it with viruses for the surfer to download into their computer when visiting the site? Or the hoax virus alert explaining how to delete a necessary system file, that when deleted the computer is disabled? Or other such menacing behavior? A sign of our times? Is it not like planting a bomb in a school full of children? Viruses can be costly to those unfortunate ones who, due to the lack of a good virus scanner or just foolishly open an attached file that is a virus program. Costly not only because taking the computer to a shop to correct the problem is not free, but more costly because perhaps some very important documents or pictures are lost (some unreplaceable). Causing not only financial loss but also stress and aggravation.
We dismiss it with just 'a lot of sick ones out there', because we do not want to admit to ourself that hate and crime and selfishness is increasing at an alarming rate. Yet we arm computers with virus scanners and educate ourself about viruses and virus transmission, ever so watchful for the wouldbe villain. At war with the rest of the world and we *think* that is just part of life. The lights are on, but no one is home.
A sign indeed, and more prevalent in our times. A sign that we are becoming more isolationist and more separatist and more submittal due to fear. We are entrenching ourselves even further into a *them and us* or *them against us* mentality. The conditioning mills are working overtime and are in their glory.
The direction this is taking is clear, but is this really humanity's destiny? Or just a distorted version? Distorted by conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. Will awakening save the world? Not unless everyone is awakened. But awakening will save, once embraced fully, ourself. Which is one step closer to the world being saved. But until we stop talking about it, not even ourself has a snow ball's chance in this inferno. Will awakening end the viruses? Not until everyone is awakened. And that can not happen until we ourself get started.
What is up?
Subject: Words
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@aishwarya.i-p.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 18:07:31 -0800
"All is not a mere concept, though concept is made of All. The description is conceptual but the experience is not. Thus look beyond the mere word as the word is not that to which the word Points. So the realization of whatever IS is in experiencing it rather than conceptualizing it. Life and Compassion and Love and Understanding and Empathy and NonDuality and Stillness and Silence and Void and Nothingness is in BEing it rather than focussing on the word thus settling for mere conceptualization. And know the difference." -- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
"Words are like a finger which points to the truth, but people in general only see the finger. They do not see beyond the finger to find out the truth." -- Hui Neng
Subject: Remembering
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@indiatimes.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 18:30:35 -0800
"So easy you Forget and so difficult it is for you to Remember. Do you cry for Purity because you have become impure ? Do you cry for Understanding because you have become so Blind ? Do you cry for Morality because you have become immoral ? Do you cry for Freedom because you have become so imprisoned ? Do you cry for Virtue because you have become so vile ? When you cry for Nothing it will be because you have become Everything. You simply Forgot your Way, so all you have to do is Remember." -- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
Subject: Re: Words
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 03:35:51 GMT
Greetings Ma, you quoted: ->"All is not a mere concept, though concept is made of All. ->The description is conceptual but the experience is not. ->Thus look beyond the mere word ->as the word is not that to which the word Points. ->So the realization of whatever IS ->is in experiencing it rather than conceptualizing it. ->Life and Compassion and Love and Understanding ->and Empathy and NonDuality and Stillness ->and Silence and Void and Nothingness is in BEing it ->rather than focussing on the word thus settling ->for mere conceptualization. ->And know the difference." -> -- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa -> ->"Words are like a finger which points to the ->truth, but people in general only see the finger. ->They do not see beyond the finger to find out the truth." -> -- Hui Neng
Thank you for the quotes. Many get so involved with a given concept that they fail to Realize/Recognize the difference between the concept and what the concept is about (or Points to). So they think that the concept is the real thing. Then there are those who get so fed up with concepts that they deem everything a concept so nothing is worthy to get involved in. The problem with both cases is that neither have Directly Experienced anything other than the concept. In both cases they were mesmerized by the concept thus missed the Direct Experience of whatever the concept was about (or Pointed to). Words are but Pointers for they are inherently conceptual in nature. So there is no way around the Fact that Pointers are going to be concepts. That is why we must always look beyond the words to where the words Point in the hopes that we can Directly Experience what the concept is Pointing to. When we just settle for the concept, either by thinking that it is Real or discounting concepts all together, we miss the Point. Sadly, most people fall into one of these two extremes of following Blindly or rejecting any Way of Awakening. Chalk another one up for the Grand Trickster.
Once Experienced, you will not settle for a concept because THEN you will know that what the concept Points to IS Real. And perhaps the catch-22 is that when we try to Point another to Experience it we have to use concepts. And, of course, try to convince them to keep their eyes OFF THE FINGER.
True ?
Subject: An Observation
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@aishwarya.i-p.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 19:09:21 -0800
With all the spirituality forums on the internet, and nonduality and yoga forums, membered mostly by the same people, there does not seem to be any growth amongst the participants. If one stops in on these hundred plus groups once a year, the same people will be debating the same things they were debating last year. And none of the posts show any advancement from last year. These groups are apparently social events rather than a meeting of any real learning or development.
It seems that with all the wise quotes being posted some of it would sink in. But they don't have the right tools. Their mind is full of their own personal influences, their own personal agendas. Most everyone's mind is fixed not open, convinced not receptive. What actual good can come of such folly? Other than something else to occupy an already busy cluttered mind. An escape perhaps form the humdrum everyday life of concern and toil. They can put on their masks and play out their fantasy in their mind, and since everyone else is doing the same thing no one notices or cares. It seems. And so the wheel of birth and death rolls on.
Not that there is anything wrong with social events, but what of the person who is tired of the social events and wants to get down to work on themselves. It is so easy to get caught up in the social event that effort is lost. So more suffering because of the disappointment in themselves. So easily distracted by the masks, so easy to give up and join in.
Industry of effort is the hallmark of progress. Since there is little if any progress perhaps the effort is not industrious. Though thought so. Oddly, the effort is expended even when knowing that it is not industrious thus no progress though progress is desired due to the expenditure of effort. Habitual? A medic in the Raja's Army was seen giving medical care to fallen soldiers. When asked what he was doing he said, "I am a physician so I must care for the wounded". But when told that he should care for the still living wounded rather than the fatally wounded hesaid, "I care for the fallen too, just in case". Is that why the effort without progress is expended, "just in case" ?
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 07:49:40 -0500
An interesting observation, Ma ! Then what do you suggest people shoud do to awaken to the reality,"I am That, you are That, he/she is That...We are all That" or any other reality you have realized.
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@aishwarya.i-p.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 14:10:30 -0800
Re: An Observation Hello Ram, ->An interesting observation, Ma ! Then what do you suggest people shoud do ->to awaken to the reality,"I am That, you are That, he/she is That...We are all ->That" or any other reality you have realized.
Not really a suggestion per se, but I have found that doing it rather than just talking about it seems to get more done. Talking about it is many times a precursor or preliminary to get yourself straight on the idea so you can do it, but all the aforetalk is useless unless you follow through with it and do it. When you do not follow through with what you talk about, just listening to yourself talk, not much gets done.
Too busy listening to yourself talk that there is no time to do anything. A lot of noise but nothing happening. A preoccupation I think, people just like to hear themselves talk. Odd thing is that while listening to themselves they do not seem to hear anyone else talk. It's like two people talking past each other. Talking 'at' each other and not 'to' each other. So the only thing they hear is what they themselves are saying. That is why there is no improvement or growth from year to year. They seem to be intelligent people but do not seem to figure this out. Then too, you are only partially listening when you are talking. So perhaps they are always listening to the wrong person, themselves all the time. Listening seems to be a lost art these days. Perhaps that is the breakdown in communication on these discussion forums. Perhaps if they would just tell themselves to shut up for a minute while they concentrate on what is being said, they might hear what the other person is saying.
As far as what should be done to awaken to your true self, well, you can not do anything. In fact that is the problem, people try to do something to awaken but what they should be doing is something to let themselves awaken. It happens quite all by itself when you get rid of the reasons that you are not awake. Most try all their lives to awaken and do not, except in their head. If they do something about 'why' they are not awake then perhaps they can awaken. They are always looking in the wrong places, like always listening to the wrong person. I mean, you do not find oranges in an apple orchard. So root out all the defilements that prevent you to be awake, like all the things you tell yourself. Most of them are just compiled from what you believe anyway. You can not just believe it, you have to do it.
Sorry to ramble on so.
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: SwedishGod80@aol.com
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 19:55:45 EST
And why are people so fond of hearing themselves talk?
Is it not because they derive their sense of self from all the images and notions and past experiences? Is it not that people want to stay intact? Is it that they think that if they stopped making all that noise that they would cease to be?
Perhaps if there was true Listening to the noise, the futility of it would be realized. Then perhaps the sense of self will not be derived from external conditions, but from within.
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@aishwarya.i-p.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 23:05:01 -0800
Hello, ->And why are people so fond of hearing themselves talk?
They have this strange idea that it will be truthful with them. When actually it is the biggest liar. They lie to themselves to ease the pain of not being awake. So they tell themselves that they are so they can feel good about themselves. You know the cliche about 'we are creators of our own reality'? They think the rest of the world is out to show them to be inadequate so they cling to the lies of influences they gather as security. Their confidant. So naturally they always have to stay in conference with their loyal supporter. They even rationalize it by calling it thinking. But it is really collaboration with their beliefs and influencing defilements.
->Is it not because they derive their sense of self from all the images and ->notions and past experiences? Is it not that people want to stay intact? Is ->it that they think that if they stopped making all that noise that they would ->cease to be?
Absolutely. The ego must be maintained at all cost even though ego and images and notions and past experiences are all illusion. A false sence of being. A false sence of security. Seems a little paradoxical but when you shut that guy up in your head things get real clear. The wise ones called it 'silence' or 'stillness' or just 'being'. Others call it lack of clutter thus lack of confusion.
->Perhaps if there was true Listening to the noise, the futility of it would be ->realized. Then perhaps the sense of self will not be derived from external ->conditions, but from within.
That is funny. I think you missed the point. It is the noise that they do listen to, truly, and little else. That is why they are always confused and always seeking. The trick is to tune the noise out so you can listen to something that might be of benefit to being awake. It is just noise, no sense in listening to it because you will never realize the futility of it that way. It is very convincing, a silver-tongued-devil to be sure. You see, you can not be a 'lamp unto yourself' when the chimney is all sooted up because it does not show much 'light'. No, you have to clean the lamp first of all the defiling influences then the inner lamp will show you 'the way'. So until you clean the chimney do not expect to see much with that lamp.
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