Samples of *Private Teachings*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.




*Deep Bow* To Understand God we must Understand thyself, to know God we must know thyself, to Realize God we must Realize our own Pure True Nature. For it is our own Pure unconditioned True Nature that is God. to Dwell WithIN our Pure True Nature is to Dwell WithIN God. When we do not Understand, when we do not know, when we do not Realize our Pure True Nature, we can not Understand or know or Realize God. And so it is an exercise in futility to *think* about the un-Understandable or the un-knowable or the un-Realizable, for it is but conditioned dualistic drivel.

Do not *believe* it, but rather BE it -- for it is True.

Ahhhh........ the beauty of such words. We can wear masks for appearances sake, but when we can admit what you have admitted to ourself we have made a giant step toward our Awakening. Most turn away from the Mirror of Truth and deny it even to themselves. They can not bare to acknowledge who they really are. You have taken an important step Dear Friend. Namely: you have acknowledged Suffering, you have acknowledged a Cause of Suffering. NOW acknowledge that you have the Power to let go of those Causes. That in itself should be motivation to do something about it. And you obviously have the motivation to do something about it because you have come to me as a refuge -- which is another step toward your Awakening. First let me offer that you earnestly study and endeavor with all your heart the daily Ray of Light mailings and the Private Teachings mailing. Store them in a file for further re-reading, or even print them out. These will Point to all the answers you seek, but they must not only be read but Truly Understood. For when you Realize some answer you are trying to find, you must not only Realize it, not only acknowledge it, not only AHA, but you must BE that Realization from that point on. The Realization of Truth is indeed is an awesome experience, but what is more awesome is the Peace and Contentment of BEing that Realized Truth.

Then undo the lock ! YOU have the Key. And only YOU can unlock the Lock. We must let go of our conditioned notions. Which is a most arduous task. For before we can let go of them we must Realize the futility in them. Realize the unimportance of them. Realize that they are your enemy. Realize that they are more of a burden than they are worth. It is like giving up a bad habit, we find it hard and we are always tempted to return to the habit because we *want* to or because others are engaged in the habit around us. But when we convince ourself that we are just going to do away with the habit come hell or high water, we get over the habit perhaps never to return to it again. So, look at letting go of the Causes of your Suffering as though you were bound and determined to give up a habit.

Ask not Dear Friend, simply BE Open and Honest with yourself. There are no *answers* so why should there be *questions* ? The seeming answers you get by asking questions are but contrivances of the conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. Forget the questions, BE Open to Realizing and Understanding what Unfolds.

The purpose of Light Mission is to offer Vital Information to those Awakening or those embarking upon the Path of Awakening or those teetering on the edge of not knowing what to do. But Light Mission offers nothing "new", for all that is offered here has been offered countless times by countless people since time immemerable. Offered here perhaps in a more up to date language, but Truth is Eternal and changeless and will be offered until humanity Wakes-Up. Seemingly "new" to those who have yet to Listen to it, but Truth offered here is but Truth repeated again because humanity has yet to Listen to it. Oh yes, humanity did *hear* it before but they have yet to *Listen*.

Metta is the *Loving Kindness* of one blending with the *Loving Kindness* of another. Zikr is the *Self Remembrance* of one blending with the *Self Remembrance* of another. As Metta is a meditation practice of *Loving Kindness*, Zikr is a meditation practice of *Self Remembering*.

A hermit was meditating by a river when a young man interrupted him.

"Master, I wish to become your disciple," said the man.

"Why?" replied the hermit.

The young man thought for a moment. "Because I want to find Awareness."

The master jumped up, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, dragged him into the river, and plunged his head under water. After holding him there for a minute, with him kicking and struggling to free himself, the master finally pulled him up out of the river. The young man coughed up water and gasped to get his breath.

When he eventually quieted down, the master spoke. "Tell me, what did you want most of all when you were under water."

"Air!" answered the man.

"Very well," said the master. "Go home and come back to me when you want Awareness as much as you just wanted air."

Indeed, always the place to start is right where you are this very Moment. The Meditative Sate of Mind, Self-Observation, Self-Remembering, Self-Actualization, Self-Realization is a state of BEing that we ARE each Moment from Moment to Moment and not a mere exercise here or there. The Meditative Sate of Mind, Self-Observation, Self-Remembering, Self-Actualization, Self-Realization is a way of Life each Moment from Moment to Moment and not a mere vacation or retreat practice. Awakening is about BEing Dear Friend, and manifesting the Meditative Sate of Mind, Self-Observation, Self-Remembering, Self-Actualization, Self-Realization in every aspect of our life.

Do not "get rid of negativities" Wonderful Friend, rather Understand them then let them go. Do not love them nor hate them, Understand them and let them go. Love and hate are conditioned notions that have no place in our meditation nor our Awakening. Study them, dwell on them, meditate on them, determine from where they come and what purpose they have. Fully Understand them as you want to Understand yourself, for it is in Understanding them that you can let them go. That they are defilements is a given, but we would cling ever so tightly to defilements as a fear of the unknown. So we must know them (Understand them) so we can let them go. Nothing mystical or paradoxical about this, and not only possible but necessary in our Awakening.

Watch them, understand them, and let them go.

Love is not about giving up something, but rather a melding for Understanding and Empathy as well as Caring and Sharing. It is the blending of energies and not a rejection or acceptance. Not only between humans but also with all kingdoms of Nature. That is, IF we let go of our conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts ABOUT Love.

Not only a profound statement by our Lebanese Friend in regards to relationships, even the so called "blood relationships", but also profound in his warning not to add to the burdens of another by brainwashing them with our own conditioned notions. These two themes are not new to humanity. Siddhartha stressed non-attachment, not only relative to possessions but also to other people, thousands of years ago. Jesus stressed not to be OF this world thousands of years ago. Many others stressed the same things throughout the ages and still is being stressed today. Humanity *hears* but they do not *Listen*. They *look* but they do not *See*. "Here's yer sign".

Gibran's words, the echoes of times of yore, addresses, though through verbiage of his time, the very Roots of the Causes of our Suffering today. Such Insights, Gibran's and many others before and after him, must be translated to modern terms to be Truly Understood, applied to modern day to be Truly Helpful. I am sure that Kahlil, as well as the others, did not nor do not make such statements just to hear themselves talk. I would say that they were trying to tell us something, yes ?


Sample Postings of *Ray Of Light*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Ray of Light" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


No one Saves us but ourself, no one can and no one may, others can Point to the Path, but we ourself must Walk the Way. It is the Slain who Slays the Slayer. For IN the Silence we Hear, as IN the Void we See, as IN Awakening we ARE. When one realizes completely the Awakening, he sees no object. He, himself, is the source of all things, and his True Nature is another name of the Eternal Divine Self. Material things and mental phenomena come and go like clouds in the blue sky. Greed, anger and ignorance -- these three foams appear and disappear like a mirage on the ocean.

If you wish to BE Awakening, you must look into your own Inner-Nature, as this nature IS the Awakening. If you have not seen your own nature, what is the use of thinking of Awakening, or reciting Scriptures, or fasting, or keeping precepts ? Ta-mei Fa-ch'ang asked Ma-tsu, "What is the Buddha ?" Master Ma answered, "This very mind is the Buddha". A monk asked Ma-tsu, "What is the Buddha ?" Master Ma answered, "No mind, no Buddha".

Life IS Life, and must BE Lived -- but must BE Live Purely without conditioned notions projected into/onto it. But *desire* it not. It is the conditioned notions about Life that is undesirable and not Life itself, for Life is just Life and nothing more or nothing less.

Ah, the Mystique of the Gnostics. As Grand as their Insights might be, they are not as Grand as the Insights of their Forefathers, and not as Grand as Pure unconditioned Truth. For even in days of yore their Transmutation of Lead to Gold could not be complete because they clung to a *belief system*, though alternative it may be. Awakening is in letting go of belief systems and not in merely changing one for another or adding mystery to an existing one.


The Great Path has no Gates, thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through this Gateless Gate he Walks freely between Heaven and Earth.

"Light Mission's Private Postings/Teachings"

"Ray of Light" series (Points to Ponder)

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"Light Mission's Community Posts Archives"

0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0


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"Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings "Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings


Also, the long awaited *Ray of Light* series of *Daily Ponderables* is finally posted and will be updated regularly. These are Light Mission's version of *Points to Ponder* or *Daily Affirmations* or *Cosmic Cookies* or whatever the going term is by any given group. These Rays of Light are e-mailed daily upon request.

Ray of Light

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