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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ February - Page 2 ~
Subject: healing
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:50:02 -0800
Hi ya group,
Having a conversation today and a few things came up that I need clarifying.
Can one heal the symptom and that healing remove the cause? I am speaking of healing the body, and have this heal the suffering of the mind?
In a spiritual healing, what part gets healed if the spirit is already whole?
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 02:22:09 GMT
Greetings Susan, you wrote: ->don't know if I am explaining it well.
Of Nobel Prize level.
->does this make sense?
Much sense. But the Real question is, 'does it make sense to you ?'. For indeed Dear Friend, there is very little (if anything) in the Sleeping modus operandi that is not founded on Fear. The Fear of losing or the Fear of not getting or not attaining. Yet True Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose or gain or attain. Nothing IS Everything whereas every-thing IS nothing. Thus True Freedom is another word for nothing left to let go of. THEN there is True Freedom to BE, simply BE What-IS Truth/Reality. But do you Really want to know the Truth ? Are you Really ready to stop wanting to be lied to ? Are you up to the Task of Emptying the Attic, once and for all ? You Talk the Talk but are you Really ready to Walk that Talk ? Knowing it is not BEing it, and only in BEing it can the Dancer BE the Dance.
You have obviously Walked quite the distance along the Way, so are you Really ready to BE the Way?
Thank you for joining in with your Observation Dear Friend {8->
Subject: an observation returrrned....
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:20:55 -0800
herr licht,
u say: 'The Dualistic notion that there is a self to follow is another of the seeking games, as one tries to be Separate from oneself. '
a paragraph earlier & u say: 'Yet the True Seeker Understands that he Seeks none 'other than himself,' and thus Seeks to understand What-ISNOT and do what must be done to nihilate it.
a problemo of semantiks or philology: if the true seeker understands that he seeks 'none other than himself' then ur first statement leaves me konfused in the way that double negatives do when they're being developed...
i hole- heartedly agree with u on this, ray: ... ' The Dualistic notion that there is a self to follow is another of the seeking games, as one tries to be Separate from oneself. '
furthermore: 'You are not Separate from yourself so such Dualistic notion only lends to Illusion, which is the antitheses of the Quest. Seek to make the Two again One, as there can not be Two AS the Present Moment (where Awakening can only occur).'
this kuden't be klearer than the 'singing' of a 'tibetan boal': - 'the True Seeker Understands that he Seeks none other than himself'....
& yet the Self does not exist eggsept IN/AS the MOMENT... the smaller selves line up at the door way of their own sweet house where Miss/Mrs S.White passes to each dwarf their daily chores...
unless i jest stepped off the bus from bosnia - this is how i see things as they Are...
& it is this seeing that i am attempting to move beyond...
to see & not see at the same time, to be & not be in the same being...
simply to Be...
in a konvention of rocket scientists... or the wednesday nite dinner at the Friendship Outreach Clubhouse...
our Beingness is, in essence, all that we have = so let's all Be, me knowing full well that We kant...
i kant - becuz i am still Bekuming...
a 'smiley' greeting to the list... it is indeed an oasis here, to/for which i give/do the 'namaste thing' to each & ever one of u...
Subject: Re: Emptying Your Contents
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 01:50:54 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->what is the purpose of the ONE mind,?
Rather a mind Empty of conditioned contents harbored therein. The True Nature of the mind is Empty, the new born shows us this.
->have ye all-sow the mind that was in ->christ? or somthing like that??
Christ Consciousness is our True Nature and thus the True Nature of an Empty mind. No also or other about it.
-> is it as in physics when it is said that ->the beggining of form is nothing more or less then the inturruption within A ->and or The field of constant?
No, the beginning of manifested form was the Unfoldment of Consciousness. That is, the Evolution/Involution of Pure Unmanifested Operant Consciousness Unfolding.
-> and what is the purpose of temporal if not to ->desire a durational period in such?
Desire is conditioned and thus has nothing to do with the duration of manifest form nor with form itself. It is in the conditioned contents of the mind and nowhere else. When we drop off such Baggage we Free ourself from the attachment to Desire and to the phenomenal realm of form.
-> did I come to forsake my own passion, ->and take no measure as this body?
Form is but a Vehicle and has no inherent importance other than we ARE that Vehicle and thus must maintain it's health and wellbeing. A most impermanent item that is not worthy of clinging to due to it's impermanence. Not un-important, yet too impermanent to warrant attachment to it.
->am I to say that this temporary name ->(.....) is of no merrit and am using it to only throw it away void of any ->envisioned experience and devote "(.....)" to...assisting my-Self in other ->bodies to awaken?
What is in a name but a designation of various multiple aspects of One Unity ? We label to differentiate and little more. The label is never that which is labeled, as the Tao is not the written Tao. And such labels are of little use to ourself as we are fully aware of who we ARE with no label at all. Do you need to know your name in order for you to distinguish yourself from another ? (.....) can not Awaken. The form that is labeled (.....) can not Awaken. The Consciousness that is the form that is labeled (.....) can not Awaken. (.....) is simply the label which is What-IS, and the form that is labeled (.....) is already What-IS, as the Consciousness that is the form that is labeled (.....) is already Awake. The conditioned contents of the mind Veil this Fact. Drop the conditioned contents and you will Understand this.
-> why so many of "us", why can't I be love with a partner of ->myself, what have I misunderstood about myself? Self
Conditioned contents. That is why there are so many of you, and why you do not Understand. Empty Your Contents and you will Understand.
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 04:14:12 GMT
Greetings Thomas, you wrote: ->Sometimes I feel like a ball in a pinball machine, alway heading for contact ->with some new lit up form of truth, just to then bounce off of it and then ->be headed to some other lit up form of truth. Bing bong buzz bip. ->Sometimes I wish the player would tilt the machine instead of hitting me ->back time and time again with the flippers of birth. If I'm here to learn, ->what is it that I'm suppose to be gathering? I restart my Spiritual Quest ->daily and make a little progress before I'm off in a different direction ->again. Is this normal?
First, welcome and thank you for joining in with your offering. You are oh so correct, the so usual called Spiritual Quest seems to be more of a game than anything and we are pawns. One teaching or teacher will resonate with us so we go in that direction, only to realize that another resonates with us so we go in that direction. Pretty soon we start feeling like much resonates with us and we seem to be caught not knowing what direction to go in. And the multitudes of teachers and teaching after our allegiance gets staggering. So most of the time we just *go with the flow*. Your analogy is a good one {8->
And starting your Spiritual Quest daily, anew, each day, as if it was the first day of the Spiritual Quest, is one of the requirements of the True Spiritual Quest Dear Friend. *Deep Bow*
However, there little in this Community to "learn" in the way of our Spiritual Quest. And definitely nothing to "gather" ! You see, Awakening is not about learning and/or gathering but rather about un-learning and letting go of what you have gathered. When we get rid of all the conditioned clutter, that controls and manipulates our thinking and behavior anyway, we are left with Nothing but our True Nature. And actually that is what the True Spiritual Quest is about: BEing our True Nature and not having to carry around a lot of Baggage. And it would seem that the only Way to do that is to Empty all the Conditioned Contents that we harbor in our mind. That does not sound like much of a Teaching, but every Wise Sage and Wise Teacher since time immemerable has taught it. And it has been found to be one that Really Works.
Oh yes, many of the contributors here offer much that can be learned/gathered because there are many talented people here. But that just helps one be intelligent. But if Wisdom is what is to be Realized, then all that learned/gathered knowledge is but frosting on the Cake. And you can not make a Cake with the frosting, though the Sleeping realm seems to *think* that the frosting is the Cake. YUK !
BE Well and Mindful Wonderful Friend, Shanti, Namaste, Metta, Zikr --
As Shanti is to say *may the Humility AS me Embrace the Humility AS you as a Humility of One*, so too Namaste is to say *may the Divine Essence AS me Embrace the Divine Essence AS you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say *may the Loving Kindness AS me Embrace the Loving Kindness AS you as a Loving Kindness of One*, so too Zikr is to say *may the Self-Remembering AS me Embrace the Self-Remembering AS you as a Self-Remembrance of One*. So *may the True Nature AS me Embrace the True Nature AS you as a True Nature of One*.
It is in the Inner Embracing of each other that we Realize that we are all cut from the same bolt of cloth, yet most do not Realize it YET.
Subject: Re: an observation
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 03:42:16 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->is there then any point in Seeking?... for one 'kamp' wot they seek eludes ->them, for the 'half-hearted' - they kan never find nor wud they want to...
"Ride boldly ride, the shade replied, if you seek for Eldorado". Sleeping, seeking is but a game and thus of little use. Yet the True Seeker Understands that he Seeks none other than himself, and thus Seeks to Understand What-ISNOT and do what must be done to nihilate it. That is, he Seeks out his defiling conditionings and roots them out. Which is not an undertaking for the weak of Heart, as it is a most arduous and Painful Quest and must be undertaken Totally as Poe indicates with "ride boldly ride". For then the Seeker IS the Seeking and IS for what he Seeks, the Dancer IS the Dance.
->well put, ray... if i am with the herd then there is no knead for me to ->follow this thread... if i am not with the herd then i have only my selph ->to follow bekuz aside from my selph there IS a Selph that i follow & all of ->the Pointers point to that, dexter... all road lead to Home - not Rome - ->jest me & my mocha in starbucks on 4th & Main - as in chow...
The Dualistic notion that there is a self to follow is another of the seeking games, as one tries to be Separate from oneself. You are not Separate from yourself so such Dualistic notion only lends to Illusion, which is the antitheses of the Quest. Seek to make the Two again One, as there can not be Two AS the Present Moment (where Awakening can only occur).
->as for salvation 'being' a reward - que-ce que ce - a reward - as in ->drinking my face from the river with the 'other' kows?... nay, nay, nay, ->monsieur light,
*Deep Bow*
->i have an other source of water - the snowpack that feeds ->the kreek that feeds the river that feeds the ocean that feeds the blood in ->my 'vains'... in the unkonditioned part of me, ray, i drink from the ->source, as we all do... to sum life is more vibrant & vivid, to others it ->may be dull... to me it is sumwhere in the middle bekuz i encompass both ->perspektives - i am both - the doer & the dun - i have a navel like everyone ->else & like everyone else,
The Middle Path is not sitting on the fence Dear Friend, look what happened to Humpty Dumpty. The Grand Trickster has us *believe* that the fountain we sip our Spiritual Nourishment from is a Pure Mountain Stream, when it very well may be the runoff of the cesspools we ourself establish. The Grand Trickster is the Master of Illusion, and thus *appears* quite Saintly and even Godly. So the first step is to take off the Rose Colored Glasses and Empty the conditioned contents of the mind that establishes a conditioned perspective. THEN the Middle Path IS *we ARE the world, IN it yet not OF it*.
-> i listen to my own counsel, unless sum flaw in me ->knows that i should seek counseil elsewhere bekuz my own counsel is ->flawed... mayhaps...
Yes, the light at the other end of the tunnel could very well be a..... train.
->essentially, ray, like popeye, i yam wot i yam & that's all that i yam & ->until sum katastrophe nudges me sumwhere else, i will kontinue being as i ->am - tho on the lookout for pointers - & basikally put one foot in front of ->the other... eventually i will get where i'm going to - tho in a sense, i ->am already there - two life times removed... to bekum what one IS...
This is indeed the rut that we find most comfortable as a Rationalization of Fearing the Work and Pain to get out of the rut. "Everything is okay the way it is so I'll get there when I get there". The rut is our grave, thus we can not get anywhere other than the rut. If that was okay, people like Jesus or Siddhartha or Muhammad and many other Wise Sages would not have made such a ruckus about getting out of that rut.
->in my kase - an anachronism who kan still dig the future - as Telus klaims ->in their ad campaign: the phuture is phriendly...
The future is no more Real than the past, and thus only serves as a distraction from the Present where only Reality is. Only in the conditioned contents of our deluded mind do we find the Present so uncomfortable that we cling to the future and past.
Rest in Pease, Dear Friend.
Subject: Re: (no subject)
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 14:07:51 GMT
Greetings Diana, you wrote: ->Just wondering...i keep receiving the same post: "RE: An observation" over ->and over.
Good to see you out and about in the Community, even in these times of *server uncertainty*. And if this message is delivered in the matter it should be, perhaps the server is back to *normal*. But, as I said earlier: "Sorry for the way the Community server delivery system is operating (or lack of same), with posts not showing up, and posts posted late, and posts being duplicated. Your patience is appreciated while I sort this out and get the Community server to get this malady corrected. Just a note to let you know that I am working at it {8->"
Subject: A funny
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 10:21:39 -0800
Q: How many wives does Buddhism allow? A: You may have as many as your tolerance for misery can bear. Q: OK, then how do I become a Lama Go to a monastic university and study for twenty-five years. Begin by memorizing Vasubandhu's Abhidharmakosha with its commentary (500 pages or so). Then study what you have memorized by hearing lectures on it and debating the contents with other candidates until you can argue every side of every controversy equally well. Then memorize several works of Nagarjuna, along with their commentaries. Then memorize the seven treatises of Dharmakirti. In additional to that study, you must master several forms of meditation and study tantric rituals for about two or three years. Alternatively, you can come to America and just call yourself a lama. Billions of nubile virgins will follow you everywhere and give you money.
Subject: healing
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 07:28:51 -0800
Hi ya group,
Having a conversation today and a few things came up that I would like others opinions on..
Can one heal the symptom and that healing remove the cause? I am speaking of healing the body, and have this heal the suffering of the mind?
In a spiritual healing, what part gets healed if the spirit is already whole?
Subject: health care
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:15:31 -0800
And God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow vegetables of all kinds, so Man would live long and healthy lives. But Satan created McDonalds. And McDonalds brought forth the 99-cent double cheeseburger. And McDonalds said to Man, "You want fries with that?" And Man said, "Supersize them." And Man gained pounds. And God said, "Try my crispy fresh salad. But Satan created ice cream. And man gained pounds. And God said, "I have sent thee heart-healthy vegetables and olive oil with which to cook them." But Satan created chicken-fried steak so big it needs its own platter. And Man gained pounds and his bad cholesterol went through the roof. And God brought forth running shoes and Man resolved to lose those extra pounds. But Satan created cable TV with remote control so Man would not have to toil to change channels between ESPN and ESPN2. So Man watched others exercise and Man gained pounds. And God brought forth the potato, a vegetable naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition. But Satan created deep-fat fried potatoes called potato chips and sour cream dip. And Man clutched his remote control and ate the potato chips swaddled in cholesterol. It tasted good but Man went into cardiac arrest. And God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery. But Satan created B.C. Health Care........
Subject: RE: An Observation
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 12:33:21 -0800
Hello , you wrote:
>Sometimes I feel like a ball in a pinball machine, alway heading for contact >with some new lit up form of truth, just to then bounce off of it and then >be headed to some other lit up form of truth. Bing bong buzz bip. >Sometimes I wish the player would tilt the machine instead of hitting me >back time and time again with the flippers of birth.
Ah so, The world of bright lights, flashing lights and noise. Caught up in the game of bounce.
>If I'm here to learn, >what is it that I'm suppose to be gathering?
Gather nothing. You are here to peel the onion. To leave nothing left to do the bouncing.
> I restart my Spiritual Quest >daily and make a little progress before I'm off in a different direction >again. Is this normal?
What is normal to you? And who taught you what normal should be? Is there ever a normal? What are you questing for? Or running from?
Subject: Re: healing
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 14:58:29 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: ->Having a conversation today and a few things came up that I need clarifying. -> ->Can one heal the symptom and that healing remove the cause?
One can *treat* the symptom, but there is nothing to "heal" about a symptom. The symptom is only the result of the "cause", a *sign* that there is a "cause" that needs Healing. You can address the symptom with a band-aid, to appease it or to hide it, but since it is just a telltale sign that there is some Cause that needs Healing, no Real Healing can take place addressing the symptom. For no matter what band-aid you use to address the symptom the Cause will continue to prevail, as is shown throughout history with humanity trying to heal it's Suffering. If we want to Truly Heal any Suffering we must address the Causes of that Suffering, otherwise the seeming healing will be but an Illusion to fool ourself and/or others.
->I am speaking of healing the body, and have this heal the suffering of the ->mind?
Is not the body/mind a complex Unity ? Thus the True Healing of any multiplicity an operant potential Healing of the Totality of that Unity ? Indeed one effects the other, yet only as operant potential, thus the Healing of one is not the Healing of the other but rather the aligning of the other for Healing. That is, to Truly Heal the Totality the Totality must be addressed in the Healing. When you fix a muffler on a vehicle, is the whole vehicle then fixed ?
->In a spiritual healing, what part gets healed if the spirit is already whole?
"Spiritual Healing" is only an indicator of non-medical means of Healing, a term and little more. And does not indicate some Divine origin of Healing, and is misused to establish much Illusion in a world grasping at security blankets. To use your term, "spirit", indeed "spirit" is already Whole and thus the only Healing that can occur is with the Causes of the Suffering (which hides and prevents our Realization/Recognition that "spirit" is already Whole). All True Healing must address the Causes or there is no True Healing, but rather an Illusion to fool ourself of some mysterious seeming healing.
Subject: RE: healing
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 07:27:59 -0600
Namaste, Sharlene Tom here, new to the email list, but a long time receiver of the posts from this community.
What I have found about sickness in my own experiences with my own body is that the body being sick is a symptom of some mental condition--being stressed out about a job, being worried about money, being bitter, being angry at the world, holding a grudge, bottling up memories. There are diseases that live in the human body that show no symptoms whatsoever until the mind is stressed out, then you can break out in a rash, or whatever symptoms appear. If the Will gets strong enough, the sickness weakens, like forcing one's body to go to the gym and exercise, or forcing it to go on a diet. You gain <control> back over the body and a healing results. The healing is a symptom of peace of mind as much as disease is a symptom of stress. Not always, but mostly.
The preceding is just my opinion for the present moment in time, subject to change without notice. If I ever disagree with myself, that is fine, because I contain multitudes and none of them are me. --Tom Ragland 15 Feb 2.
Subject: Re: an observation returrrned....
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 19:13:55 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->u say: 'The Dualistic notion that there is a self to follow is another of ->the seeking games, as one tries to be Separate from oneself. ' -> ->a paragraph earlier & u say: 'Yet the True Seeker Understands that he Seeks ->none 'other than himself,' and thus Seeks to understand What-ISNOT and do ->what must be done to nihilate it. -> ->a problemo of semantiks or philology: if the true seeker understands that he ->seeks 'none other than himself' then ur first statement leaves me konfused ->in the way that double negatives do when they're being developed...
There are Seekers and there are seekers, Dear Friend. The seeker just seeks to find, usually what will not be arduous or Painful, something to Save them. The True Seeker is he who Understands that his Seeking is not outside himself, but rather a Seeking for himself (his True Nature) and thus he Seeks out what his True Nature ISNOT so that he can root it out (let it go). In so doing, he can BE himself, he can BE his True Nature, and thus not be Seeking/seeking at all.
->i hole- heartedly agree with u on this, ray: ... ' The Dualistic notion that ->there is a self to follow is another of the ->seeking games, as one tries to be Separate from oneself. ' -> ->furthermore: 'You are not Separate from yourself so such Dualistic notion ->only lends to Illusion, which is the antitheses of the Quest. Seek to make ->the Two again One, as there can not be Two AS the Present Moment (where ->Awakening can only occur).' -> ->this kuden't be klearer than the 'singing' of a 'tibetan boal': ->- 'the True Seeker Understands that he Seeks none other than himself'....
*Deep Bow*
->& yet the Self does not exist eggsept IN/AS the MOMENT... the smaller ->selves line up at the door way of their own sweet house where Miss/Mrs ->S.White passes to each dwarf their daily chores...
*Deep Bow* Thus the True Seeker IS the Present Moment anew Eternally/Infinitely, and the seeker is always chasing after some fool thing.
->unless i jest stepped off the bus from bosnia - this is how i see things as ->they Are...
*Deep Bow*
->& it is this seeing that i am attempting to move beyond... -> ->to see & not see at the same time, ->to be & not be in the same being... -> ->simply to Be...
Indeed, once we catch a glimpse of Truth/Reality AS it IS even our True Seeking is useless Baggage that must be dropped also. It is the Force of True Nature that urges us to Truly Seek, yet the force of conditioned notions that keep us seeking. And yes, the First Day of the rest of our True Life IS when we can simply BE whatever it is we ARE. THEN Real Life begins for us AGAIN so we can BE Life.
->in a konvention of rocket scientists... ->or the wednesday nite dinner at the Friendship Outreach Clubhouse... -> ->our Beingness is, in essence, all that we have = ->so let's all Be, me knowing full well that We kant... -> ->i kant - becuz i am still Bekuming...
THERE is the Key Dear Friend. While still seeking you can not BE Seeking, as you can not BE as long as you are becoming. Mainly because becoming is going in the opposite direction of BEing, so Turn Around and BE the other Way. Becoming is likened to trying, an excuse when you do not make it {8-> So, do not try but rather DO. So too, do not become but rather BE. All it takes is Emptying the conditioned contents of seeking/becoming.
->a 'smiley' greeting to the list... it is indeed an oasis here, ->to/for which i give/do the 'namaste thing' to each & ever one of u...
BE Well and Mindful Wonderful Friend, Shanti, Namaste, Metta, Zikr --
As Shanti is to say *may the Humility AS me Embrace the Humility AS you as a Humility of One*, so too Namaste is to say *may the Divine Essence AS me Embrace the Divine Essence AS you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say *may the Loving Kindness AS me Embrace the Loving Kindness AS you as a Loving Kindness of One*, so too Zikr is to say *may the Self-Remembering AS me Embrace the Self-Remembering AS you as a Self-Remembrance of One*. So *may the True Nature AS me Embrace the True Nature AS you as a True Nature of One*.
It is in the Inner Embracing of each other that we Realize that we are all cut from the same bolt of cloth, yet most do not Realize it YET except at the Mission Of Light Community. THAT is what they do best {8->
Subject: Re: sum more observations & a kwestion or two
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 03:06:12 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->i am getting three (as in the little pigs) replies to each of ur posts - ->are u driving a point home or is it an affiniation with MayaOhm, who also ->spoke of getting replies in triplikate.. wot's with the attachment to ->number three... -> ->kan it be the number that squares the cirkle?... the pie, the milk, the ->voice of the mother telling u that she knowse wots best???
As stated three times before {8-> it is actually the Community server that is acting up with delays of delivery, and most likely people (myself included) are re-sending posts that do not seem to show up as they should. In the three years that this particular server has kept the Community running pretty smoothly, this is only the third time that we have had major difficulties. Hopefully sooner, but perhaps the third second of the third minute of the third hour of the third day of the third month of this third year things will start flowing better this third time. But I do not think that three has anything to do with it {8->
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 02:37:58 GMT
Greetings Susan, you wrote: ->Yes very much ready and am walking the talk as best I know how at this ->time... I have experienced much growth in the last year. I am experiencing ->the walkand painful as it may be I am thankful because it is the truth I want ->to be . I can be a better example from my actions than my intentions. I am ->not perfect~ I have slips.but I am better everyday from looking at myself ->truthfully and learning to love myself despite the character flaws I have > ->those character flaws can be replaced by something positive.
WOW. THAT is a Mighty Message. Offered/conveyed so simply and Purely that even the Wisest of Sages would take note. Thank you for sharing this Dear Friend.
->I am tired of being lied to. I know what I was taught as a child is not ->truth. I have found the path I wish to follow and that path is within myself. ->I am still working on that but feel I will be all my life and if I stop ... ->isn't that giving up...giving in once again to the conditioned mind that I ->truly do not want?
Indeed we must always be Mindful of arising conditionings eight days a week twenty-eight hours a day. An ever Vigilant persevering persistence never to be duped by the Grand Trickster again. Though, admittedly, it sounds worse than it is. For once we establish our BEing AS the ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment we are automatically Protected by our Shield Of Truth and Armed with our Sword Of Truth. And though True Warriors fully clad to do Battle with the Grand Trickster at any instant, our True Nature is nakedly exposed AS Open Honest Life.
->If I listen to my conditioned mind it goes in circles around with almost ->obsessive thoughts . That to me is fear, too much worry. ->I know at least this that in this moment whatever it is I need ( not want) ->will be provided for me.
True, as Open Honest Realization/Recognition of Truth/Reality AS it IS. For it is our conditioned notions that are our own Judas who turns our Christ-Consciousness in to the legends of the Grand Trickster for a few pieces of silver. And so instead of Crucifying ourself for our Awakening we Crucify our Awakening for our greedy self. It is the conditioned notions that are the Slayer of the Real, and thus we must Slay this Slayer.
->Before I had intentions...now I have experienced actions in my walk...
*Deep Bow*
-> I still have questions...but sometimes the question is answered before I ever ->ask it.
So too, most answers are in our questions if only we would Observe our questioning. And the most important question you must ask yourself is "who am I ?" For when you answer that question, finding out who the *I* really is, most all else will be elementary.
->yes I am ready to be the way..*smiling*
->Thank you friend for your help on this path
Thank you for BEing a Friend, which is Awesome Help to All.
Subject: Another Observation
From: ejLight@Light-Mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 03:36:37 GMT
Greetings Community,
Again, sorry for the way the Community server's delivery system is acting up. It does seem to be getting better though, at last notice it was only one day behind.
At any rate, it seems that there is a lot of store held in "HOPE". Hoping for better days, hoping for Enlightenment, hoping/wishing a never ending vicious circle of disparity. Why are so many still THERE ? Indeed the aspects of *hope* is very True for the Sleeping masses controlled/manipulated by their conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts. But when we get beyond that, when we start letting all that conditioned clutter go, when we start Emptying the mind of it's Baggage, we see that "hope" is but a clinging to the Desire dwelling in the future. We chase after that which isnot, when actually that is the Baggage that we must let go. Slow down so you will be able to catch up with yourself, and BE the Present Moment that IS and you ARE. Fear of the Present lends to Desire of the future, as Fear of the Present lends to Desire of the past. When we Fear the Present, we are always a step behind or a step ahead of ourself thus can never Directly Experience Truth/Reality AS it IS. Let Go, Let Live, Let BE, simply BE What-IS this very anew Present Moment.
Any thoughts on this *Hope Syndrome* ?
Subject: RE: sum more observations & a kwestion or two
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 07:07:31 -0600
It doesn't seem to be that people are resending, but that a computer is losing track of what it has emailed out and is starting over again with the same task. This happens if the server gets booted before it completes the job of sending out email to lists. Once it comes back up, it forgot what it already did and starts over. At least if you're using ListServ, this is a known feature.
Sometimes I get the same way. I start something and then get sidetracked and then have to restart and restart the same task at hand. Actually this server problem reminds me of Buddhist sutras that repeat the same words over and over and over. What is weird is that you get what is being said the third time you read it.
Subject: RE: An Observation
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 06:53:02 -0600
I am questing for Myself. I am also running from Myself. I am also confused as to which parts of me constitute Myself.
My body has weight, the mass of physical substance. Looking down at my body--is that Myself? Looking at what gets flushed down the toilet, a few minutes ago that was part of my body--is that Myself? Blowing my nose into a tissue, a few minutes ago that was part of my body--is that Myself? I have a current state of health, somewhere between being born and being dead--is that Myself? I have brown eyes, brown hairs, slightly overweight, approaching Middle Age--is that Myself? There are visions that I think are beautiful, music that I love to hear, incense that I love to burn, foods that I love to eat, warm fires that I love to stand beside, soft touches that feel so nice--is that Myself? I learned a language, how to drive a car, how to type on a computer, how to make money in a job, how to fix stuff in a house, how to shop and clean and raise a kid and be a husband, and only let them see me as they want to see me--is that Myself? I have a B.S. degree--is that Myself? I get angry and frustrated sometimes--is that Myself? I want stuff so bad I can taste it--is that Myself? I feel that if I try really hard that I change the world around me, that events synchronize, that information is intuitively gained, that I have tapped into a domain that knows me--is that Myself? I can stop and breathe, sit very still and quiet, contemplate the place I must have in this universe, contemplate being beyond this universe, contemplate returning to some distant home that is yet as close to me now as my own beating heart--is that Myself? Some parts of me I like. Is that Myself? Some parts of me I dislike. Is that Myself? Is the part of me that selects what I like or dislike Myself? Is the liking or disliking Myself? Is the search for Myself just one big ego trip, only to discover that I really don't even exist? If I peel away all of these layers and there is nothing left of Myself--what will Myself then be?
-----Original Message----- From: Sharlene [mailto:sharlene@light-mission.org] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 2:33 PM To: missionoflight-l Subject: RE: An Observation
[...] What are you questing for? Or running from?
Happy days, Sharlene
Subject: RE: healing
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:22:34 -0800
At 07:27 AM 15/02/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>Namaste, Sharlene >Tom here, new to the email list, but a long time receiver of the posts from >this community.
Hi Tom, Welcome to the great outdoors. Nice to see your smiling face.
>What I have found about sickness in my own experiences with my own body is >that the body being sick is a symptom of some mental condition--being >stressed out about a job, being worried about money, being bitter, being >angry at the world, holding a grudge, bottling up memories.
That has also been my experience with most ailments. Even accidents are more likely to appear when we are out of balance or focus.
>There are >diseases that live in the human body that show no symptoms whatsoever until >the mind is stressed out, then you can break out in a rash, or whatever >symptoms appear.
That is what brings out things like shingles. I have seen that, but fortunate enough not to have had them.
>If the Will gets strong enough, the sickness weakens, like >forcing one's body to go to the gym and exercise, or forcing it to go on a >diet.
The diet thing is definitely debatable these days. We have more information than we need about these things, along with the increasing intake of various herbal remedies. Both of these can be harmful to ones health, in the name of healthy.
> You gain <control> back over the body and a healing results. The >healing is a symptom of peace of mind as much as disease is a symptom of >stress. Not always, but mostly.
Is it control we want of the body? Is that almost an impossibility? We can watch what we put into it, what we take out of it, and what we want of it, but is it really control?
>The preceding is just my opinion for the present moment in time, subject to >change without notice. If I ever disagree with myself, that is fine, >because I contain multitudes and none of them are me. --Tom Ragland 15 Feb >2.
Sounds like you have been visiting the non dual lists. lol. It is and will remain an interesting study to be sure.
Thanks for you reply, look forward to speaking with you often, if you will honor us with your presence.
Subject: MissionOfLight-l: Welcome back
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 21:41:48 -0800
Do I hear,
the sound of one hand clapping?
Subject: MissionOfLight-l: Welcome Back To MissionOfLight-Community
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 05:31:51 GMT
Greetings Community,
Well, finally have the Community server problem taken care of. You will notice a slightly different look, but this server is a little more versatile. At least it will post messages in a timely manner. The server is not up all the time, and traffic on the Internet will slow operations, but that would only lead to hours of delay rather than days. So, with no further ado, please commence {8->
I do appologise for the last server's lack of service to the Community. This is not a very busy list, but when we want to speak we should be able to. I think we will be okay now. Test it {8->
Subject: MissionOfLight-l: sum more observations & a kwestion or two
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 05:40:22 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->It doesn't seem to be that people are resending, but that a computer is ->losing track of what it has emailed out and is starting over again with the ->same task. This happens if the server gets booted before it completes the ->job of sending out email to lists. Once it comes back up, it forgot what it ->already did and starts over. At least if you're using ListServ, this is a ->known feature.
Not techie enough to be sure, but they advertise that it is a "Majordomo style ListServer". This server has been good for two years now, but is acting up unacceptably this year so I am trying to locate an acceptable change. Any suggestions will help. When I stated re-sendings of posts, I was speaking of my own because after a day or so I have re-sent posts. Since the server has not duplicated posts before due to their own technical difficulties, it seemed that others may be double posting too.
->Sometimes I get the same way. I start something and then get sidetracked ->and then have to restart and restart the same task at hand. Actually this ->server problem reminds me of Buddhist sutras that repeat the same words over ->and over and over. What is weird is that you get what is being said the ->third time you read it.
*Roaring Laughter* Good observation.
Subject: Sex drugs and rock and roll
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 14:57:38 -0800
I had to pass this on to the community. This is today versus yesterday. I found it interesting and thought others my have a comment also.
Sir, is it possible that you have misunderstood what I've been going on about? Yes it is, in this case. I am not "propagating for artificial hallucinations". I am speaking out *against* judgement, intolerance, and ignorance. Perhaps you missed the part where I mentioned that any experimenting I've done with psychotropics is ten years in the past? And I am a young man, not an aging hippie recalling the flower power daze of his youth either - I grew up in this, the modern world. Please in the future strive to read and think critically, and not be so quick to paste my name onto a statement I never made. On the issue of psychedelics/tropics being a help or a hindrance, I would say that they are neither. If anything what they do is bring to the surface that which is deeply buried. An unstable person who takes these substances will probably accelerate his or her instability. A creative person may accelerate his or her creativity. It is very fashionable these days to jump on the anti-drug bandwagon but let's not forget who got this wagon rolling in the first place. As a proud member of generation X, one of the Middle Children of History, frankly, I am sick and tired of cleaning up after my parents' generation. They got free love, free drugs, a whole revolution, man! We got a poisoned environment, sexually transmitted diseases, and enough morphogenetic baggage to last us our whole lives. Funny how quick the Liberal Left has morphed into the PC Police of today. Dress like Britney. Wear a condom. Don't take drugs. The problem is that once that parenting drive kicks in, some people think that it extends to the whole species, and that the rest of us want or need the wisdom of your experiences. We don't. What we want is experience ourselves. Look, you guys who say "well I used to do lots of this so let me share my wisdom and tell you don't ever do it." Ain't gonna happen, Martha Stewart, nothing can replace the best teacher of all, experience. Anyway, I don't mean to pursue an agenda of attack here - my agenda was one of defense. Defense of free speech, free choice, and freedom to decide for oneself. I do not mean to single out anyone specifically for castigation here. If my comments don't apply to you, then you were not who they were meant for. Kinda funny. I could post "I love Satan" or "I kill in the name of the Lord" and I'll bet I'd get more "understanding" and "support" than if I'd dared defend someone's right to make up their own mind about psychedelics. What's up with that?
Subject: Re: healing
From: Sharlene <sharlene@Light-Mission.org>
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 18:44:19 -0800
>Greetings Sharlene, you wrote:
Well hello there EJ, or is it mr.ray? How's it going?
> One can *treat* the symptom, but there is nothing to "heal" about a >symptom. The symptom is only the result of the "cause", a *sign* that >there is a "cause" that needs Healing.
Yes, a symptom is just that, a warning that something is not right within ourselves.
> You can address the symptom with a >band-aid, to appease it or to hide it, but since it is just a telltale sign >that there is some Cause that needs Healing, no Real Healing can take place >addressing the symptom.
That was also my point in that conversation.
> If we want to Truly >Heal any Suffering we must address the Causes of that Suffering, otherwise >the seeming healing will be but an Illusion to fool ourself and/or others.
Yes, it's called playing the game of healing.
>->I am speaking of healing the body, and have this heal the suffering of the >->mind? >Indeed one effects the other, yet only as operant potential, thus the >Healing of one is not the Healing of the other but rather the aligning of >the other for Healing.
Ah so, good wording, wish I would have said that, and in the next conversation I have with another, I just may. :)
That is, to Truly Heal the Totality the Totality >must be addressed in the Healing. When you fix a muffler on a vehicle, is >the whole vehicle then fixed ?
Depends on who's car. lol And yes, I understand what you are saying.
->In a spiritual healing, what part gets healed if the spirit is already whole? > "Spiritual Healing" is only an indicator of non-medical means of >Healing, a term and little more. And does not indicate some Divine origin >of Healing, and is misused to establish much Illusion in a world grasping >at security blankets.
Okay, got cha. So when one advertises a spiritual healing, it is just in name only?
> To use your term, "spirit", indeed "spirit" is >already Whole and thus the only Healing that can occur is with the Causes >of the Suffering (which hides and prevents our Realization/Recognition that >"spirit" is already Whole).
Dam, you are a smart one aren't you? I like the way you word this. I may have to borrow these as well.
> All True Healing must address the Causes or >there is no True Healing, but rather an Illusion to fool ourself of some >mysterious seeming healing.
In my experience, the beat goes on, and on. Until there is nothing left. Clearing of one makes a space for another issue to arise. Until there are no more issues. A glimpse now and then of this realization does not necessarily make it so, and yet it gives one a chance to witness or observe that connection to the whole.
Subject: MissionOfLight-l: An Observation
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 05:40:30 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->I am questing for Myself. ->I am also running from Myself.
*Deep Bow* Now that you have Realized/Recognized this, now what ?
->I am also confused as to which parts of me constitute Myself.
Confusion is stagnation. May I offer that there are no "parts", there IS but One, as there is no "self" apart from yourself, as you can BE only One.
->My body has weight, the mass of physical substance.
Form is indeed Reality. Yet the formlessness of form is also Reality. Form is formless, as formlessness is form.
->Looking down at my body--is that Myself?
"Down" from where ? No matter where we go, there we are. Can we be anywhere else other than where we are ? May it be offered that the form is no less yourself than yourself. Can you be anyone other than yourself ?
->Looking at what gets flushed down the toilet, ->a few minutes ago that was part of my body--is that Myself?
Yourself is other than What-IS ?
->Blowing my nose into a tissue, ->a few minutes ago that was part of my body--is that Myself?
Yourself can be found ?
->I have a current state of health, ->somewhere between being born and being dead--is that Myself?
Where do you keep this "current state of health" ? Why do you think it is *your's* ? Can it be possessed any more than yourself ?
->I have brown eyes, brown hairs, slightly overweight, ->approaching Middle Age--is that Myself?
Who is looking ?
->There are visions that I think are beautiful, ->music that I love to hear, incense that I love to burn, ->foods that I love to eat, warm fires that I love to stand beside, ->soft touches that feel so nice--is that Myself?
What appreciates sensations ?
->I learned a language, how to drive a car, how to type on a computer, ->how to make money in a job, how to fix stuff in a house, ->how to shop and clean and raise a kid and be a husband, ->and only let them see me as they want to see me--is that Myself?
Who is the beholder ?
->I have a B.S. degree--is that Myself?
Who measures accomplishment ?
->I get angry and frustrated sometimes--is that Myself?
Who is *I* ?
->I want stuff so bad I can taste it--is that Myself?
What is Desire ?
->I feel that if I try really hard that I change the world around me, ->that events synchronize, that information is intuitively gained, ->that I have tapped into a domain that knows me--is that Myself?
From where do thoughts arise ?
->I can stop and breathe, sit very still and quiet, ->contemplate the place I must have in this universe, ->contemplate being beyond this universe, ->contemplate returning to some distant home that is yet as close to me now as ->my own beating heart--is that Myself?
Where is the seat of Dreams ?
->Some parts of me I like. Is that Myself? ->Some parts of me I dislike. Is that Myself?
And where is the seat of Judgement ?
->Is the part of me that selects what I like or dislike Myself?
What is Choice and Free Will ?
->Is the liking or disliking Myself?
What is the source of Choice and Free Will and Judgement ?
->Is the search for Myself just one big ego trip, only to discover that I ->really don't even exist? If I peel away all of these layers and there is ->nothing left of Myself--what will Myself then be?
Who it the Gamester ? Is there Discovery ? Is there form ? What are these "layers" ? And what/who do these "layers" cover ? If there is no "Myself", then can a "Myself" BE ? What is "Myself" ?
"Ride, Boldly Ride", the Shade replied, "over Mountain and through the Valley, if you Seek for Eldorado". To know thyself is to BE thyself, by Slaying the Slayer of the Real.
Subject: MissionOfLight-l: Welcome back
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 05:56:39 GMT
->Do I hear, -> ->the sound of one hand clapping?
*Roaring Laughter* It is nice to see the Community back Alive after it's short hibernation {8-> (so to speak)
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