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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ March - Page 1 ~
Subject: *Rule of Thumb*
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 06:11:30 GMT
Greetings Community,
Ray said: "I would only add a *Rule of Thumb*: if it controls and manipulates one's thinking and/or behavior in any way shape or form -- it IS conditioning and Toxic. Sometimes blatantly overt, yet most of the time quite subtle and subliminal. Money, greed, power, is only part of the reasons that one would condition another. There is also the power of misdirecting another to one's liking. The bottom line is: if it prevents one's Awakening, get rid of it."
He comes out with the darndest things. That sure seems heavy. Wat da y'all reckon ?
Subject: More *Rule of Thumb*
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 14:45:57 GMT
Greetings community,
Just a few Seeds:
You know what, meditation is when you are purified of all hocus-pocus about mind, soul, spirit, and other intellectual jargon. -- Alan Watts
When the veil of judgment is dropped, when the blanket of fear is laid down, when the armor of the ego is shed, one's true nature comes forth and enlightenment follows. -- Beth Johnson
Meditation is the simplest and quickest way to see yourself, to know yourself, to accept yourself and to love yourself. -- Tishan
Who would have expected that Self-nature is fundamentally Pure and clean? Who would have expected that Self nature is fundamentally Beyond birth and death? -- Altar Sutra
The purpose of meditation is to awaken in us the skylife nature of mind, and to introduce us to that which we really are, our unchanging pure awareness that underlies the whole of life and death. -- Sogyal Rinpoche
Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf. -- American Indian Proverb
Of all the vices, intellectual pride is the most treacherous and the most difficult to free oneself from, because it is not recognized as a vice. -- Swami Veda Bharati
Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself. -- Dhammapada
Subject: The Rev appeared today. lol
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 09:18:42 -0800
Diana: Strangely. Read just local news and subjected to mindless TV while doing so: everywhere,the Kali Yuga. So very few to wake...
Shar: The Kali Yuga has been approaching in the back ground for awhile now. With comes increased violence, increased darkness. On the whole humanity is suffering more now than ever before and things will get worse. I may sound like a preacher but people don't know just how serious this is. Seriousness can be a dis-ease, tis true, and yet that doesn't mean we laugh our life away with trivialities or nonsense. One must be aware of all that is happening around them. Awareness in the moment, is awareness of all. Seriousness, is taking it personally.
The Age of Aquarius was to bring awareness of what is, in preparation for the Kali Yuga. And the words that Diana offered are so true. The darkness that will cover the earth, is no different than the plague that has been spoken of previously. This time the plague is not physical illness, but one of more violence, more greed, more starvation, more crime. Believe it or not, the computer is one of the biggest and newest ways to feed others those shit sandwiches that Michael is speaking of.
The people will continue to suffer and become better victims, through not being aware of what is. These lists are great little inventions. they can get us in touch with those who give themselves freely to aid in our awakening, and yet we don't grasp that opportunity with the same passion as it is given. We take it to lightly. We take things personally and/or ignore where the finger is pointing.
Awakening is not an easy thing. It takes away all that you think, all that you thought, and all that you believe. And yet, we have to start someplace. We ignore the Sages and teachers of today, and hang on to that what was. We have in our midst, the people that can help us on the path to pathlessness, and we take it all with a grain of salt. We take it for granted as if this opportunity will always be here, and it won't.
The Sages and teachers today will probably have to go underground, as Sandeep has already spoken of with his need to disappear for speaking truth. It's time to wake up, the world will need you to help others in the up and coming age of darkness. And this is nothing to joke about.
I may sound like those guys that carry the placard that states the end is coming, that so many laugh at and ignore, and yet the sword of truth is delivered in many ways. We have the tools, we have the knowledge, and yet we don't use either of them. Yes, life is a joke, we as people are a joke, an illusion. And yet for so many that is not truth, but a notion of truth. Notions of truth are no different than the shit sandwiches.
We don't want to look at ourselves, we don't want to see through the beliefs we carry. We are afraid of losing the ego as our only source of identity. We live each day in fear because we haven't experienced the state of love, other than in brief moments.
We don't know what the state of love is, until we become it, not speak of it. Speaking of love, compassion, and awareness is not enough. We can talk about love and awareness until we are blue in the face and nothing will change. We will still suffer and wonder why.
The Kali Yuga is not a joke, many will suffer needlessly if there is still an ego to do the suffering.
How many will panic if Sandeep ends the list? How many will feel cut off from that in which they cling? How many bounce from list to list looking and searching for answers, and how many join lists because they are just lonely or bored with themselves? How many have been given answers to that in which they seek, and don't follow the finger and do the work?
How many sit satsang, meditate or whatever the labels are and think that the doing is enough? It's not enough, it has to become a part of who you are in everyday life, not just the hour or two of that experience.
How many are prepared for Kali Yuga?
Sandeep is already experiencing its effects, as did the US on 9/11. Were you prepared? Were you taken by surprise? Were you prepared to do what must be done or did you turn away in shock and emotion, making your emotions the main event in your life that day? Did you also think and wonder how anyone could even think about bombing the US? The how dare they syndrome of being such a powerful nation. And yet the people within that nation, are already suffering and being ignored. And the answer was to return the bombing making others also experience, the eye for an eye. How much progress have we made as society to this awareness of compassion and unconditional love? Where is it when it is our turn to respond? We say HOLY SHIT! and return to the computer to laugh and giggle.
The world goes to hell in a handbasket, because we allow it to. And it will continue as long as we are like lambs to the slaughter. The blind following the blind.
Going off the pulpit. The Rev, Sharlene
Subject: A Sharing
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 02:58:52 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->I believe as a ->person frees himself from past conditioning, concepts, beliefs, volitions ->and starts to realize the Truth in the present moment, freedom will be ->effortlessly realized. This realized freedom then spontaneously connects ->with the Infinity---infinite knowledge, resources, love, peace and joy. ->That's what you say heaven on earth......this is all connecting with ->INFINITY.
On the surface, and sort of a *quick fix*, this is somewhat True. Yet actually there must be an Emptying of the present contents of the mind (which is inclusive of past and present conditionings/beliefs/volition) we must ever be Mindful as a protection against continued bombardment of *influences* of any kind. Unless of course we live in a hermitage or forest or cave. For if you are *in* the world, the world is trying to condition/program/control/manipulate you ever instant. So it is not a matter of letting it go and you are home free, it is more of a matter of letting it go and being Mindful when it is handed back to you.
Further, how can you be free from beliefs if you "believe" something ? Is a belief worthy of believing ? When we believe, we do not know as Fact. When we know as Fact, we no longer have to believe. No belief is worthy of believing. Thus no Truth nor Reality can be Understood/Realized/Recognized as long as there is still a mote of contents harbored mentally. Your years of meditation should have shown you this.
It is a Dualistic notion to *think* that there is some point of connection between ourself and some Divine Source. One can not "connect" that which is not Separate. One can not fix that which is not broken. We ARE the connection, as we ARE Totally Whole, it is just that the contents we harbor in the attic cover that Fact up. It is a matter of BEing and not of connecting. We keep beating ourself with this stick because we can not make this seeming connection. Drop the Stick.
Who is "I" ? When you ARE Infinity you will also BE Eternity. And when you *think* there is either, there is neither. Your greatest "tool" is an Empty mind.
Comments are welcome {8->
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2002 23:23:09 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been written: ->Carl Unger wrote in his "Principles" that if ->we exclude from our consciousness everything that can be the object of thought and, ->further, from thought itself, all but the compulsion ..." we are left with pure ->thought. Could it be that the compulsion is the self-compulsion -> not to go there so to speak, eg by self-induced ->and self-devised efforts?
A Dualistic notion to think that something can be excluded from something else. Especially Consciousness, since All is Consciousness. Niti, Niti, not this not that, as nothing can be chosen yet all can be let go. Who is to say what is to stay and what is to go ? Nothing can stay as all must BE Empty. It is a fool's game to think that anything left in the mind can be controlled, for if there is anything left in the mind it will control/manipulate you. When there is contents harbored in the mind, all thought is self-arising and thus not Pure. Thus any "compulsion" is but a Desire, for there is no compulsion about Awakening but rather the True Nature's Energy of BEing. Some have called it the "Will to BE" or "Will of BEing", the natural Urge of the True Nature BEing. When there is conditioned contents harbored in the mind there will always be self-arising thoughts and self-compulsion and self-induction/self-contrived notions to self-evade letting go of the self. When there is no-self, there is only BEing. Drop the Stick.
->Actually, I was wondering if you will be able to answer this.
That would depend on how Open and Honest with themselves the hear is. When one is not Open and Honest with themselves, no answer that did not agree with the contents harbored in their mind would suffice. Yet those who are Open and Honest with themselves, the Truth is most obvious.
Anyone else like to comment also ?
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 22:49:09 -0500
Hi EJ,
> That would depend on how Open and Honest with themselves the hear is.When one is not Open and Honest with themselves, no answer that did not agree with the contents harbored in their mind would suffice. Yet those who are Open and Honest with themselves, the Truth is most obvious.
I would say detached observation (inner seeing) in the moment leads to discovering the truth as it is and not as it should be according to past conditioning, volitions, concepts and inherited beliefs. So cultivate an attitude of self-observation and non-involvement (in the subject under observation) and truth will effortlessly surface on its own............
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 03:45:16 GMT
Greetings Ram, you wrote: -> I would say detached observation (inner seeing) in the moment leads to ->discovering the truth as it is and not as it should be according to past ->conditioning, volitions, concepts and inherited beliefs. So cultivate an ->attitude of self-observation and non-involvement (in the subject under ->observation) and truth will effortlessly surface on its own............
*Deep Bow* This is True in a manner of speaking, yet I would add that eventually the Observation must be without an Observer. The Dancer must BE the Dance. At this point the Observer IS the Observation Observing without attitude or even self, not Doing yet IS the Doing. That is, there is only Observation, there is only Apperception. The Identity separate from the Observation is not present AS Present. There is no Truth to be gleaned in Division. Though the Realization/Recognition of Truth is indeed effortless, what is to surface and where ? Do you see the subtle separation between the words ? When we ARE, as All else IS, Truth will BE. AS Volker said, "the key is always in the ignition", yet we spend our whole life Seeking for the key. So it is not a matter of the key surfacing somewhere but rather us Remembering to look in the ignition. No ?
Subject: on feb 26 ray sed -
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 18:41:52 -0800
kommunal greetings, kommunity
>what do the rest of u leisurely residents say?<
aktually, ray, i agree with the Poster, especially with this kissproof gem: 'You see, the Grand Trickster would not trip you up if you were on his path -- only when you are on The True Path will he try to trip you up."
a question for the Posteur: what is the true path & where do i find it?
in the fingertips of goebbels's glove? under the knales of his thumb?...
kan the phone be uglier than a boot in the 'Faith'...
the True Tripster would not Grand u up on ur Way to the wooden kabin.. why would he, woodie?... 'thimk' about this: when we're chasing the tale of the same dragon, why would handshakes & milkshakes make the knifing smoother?
truly on the True Path, why should the Trickster kare - the kat was in the bag before the hand was fording the lamb for the bagging...
the key is always in the IGNITION!!!
it's up to me to turn it on!!!
Subject: on feb 26 ray sed -
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 05:02:04 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->aktually, ray, i agree with the Poster, especially with this kissproof gem: ->'You see, the Grand Trickster would not trip you up if you were on his ->path -- only when you are on The True Path will he try to trip you up." -> ->a question for the Posteur: what is the true path ->& where do i find it?
At the edge of the map, where the map runs out, that is where the True Path starts. Because the one place you will not find it is on the map. So when you throw the map away and start blazing through the brush just following your nose, that is a good start. But I can not find it for you, as I can only tell you where it is not and Point to where it IS.
->in the fingertips of goebbels's glove? ->under the knales of his thumb?...
Close, but no cigar.
->the True Tripster would not Grand u up on ur Way ->to the wooden kabin.. why would he, woodie?... ->'thimk' about this: when we're chasing the tale of the same dragon, ->why would handshakes & milkshakes make the knifing smoother?
There is the crux of the dilemma, as the Tripster IS the Trickster. And he will always be so kind to take you on a Trip down the Path of many glitters and shiny bobbles. It make the Trip to oblivion more pleasant. It is not the Fall that is so bad, it is the sudden stop at the bottom of the Ditch that hurts.
->truly on the True Path, why should the Trickster kare - ->the kat was in the bag before the hand was fording the lamb for the ->bagging...
Would the oil industry care if combustion engines were banned ? Would they care if oil production was forbidden ? Would hollywood care if we stopped watching movies ? Would the government care if no one paid taxes ? Perhaps your answer is in your question Dear Friend.
->the key is always in the IGNITION!!! ->it's up to me to turn it on!!!
Well, stop looking for it and get in the car. You can not turn the key if you are not in the car. If you know where the key is, and know that you have to turn the key, and perhaps even know where the car is, why are you hesitating ? JUST DO IT !! Do you also need a map to the car too ? With an illustrated ignition ? And a diagram of which way to turn the key ? Try removing the Blindfold and perhaps things will be much Clearer {8-> Whack !
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 00:50:15 -0500
Greetings EJ,
*Deep Bow* to you too!! Thanks for highlighting a great point of "Oneness" between the observer and the observation, the dancer and the dance, the experiencer and the experience....and so on.
In this regard, in my understanding, the PMP (Present Moment Presence) formula plays an important part as follows:
PMP Formula
This formula represents the relationships of the most important ingredients that can make us one with any one or anything we are contemplating to zero in. The purpose of this formula is not to show the intellectual comprehension of the PMP. It is rather to highlight the importance of various factors, which influence its quality. As such it is important to understand these relationships and be able to relate them to us for improving the personal quality of the individual PMP. The formula is expressed as follows:
IO is directly proportional to vARO
Where "I" is the intensity /quality and "O" is the oneness or complete immersion with whatever or whomever we are interacting with.
"v" is the variable usually expressed as a percentage and "A" is the abbreviation for attention or Absorption, "R" stands for receptivity (the willingness to receive the truth as is and "O" is an abbreviation for openness (free from past conditioning).
The message for this formula is that the intensity of the oneness is directly related to the degree or quality of the attention paid to the person and by the person, the object or any area of focus. It also indicates that how receptive the person is to others viewpoints makes a difference in the quality of oneness he/she wants to achieve. In this regard, freedom from past conditioning expressed as openness plays an important role in the most desired unity-consciousness. The following examples will explain the validity of the PMP formula in living of life and considering all practical aspects we go through all the time:
For a complete fulfilling, ecstatic and unity-consciousness relationship between the partners or the lover and the beloved, there has to be 100% absorption/ attention, receptivity and openness (ARO) coming forth for each other. In the complete absence of this, there will probably be a short-term physical dry relationship. However, if the " vARO" applied are only 50% from each other then the intensity/quality of oneness between them will just be 50%. In essence, what we are saying is how much we are focussed in "vARO" it makes a huge difference in the quality of the outcome e.g. in this case it is being one with each other. In the same way, the observer, the observed and the observation melt into oneness and they are not distinct from each other. On the same hypothesis, a generic relationship can be established between the Subject/ the Experiencer, the Object/ the Experienced and the predicate/the Experience.
These examples signify the importance of attention, receptivity and openness in creating the oneness we would like to create in all the roles we perform. In other words, oneness that we cherish so dearly is possible to have. However, we have to work for it, as is the case with everything else. It helps to realize that without consistent self-effort in the right direction, the results will be minimal for us in any area of life.
This working formula brings awareness in us and we should use it all the time to get the maximum results for our efforts. This awareness in turn will motivate the right action in course of time. This will become clearer as we go through inner-direction and performing actions. These areas help a person look at these relevant factors with more depth as to how the PMP quality can be self-improved. Now let us go to the other aspect of PMP so that we can understand and practice it more effectively to give us the maximum return for our efforts.
PMP does wonders. It grounds us to become stronger and observant (vigilant). It connects us to peacefulness and takes away the disturbances of the disconnection. It gives us a sense of most optimum outcomes (peak-performance), a sense of self-satisfaction and helps us to enjoy rather than feeling scattered. It takes away the pain as it gives us warmth and light. Physical pain becomes non-existent. Things/ answers come to us easier. They flow into us. We don't have to struggle for answers. PMP puts things in perspective and helps to establish the priorities. It helps us to feel alive and awakened within. It helps us to bypass external distractions; and thereby also to becoming focussed and aware. It makes us able to see things beyond deception e.g. the reality as it is and the triggering of the self-director. It helps us to expand the self to the infinity; infinite energy, infinite information, infinite resources and infinite love. It helps us to go beyond the inner toxins; fear, anxiety, jealousy and attachments etc. It helps us to become what we are destined to be; a free person, an aware person and a blissful person. As such, it is important that we consistently practice to be present in the moment.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 05:51:17 GMT
Greetings Ram, you wrote: ->SNIP> ->In this regard, in my understanding, the PMP (Present Moment Presence) ->formula plays an important part as follows:
A fine presentation Dear Friend. Yet, does complicating a complexity make it simple ? We spend our whole life gathering Tools for Awakening, when all the time we ARE the Tool and do not Realize/Recognize it. And all the Tools we gather only act as things to Trip on. Not that this PMP Formula is not useful, as it obviously can be in a number of areas, but it's success is totally proportional to what it is used for. But not Recognizable when one IS Present Moment Presence. In fact, not even the Present Moment is Recognizable for the Key is to BE that Present Moment continuously ever anew. No ?
Subject: Re: Conditioning
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 03:39:54 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: ->I am trying to grasp the teachings and grow toward awakening. ->The hardest is HOW? ->I grasp that I need to recognize conditioned notions, however, can you ->provide examples of conditioned notions?
What influences your thinking and behavior ? What causes you to choose one thing over another ? What causes you to perceive something in a particular way other than another way ? Why do you believe one thing rather than another ? Why must everything be named ? To mention a few. How to get rid of them ? Locate them, what they are, then go back to when they became part of the contents of your mind, then articulate or specify who and for what reason they were established, and their folly will mostly be obvious and thus easy to let go.
->I try emptying my mind ... for example, when I hear a bird sing I try to ->just hear the bird and not think the word "chickadee," when I see a tree I ->try not to think the word "oak."
Similar to speed reading, just look/Witness/Observe and marvel at What-IS. You Recognize it without naming it. Where did you get this conditioned notion that you had to name things ? What conditioning establishes this need ? A name is what we call things, but why do we need a name to Recognize whatever it is that we are viewing ? Do you need to keep your name in mind to know who you are ?
->But I see pitfalls in this line of action ... I am still TRYING.
Try not, do or do not do, but to merely try is but a cop out -- an excuse for failure. If we were not in our own way there would be nothing in our way. Another conditioned notion of Fear of failure to let go.
->How to STOP? How to just BE?
Nothing can stop Dear Friend, as life itself is Motion. You do not want to stop the mind, you just want to Still or Silence or Empty the mind. At this stage in humanity's Evolution/Involution, if you have a brain you have a mind -- it is just part of the package. Problem is that we are constantly filling it with conditioned clutter that hides or Veils our True Nature. It is our True Nature we Seek, though our conditioned ideas and images and meanings have us *believing* that we seek some form of Salvation outside ourself. Yet we are the ones we need Salvation from. Salvation from the monstrous conditioned contents we harbor in our mind. Those conditioned contents are the Slayer of the Real that we must Slay by dropping them. For no one Saves us but ourself, no one can and no one may, others can Point to the Path, but we ourself must Walk the Way. So we can not stop self-arising thoughts, we must get rid of the conditioned contents so there will be none. THEN we can simply BE the True Nature that remains.
->If I remember to OBSERVE and recognize conditioned notions, is that enough ->to facilitate awakening?
No, as just Recognizing them yet continuing to cling to them is but cause for even more Suffering. Because once you Recognize them, then you have to go through the sometimes arduous and sometimes Painful task of letting them go. You can not control them, for as long as you hang on to them they will control you. The only real remedy is to drop them, regardless of the Work and Pain to do so.
->If I call attention to desires and reactions and habits, will they begin to ->loosen their hold on me?
No, in fact they will tighten their grip. For then all sorts of thoughts rationalizing and justifying their existence will flood the consciousness generating pain of loss. It is not an easy matter to discard dearly beloved notions that seemed to serve you so well and perhaps seem pleasant.
->Can you provide some examples of beliefs and conditioned notions? Sometimes ->it becomes confusing, because EVERYTHING could be seen as a belief or ->conditioned notion.
Rule of thumb is that if you have not Directly Experienced it in some way yourself it is a belief. And if it influences/controls/manipulates your thinking and behavior it is toxic. Yes, just about everything could be said to be conditioned. But actually the skills we learn for basic survival and even the tools we acquire educationally to survive in society and the world at large are assets and not toxic to our Awakening. THAT, I would say is simply learning. The conditionings that I refer to are of the controlling manipulative type, the type that generates self-arising thoughts influencing thinking and behavior mostly as reactions. Reactions occur when some conditioned notion is tweaked or stepped on.
->Is there anything that is not a belief or conditioned notion?
If you have Directly Experienced it, it is not a belief. After sorting out the learning from the toxic conditionings, anything that influences your thinking and behavior, beyond Direct Experience, toward Judgement or Choice are toxic conditionings and benefit another more than you, in some selfish corrupt way. Note this well.
->Does one have to cease functioning in the workaday world to live life in the ->NOW?
Of course not, Awakening is about everyday workaday life. It is not about going off to the forest or a cave and contemplating one's navel. Though admittedly, that is a fine practice also. Awakening is not limited to the Buddhas and Jesus' and Muhammads and Wise Sages, it is what we all must eventually do -- or destroy ourselves with wars and conflicts and Suffering of all sorts. Like True Meditation, we must put our Awakening and thus BEing the True Nature we ARE to practical everyday Life. We must apply our Awakening in everything we think and do regardless of what that thinking or doing involves. Otherwise, what good is it ?
->It seems that DOING is the opposite of BEING ... how can one carry on the ->basic necessities of a job and the responses required to think and produce ->and DO THE JOB in a state of just BEING?
Indeed. No Dear Friend, "Doing" and thus a "Doer" involves the Dualistic notion (conditioned) that there is someone to do something and something to be done. That there is something that needs done and there is someone who has to do it. A matter of perception, a Dualistic one. Indeed there is much to do and it must get done, but why must the doer be identified ? The need of recognition establishes the Doer, another conditioned notion to let go. Why can something not just get done ? It is a matter of perception. Now, it is Understood that in the job market we have to claim credit for what we do so we can succeed in that job market. Awakening, we do so for the benefit of those evaluating our success, a show on paper as it were, but we could actually care less. That is, we do not pat ourself on the back because we Desire such acclaim but rather so the powers that be will evaluate correctly. That is, we are not attached to the acclaim because we heave let go of the conditioned notion of this need for credit. This can be done quite easily while still maintaining an Apperception (non-associated/non-attached/non-projecting perception) of Whatever-IS. Which IS BEing What-IS. For What-IS IS whatever we are doing.
->I can let myself BE when sitting listening to the birds or cooking dinner ->for my family, but how about when I'm being editor of our town's newspaper?
Why would there be any difference ? When listening to the birds you listen to the birds, and when cooking you are cooking, so too while editing the town's newspaper you can be editing the town's newspaper. Do you think about cooking or editing when listening to the birds ? Do you think about the birds or editing when cooking ? Stop thinking about the birds and cooking while editing, think about editing. BEing is quite simple, it is the self-arising toxic conditioned notions that complicate and thus distract our attention from Dwelling AS that BEing.
->Do I need to earn my living in a job that does not require me to be so ->engaged and involved?
Indeed not, unless you are inclined to do so. Awakening is about Doing whatever need to be Done, without even thinking about whether it needs done or that we do it. The misconception that Awakening is about joining a hermitage and turning monastic is another of those conditioned notions that we must let go. Awakening, so too as Freedom, is just another word for nothing left to let go. Let go of all that Chains you. Stop Lying to yourself, and stop wanting to be Lied to.
Like falling off a log. No ?
Subject: Re: Construction
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 23:25:23 GMT
Greetings Sharnanda, you wrote: ->The thoughts arose and I stopped them ->other than what one is doing in the moment. ->So here we are, ->Each moment is different ->Doing what must be done within the moment, aware of all that is around you. ->Ha ha, do you get to know why I enjoy doing in this field of endeavor. ->How can one not love what one does? If it becomes a job, I will quit.
Thank you for putting into practical everyday terms what reads in the Dhammapada that Buddha said: "Delight in heedfulness! Guard well your thoughts! Draw yourself out of this bog of evil, even as an elephant draws himself out of the mud."
Subject: Construction
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 07:35:17 -0800
Just a rambling mind this morning.
The thoughts arose and I stopped them for a moment so I could sit down and let the fingers do the walking. Busy doing renovation work, what else would influence thought, other than what one is doing in the moment. Life is a construction.
Prebirth is preparing for the work ahead. The gathering of materials one needs for survival. Instead of diapers and bottles, one gathers wood, nails and the like. Labour is the drive to the site and the site of the week is 45 minutes away. The birth is the unpacking and organizing materials so one can find all the parts and tools one needs as one needs them. How the work goes together is dependant on many things.
So here we are, born, and we have in front of us, all the tools and materials to produce a home. One starts doing what must be done. Never one part concentrated on but in mind of a finished product. Preparation for the future, and yet, focusing on the job one is doing. One can't be thinking about insulating and cutting a board at the same time. Either the finger goes or one ruins the board. Each moment is different, each board similar, yet entirely different. Before each cut, one cuts to know the board. Is it warped, knotty, rotten and which end will do the job it is intended for. You touch the wood, run your hand up and down, feeling the smoothness of it edges. The odor of the wood enters your nose and its like breathing in the energy of the tree that gave it's life for the comfort of another. There is no such thing as rejects, each board will have a use in the overall finished product, and the ends will produce a few hours of heat in the stove that warms the bodies of those that live there. Doing what must be done within the moment, aware of all that is around you. Putting in insulation to stop the cold, each piece carefully and concisely put into place. Wrapped in a blanket of plastic to keep safe, in place, and to stop the drips of unwanted moisture. One puts pieces together to build a shelter from the storms of the entrance into this haven that people call home. And add red tin to the roof to keep one dry as you say hello or thank you for coming to this humble abode. One wraps the whole with a blanket as preparation for the dressing of siding. The inside consists of different rooms that benefit different needs and desires. Like emotions benefit those that need to express them on different occasions. Hungry is fed by the kitchen. Elimination by the comfort and warmth of an inside toilet. Rest and sleep upon a bed in the sanctity of a bedroom.
Ha ha, do you get to know why I enjoy doing in this field of endeavor. Some parts are not so pleasant doing, but one must do what one must do within a moment to make a finished product. Next week it is drywall, mudding and painting as well as siding. Too cold at -11 to work with vinyl outside. Each day and each moment is totally separate from the next. How can one not love what one does? If it becomes a job, I will quit. Besides how else does get to see rainbow clouds and appreciate the smell of ozone in the air and the fresh smell of snow.
So that is my ramble for this moment. Sharing a bit of the life and experience therein.
Subject: Re: Construction
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 17:25:48 -0500
Hi Sharlene,
Appears that the constructor (Sharlene), construction (work) and the constructee(house) are one. This is a great splendor of Present Moment Presence (PMP)or Unity-Consciousness as I see it.
Who/What is that in you that could put aside all other thoughts in the limbo and zero in the marvelous experience of PMP? Also Who/What is the enjoyer/experiencer in you that is enjoying so much in spite of all the physical bites of the cold weather? How to recall this invisible power within at will and utilize it in day to day activities of life? I am just observing you from Toronto in a state of amusement and wondering if PMP is the secret of effortless joy.
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful experience Sharlene.
Subject: Re: Construction- Ram
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 20:19:31 -0800
>Hi Sharlene,
Hi Ram, How are you?
>Appears that the constructor (Sharlene), construction (work) and the >constructee(house) are one. This is a great splendor of Present Moment >Presence (PMP)or Unity-Consciousness as I see it.
Shar; I don't know if that is what it is or not. I am not much of a reader of philosophy or books. I am lousy at quotes and never remember who said what for very long. And yet, the words are pointers for me and those resonate within and also become a part of the whole. Everything is apart of the whole and I am just doing my share in the gathering. LOL And if you hang around you will see that I am totally crazy. ha ha
>Who/What is that in you that could put aside all other thoughts in the limbo >and zero in the marvelous experience of PMP?
I don't know. I don't think there is a who/what present.
>Also Who/What is the >enjoyer/experiencer in you that is enjoying so much in spite of all the >physical bites of the cold weather?
I don't know that either. No one is about it. Or the elevator doesn't go to the top. lol
>How to recall this invisible power >within at will and utilize it in day to day activities of life?
It's there within the moment. Nothing else exists except for that moment and what is done within that moment. Thoughts, worries, people, whatever, just are not present in that moment. Without them present, how can I not experience anything other than joy.
>I am just >observing you from Toronto in a state of amusement and wondering if PMP is >the secret of effortless joy.
You make the ego smile. It has been said, that being is effortless. Not getting tied into thoughts, claiming them as ours, and just observing is the path to the gateless gate. Where one can walk freely between heaven and earth. Gee, EJ< wonder who always said that? lol
Thanks for the reply Ram, You are a gem.
Subject: Re: Construction
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 05:10:37 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: -> It has been said, that being is effortless. Not ->getting tied into thoughts, claiming them as ours, and just observing is ->the path to the gateless gate. Where one can walk freely between heaven and ->earth. ->Gee, EJ< wonder who always said that? lol
AOUCH..... it hurts *my* head to try to *think* about who "always said that". *I* am clueless in St Louless, *who*, *I* think. *I* always thought it was "walk freely between heaven and this Hell we call Earth". *I* must have taken a wrong turn and wound up in an abby or ditch betwixt, because the whereabouts of *I* is not Present at Present. So, in leu of anything *known*, may it be simply offered:
~ The Gold You Sold ~
What is not Understood is there's nothing to Seek You are your True Nature you have to take a Peek, Just Silence mental Noise so you can Apperceive Then no reliance on what is conditioned to Believe.
Conditioned notions are the Cause of your Suffering When comes Awakening it is what you can't Bring, You did not have them when you Started this Trek So you must drop them off or face major Ship Wreck.
As you think is what you are but it's all in your Head So Empty the mind and Awaken Life that was Dead, Crucify yourself and Resurrect True Nature you ARE Slay the Slayer of the Real conditioned notion's Czar.
To think you know say you know but don't is Folly And to think you don't when you do gets Helpfully, To think you don't when you don't needs Retention So know and know you know requires an Attention.
When you look for the Source you find True Nature Which does not require any particular Nomenclature, The Result will not be different/separate from Cause As the Flow of Evolution/Involution can not Pause.
You are the Source and the Cause and the Effect Thus they are all Separated only within the Intellect, This is the Grand Illusion that you Believe to be True As the Past and Future is not Real they are not You.
Before your very eyes you've changed Lead to Gold Though when you did it was yourSelf that you Sold, Contrarily Trade yourself in for yourSelf as Magis do Thus accepting Responsibility for what you Knew.
Subject: Re: Construction
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 06:53:36 -0800
Peeking in watching the turmoil in the brain, lol
> AOUCH..... it hurts *my* head to try to *think* about who "always said >that".
ha ha,
> *I* am clueless in St Louless, *who*, *I* think. *I* always >thought it was "walk freely between heaven and this Hell we call Earth".
It's all perspective. There is no "I" to be clueless. There is no "I" to think. And hell is of our making. There fore everything is illusion. That is why the gate is gateless. I think. lol
>*I* must have taken a wrong turn and wound up in an abby or ditch betwixt, >because the whereabouts of *I* is not Present at Present. So, in leu of >anything *known*, may it be simply offered:
By jove, I think (lol) you got it. And it's high time. After all my teaching and babbling over the years. LOL
>~ The Gold You Sold ~ > >What is not Understood is there's nothing to Seek >You are your True Nature you have to take a Peek, >Just Silence mental Noise so you can Apperceive >Then no reliance on what is conditioned to Believe.
just do, just be.
>Conditioned notions are the Cause of your Suffering >When comes Awakening it is what you can't Bring, >You did not have them when you Started this Trek >So you must drop them off or face major Ship Wreck.
Ah so, the dark nights
>As you think is what you are but it's all in your Head >So Empty the mind and Awaken Life that was Dead, >Crucify yourself and Resurrect True Nature you ARE >Slay the Slayer of the Real conditioned notion's Czar.
The ego dies at the swoosh of the sword
>To think you know say you know but don't is Folly
false guru's
>And to think you don't when you do gets Helpfully,
The I don't know syndrome
>To think you don't when you don't needs Retention >So know and know you know requires an Attention.
And then it doesn't matter. One just is and one just does, within the moment.
>When you look for the Source you find True Nature >Which does not require any particular Nomenclature, >The Result will not be different/separate from Cause >As the Flow of Evolution/Involution can not Pause.
What is, is, the only thing that is different is your response to the moment. The world goes on around you in the same way it always does. Yet there is no "I" to claim it only to be aware of it.
>You are the Source and the Cause and the Effect >Thus they are all Separated only within the Intellect,
Ah, the mind, thoughts,notions and ideas
>This is the Grand Illusion that you Believe to be True >As the Past and Future is not Real they are not You.
We are not our thoughts, we are not our ideas, we are no longer what we were ten minutes ago. We are not tomorrow. There is no tomorrow. We are what we are, in the moment,free from illusions.
>Before your very eyes you've changed Lead to Gold
Hmm, go for the shiniest, the purest
>Though when you did it was yourSelf that you Sold,
Ego ain't worth a dime.
>Contrarily Trade yourself in for yourSelf as Magis do
Born anew,
>Thus accepting Responsibility for what you Knew.
No, don't want more responsibility. Dam. LOL
Just a babbling brook. Can't step on the same person twice. ha.
Blessings and babblings to you
Subject: Re: Construction- Ram--Sharlene
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 09:59:19 -0500
Hi Sharlene,
How are you and how is Sandeep?
Thanks for your answer. May I offer further comments:
Ram:Who/What is that in you that could put aside all other thoughts in the limbo and zero in the marvelous experience of PMP?
Shar: >I don't know. I don't think there is a who/what present.
Ram: What is not known....can it become a part of self-discovery/knowing? Do you entertain any such suggestion?
Ram: Also Who/What is the enjoyer/experiencer in you that is enjoying so much in spite of all the physical bites of the cold weather?
Shar:I don't know that either. No one is about it. Or the elevator doesn't go to the top. lol
Ram: Since this is not known, are you open to consider it as a part of self-discovery/knowing? Or are you closed (gated) in this arena although the gate is gateless ( as you say)?
Ram :How to recall this invisible power within at will and utilize it in day to day activities of life?
Shar: It's there within the moment. Nothing else exists except for that moment and what is done within that moment. Thoughts, worries, people, whatever, just are not present in that moment. Without them present, how can I not experience anything other than joy.
Ram: Logically sounds good but it may have some bearing to the unknown aspects as highlighted above. Not 100% sure though.
Ram: I am just observing you from Toronto in a state of amusement and wondering if PMP is the secret of effortless joy.
Shar:You make the ego smile. It has been said, that being is effortless. Not getting tied into thoughts, claiming them as ours, and just observing is the path to the gateless gate. Where one can walk freely between heaven and earth.Gee, EJ wonder who always said that? lol
Ram: How does "just observing" make the ego smile? In Light-Mission's terminology of "gateless gate" I see there is no gate/barrier in letting the detached observation inner-see whatever surfaces spontaneously. Also would like to know what you really mean by heaven? Is it some somewhere above earth? If so, what is Heaven's address? Does it also mean earth is hell? While Light-Mission's focus is on freedom from past conditioning why this conditioned notion of heaven and hell is brought in...wonder about it. Similarly, I also wonder why gate is first put in the infinity and then gate is removed to make it gateless.....
In answering to EJ you also mentioned about your teachings. I would love to see them if these teachings are displayed on your site or archived somewhere.
Sharlene, I am coming from "self-knowing" point of view and not from critique considerations. As such I appreciate your patience with me. I enjoy your posts and your honesty/truth in the expression of your understandings/experiences.
Thanks for your compliments Sharlene.You are a beautiful gem yourself.
Subject: Re: Construction- Ram--Sharlene
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 03:40:06 GMT
Greetings Ram, you wrote: ->Ram: What is not known....can it become a part of self-discovery/knowing? Do ->you entertain any such suggestion?
If I may offer, though I am sure Sharlene will have an offering as well, "what is not known" is just that, not knowing nor discovering. It is the known and the discovered that is let go so that the not known can BE Realized/Recognized/Understood. Nothing can be known in an Empty mind, thus no suggestions to the contrary of What-IS could be entertained. Entertained by what ? It is the conditioned contents of mind that entertains ideas.
->Ram: Since this is not known, are you open to consider it as a part of ->self-discovery/knowing? Or are you closed (gated) in this arena although the ->gate is gateless ( as you say)?
The intellect Fears the Emptying of the mind, Fears the conditioned contents let go, for then there would be nothing to know or discover. We stand in our own Way by clinging to such Fears, thus we establish a Gate that prevents us from passing through. Letting go of those Fears we Realize/Recognize/Understand that the Gate was an Illusion established by the conditioned contents we harbor mentally, thus the Way is actually Gateless. As long as we let the Slayer of the Real reign, the Slayer will substitute Illusion for Reality and thus establish a seeming reality only in our mind. Our own reality. Hence, wars and conflict and corruption and greed and selfishness and Suffering.
->Ram: Logically sounds good but it may have some bearing to the unknown ->aspects as highlighted above. Not 100% sure though.
The crux of the inability to BE is the total reliance on the contents of the mind. As long as there is supremacy in mental prowess there is only be Illusion. The contents of the mind will not vacate the mind of it's own accord. We Fool ourself by *thinking* that the mind will usher in our Awakening, yet it is such *thinking* that Veils it.
->Ram: How does "just observing" make the ego smile? In Light-Mission's ->terminology of "gateless gate" I see there is no gate/barrier in letting the ->detached observation inner-see whatever surfaces spontaneously.
"Surfaces" ? Self-surfaces in the mind ? Only the conditioned contents self-arise. And though Observing such self-arising thoughts is necessary to see the very conditioned notions to let go, True Observation usually refers to What-IS visually seen without projecting any conditioned contextual ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts into/onto What-IS Observed. Relating Observation with perspective is folly.
->Also would like to know what you really mean by heaven?
Just a term to indicate Bliss/Awakening, as Earth is just a term to indicate everyday life. That is, when we Realize/Recognize/Understand that the Way is Gateless we Walk AS Bliss and AS daily life for neither is Separate from the other.
->While Light-Mission's focus is on freedom from past conditioning
Freedom is NO conditionings left to let go, past or present.
->why this ->conditioned notion of heaven and hell is brought in...wonder about it.
Wisdom is not found in words, nor the letter of the word, yet most obvious in the space between them.
->Similarly, I also wonder why gate is first put in the infinity and then ->gate is removed to make it gateless.....
To make the intellect wonder {8->
->In answering to EJ you also mentioned about your teachings. I would love to ->see them if these teachings are displayed on your site or archived ->somewhere.
No teachings offered here Dear Friend, just Pointers. One could say that the Teachings are in the Pointings, thus the Teachings are most obvious though seen not. And definitely not *mine*, but rather What-IS most obvious. Is the scene that the painter paints, the painter's ? Is what the eye sees, the eye's ?
->I am coming from "self-knowing" point of view
Would you consider no-self/no-knowing Apperception ?
Subject: TOPAHE Attitude---Modus Operandi as I understand it.
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 12:50:01 -0500
ATTITUDE: It is the modus operandi; the mental position with regard to the action, the state or the fact etc. It is the way in which a person conducts/ behaves in responding to the various situations of life. The success of the mission we want to accomplish is largely influenced by the kind of attitude a person has. It is the secret to the quality of life a person has. The most desirable kind of attitude we want to have is a TOPAHE attitude. We call the following attributes of the TOPAHE attitude as essential requirements for being what we truly are on an ongoing basis and enjoying our true nature of Truth-Awareness-Blissfulnwess:
T: Truthful....Honest
O: Open (Free from past conditioning) and Optimistic.
P: Present in the Moment and Positive.
A: Accepting (acknowledging the reality of the situations as it is and not as it should be and not denying it).
H: Heart-felt actions
E: Enjoyed (I am here to do things in away that I enjoy the moments of doing. I will turn around all the situations in a way that I am prompted to do and spontaneously enjoy it).
All these ingredients play an exceedingly important role how we fare in the total success of our aspirations of life. As such it is important to see how we are doing in all the above mentioned six ingredients while performimg our tasks. Just relax, be silent and see how you are doing.
With Best Wishes.................Ram
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