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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ March - Page 2 ~
Subject: Re: Today's Ray
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 11:46:46 -0700
> As an added note: those who practice meditation as an escape fool > themselves by thinking that it is a better escape than drugs because it > does not harm the physical body. WRONG ! Psychosomatic harm is just as > damaging as drugs. The use the term meditation because it *sounds* better > than *drugs*. > Any action or thinking which is for the purpose of escape is damaging. When not facing the "truth" of what we are about in our daily living practice is damaging. We may succeed in hiding from another's observation, but we cannot hide from ourselves, and this, whether one is aware of it or not, sets the natural flow of our body's chemistry/energy to operate out of sync. It pays to make a mental note of each time when we are physically "ill-at-ease". Invariably there is a legitimate explanation rooting back to what it is we were/are thinking/doing automatically as conditioned, which is not serving as well. Fine tuning of this aspect in our daily routine can correct the "ill". This is why Bio feed back works!
Subject: Re: Fear of Change through comfort
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 11:10:05 -0700
Who was it that coined the phrase ~ "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know." Obviously he/she fits the profile of that frightened character who seeks 'safety' in the known no matter how bad that is. Good posting Sharlene.
Subject: Re: And Moses logged on.....
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:05:11 +0100
Dear E.J. Gary & all, Hahahahahah Moses, great one E.J .........LOVED it ! :). ....and then to *all* about today's Ray :) ....... I think Gary and *Ray* said it quite well about meditation, this would sorta be like me doing a reiki initiation this morning and then very soon afterwards, grabbing women's frilly-what-not's and plunging them into a tub of nice soap suds ;-))) love to all - Wombat:) catch yuh's later.
Subject: Fear of Change through comfort
From: Sharlene <Sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 09:09:46 -0800
Good morning everyone,
Had some thoughts again this morning. Ya ya, I know.......lol Someone triggered some thoughts on change and I thought it may open a discussion on the list.
It was said " I am in a comfortable position and don't like the idea of change" To me that statement rings of emotion, which is based in fear. Being comfortable is another way of saying I am in denial that something is not right within the self. The fear comes from not wanting to look within and working through the pain. We fear that emotional pain. We fear we may have to admit that we are not secure in our conditioned belief systems. It is only through change that we grow and learn about ourselves. When it is said that only we can save ourselves, the saving comes through awareness and that awareness comes through change. It's a two sided coin, change through awareness, awareness through change. Everything in between is denial or stagnation. In being stagnant we find no peace, no happiness, no peace and know no truth. In being stagnant, there is no just being. Stagnant means no movement, no clarity, no freshness, therefore all that can grow is dis-ease, dis-comfort and de-nial.
Change is the food that feeds us, keeps the energy constantly moving and growing. Change means giving up attachments to the way things always have been and opening ourselves up to accepting what comes without reacting to it. Reacting comes only comes through the conditioned notion that we need to defend ourselves and our belief systems. We are afraid to step beyond belief to experience life as it is within the moment. Our moments are contaminated by the past experience and attachment. We cling to the old ways under the illusion that they are valid truths and valid paths because they have been in existence for hundreds of years., not leaving us open to experience truth as it appears now, within the moment.
It is fear that keeps us from being free, it is fear that keeps us from experiencing our own truths, we fear because we have been taught to fear. We instill our fears on others because we have had others instill their fears on us. And that's the way it is because that's the way its always been. It is an abuse and we pass on this abuse until we learn the source of our abuse (suffering). This is all self abuse, no one to blame but ourselves. Once we learn the source of our suffering we can pass on this knowledge for others to use as tools for their own awareness in finding their source. We can only save ourselves.
Light workers can only work from the light within themselves, and help others find in finding the light within themselves. This light is buried in the stagnation and denial of conditioned beliefs and belief systems. Which are all based in fear.....when we face our fears, we find our light.
It's just a thought. Love to all
Subject: Re: Fear of Change through comfort
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:24:06 GMT
Greetings Gary, you wrote: ->Who was it that coined the phrase ~ "Better the devil you know than the ->devil you don't know." Obviously he/she fits the profile of that ->frightened character who seeks 'safety' in the known no matter how bad ->that is. Good posting Sharlene.
In "The God Father", Brandon said " keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer". We can not fight what we do not know. We can not avoid bumping into walls if we are wearing a blind-fold. I agree, a fine post Sharnanda.
Subject: It is no gift...
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 20:17:25 GMT
Greetings Community,
->This is from a talk of Swami Vivekananda's: ->The Lord has declared to the Hindu in his incarnation as Krishna: "I am in ->every religion as the thread through a string of pearls. Wherever thou seest ->purifying humanity, know thou that I am there."
*Deep Bow* Krishna. IN/AS Truth, All Routes are indeed to Lead to One Path. Ideally this is so. Yet what route, in this conditioned programmed controlled manipulated survival we erroneously call life, is there such a Thread of Purity ? Have not the original Pearls been re-cast in plastic ? Has not Thine Thread been eliminated in the casting of the Present Fake Pearls ? For the Present seeming Pearls are but for *show* and no *go*, stage props and not actual. Though indeed some do echo such a Divine Pure Thread, even that echo is drowned out by self-perpetuation and self-proclamation and self-interest. When did the Grand Lie replace your Word ? When did the Creator of Lies usurp your position ? When will Arjuna again be Heard ?
Subject: yesterdays ray
From: "Vinny Amador" <vinny@angelreiki.nu>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 08:36:30 -0600
Hi Ray, EJ, and all;
metta to all.
yesterday Ray wrote: "....In the so called free countries the people are still controlled and manipulated by the state but are convinced (conditioned to think) that they are free by the state. At least Russians knew what freedom was, something they did not have. The free world does not know what freedom is because they are conditioned to *think* they have always had it, though they never have."
Channel surfing often reveals in a glimpse the control. A barrage of talking heads telling one what to think, what the "right" attitude is, what is the "correct" thing to believe. Then the others who talk about what the first group talked about telling you what they think that the other told you that you need to believe.
On the other hand, I watched some MTV the other day. They don't seem to play much music any longer, opting for the format of a 24/7 infomercial. The ultimate conditioning agent, this is. In a short amount of time you are exposed to fast flashy images of what you should think, act like, do, be, wear, know, believe and it is reinforced over and over and over again in a million ways both subtle and overt. The eye candy of conditioning. I was struck by what an amazing tool this has become. The groups that they do present are formulaic. Stunningly beautiful girls with midriff tops, silicone enhancements and throbbing pulsed beats that reinforce hypnotically the message. Repetitive images. What an amazing tool. The advertisers appear to write all the shows so that there is a continuous flow from show to commercial and at times no difference between them. The promise of paradise, sex, desiribility, acceptance, respect, power, money are all there. Just act this way, get a few tatoos and piercings, wear our clothes and act this way and you are it.
There is no freedom, just what we convince you to believe, do, wear, need, act. These people appear to have mastered this quite well.
And yet for all that to read the paper reminds us that even the ones with the shoes, houses, cars, babes, clothes, piercing and tatoos still seem to end up in rehab or shoot up schools. Not as free as they thought, huh?
Take gentle care;
Subject: Re: yesterdays ray
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 03:05:51 GMT
Greetings Vincent, you wrote: ->Channel surfing often reveals in a glimpse the control. A barrage of ->talking heads telling one what to think, what the "right" attitude is, what ->is the "correct" thing to believe. Then the others who talk about what the ->first group talked about telling you what they think that the other told you ->that you need to believe. -> ->On the other hand, I watched some MTV the other day. They don't seem to ->play much music any longer, opting for the format of a 24/7 infomercial. ->The ultimate conditioning agent, this is. In a short amount of time you are ->exposed to fast flashy images of what you should think, act like, do, be, ->wear, know, believe and it is reinforced over and over and over again in a ->million ways both subtle and overt. The eye candy of conditioning. I was ->struck by what an amazing tool this has become. The groups that they do ->present are formulaic. Stunningly beautiful girls with midriff tops, ->silicone enhancements and throbbing pulsed beats that reinforce hypnotically ->the message. Repetitive images. What an amazing tool. The advertisers ->appear to write all the shows so that there is a continuous flow from show ->to commercial and at times no difference between them. The promise of ->paradise, sex, desiribility, acceptance, respect, power, money are all ->there. Just act this way, get a few tatoos and piercings, wear our clothes ->and act this way and you are it. -> ->There is no freedom, just what we convince you to believe, do, wear, need, ->act. These people appear to have mastered this quite well. -> ->And yet for all that to read the paper reminds us that even the ones with ->the shoes, houses, cars, babes, clothes, piercing and tatoos still seem to ->end up in rehab or shoot up schools. Not as free as they thought, huh?
WOW ! I could not bear to clip a word, and quote the whole offering. *Deep Bow* Getting people to realize this is most difficult. And even if they do, they take the stand that it is the lesser of two evils. The greater of the two evils (in their mind) is to give up their dearly beloved security blanket. It is killing them, and I feel that somewhere Within they realize this but to them the alternative is to Painful for them. I have seen it in their eyes. When you confront them with this there is that instant of blank stare just before they go into a reaction or rationalization or justification of some sort. That blank stare is the window to their very Core and from the Core they are yelling "I know, but I am trapped". And after they go into their reaction or rationalization or justification of some sort, it startles them when I say "not as trapped as you think". Startled because they know at the Core level that I heard them, though I can only offer that "no one can Save you but yourself, no one can and no one may, I can Point to the Path, but you yourself must Walk the Way". Not that anyone listens, for they are conditioned not to, but we do have to say it. All we can do is hold out our hand, as in the Cathedral ceiling painting by Michelangelo, and if they do not make the effort to clasp our hand, at least we do not have to join them in their folly.
Thank you very much for the offering Dear Friend. I hope that more than I was Listening. Many *hear* but few *Truly Listen*.
Subject: Point to Ponder
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 19:08:38 GMT
Greetings Silent Community,
From: "The steed of this Valley is pain; and if there is no pain this journey will never end. In this station the lover hath no thought save the Beloved, and seeketh no refuge save the Friend. At every moment he offereth a hundred lives in the path of the Loved One, at every step he throweth a thousand heads at the feet of the Beloved." -- Baha'u'llah, The Seven Valleys
What might Baha'u'llah be indicating here by "pain" ? Letting go of dearly beloved conditioned attachments and notions of all sorts ? What might Baha'u'llah be indicating here by "Beloved, Friend, Loved One" ? Our True Nature ? A Total commitment to BEing our True Nature ? A Total commitment to Unfolding Awakening ? Regardless of the Pain ? In all schools of thought, Wise Sages say it in their own way and relative to their own time, but what they are saying is to Empty the mind of defiling conditioned programs to Unfold our True Nature of Awareness/Understanding/Compassion/Empathy. Which is a most arduous and Painful struggle for those defiling conditioned notions are rooted to our very core. And they are like crabgrass, you have to dig deep and get out every minute peice of the root or they will keep coming back. These Wise Sages do not gloss it over for they are simply using the terms at their disposal, WE gloss it over when we do not Recognize their words as Pointers to What-IS.
A Way that has been found useful since time immemerable is Self-Observation. That is, Openly Honestly Observe every thought and every action as though you were a third party Witnessing your own thinking and behavior. And Observe why these thoughts arise and why we behave as we do. And for what reasons do these thoughts arise and deeds done. And what is the intent of such thoughts and behavior. A most revealing study, for we get to "know thyself". When we see what conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automatons we have become, THEN we can do what must be done to rid ourself of these defilements. IF, that is, we are not frightened back to Sleep.
What say ye ?
Subject: Re: Point to Ponder
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 17:19:03 -0700
Indeed! We can be our own best Teacher, or we can be our own worse Student. In this, we do have a choice.
Subject: RE:Today's Ray
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 00:59:56 -0700
"It's not the burdens of everyday that drive men mad. It is the regret of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves that rob us of today."
-- Author Unknown --
Subject: Re: Today's Ray
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:57:26 GMT
Greetings Gary, you quoted: -> "It's not the burdens of everyday that drive men mad. -> It is the regret of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. -> Regret and fear are twin thieves that rob us of today." -> -- Author Unknown --
I would only add that shocks (whacks) to the conditioned known is quite maddening to most, as well. When the exposure of our security blanket is threatened we spring to action with lance and armor. And so we rob ourselves of the Moment by avoiding the shock, too busy clamoring to defend yesterday and tomorrow and other fool notions to notice that we missed the Point. When we start rebelling against clinging to the past and the future and other conditioned notions as we rebel against Truth and Reality, we increase our chances of Awakening IN/AS this very Present Moment.
Thank you for the quote Gary.
Subject: Re: yep
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 20:16:34 -0600
.Dearest E.J. and Community:
<<< Oh No ! It can not be ! I have too much to do before today for it to be here already ! I will never get caught up ! These eight day weeks are just not enough time, I am going to have to ask for a ninth day in the week.>>
Dear E.J.
You are reading my mind more and more. I can't believe it. Of course all this cannot be!!!!! I work 2 jobs, have an alsdkjalsdj for a husband, gone insane, brought up 3 kids, am raising 3 grandchildren, get hassled at work, get kicked in the teeth and told I am useless; yet I work with terminal ill patients every day of my sick life, and work full time our East Hartford's Finest (EHPD); where I am told to "shove it" every day (I tell them to get their butts back out on the street where they belong), and you keep reading my mind!!!!
YES - I need more than 9 days in a week, and I need 52 days in a week - Good Lord - laundry, kids, grandchildren, **** for husband (who's going to divorce me - who needs this jerk anyway), 2 jobs, and no sleep. My head hurts all the time, my "chronic disease" is getting to me - and my psychologist doesn't like me (she told me so).
Shall I go on????
Subject: Re: yep
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 02:54:38 GMT
Greetings Pam, you wrote: ->You are reading my mind more and more. I can't believe it. Of course all ->this cannot be!!!!! I work 2 jobs, have an alsdkjalsdj for a husband, gone ->insane, brought up 3 kids, am raising 3 grandchildren, get hassled at work, ->get kicked in the teeth and told I am useless; yet I work with terminal ill ->patients every day of my sick life, and work full time our East Hartford's ->Finest (EHPD); where I am told to "shove it" every day (I tell them to get ->their butts back out on the street where they belong), and you keep reading ->my mind!!!! -> ->YES - I need more than 9 days in a week, and I need 52 days in a week - Good ->Lord - laundry, kids, grandchildren, **** for husband (who's going to ->divorce me - who needs this jerk anyway), 2 jobs, and no sleep. My head ->hurts all the time, my "chronic disease" is getting to me - and my ->psychologist doesn't like me (she told me so).
That is indeed a full day, thank you for sharing this with the Community. We prove to ourself all the time that we are stronger than we thought we were, yet most of the time we do not realize that strength. We are always thinking we are weak and can not do this or that, when all the time if we Truly Openly Honestly look at our life we usually accomplish as much as a ten foot tall Superman. We never give ourself enough credit. We CAN do it ! And we DO do it ! Now, applying that Force against the Grand Trickster IS the task we must undertake.
->Shall I go on????
Sorry, but we do not have the volition to make choices -- we just have to do whatever needs to be done and BEAT THEM THAR SUCKERS !
Subject: Re: yep
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 20:55:58 GMT
->yep ->it's ->today.
Oh No ! It can not be ! I have too much to do before today for it to be here already ! I will never get caught up ! These eight day weeks are just not enough time, I am going to have to ask for a ninth day in the week.
~ Let Go ~
2001 - Yogajyotii
Subject: Re: yep
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:33:23 -0800
Now E.J.....a legless frog is not behind or ahead...yet still is still and still and stilly still....now is just right says Goldilocks... zzz....as i fall asleep with confu soup....:)
Subject: Re: And Moses logged on.....
From: "Pamela J. Coupe" <star980@snet.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 20:10:41 -0600
I love this. I've printed it out.
Subject: no summa cognita
From: Jacquie Weller <Well333@turbonet.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 19:01:34 -0800
You said: >Dualism is *thinking* that there is something *other* than you, nondualism is *knowing* that there is not. <
Ah.... then there is in this light of reality absolutely no one to argue with or talk about for it is such a pigwiggliggly wiggle and giggle is it not, at least as it sits on this side of the donut without the holes.
ok get the noose and set me loose....from this conita and no summa...
Subject: Re: yep
From: "Gary L. Rocha" <glr@home.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 21:07:12 -0700
Dear Pam, I seem to have missed some postings, (which is not unusual!). Thank you for sharing a day in your life multiplied. For what it's worth ... there will come the day (as it has for me), when you can tell yourself: "I wouldn't like to go through my life again as I knew it, but I am happy TODAY for having had those experiences." Take heart dear friend ... you are in good company here in this Oasis. You have the Power, Strength and Courage; it is obvious ... kick the ass off the Grand Trickster.
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