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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ November - Page 1 ~
Subject: Query
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2001 06:09:30 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->What is the difference between an emotion and a feeling?
It would seem, attachment. What most call emotions are relative to some experience or some attachment, whereas what most call feelings are more relative to the subconscious data-base. Most use the terms interchangeably, but would be wiser to use them more to their actual relevance. Most do not know how to say what they mean as they rarely mean what they say. Thus emotions are more memory based and feelings are more mental based. Both are stumbling blocks to Awakening.
-> It makes sense, since an emotion is the reaction to a thought stimuli, but does that mean that thoughts are what creates consciousness?
Thought and emotion and feeling are quite interactive, and baseless otherwise. Without thought there would be no emotion or feeling, though they sustain each other. None, however, creates Consciousness for All IS Consciousness. Relative to physical manifestation, on the other hand, so called consciousness (as opposed to subconsciousness) is relative to perception (which is conditioned) or apperception (which is without conditionings). Thoughts create nothing but Illusions and Fantasies that we are conditioned to think are some sort of truth/reality. Yet actual Truth/Reality IS AS it IS and can only be Apperceived via Silence of thoughts thus no emotions and/or feelings. AS Silence of mind we Hear, As Stillness of BEing we See, AS Awakening we ARE our True Nature of Consciousness.
-> My theory is that there is a phenomenon that I call a feeling-idea; a stimuli that later divides into a thought or an emotion, what do you think of that?
The whole physical realm and all it's activity is but phenomenal Dear Friend. And though the phenomenal realm is quite Real, our conditioned notion that we are separate from it yet experiencing it, is quite unreal. You ARE the world, and all the sensations and thoughts and feelings and emotions are the conditionings we project into/onto that world. Greater humanity is little more than conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automatons, trying to figure out what life is all about. Trying to make sense of it. Trying to find some handle to hold on to it so he can call it his very own. Awakening is not in figuring out the best perception to use but rather dropping the conditioned perception and Apperceiving What-IS AS it IS without our conditioned notions projected into/onto it. Awakening is not in what one gathers but rather in what one lets go of. Awakening IS nothing (no conditioned notions) left to let go. Awakening is not in what one knows but rather in the True Nature that one IS. To be smart we have to gather new knowledge each day, yet to be Wise we drop something known each day.
Any comments or additions ?
Subject: re: query & flak from the north node
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 16:37:54 -0800
greetings ray-monde,
i should know better than to stick my listless, masochistik proboscis into this query but wot the hell - another whack or two may aktually do sum good... should have seen my thumbs & toes before i finally laid the hammer aside in favour of a 2x4 on the cranium...
before putting on the rubber gloves & plunging them into the viscera of this 'query', allow me to state that it is the junk we harbour there that makes the mind our worst enemy... i don't expekt this statement to exonerate or absolve me from the charge of sleeping with my 'i's wide shut; there are no charges here, i realize, it is merely to show a modicum of my awareness of the divide betwixt mindfulness & mindlessness...
emotion: latin - emovere<ex-out + movere (move) - to move out; feeling as opposed to reason; a strong feeling; a subjektive reaktion involving psycholigikal & physikal changes... a step above in this lexikon of mine, i find the word 'emote' - to akt, as in 'to put on'...
feeling, on the other hand is just too large to grasp in this space... suffice it to say it relies on the senses, ie feel the texture of this 2x4, don't the legs of this frog feel weird when u hold them under water, how do u feel about me blowing smoke into ur space, etc... there is no latin in this diktionary of mine but feeling lapses into emotion: joy, sorrow, fear, anger are feeling rather than thought ...
>"Most do not know how to say what they mean as they rarely mean what they say. (ouch) Thus emotions are more memory based and feelings are more mental based. Both are stumbling blocks to Awakening."<
the querent asks: ->What is the difference between an emotion and a feeling?...
the dealer sez: It would seem, attachment. What most call emotions are relative to some experience or some attachment, whereas what most call feelings are more relative to the subconscious data-base.
the subkonscious data-base, sez the balding bag man, picking butts outta the ash-tray, wot the fuck is that if not feelingzzz...
nay, nay, nay, sez ray, emotions are more memory based and feelings are more mental based. Both are stumbling blocks to Awakening.
i saw sum kids in the sandbox this morning, replies the rubbie-dub, - gurus, i kall them, messengers from the real world becuz the real world is all they know, fresh from the oven, if u know what i mean, freshly baked, gentlemen... with only eyeprints on the krust... eggskuze me - fagan picking butts outta the tray... there wuz a woman on one bench & stanley kowalski on the other - stanley was squeezing a ball in his left hand, the woman was turning pages of a magazine with her right... again, the sleeve under the nose - anyway, messieurs, one of the kids, in sum sorta subkonscious frenzy, started throwing sand at the others... fiercely... one of the kids started to wail & the magazine raised her 'i's from the gloss, took in the scene & semi- shouted to the sandbox: hey, stop throwing sand at the others... why are u doing that??? - kowalski raised his 'i's from his forearm & glared at the woman who wuz still looking at the sandbox & emoting: stop throwing sand, d'you hear me - it's not nice, etc, etc... hey, kunt, from kowalski, wut'z ur problem, kidz is just being kidz ... wuttza big deal... pms? fds? wot's ur problem, lady... & so on & so forth... the man wuz tossing the ball from one hand to the other as he addressed her... the lady went to the sandox, took her daughter's hand & left the park with a black kloud over the sandbox...
emotion, ej, or feeling???
do the monks who 'inflame' themselves feel or emote?
or do they (pardon the french) not give a fuck anymore...
nice subjekt, ray... u ask for input - this is mine - based, of course, on narkoleptik synapses...
as for thoughts kreating konsciousness, as the querent asks, i wud say that konsciousness kreates what is... & konsciousness, in an other realm, i kall Intelligence, as in Logos, as in Life...
kut flowers get tiresum... there is no reward for love eggsept the experience for loving... & there is nothing to be learned by It eggsept humility...
humbly, diego garcia
Subject: Re: query & flak from the north node
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 01:56:14 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->emotion: latin - emovere<ex-out + movere (move) - to move out; feeling as ->opposed to reason; a strong feeling; a subjektive reaktion involving ->psycholigikal & physikal changes... a step above in this lexikon of mine, i ->find the word 'emote' - to akt, as in 'to put on'...
First, bare in mind that dictionaries are compiled on what is termed "common usage". That is, what a word is commonly used to mean is the meaning that is to be found in the dictionary. That is, a dictionary of a hundred years ago would have a different definition of some words than the dictionary of today. That is, often the *meaning* of a word is far more that merely it's *definition*.
->the subkonscious data-base, sez the balding bag man, picking butts outta the ->ash-tray, wot the fuck is that if not feelingzzz...
Also bare in mind that thought/feeling/emotion are very interactive and both self-supporting and support each other.
->emotion, ej, or feeling???
In the case you state, it would seem both. Upset (emotionally) with the irritant on the other bench and seeing/knowing (feeling) that her child was acting as the irritant would act. Assuming that all in the example are in the Sleeping mode. Unencumbered by conditioned notions, the woman would have smiled at the irritant and explained to the child (so the irritant could hear) that when fun turns into aggression it is no longer fun and thus perpetuates aggression in leu of fun. That aggression is not part of our True Nature yet Enjoying What-IS is. For without conditionings one's Attention and thus Apperception is concerned with out True Nature than Sleep.
->do the monks who 'inflame' themselves feel or emote?
Awakening, no. Such monks Sacrifice themselves (perhaps their life) for a number of reasons, none of which have anything to do with emotions or feelings for neither would be prevalent. This is not to say that all monks who Sacrifice themselves such are not motivated by defiling conditioned notions, for some are. One has to look into the individual situation rather than a blanket *one fits all* notion.
->or do they (pardon the french) not give a fuck anymore...
I have yet to know a monk who did not care, so that is not even an option for such actions.
->nice subjekt, ray... u ask for input - this is mine - based, of course, on ->narkoleptik synapses...
*Deep Bow* Thank you Dear Friend.
->as for thoughts kreating konsciousness, as the querent asks, i wud say that ->konsciousness kreates what is... & konsciousness, in an other realm, i kall ->Intelligence, as in Logos, as in Life...
As said, Consciousness is actually all there IS. But relative to mental activity, when conditioned/programmed/controlled/manipulated consciousness is conditioned/programmed/controlled/manipulated perception and when Awakening consciousness is Apperception AS What-IS
A person of the Way fundamentally Does not dwell anywhere. The consistent action of People of the Way is Like the flowing clouds With no grasping mind; Like the full moon reflecting universally, Not confined anywhere. Thus have we heard: The mind that Embraces the ten directions Does not stop anywhere. -- Hung-Chih
Subject: re: query & flak from the south node
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 18:49:05 -0800
greeting ej,
merci monsieur for ur succinkt reply & jez, ray, i am aware that a word is far more than merely it's definiton... go tell a lawyer, ie: the letter & the spirit of the law, etc... another toxin? an other winnowing?? or just a fakt of life as she is presented to those of us who do not know her??
may i return a deep bow, ray? without incurring a whack? may i say that here, in this kommunity, i find an honesty, a nakedness not evident on other lists... i thank the kommunity for their integrity as human beings - tis truly a refuge though ur admonishon to BE/IN/AS the MOMENT is easier typed than it is to DO... nevertheless, i return like i return to an itch that will not go away - hoping, kapital H, that it will go away... it hasn't so phar (pharside) but who knows - mayhaps one day i kan strip my self down to No Thing & Be all that isn't - wherever that ship may sink...
i agree that 'unenkumberd by konditioned notions' the woman wud have reacted differently - this i Know, ray, becuz if have seen Beings & whenever i have seen a Being i am blown away with their Light - their Kleanliness - their Purity - their Open 'i's...
sum hafiz?
"i know the idiot's wharehouse is always full... i know each of us cud run back & forth from there all day long...
& show everyone our vast kollektion...
tho tonite, franko, retire from this madness for an hour...
gather with sum loyal friends or sit alone
& sing beautiful songs to god... "
this i do now - i embrace the ten direktions hoping that there is nowhere that they stop...
namaste, mes amis, nanouk from the great white north...
Subject: re: beguiled? an eastwood show?
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 00:21:09 -0800
mr light,
>"Most try to BEGUILE others with the language of the topic, but few really know what they Talk about -- they just know the Talk."<
what kind of fool would do the Talk without sum kinda Walk behind them?
& to try to 'beguile', what kind of beguiler would possibly walk that far, where the walk becums the talk... definitely a beguiling apprentice - becuz, mon ami - beguilers ARE - no man-u-fakturing involved - beguilers are born - like wise men & like fools... is this not so, ray - sum kloser to the lite, sum further a way... but beguilers none the less... cheats, bullshitters, krap artists, like the man who sold you your first kar, like the guy who sold you the Kard to the Big World, the Real World, the World of Sales - when all that is needed it chopping wood & carrying water... & distinguishing wrappers on yellow wrapped McBlows...
beguile, indeed ray... why so fucking gentle - your going to get bullshitted a vast majority of your time - it's the neo amerikan way, so you might as well akksept it & put a kinder skin to what you touch - beguile... like looking into the eyes of a phenomena called the first fuck - beguiling...
from guile - krafty deceit; kraftiness; sly & tricky - be guiling indeed... are you wearing white new balance runners, ray, & dockers & a baseball kap? beguile - jumpin jay, man, you dating beatrice arthur... beguile - the word blows me away, as u kan tell... good name for a resort in panama, guatamala, et at - klub beguile - like a seagull wafting off into the sky in a rappido & yet gentle fashion...
i may be doing beguiling shit here, ray... i've lost my point... & becuz i've lost my point i won't try to beguile you with my own krap...
konsider this as sumone barging in ur door when ur not expekting the barge... my apologies to all, i've had too much biere - hey diego, man, i'm leaving - u gonna hang out or cum to the Liquido???
Subject: Re: query & flak from the south node
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 07:22:05 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->may i say that ->here, in this kommunity, i find an honesty, a nakedness not evident on other ->lists... i thank the kommunity for their integrity as human beings - tis ->truly a refuge
Well..... such feedback that our little Community is a Peaceful Haven for those Truly wanting to Learn and start Awakening is good to hear. We do not always say what people want to hear, but hopefully the offerings here are *from the hip* unencumbered by Fears or self indulgence.
->though ur admonishon to BE/IN/AS the MOMENT is easier typed ->than it is to DO...
Ah..... the crux of the folly in our Illusions and Masks that hide our Fears and inability to confront the Grand Trickster. Anyone can read Wise texts and even understand them to a degree, or practice Wise ritual and even dedicate their life to it, and write volumes of Wise texts themselves, but Few are Brave enough to Openly and Honestly Observe there thinking and behavior. Few are Brave enough to get right in the Grand Trickster's face and jerk his butt out of their life so they can BE the Wisdom they think they know.
It is wondered why more people do not. Obviously nothing else is working, as we still have Pain and Suffering and greed and hatred and corruption and war. Let go of the Grand Trickster and you no longer have the Pain and Suffering and greed and hatred and corruption and war. As long as we harbor the Grand Trickster we will always have the Pain and Suffering and greed and hatred and corruption and war. It does not take a rocket scientist to Realize that history keeps telling us that if we do not start Awakening that there will always be Pain and Suffering and greed and hatred and corruption and war. It does not take a rocket scientist to Realize that our traditional belief system keeps us in a state of Pain and Suffering and greed and hatred and corruption and war. Pain and Suffering and greed and hatred and corruption and war is the way of conditioned life and not the way of Awakening.
Problem is that it is very hard to just let go of those conditioned notions, but it is the only way that we can Save ourself. When we are comfortable in our ways we have no desire to change for it would disrupt that comfort. We actually have to get to a point of Total disenchantment with the Fact of our being controlled/manipulated by the conditioning/programming though comfortable. We have to actually get to a point that we would sacrifice our comfort to BE Free of the Pain and Suffering and greed and hatred and corruption and war. We actually have to get to a point that we start letting go of the conditioned notions regardless of the consequences. We actually have to get to a point when Awakening is more important than life itself. When you get to that point and start Freeing yourself from the Grand Trickster, the resulting Clarity is far more comfortable. But to Realize THAT, you have to BE it. Just Talking *about* it is just so many words.
-> nevertheless, i return like i return to an itch that ->will not go away - hoping, kapital H, that it will go away... it hasn't so ->phar (pharside) but who knows - mayhaps one day i kan strip my self down to ->No Thing & Be all that isn't - wherever that ship may sink...
*Deep Bow* Indeed, once the Door of Awakening is Opened even just a crack one can never again completely Close that Door. And fighting that Urge of Awakening just causes more Pain and Suffering because it will vex you to no end until you fling Open that Door Wide and Step Through the DoorWay and BE the Awakening True Nature you ARE. A little inside scoop is that IF you do take that Leap, you Realize that all that comfort you thought you were going to have to give up is still quite comfortable {8-> You just are no longer controlled/manipulated by it. THEN you can Enjoy that comfort AS it IS, unencumbered by it. You see, Awakening is about Living Life, everyday daily Life, AS it IS rather than how we are conditioned/programmed to live it.
Subject: Re: beguiled? an eastwood show?
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 02:27:49 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->what kind of fool would do the Talk without sum kinda Walk behind them?
Many fools Dear Friend. It is seen continually in all sorts of discussion groups, and in everyday life. If one reads the books one will know the language, and thus can Talk the Talk without ever Walking the Walk. Subtle clues that are most obvious give such beguiling away. Not that all try to beguile others, but they do because they have beguiled themselves. Likened to perhaps a kid just out of trade-school telling a twenty-year veteran in the trade how to do the trade. In theory it sounds good, but in practice it does not always work that way.
->& to try to 'beguile', what kind of beguiler would possibly walk that far, ->where the walk becums the talk... definitely a beguiling apprentice -
Actually there is no Walk at all, just Talk that eludes to Walk. Yes, mostly apprentices who have embarked upon the Path and *think* they have already come to the Journey's end. But some, just to be part of the latest fad or to make a living at it.
->becuz, mon ami - beguilers ARE - no man-u-fakturing involved - beguilers ->are born - like wise men & like fools... is this not so, ray - sum kloser ->to the lite, sum further a way... but beguilers none the less... cheats, ->bullshitters, krap artists, like the man who sold you your first kar, like ->the guy who sold you the Kard to the Big World, the Real World, the World of ->Sales - when all that is needed it chopping wood & carrying water... & ->distinguishing wrappers on yellow wrapped McBlows...
No, beguilers are not born they are made. The new borns do not beguile, they learn that from their friends and family and society at large. Yes, there are beguilers at every street corner and we get used to most of them and so half-way have them figured out as we confront them. Mostly due to experience. But the ones we have not yet figured out are the ones who tell us of things we have not yet experienced. The ones that rely on our beliefs to beguile us. The ones who rely on our lack of experience to beguile us. You see, when Sleeping we do not now whether one is Awakening or not. Awakening we will know who is Awakening for we are Awakening and will know who is Sleeping because we were once Sleeping ourself.
->beguile, indeed ray... why so fucking gentle - your going to get ->bullshitted a vast majority of your time - it's the neo amerikan way, so you ->might as well akksept it & put a kinder skin to what you touch - beguile... ->like looking into the eyes of a phenomena called the first fuck - ->beguiling...
*Roaring Laughter* True it is Dear Friend. Beguiling is the Way of the Sleeping. Yet, Awakening, we do not have to participate or pay any Attention. The best we can do, other than not traipse through it ourself, is Point it out so that others will not *step in it* (or so they will not step in it themselves). We are obviously IN the world but we do not have to be OF the world.
->are you wearing white new balance runners, ray, & dockers & a baseball kap? ->beguile - jumpin jay, man, you dating beatrice arthur...
*Roaring Laughter* You missed your calling, you excel is comedy.
->from guile - krafty deceit; kraftiness; sly & tricky - be guiling indeed... -> beguile - the word ->blows me away, as u kan tell... good name for a resort in panama, ->guatamala, et at - klub beguile - like a seagull wafting off into the sky in ->a rappido & yet gentle fashion...
There are many such centers Dear Friend, all financed by the Grand Trickster.
->i may be doing beguiling shit here, ray... i've lost my point... & becuz ->i've lost my point i won't try to beguile you with my own krap...
The Point is that there is no point.
->konsider this as sumone barging in ur door when ur not expekting the ->barge... my apologies to all, i've had too much biere - hey diego, man, i'm ->leaving - u gonna hang out or cum to the Liquido???
You are always Welcome to barge in any time Dear Friend, as the door is always left ajar to let passersby know that they can peek in a chat.
Subject: re: energy, yin & yang & everything in between
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 21:54:04 -0800
energy, yin yang & all between energy equals matter only when the lite is squared... konversely, matter equals energy only in the squaredness of lite... prior to the squaring, each koncept stays within its own self... red in the red korner, blue in the blue, kontraries bouncing on the ropes, waiting for the lite's ignition... the bell finding it's voice & the shade coming down to the gloving... prior to the squaring, we remain as we are... aurobi eating our own tales without awareness.... doing what aurobi naturally do - being ourselves in the smoke & the din of the arena... so how to square the lite, bruno? how pick up the printz before the foot leaves them? what the foot leaves behind is the past, where the foot falls is the future... & that which is in between these two shores i kall lite... BEING... all else is for naught... fond regards, diego garcia
Subject: Re: energy, yin & yang & everything in between
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2001 20:28:03 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: -> energy equals matter only when the lite is squared...
It is the circle that must be Squared Dear Friend. As the Cyclic Continuum of existence must BE the Four Elements of the manifest realm.
-> konversely, matter equals energy only in the squaredness of lite...
Matter IS Energy in Motion as Energy IS Light in Motion, thus Matter is the Motion of Energetic Light. Yet Darkness prevails upon the Deep, thus Matter is reduced to controlled/manipulated automation.
-> prior to the squaring, each koncept stays within its own self...
Prior to Squaring, concepts are but Vicious circles,
-> red in the red korner, blue in the blue,
Dualistically Separating the self from the Self,
->kontraries bouncing on the ropes,
in a Delirium of Helter Skelter activity leading to the Grand Trickster,
-> waiting for the lite's ignition...
awaiting Salvation,
->the bell finding it's voice
by some unseen Savior,
->& the shade coming down -> to the gloving...
yet no one Saves us but ourself, no one can and no one may, though others can Point to the Path, we ourself must Walk the Way.
->so how to square the lite, bruno?
BE the Light.
->how pick up the printz before the foot leaves them?
Only the sleeping leave prints to pick up. Awakening, the Walk is so subtle no prints are left.
->what the foot leaves behind is the past,
The foot knows better than to leave prints, it is the cluttered mind that looks for and thus fantasizes the prints to justify/rationalize a past.
->where the foot falls is the future...
Where the foot IS is the ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment, it is the conditioned/programmed mind that hopes for the next step thus justifying/rationalizing a future.
->& that which is in between these two shores ->i kall lite...
Daylight, space, time, separation, Sleep. When the Two again are One, there is no yonder.
-> BEING... -> ->all else is for naught...
*Deep Bow*
Subject: puppies, pussies & rhinoceri
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2001 00:12:42 -0800
hey ray,
am i moving sumwhere becuz ur posts becum klearer to me or am i merely identifying: in-a-sense pretending to my self that i understand or is it the in-a-sence in my being that trooly does understand... i ask becuz, to/in my mentation, if i stopped asking then there is the possibility that i may Be, tho i'm aware that this may be the dream/imagining of the Sleep, kapital S ... konversely, if i do wake up to find my self awake, why wud i chatter to my self - the monkeys are enuff - why add to the noise...
wud meditation help? i mean meditation in the 'movie' sense - sitting still with my legs in an unkomfortable position, stillness all around, the silence of a flame - yes, the silence of a flame & the memories of when i was burning... this is not meditation, is it? or a kleaning out of the trunk: u know - in my grandfather's trunk there is a pair of flippers... ur turn: in my grandfather's trunk there is a pair of flippers AND a cousteau pipe... my turn: in my grandfather's trunk there is a pair of flippers, a cousteau pipe & the signed kopy of philip k dick's valis, & so on & so forth... there's even a pikture of leonard cohen meditating on mt baldy, signed by the man himself...
i have a magnfying glass to help me see the small world & another glass to see the 'big one'... will these help with awakening? or will the moth find it's way outta the room??? tho the moth looks komfortable & kontent krawling up my wrist - it is in no hurry - kan this portent to bigger things??? kan pussies & puppies be next??? & then the fins of sharks & salesmen???... i ask becuz i had a letter today asking me if i wished to suskribe to life insurrance - hey at only 20 dollars (cdn) per month - without any medikal exams - ever... i thought that wuz great - 20 smackeroos per months & then my benefactors get 50,000 when i shuffle off this mortal koil - quite the deal, eh ray - to insure my life - wish i cud do that while i'm living - wot'z it to me when i'm gone, eh - pay down the mortgage on my daughter's house while i sit in the attik in sum plated urn with the years of my life engraved on them & my stardust mixed with koke... nay, nay nay... when i go i walk in the woods, lie under a tree & expire in the eye's & exhalations of chipmunks, grouse, ravens, etc.. "& when i die" sed david clayton thomas of blood, sweat & tears, "& when i die... there'll be one childe borne in the world to karry on..."
i take liberties blathering on like this - forgive me - i phear an assault from the pharside if i turn out the lites - hey ray - i phear schleep - now that deserves a deep bow - or a whack on the head - they're interchangable, n'est-ce pas?... & i kan return them for a refund when they're empty... like my pockets, like my sorry sole, i kan return them, yes?... & get a refund for my folly???
eggskuse me please - as i bump into rhinoceri on the way out - eggskuse me, i wanna go home...
hey franko, i'd watch myself bephore i throw that punch - i've got life inshurrrance, man - don't mess with me...
thank u awl for ur indulgence it's appreciated...
Subject: Re: puppies, pussies & rhinoceri
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 19:57:58 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->am i moving sumwhere becuz ur posts becum klearer to me or am i merely ->identifying: in-a-sense pretending to my self that i understand or is it the ->in-a-sence in my being that trooly does understand...
Oh yes, there is nothing that we do not Understand. Yet, depending on the depth of our conditioning/programming/indoctrination is the measure of us Remembering that we Understand. Zikr, Self-Remembering, Remembering the True Nature of Understanding we ARE. The more conditionings we let go the more we Remember.
-> i ask becuz, to/in my ->mentation, if i stopped asking then there is the possibility that i may Be, ->tho i'm aware that this may be the dream/imagining of the Sleep, kapital S
In order to Remember, you have to ask. You have to question every arising thought and every action. Believe nothing until you have Directly Experienced it yourself. Especially do not believe your mentation for that in itself is the sedation of Sleep. Even question your questioning. We are conditioned to *think* we are Awake but it is only a hopeful Dream or wishful Illusion. Yet pay no Attention to whether this or that, for this or that is for naught. Pay Attention to the contents of your mind and let go of the toxic ones, the ones that Veil your Awakening, the ones that control/manipulate your thinking and behavior.
->... konversely, if i do wake up to find my self awake, why wud i chatter to ->my self - the monkeys are enuff - why add to the noise...
Immersed in thought about this and that is distraction, thus confusion, thus Sleep. That for which you Seek will always elude you because you are always looking in the wrong places, always looking where it is not. The modus operandi of codifying and classifying and labeling and computing it and then Seeking it will always produce a Dead-End. Yet, letting go of conditioned notions and BEing the resulting Emptiness there is no Seeking at all.
->wud meditation help?
True Meditation IS a Key.
-> i mean meditation in the 'movie' sense - sitting still ->with my legs in an unkomfortable position, stillness all around, the silence ->of a flame - yes, the silence of a flame & the memories of when i was ->burning... this is not meditation, is it?
No, that is not True Meditation. That is another of those conditioned notions so that we can rationalize our failure in Awakening. As long as there are contents in the mind the mind can not be Silent. We are conditioned to *think* that by repressing or suppressing or ignoring arising thoughts that we can Silence the mind, but we soon find that this is too temporary. We soon find that in order to Truly Silence the mind we have to Empty the mind. When the mind is Empty, not only is the mind Silent but the BEing is Still. THAT is True Meditation.
-> or a kleaning out of the trunk:
THERE is another Key.
->u know - in my grandfather's trunk there is a pair of flippers... ur turn: ->in my grandfather's trunk there is a pair of flippers AND a cousteau pipe... ->my turn: in my grandfather's trunk there is a pair of flippers, a cousteau ->pipe & the signed kopy of philip k dick's valis, & so on & so forth... ->there's even a pikture of leonard cohen meditating on mt baldy, signed by ->the man himself... -> ->i have a magnfying glass to help me see the small world & another glass to ->see the 'big one'... will these help with awakening?
It will all help in Awakening as a further push toward Awakening, but will not help in Awakening. You can not work at Awakening, for Awakening can not be attained by working for/at it. Awakening is a result and not an activity. We work at letting go of the conditioned notions and as they are gone Awakening emerges.
-> or will the moth find it's way outta the room???
*Deep Bow* IF you Open the Door. We do not have to work at get the moth out, we have to work on Opening the Windows and Doors so it can find it's own way out.
-> tho the moth looks komfortable & kontent ->krawling up my wrist - it is in no hurry - kan this portent to bigger ->things??? kan pussies & puppies be next??? & then the fins of sharks & ->salesmen???...
Indeed, due to that seeming comfort and seeming contentedness no one is in a hurry because they Fear that they will have to give that up. When all the time none of that is given up, but rather the attachment to not giving it up is given up. Awakening is about Life, every day Life, so we really give nothing up for there is nothing to give up as there is no one to give it up. We just Embrace Life AS it IS without clinging to it or projecting any conditioned notions into/onto it. As the Free Flight of the Eagle. And to BE the Eagle you have to let go of the Turkey.
-> i ask becuz i had a letter today asking me if i wished to ->suskribe to life insurrance - hey at only 20 dollars (cdn) per month - ->without any medikal exams - ever... i thought that wuz great - 20 ->smackeroos per months & then my benefactors get 50,000 when i shuffle off ->this mortal koil - quite the deal, eh ray - to insure my life - wish i cud ->do that while i'm living - wot'z it to me when i'm gone, eh - pay down the ->mortgage on my daughter's house while i sit in the attik in sum plated urn ->with the years of my life engraved on them & my stardust mixed with koke... ->nay, nay nay... when i go i walk in the woods, lie under a tree & expire in ->the eye's & exhalations of chipmunks, grouse, ravens, etc.. ->"& when i die" sed david clayton thomas of blood, sweat & tears, "& when i ->die... there'll be one childe borne in the world to karry on..."
I will not get into life insurance, but it would seem that giving your daughter the $20.00 would be more beneficial NOW than it would be when you go off to the Happy Hunting Grounds. Better yet, give her the Example of Awakening so that she too could start Awakening and would no doubt not need what you leave behind.
->i take liberties blathering on like this - forgive me - i phear an assault ->from the pharside if i turn out the lites - hey ray - i phear schleep - now
Most do prefer Sleep, it is less Painful and less Arduous. But you can blather on all you like Dear Friend.
->that deserves a deep bow - or a whack on the head - they're interchangable, ->n'est-ce pas?... & i kan return them for a refund when they're empty...
No, they are not returnable but rather Recycled. It is the head that needs whacking that needs Emptying, and the *Deep Bow* must BE Fully Awakening.
->like my pockets, like my sorry sole, i kan return them, yes?... & get a ->refund for my folly???
Again, no return and no refund. You just have to let them go.
->eggskuse me please - as i bump into rhinoceri on the way out - eggskuse me, ->i wanna go home...
No matter where you go there you are. So if Sleeping is where you are then Sleeping is Home, as if you are Awakening then Awakening is Home.
->hey franko, i'd watch myself bephore i throw that punch - i've got life ->inshurrrance, man - don't mess with me...
Is that insurance on life or insurance on no life ? And does it insure that Franco will not hasten the beneficiary's claim ?
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