Samples of *Private Teachings*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


Conditioned Mind

How can there be a "decision", and *judgement*, a *choice*, that is not conditioned ? So the conditioned thoughts do not "follow" the decision but rather are part and parcel of the decision. You invite the conditioned thoughts by making a decision, then they linger to make sure that the confusion continues. Decide nothing, simply do what must be done IN the Moment, and you will find that nothing follows except further Awakening. "Strikes back" ? You see, the Grand Trickster has you fighting with yourself, arguing with yourself. Would the conditioned mind strike out at itself ? No more than it would evaluate itself, or correct itself. It is called *controlled and manipulated* by your own conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. You are not separate form your conditioned mind, you ARE your conditioned mind. As a trouble maker a couple of thousand years ago so aptly said, "as a man thinketh, so is he".

We can intellectualize it, analyze it, scrutinize it, categorize it, even find blame for it, and make a blueprint of it, but we still dwell in it. And all the intellectualizing and analyzing and categorizing and scrutinizing and blaming and even a blueprint before us will not get rid of this Cause of our Suffering. You have to take the next step. You have to let it go. If you never take that quantum leap, you will always Suffer with it. We can not BE in the present when we dwell in the past.

You admit to us that you have a problem.......... well, reach deep down inside and wrench it out. *If thine conditioned mind offend thee, pluck it out*. For the Key is in admitting our problems to ourself. When we admit that we are ugly to ourself, THEN we can *do what must be done* to beatify ourself.


Unless you have a frog in your pocket, I guess you are it.

Your whole life and all it's experiences and associations and desires and likes and dislikes is "responsible for that" -- that is, the past is "responsible for that". But the past is not real. It is but a memory, and illusion. What is Real is what you are going to do about it NOW. Nothing ? In the hopes that it may go away on it's own ? Or that someone will Save you ? Save you from yourself ?

And it hurts. We do not like to be disgusted with ourself. But when we do get disgusted with ourself, THEN we can do what must be done to correct the defilement. And it is not an easy action, for we have grown quite near to our dearly beloved defilements. And once you Realize your conditioned mind to be a defilement and do nothing about it, you will be tormented and torment others for the rest of your incarnation. THAT is Hell -- burning in the fires of our own defiled thinking and behavior. You are Honest Dear Friend, but now you must also be Open and let the Winds of Change Cool and Refresh you. And it is only NOW that you can do that. You can not do that by clinging to the past. LEAP !!!

Alas, as I understand it, there is no real *Mission* other than *Light*, as the name of the list eludes to. *Light* as in *Waking-Up* or *Opening-The-Eyes* or *Awakening* or *Enlightenment* or *Illumination* or whatever one would like to call that *AHA* that happens when one Realized something that is Fact or True or So. "The *Red Carpet and Welcome Mat* is out for all to enter this little Oasis that has established itself as a Loving Sharing Caring Helping Community Family. The Community was sat up as an un-moderated forum because our offerings should be with no restrictions other than Loving and Sharing and Caring and Helping. The participants of this community have established a refreshing Oasis, away form the hustle and bustle and arguments and personal conditionings to relax and Love and Share and Care and Help."

Yes, there are Buddhists here -- and Christians and Atheists and Pagans and most likely every other religion. But they are not hear to proselytize, not here to convert everyone to their particular belief system -- they leave all those trappings at the door and enter the Community as human beings working with and helping and getting help from other human beings. We here are people getting together with other people. We have no race here, as we have no creed here, as we have no color here, as we have no nationality here, as we have no religion here, we are just people Loving and Sharing and Caring and Helping other people. Yes, many of us downplay the ego and personality and conditioned ideas and images and meaning -- but that does not make us of a particular religion or school of thought. That just means that perhaps some have Realized deeper understanding of this or that than others. And because we are Caring we are Sharing and Helping and accepting Help from others. It is kind of a Family -- a kind of Unity in Diversity.

"Let There Be Light -- Always In All Ways, Mission Of Light List" We adhere to Universal Brotherhood of All Mankind and Pursue the Unfoldment of Pure Inner Consciousness. We are not here to be another "One True Religion". We are here to help Illuminate, for There is No Religion Higher than Truth...... It is in your own personal relationship with The Divine Source of Consciousness that Truth is Realized. That which you Live after all of the talk is done...... is your own personal Inner Consciousness Within Manifesting Without.

"Spiritual knowledge" is intelligence, Spiritual Unfolding is Awakening. To become intelligent we must learn something new each day, but to become Wise we must forget something we have leaned each day. We must gather knowledge to better "know thyself", but the knowledge is of little use and so we let it go upon knowing ourself. For it is in the knowledge of oneself that is the Key to Awakening. When we lose our conditioned knowledge we find the knowledge of ourself.

What good is having a tool in your toolbox rusting away because it can not be used ? On the other hand, when you start Awakening, you will know such a science yourself and would not need me to tell you of it. So I would say that the first set is getting on the Path of Awakening.

The intricate workings of Karma are very involved, and involves much more than just your particular situation. This we also Realized once Awakening. The Cause of our Karma is not nearly as important as the Cause of our Suffering. In each incarnation we must deal with the Causes of our Suffering and let Karma work out as it must. For in rectifying or releasing ourselves from the Causes of our Suffering, we are placed in a very good position to work with the Causes of our Karma. And the root Cause of our Suffering is our conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. And so to wrench the Cause of our Suffering out at the root must be our first undertaking. THEN there is only the Moment to be concerned with. As it is only IN the Moment that we can Truly Understand and BE what that Moment blesses us with.

So, whether it is the Causes of our Karma or the Causes of our Suffering or the Causes of our Blindness and lack of Awakening or Insights to better prosper in this social setting, our first step is Waking-Up. This is where we all must start.

Think not, consider not, BE you. When your thinking and behavior is due to the likes and dislikes of others, then you are controlled and manipulated by them. That even many misunderstand or misinterpret your thinking and behavior is of little importance as long as you Realize in your Heart that you are simply being the Loving Caring Sharing Helping person that you ARE. The thoughts of deceit and ulterior intent of your actions by others is simply them revealing their own way of thinking. They point the finger at you so as to distract attention from their own deceitful selfish intentions. We must BE Openly and Honestly who we ARE, and when we are Crucified for it we must Realize that it comes with the territory of Awakening. And we can not allow such misunderstandings and misinterpretations to get in the way of our Awakening. Though a million condemn us, our *Random Acts of Kindness* may Save just one person. And the Salvation of that one person is worth the condemnation of billions.

Yes, this fellow employee you described is not uncommon. She needs help, but too proud and the hurt is too deep for her to ask for that help. She sees that others enjoy your *Random Acts of Kindness*, and though she cries out for attention no one recognizes her pain. And so she broods and festers inside. I see this as a challenge for you -- a step forward in your Awakening. She needs your Help. By avoiding her you are adding to her pain. You will have to figure out how best to help her though, for I do not know the whole situation. First, though, do not avoid her -- go about your day normally and when you meet or pass smile and say hello or good morning or good afternoon. She may grumble and cast ill expressions and thoughts your way at first. Include her somehow in your *Random Acts of Kindness*. It may take a while but she will ware down, and perhaps even ask for the help that she so strongly wants to ask for. A side effect will be that you will be more at peace within yourself about the matter. Out of adversity grows the very seeds of Awakening. The awesome energy of adversity, when used to further work on our own Awakening gives awesome results -- as proven many times over is some Zen practices.

It is not in *how* you exist in this physical manifestation, but rather in that you DO exist in this physical manifestation. BE that existence, BE you. It is here and we are here so enjoy !

Ah, it makes more sense than you know. Yes, we are strangers in a strange land, for it is the land of Sleeping and we are Awakening. First we must Save ourself, then we must help others to Save themselves also. THEN it will not be a strange land to us and we will not be strangers here. We must BE ourself and BE the example that others should BE. By Saving ourself by BEing ourself, by BEing our Awakening, and that example helps just one other Save themselves, though the rest of the world "goes to hell in a hand basket", we have helped to *Save the World*. Not a minor responsibility, I would say, for those Awakening. But a responsibility that must be undertaken.

Indeed, the first step in Self-Realization, in Awakening, is to Openly and Honestly Observe that thinking and behavior that defiles us. And regardless of what hideous creature we see in that Mirror of Truth, yes it is us and we must admit that to ourself. The next step, of course, is to do what needs to be done to rectify that image -- to let go of that which defiles our very Awakening. The gross obvious ones are readily seen and can be dealt with, but the more subtle ingrained ones are not so noticeable and therefore not so easily dealt with. This is why constant continuous self-Observation is so important. We must be as Sentinels in vigilant persistent Observation of every thought and every action, to protect ourselves not only from the defilements we must let go of but also the continuous bombardment of conditioned ideas and images and meanings we are faced with daily and even hourly.

The Path of Awakening is not for the faint at heart, as letting go of our near and dear conditioned ideas and images and meanings is the most arduous battle we face. And though once that awesome battle is faught, and though we may loose many such battles, the *Light At The End Of The Tunnel* is worth even ten times the effort of ridding ourselves of those defilements that Veil our Awakening.

Ah, but life can not always be lives by ourself. Awakening is not about going off to a cave or mountain retreat and staying there, it is about Living Life AS it IS. The occasional Retreat is so refreshing and renewing, but alas we establish certain situation as our life and so that life is where our Awakening must manifest.

Indeed I have heard of this method, of making a list and even writing each item on the list on a separate piece of paper and placing them all over the house so each time you come across the piece of paper you are *Reminded*. A good practice, I would say, until you actually *re-condition* yourself so to speak ansd so Self-Remembering, Awakening, is simply our so called *second nature*. For actually it IS our Nature.

Mission accomplished ! The whole reason for the mailings is that someone somewhere can benefit their Awakening by them. For I nor the mailings nor all the Vital Information in the Light Mission Data-Base can Save anyone, for that has to be done for them themselves. All I and the mailings and all of the Vital Information in the Light Mission Data-Base can do is Point in the hopes that someone somewhere can Save themselves by such Pointers. So I am most grateful that the mailings have been of Service to you, and most encouraged that you said so.


Sample Postings of *Ray Of Light*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Ray of Light" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


I understand that most *react* to that which opposes or calls to task that which is *thought* to be so. Only in Openness and Honesty with ourself can we Truly call our own thinking and behavior to task. Growth is in questioning every thought and every action to make sure that it does not stand in the way of our Awakening.

I ask not that anyone agree with or accept or even believe that which I offer, I only ask that my offerings are Openly and Honestly considered. For my offerings are but Pointers that will hopefully encourage one to Truly Observe one's thinking and behavior so as to weed out the conditioned ideas and images and meanings that defile one's Awakening. Believe nothing ! Belief is a confession of conditioned thinking ! Therefore do not even believe what I tell you ! All I can do is to teach you to Save yourself because I can not Save you. Your first duty is to abolish your conditioned thinking, and only you yourself can do this.

The God one talks to is not God, but rather some contrivance one is deluded into *thinking* is God. That is, Sleeping (conditioned, programmed), we are simply talking to ourself. A mental game we play so we *think* that since we talk to God that we too have some dominion in life. Accepting that we are controlled manipulated programmed automatons is simply out of the question, so naturally, since we *think* we are chummy with God, we can stay Sleeping and not Wake-Up to the Causes of our Suffering.

First, as Jesus so aptly put it, you must "know thyself". And to "know thyself" you must Observe your every action and reaction and thought AND realize that you are a controlled manipulated programmed robot by those very actions and reactions and thoughts AND do what must be done to let go of such conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. THEN by being Open and Honest with especially yourself in this Self-Observation, you can begin to "know thyself". THEN being Open to Insights and Pointers you will eventually *See The Light*. Follow no one and believe no one, BE the Pure unconditioned Essence that you ARE.


The Great Path has no Gates, thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through this Gateless Gate he Walks freely between Heaven and Earth.

"Light Mission's Private Postings/Teachings"

"Ray of Light" series (Points to Ponder)

"Light Mission Community"

"Light Mission's Community Posts Archives"

0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0


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"Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings "Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings


Also, the long awaited *Ray of Light* series of *Daily Ponderables* is finally posted and will be updated regularly. These are Light Mission's version of *Points to Ponder* or *Daily Affirmations* or *Cosmic Cookies* or whatever the going term is by any given group. These Rays of Light are e-mailed daily upon request.

Ray of Light

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