Samples of *Private Teachings*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Private Postings" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


Visit, Not Root

So it is with any given incarnation, with any given manifested form, that which is not affected by our conditioned notions is transitory and can not remain as manifested form. We as human sentient beings, as All manifested form is, are but visitors to this manifested state and will Flow through and beyond it. Likened to walking a trail in the sunshine only to find that we have walked right into a rainstorm. And so we keep walking only to find that we have walked through and beyond the rainstorm into the sunshine. While waking through this rain we get wet, gathering something as we walked through it, but when again we are not waking in the rain the gathered wetness will dry and that which we gathered during the walk in the rain will not remain. So too, in any given incarnation we gather that which is part of the incarnation. But when we are no longer that incarnation, that which we gathered while we were that incarnation does not remain.

Insurmountable not because they are incapable, but rather that they are not willing to let go of those cherished conditioned Causes of their Suffering. They will give up anything including life itself for some cause whether it be noble or foolish, but will not give up even a minor single shard of the Causes of their Suffering. They are conditioned to conceptualize it and intellectualize it and rationalize it, so they put it off until a future Tomorrow.

Our Quest must start with our own house cleaning, sweeping out the clutter of conditioned ideas and images and meanings that are the cobwebs that Veil our Awakening. Once we Clear out the Homestead we Realize that was actually our Quest in the first place. We will get to where we are going a lot faster when we Realize that where we are going is where we ARE.

Your expectations are but projections of yourself, of your conditioned thinking of right and wrong or good and bad or this and that. What dissatisfies you in others is what dissatisfies you about yourself. You see your shortcomings in their shortcomings. What you see in others is but a reflection of what you refuse to see in yourself. When we let go of our conditioned notions we can see others AS they ARE without projecting our shortcomings onto them. THEN we can Help them, as they can Help us as being a Mirror of Truth so that we can Work on ourself. For then we would expect nothing more or less than As they ARE. When our Vision is Clear (no conditioned notions) then we can see the cloudiness of others, yet when our vision is cloudy we can not see beyond our own cloudiness. Though the Grand Trickster would have us *believe* that the cloudiness we see could not be our own, Fact is that it IS. When you have a bag over your head you can not see the bag over another person's head, yet when you remove the bag from your head you can see the bag over another's head. So, I would offer that the Suffering we see in others, causing dissatisfaction to arise due to not fulfilling our expectations, is our own Suffering. We judge others based on our own conditioned notions. For you see, if we were not so Suffering, if we had let go of our conditioned notions, Compassion and Empathy would arise and not dissatisfaction.

Indeed Talking the Talk is easier than Walking the Walk, but Talking the Talk that is not Walked is a Mask or Masquerade to hide the Fact that we know not how to Walk the Walk. Definitely not a start Dear Friend, but rather a finish. For before long the Grand Trickster will have us *thinking* that the Talk is the Walk. Such Talk is empty and hollow and without substance or essence, and is readily Seen by those who indeed do Walk the Walk. For the Talk is the Talk, as the Walk is the Walk. Just because one walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and even looks like a duck, one does not have to be a duck. The duck hunter may disguise oneself as a duck and quack like a duck to attract ducks to have for dinner.

So may I offer that the "start" is to Truly Listen, for it is difficult to Listen and Talk at the same time. THEN we let go of our conditioned notions one by one. THEN pay close True Attention to the *Aha*, the Realization of What-IS Truth and Reality. THEN Live and BE those Insights. THEN Talk about it. What use, except for the using of others, the control and manipulation of others, would Talking about Walk that we do not Walk be ? Any intelligent person can Talk ABOUT the Walk that they have heard of, but few can Talk AS/OF the Walk that they ARE. That is, is it the Talk Talking or the Walk Talking ? So, I would say, Walking the Walk would be started before Talking the Talk. For most of the time we can fool ourselves and others about some things, as some times we can fool ourselves and others about anything, yet we can not always fool ourselves and others about everything. True ?

Copies are never quite the same as the original. Like reflections in a mirror. The reflection is not that which is being reflected. And worse yet is a reflection of a reflection. So it is with conditioned ideas and images and notion of most any sort. Our conditioned concepts are nothing more than a reflection of a reflection of a reflection, and each successive reflection is but a further distortion of the original. Sleeping, all we see is a reflection of Truth and Reality and depending on how many layers of conditioning we are Veiled with determines the amount of distortions in the reflection that we see. In fact, the reflection can be so distorted that it looks totally opposite of what the original is due to distortions of successive reflections. Which means that while Sleeping we look at the reflection of Truth and Reality and actually see lies and Illusions. Which would also mean that the reflection we see as God is actually Satin. Awake, Awake, the Kingdom of Awakening is nigh. Break the mirror so you have to look at the original.

You owe yourself an apology -- you owe your Awakening an apology. You owe your whole life an apology for housing such a vile creature as the Grand Trickster. And the apology can not stop there, for now you have to correct what you owe an apology for. Other than that, as far as I am concerned, I am grateful that you have been Open and Honest enough to BE the reactions you ARE and state it. For it is in the True Observations of our reactions, and feedback by those who have gone through the very same things, that we can Work on ourself to "know thyself" and to Save ourself.

What is there to "learn" that you do not already know, though you can not Recognize it ? When the learner IS that which is seemed to be learned, THEN one Realizes that there was never anything to learn for there was never a learner. For to have something to learn we must establish a learner, which is established by our conditioned dualistic notion that there is something outside yourself to be learned. What is learned is our conditioned ideas and images and notions that Veil our Awakening, which we have to un-learn in order that we may start Awakening to the Fact that there was nothing to learn in the first place.

It has been said that if we want to be intelligent we must learn something new each day, yet if we want to be Wise we must forget something new we have learned each day. Know what you know and know that you know it. Also know what you do not know and know that you do not know it. And know the difference between the two. BE Well, but BE Mindful.

If indeed all is but a concept, a conceptual you conceptually asking a conceptual question of a conceptual other in a conceptual existence, the conceptual answer would only be of conceptual use. Though, conceptual answers would be of conceptual use to a concept. If indeed all is but a concept, Awakening would also be conceptual in a conceptual existence of conceptual you and conceptual others. THIS is the essence of Sleeping, and Sleeping is not a concept but rather a Fact. It is all in your head, so to Actually Wake-Up you have to Actually get out of your head. For in your head all is conceptual, as in your BEing nothing is conceptual. Conceptualization is but a game we play with the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind as out mentor. This game keeps us busy with grand concepts of this or that so we will not have to face the Actual. As a child we play childish games, yet as we Grow we must put aside childish notions and Dwell IN/AS What-IS Actual.

Intellectuals would have us *believe* that all is intellectualized conceptualizations so nothing exists. Interesting concept, and most likely sells much wares -- which Points to the *intent* of the intellectualized conceptualizations. For if nothing exists, what is to sell and who is to sell it to and by whom ? Can you see the game ? Can you see the control and manipulation of and by the conditioned mind ? Were the Wise Sage of yore intellectuals ? Did they speak in intellectual terms ? Actually Awakening is most simple, it is we who complicate it by intellectualizing and conceptualizing it turning it into a most complex conceptual experience. Sleeping we Talk the Talk and parrot the words, Awakening we Walk the Walk and ARE the Wisdom that the words ARE.

The most profoundly Actually Awakening people you will ever meet are Actually quite simple and speak in as simple a terms as possible. Much like a child, "from out of the mouths of babes". Though, granted, it is not always simple to speak in simple terms. For in our Journey along the Path we must keep it simple (K.I.S.S.) and take only what we need (ourself), because you can not Walk the Walk carrying the excess baggage of the intellect. Intelligence is indeed an asset or tool, but it is not Awakening.

It is in our attachments that we cling to concepts. The attachment to the conceptual self and conceptual no-self and the conceptual this and the conceptual no-this and conceptual that and conceptual no-that. It is all in your head. So I would say that we must first get out of our head, and let go of the attachment to concepts and no-concepts. For the problem is not with the concept or the no-concept but rather the clinging to either. Cling to nothing.

Humanity bares a heavy burden, though they are unaware of it. Their folly is but wasting the very Life Energy they ARE. It is more than merely a waist of an incarnation, but rather the waist of the opportunity to Wake-Up. For though thousands of years ago a lost incarnation was not the end of the world, today it may be because of we are getting ever more into the Kali Yuga Cycle (the Darkest of the Dark Age Cycles). For you see, thousands of years ago our ever Awakening Potential was still quite limited and so we incarnated rapidly into the next incarnation. But as the Potential Unfolds and our lack of attachment to this physical realm decreases naturally due to the Unfolding Potential, we re-incarnate much slower. That is, thousands of years ago we stayed in the Bardo of Death a short time before re-entering the physical realm. Whereas now a days we stay in the Bardo of Death far longer before re-entering this realm. Which means that when we re-enter this realm again we could be dead center in the Dark Age -- then we will be able to do very little about our Awakening. By then those Awakening will be *under ground* and not readily found. The Potential Unfolds whether we start Awakening or not, that is why people have this Inner Urge to start Awakening. Problem is that they cling to their seeming tried and true methods which are but conditioned notions. In this way Potential is stifled, so we are just miserable and know not why.

Mark this offering well. It is an offering for those of Inner Strength of Awakening who have the Eyes to See and the Ears to Hear. Those who ARE Awakening in Helping others to start.


Sample Postings of *Ray Of Light*

Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,

These "Ray of Light" are supplemental to all of the other Light Mission endeavors to distribute information to Help in the Unfolding of Inner Awareness -- The Awakening. I hope that you find them helpful and interesting. Dwell on them WithIN and See what Realizations Unfold.


Come in out of the rain ! That is, stop generating Desires. That is, when you see a perfectly designed automobile for example, appreciate it's perfection and even compliment the designer, and let it go at that. The same would apply to anything in the physical manifested realm, appreciate it's beauty and let it go at that. It is not permanent so why dwell on possessing it. Besides, you could only use it for the time that it is around or the time that you are around -- which may be a pleasant experience, but not worth grasping after it or clinging to it. You can not take it with you.

Giving life at all to it damages you. Generating it in the first place damages you. YOU are the mother who gives birth to Desire, so YOU have to take the Birth Control to stop giving birth to Desire. It is not a matter of suppressing or repressing or avoiding or submitting or subduing, but rather in not mothering them in the first place. And why we mother such a monster ? -- is that we are conditioned to do so. YOU are the mother and the Grand Trickster is the father.

IS is IS as NOW is NOW as the Moment is the Moment. There never has been and there never will be a Moment quite like this very instant present Moment. Each Moment is anew each Moment form Moment to Moment. So indeed it would behoove us to embrace each Moment AS it IS at the Moment, a new and refreshing Direct Experience. This Moment was indeed built upon the past, as this Moment will be the foundation for the future. But neither the past nor the future is Real for neither IS this very Moment. When we do not cling to the past or the future we can Dwell IN and enjoy the present Moment. For in essence, this Moment IS What-IS Reality and Truth -- for neither Reality nor Truth can be Realized in any other Moment but this very instant present Moment.

Whether one opts in or opts out, either option is suffering whether it be conscious or otherwise. Sleeping IS suffering. Sleeping, there are options. Awakening, we do what must be done IN the Moment due to the Moment -- there is no option. What-IS is What-IS, so our only option is What-IS. So if you like to call it an option, we have the option of What-IS or What-IS. I prefer opting for What-IS, yet another may prefer opting for What-IS. Whereas Sleeping, indeed we have a multitude of options. It is called *conditioned automatonic response*. No muss no fuss, just follow the Grand Trickster's script.


The Great Path has no Gates, thousands of roads enter it. When one passes through this Gateless Gate he Walks freely between Heaven and Earth.

"Light Mission's Private Postings/Teachings"

"Ray of Light" series (Points to Ponder)

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0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0


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"Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings "Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings


Also, the long awaited *Ray of Light* series of *Daily Ponderables* is finally posted and will be updated regularly. These are Light Mission's version of *Points to Ponder* or *Daily Affirmations* or *Cosmic Cookies* or whatever the going term is by any given group. These Rays of Light are e-mailed daily upon request.

Ray of Light

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