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Welcome ye Grand Subscribers and Seekers of Truth and Inner Awareness.
~ April - Page 2 ~
Subject: suggestion
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 17:49:42 -0700
However, I have a suggestion if you would like to consider for incorporating in day to day lives the essence of your daily morning rays. May be, if you like, you could give a simple exercise for each major message from different walks of life. Suggested examples:
Perhaps instead of adding to The Ray, we could invent or produce a daily exercise news letter giving a short practice in one of the following, focus, concentration, meditation. koan or riddle to work with. I dunno. I just feel the ray should be left alone and add another department if others are interested in something.
What cha think quiet ones?
Subject: Re: suggestion
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 01:30:40 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: ->Perhaps instead of adding to The Ray, we could invent or produce a daily ->exercise news letter giving a short practice in one of the following, ->focus, concentration, meditation. ->koan or riddle to work with. I dunno. ->I just feel the ray should be left alone and add another department if ->others are interested in something. -> ->What cha think quiet ones?
Yes, adding to Ray's work load would send him off on a yelling tangent complaining about "over worked and under paid" again. He seems to be over that now so we do not wand to *rock the boat* {8->
But yes, that would be very good for someone to post a daily blurb on a short little practice or exercise or even a seed thought before meditating. Other lists do that. Here is a little Seed to Plant:
"No change means death, for life is ever-changing. One should continue to evolve with the growing process." -- Heart Sutra
Subject: Re: Daily Seed
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 05:27:09 GMT
-> "The sun and the moon are not mirrored in cloudy water. Thus the ->almighty can not be mirrored in a heart that is obsessed by the idea of me ->and mine." -- Ramakrishna
Oh..... and we can discuss these morsels too. As they just might be related from some Mysterious Realm unfettered by the conditioned notions that we may project into/onto them. In case no one *thought* of that {8->
Subject: ice skating
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 08:05:49 -0500
Zen and the art of ice skating
I am learning how to ice skate I have to keep it in constant mind That I am learning how to ice skate I never need to lose that thought
I have to be in a continuous now In which I concentrate on my balance And on not crashing or falling
If I think about the past Be proud of the last few moments That I didn't crash or fall Then I forgot about now I forget about that I am learning how to ice skate And I crash or fall Four times this weekend Ouch.
If I think about the future About getting back to where I can sit Because my feet hurt Or about what is up ahead too far I forget about now I forget about that I am learning how to ice sktate And I crash or fall Four times this weekend Ouch.
A strict and stern Zen master I have found in learning How to ice skate.
Subject: Re: ice skating
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 13:56:33 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->Zen and the art of ice skating -> ->A strict and stern Zen master ->I have found in learning ->How to ice skate.
*Deep Bow* Thank you for your offering of a practice for BEing Present AS the Present. No matter what the activity of the day might be, when we ARE that activity the activity flows quite effortlessly and without complications. Yet when the contents of mind redirect our attention to past or future we lose Sight of the activity and it usually meanders astray Causing undue complications. AS the Present, doing what must be done as it needs doing, Mindfully Watchful each anew Moment, the Real Present is far more Wondrous than any Unreal past or Unreal future. Thus to Empty the mind of the conditioned contents we harbor therein, our Attention would not wander so from the Present.
Thank you for the Daily Practice note.
Subject: dubya. dunya & everything else
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 19:25:46 -0700
this is a little to the Left, though the detour on Highway 3A tells me to Keep Right... i try... & furthermore, ray, in all solemnity, i semi- realize that this is not the place to ask bass ackward questions...
but if i may: what or who the hell is dubya?
through some of the shit written on/in the papers that line the bottom of my cage, i frequently run across this word: dubya...
in my intuitive grasp of languages & words, i take dubya as akin to maya... would i here be separating the toadstool from the shroom? hypothetically? - because at other times, when reading op/ed stuff - while speaking of President Bush, Jr. - george walker bush - i sometimes find Him referred to as Dubya...
i take this as a term of endearment, yes - something from the man's high school past - as some sort of awkward 'sportifment' running the 'puck' from one end of the field to the other?... is this what dubya means? someone that's bin dubbed?
or is dubya a mayan - & i'm not meaning this in a 'spic' sense - nay, i mean it as an 'illusionaire' as in 'legionaire'... one who belongs to the 'legion' of superheroes...
like clark kent, idi amin, mickey & minnie mouse...
my apologies for packing the stuph in my attic on this list but the way i feel rite now, there ain't a tomorrow, the past is gone & aside from this moment everything else is 'feral'...
thank u for letting me vent my spleen... at least i still have a spleen to vent - others don't...
Subject: Daily Seed
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 19:16:02 GMT
"Most avoid the Pain but they always miss the Dance For those who do avoid the Pain will never Advance, We are conditioned to think we can't see god directly So we are conditioned to look at god's image reflectly. Naturally as in any reflection the original is so distorted And as each fashioned his own mirror God is Aborted, So millennia after millennia we now see just a reflection Of a reflection of a reflection of a reflection no direction. Rendering the present reflection so distorted is anti-god So at final curtain call who steps on the stage so odd, The Grand Trickster Stars the Show as no other can And the Play is our very life as "The Tragedy Of Man"." -- Yogajyotii
Subject: Re: dubya. dunya & everything else
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 03:08:51 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->but if i may: what or who the hell is dubya?
*Roaring Laughter* You do come up with the darndest *things* {8-> Ah yes, The Dubya Report: "The Dubya Report was born on December 13, 2000, the day after the Supreme Court awarded the 2000 Presidential Election to George W. Bush. The Dubya Report casts a critical eye over George W. Bush's record, statements and actions, the 2000 election, his family, roots, and contributors. While many sites have chosen lampoon and ridicule as their principal tools of political expression, we've chosen a more traditional discourse. We do offer a selection of choice "Bushisms" and political humor."
BE Well, Dear Friend, but mostly BE Mindful.
Subject: Strange days
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 07:32:32 -0700
Hi list, Been having a couple of strange weeks and thought I may take the time to share a bit of what is in the moment. A bit of what is happening now, the yearnings of this entity called Shar.
I feel so disconnected/connected to the words that flow on the screen. The poetry and words flies by me, I see the words, know the words and what they are saying, and yet, there is no attachment to them. There is recognition but no response. Words of love without love. There is the emotion called love within the words, and yet the resonance to them as love is non existent.
The words brought a flow of words, many words, rushing by me in the brain, and yet so quickly that were beyond my grasp upon any of them for reply. So the reply was silence. That silence seemed proficient and still does. As if the energy of the words were enough.
Somehow I feel everyone knows what I am saying without saying it. I am experiencing a detachment to all that is around me. Even this foreign object called a body. Nothing is mine right now. I eat, bathe, and move the objects called legs and arms. nothing is real and everything that was unreal is real.
What do I connect with right now. I connect to a new born soul. A little baby boy that was born under duress on Sunday. The name of that newborn entity is Cole. He is lying in Childrens Hospital in Vancouver right now. No one is sure what the extent of the damage from birth will be. He got himself a big body, a 38 cm head and was stuck in the birth canal for to long a time. They broke his arm and damaged his neck trying to help him emerge into the world. He can not eat or suckle the Mothers breast. He experienced a time without breath. So the long term is unknown. And yet, I feel a connection to this soul. It matters not what others may feel, its like this new born soul talks to me from this distance away as if he was being held in my arms. None of this matters to him. It is the way it was meant to be. He is detached to the emotions involved by others and yet attaches to them through these emotions. If that makes sense to anyone.
Nothing that involves words by me makes any sense. I am truly an island in the ocean of the universe. The island being an illusion as it transforms into the mountains and plains in the unit of one.
Perhaps this strangeness will break forth into some understanding or knowing. Then again, perhaps not. Perhaps it is not for understanding, but doing. The words arrive that understanding is not possible, recognition is not possible. This is how it is meant to be played at this moment. Words are not meant to be spoken, words take away from what is. So she again enters into the silence to communicate with the unseen and unheard.
I am the moon and the reflection of the moon upon the water.
Subject: Re: Strange days
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 02:22:42 GMT
Greetings Sharnanda, you wrote: ->Hi list,
I ain't seen no "list" around these parts. This here Little Oasis is a Community, right and proper. And we ain't sposed to use them there type cuss words in these parts. Where is the Soap ?
->Been having a couple of strange weeks and thought I may take the time to ->share a bit of what is in the moment. A bit of what is happening now, the ->yearnings of this entity called Shar.
Seems that a Stranger in a Strange land would Experience Strangeness. Nothing strange about that. Yet, perhaps it is not the days that are Strange but rather the Stranger. For days can only BE days so how can they be strange ? Except, of course, to the Stranger. So what might be stranger, the days or the Stranger ? Indeed, Strangeness IS Strange. So All must BE Strange to the Stranger. So the question might be what is the Strangeness that the Stranger finds so Strange ? Thus BE the Strangeness that IS the Stranger. For if one is a Stranger in a Strand land Everything will BE Strange, as when not a Stranger Nothing IS Strange.
->Perhaps this strangeness will break forth into some understanding or knowing.
Understanding, yes, but the seeming "knowing" is rather Empathetic Understanding and should not be confused with any mental process. The so called Self-Knowledge or Knowledge that is spoken of in many places is actually Understanding/Empathy/Awareness/Realization/Recognition of True Compassion AS response AS the Present Moment and is not knowledge based. When a Stranger in a Strange land, get used to the Strangeness for THAT is all there IS. To be Worked *with* and not be transcended or gotten over. Though to the Stranger the Strangeness does Unfold AS What-IS AS the Present Moment. Enjoy !
->Perhaps it is not for understanding, but doing.
Understanding, yes, and also BEing.
->The words arrive that understanding is not possible, recognition is not ->possible.
Not in the UnStrange sense of the words, True. But AS Strangeness the Stranger Understands/Realizes/Recognizes All that IS and can only BE the Compassion/Empathy that IS that Present Moment Strangeness.
->This is how it is meant to be played at this moment.
*'Deep Bow* Yet not so much "meant to be" but rather What-IS.
->Words are not meant to be spoken, words take away from what is.
*Deep Bow*
->So she again enters into the silence to communicate with the unseen and ->unheard.
As Silence we Hear, AS Void we See, AS Still we ARE AS Awakening.
->I am the moon and the reflection of the moon upon the water.
When the Two are made again One, True Understanding IS.
Subject: sub-stantial
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 08:18:17 -0500
Trying to find something that is Sub-stantial And I think I've got it --earth
I can hold dirt in my hand And it is there It is real It is lasting It is solid Destination reached.
I hold my hand full of Very real and substantial Earth And walk into the ocean And the dirt dissolves And cannot be found Now I think I've got it --water
I can hold water in my hand And it is there It is real It is lasting It is fluid Desination reached.
Sitting on my boat with My cup of very real And substantial Water And I take a nap And the water evaporates And cannot be found Now I think I've got it --air
I can feel air all around me And it is there It is real It is lasting It is blowing Destination reached.
Breathing in the oxygen My lungs take in Very real and substantial air And I approach a fire And the oxygen gets consumed And cannot be found Now I think I've got it --fire
I can feel the warmth of the fire And it is there It is real It is lasting It is warm Destination reached.
Sitting by the fire Thinking at last I've arrived At something substantial An avalanche of dirt Falls onto the fire And it is extinguished And cannot be found.
Subject: Re: sub-stantial
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 22:21:20 -0700
At 04:49 AM 11/04/2002 +0000, you wrote: >"What if you Sleep, >and what if while Sleeping you Dreamed,
I have dreamed of seeing myself dreaming a dream. And witnessed the all dreams. Was never sure any were real or unreal.
>and what if in your Dream you glimpsed Reality
It is reality.
>and there you Realized a strange >and beautiful Truth,
Yes, it happens.
>and what if when you Woke-Up >you Realized that you had not been Dreaming ?
Which is real, the dream or the dreamer.
>Then What ?"
Nothing. Everything still is "as is."
Subject: Re: Strange days
From: Sharlene <sharlenelindstrom@telus.net>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 22:17:44 -0700
Greetings to all, EJ wrote: > I ain't seen no "list" around these parts.
Me either. I was alookin' tho, ah hard thar was a list round these here parts somewar.
> This here Little Oasis is >a Community, right and proper.
Anybody home? Nope, nobody here.
>And we ain't sposed to use them there type >cuss words in these parts. Where is the Soap ?
Soap? Do you have dirty thoughts or what?
> Seems that a Stranger in a Strange land would Experience Strangeness. >Nothing strange about that. Yet, perhaps it is not the days that are >Strange but rather the Stranger.
Hmm, a strange stranger looking stranger by strangers. thats kewl.
> For days can only BE days so how can >they be strange ?
Ah, the observer is strange.
> Except, of course, to the Stranger. So what might be >stranger, the days or the Stranger ?
Tongue twister
> Indeed, Strangeness IS Strange. So >All must BE Strange to the Stranger. So the question might be what is the >Strangeness that the Stranger finds so Strange ?
Only strange can ask who is the stranger in a strange land.
> Thus BE the Strangeness >that IS the Stranger.
Ah so. Being strange is a natural state of strangeness.
> For if one is a Stranger in a Strand land >Everything will BE Strange, as when not a Stranger Nothing IS Strange.
Nothing is strange, everything as is.
> Understanding, yes, but the seeming "knowing" is rather Empathetic >Understanding and should not be confused with any mental process.
Mental process? I am mental without process.
>The so >called Self-Knowledge or Knowledge that is spoken of in many places is >actually Understanding/Empathy/Awareness/Realization/Recognition of True >Compassion AS response AS the Present Moment and is not knowledge based.
Thats true.
> To be Worked *with* and not be transcended or gotten over.
More dam work. I may have known there was more to do. There is no rest for the wicked.
>Though to the Stranger the Strangeness does Unfold AS What-IS AS the >Present Moment. Enjoy !
Enjoy?, went and got myself a haircut, nice and short, feels good and matches the light head. Seems even the hair loses it identity, changes with age, becomes more colourless.
Good night all Shar
Subject: Re: sub-stantial
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 06:54:18 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: ->I have dreamed of seeing myself dreaming a dream. ->And witnessed the all dreams. Was never sure any were real or unreal.
Indeed, is the dreamer Real or the one upon waking Real ? "Who" is to know ? "Who" is to wonder ? "Who" is to ask ? Both may be a Dream.
->Which is real, the dream or the dreamer.
The Dreamer IS the Dream. Thus All is Real. It is the conditioned contents we harbor in the Attic that differentiates between that with is supposedly real and that which is supposedly not.
->Nothing. Everything still is "as is."
Though indeed Truth IS No-thing at all, Truth IS All there IS, AS it IS, without our conditioned interpretations of it.
Subject: Re: sub-stantial
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 05:23:04 -0700
> > Indeed, is the dreamer Real or the one upon waking Real ? "Who" is >to know ? "Who" is to wonder ? "Who" is to ask ? Both may be a Dream.
A dream can only exist, if there is a dreamer to dream. words are a part of that dream, interpreted by a dreamer. Without a dreamer, there can be no dream. No dreamer, no dream. Only what is, as is, in the present moment.
>->Which is real, the dream or the dreamer. > The Dreamer IS the Dream. Thus All is Real. It is the conditioned >contents we harbor in the Attic that differentiates between that with is >supposedly real and that which is supposedly not.
Chop wood, carry water, apperception, chop wood, carry water.
>->Nothing. Everything still is "as is." > Though indeed Truth IS No-thing at all, Truth IS All there IS, AS it >IS, without our conditioned interpretations of it.
As above, chop wood,carry water, apperception, chop wood, carry water.
Subject: crack pots
From: o.dodge@att.net
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:00:58 +0000
A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.
At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.
After 2 yrs of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts, " the pot said.
The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house?
Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws - but it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them.
Subject: RE: crack pots
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 09:38:37 -0500
You have to work with what you have. Buddha told a story once about a carpenter that was trying to get big knots out of his wood, so he used small sticks to knock out the big knots. To take a not so good and to apply it to become a very useful tool is indeed an artform.
Subject: Re: crack pots
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 07:07:27 -0700
>You've just >got to take each person for what they are, and look for >the good in them.
To have a good, one must have a not so good. And yet, the not so good, is also an asset gone astray.
Subject: Clever & cute you are; Issue
From: Furst@att.net
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:45:32 +0000
Greetings Sharlene,
The rapture in good has came & desires to stay. I "really" need to chat with someone about an issue that I have....I live it moment by moment & let it go! yet they desire to cling on like let's say Klingon
Peace, Liz
Subject: RE: crack pots
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:16:28 -0700
Hi Tom, you wrote: >You have to work with what you have. To take a not so good and to apply it to >become a very useful tool is indeed an artform.
Or an necessity. As it example of what I mean is, Take a guy that is loud, obnoxious and in your face bothering everyone. Now take that same guy, tone down the loudness, and use his outgoing personality to work for you, as in fund raising etc, and what you didn't like before, is now his greatest asset. Even he doesn't realize that his biggest problem is just an asset out of control.
Subject: Re: Clever & cute you are; Issue
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:11:39 -0700
> Greetings Sharlene,
Hi Liz,
>The rapture in good has came & desires to stay. >I "really" need to chat with someone about an issue that >I have....
We are all available for you at any time, either on the list or in private. Just connect either way with us, and we can see what we can do to help you out.
Subject: Re: Today's Seed
From: NamasteBe@aol.com
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:54:41 EDT
Ahhh one more thing here now, the emotions are simply that "me" that has not allowed all Consciousness to be as it is and instead that "me" had reasoned my way around what has to be and IS present regardless of what I say about it or think about it, and to give it its freedom to be as its own consciousness without interferrance is what I find quite a jewel of nature, and the only way now to be loving. Wow, like Shakespear says, "Much ado about nothin", Cuz that "me" Can't do nothin anyway.
Subject: Re: Today's Seed
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 02:23:31 GMT
Greetings Bobbie, you wrote: ->Ahhh one more thing here now, the emotions are simply that "me" that has not ->allowed all Consciousness to be as it is and instead that "me" had reasoned ->my way around what has to be and IS present regardless of what I say about it ->or think about it, and to give it its freedom to be as its own consciousness ->without interferrance is what I find quite a jewel of nature, and the only ->way now to be loving. Wow, like Shakespear says, "Much ado about nothin", ->Cuz that "me" Can't do nothin anyway.
Indeed, the conditioned "me" is the antagonist of What-IS Present. Yet the "me" is the *Doer* who *Does* whatever is *Done*. It is the Doer or the "me" that makes "Much ado about nothin". Thus when there is no "me", there is only Doing AS All existence Does. So who is the "me" ? Who is the *I* who considers the "me" ? When there is no "me" the grass grows and turns to seed and grows yet again. Before the "me" and during the "me'" and after the "me", the grass grows and turns to seed and grows yet again. What use is the "me" then ? "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out". No ?
Subject: Re: Today's Seed
From: NamasteBe@aol.com
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:43:51 EDT
Thank You, E.J.,
Amazingly Enough for this moment, and the endless moments in which it entrails, this seed planted by E.J. It snowed just this morn. here in Utah, all the while the new growth continues in conjuction with it, side by side as one power working now. I noticed the grass smiling at me today in the moment I let it be with me as me, and in its own place within the endlessness of connective "forces abouts" . Nature is what is most amazingly natural and quite unbiased, regardless of the consciousness dwelling next to it. This is what I am seeing today. Due to this moment the emotion of wanting to cry rises up for it is the very habitual voice that wants to say this: what I am experienceing is not ok and I must be something different then what I am expressing, yet seeing it for what it is I will allow it, its Grace, and cry now.
Subject: inri gards to an older post
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 18:55:17 -0700
ray monde,
in a post u say: 'Indeed, we are IN the world yet must not be OF the world. Thus IN the Darkness yet not OF the Darkness. AS Darkness there is no Light, as Darkness is the absence of Light. Yet AS Light there is always Darkness where Light is not. Thus standing IN the Darkness all we have to do is BE Light rather than curse the Darkness we are IN...
choices, ray? in the 'darknesse' i am alwaze in the 'light' AND in the 'light' i am alwaze ablaze while being still in the 'darknesse'... this is how i learn to read the 'spaces' between the letters of the 'word' that is no longer mine... tongueless in the gaza strip i am lost in a kloakroom, with sharon, on thursday, like today is thursday & i cover my undercover self with the same underpants that shaded the sole of cesar vallejo...
i live in that Moment betwixt this stillness & Thee other... i am learning the ancient art of bull shit...
whack me twice, jefe becuz without those whacks i wudn't be here...
Subject: Re: Seed
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 19:26:36 GMT
Greetings Ram, ->> "Give up the desire for pleasure and you will not even know what pain is." -> ->A beautiful quote. Is it saying that we should quit on any mental desires ->for physical pleasures to get a relief from physical pains? Doesn't every ->one aspire for freedom from pains? Are we telling them to forget about ->pleasure first before they can be free from pain?
You missed the Point Dear Friend, Nisargadatta was not talking of giving up pleasure but rather giving up the Desire for pleasure. A vast difference. It is not pleasure that causes Pain but rather the craving for it. We are conditioned to *believe* that pleasure and the Desire for such are the same, yet that is a major fallacy and leads to erroneous argument. As said many times, we must drop the stick we keep beating ourself with in order to Realize/Recognize that indeed we are holding this stick. We have to Empty the mind of it's conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts so we can Truly Understand what those like Nisargadatta Point to.
->Also, is there any contradiction with this quote when some sages have said: ->Human intrinsic nature is that of truth, awareness and ->blissfulness....Sat-Chit-Anand?
No contradiction at all, AFTER we let go of the conditioned notion of a 'human nature'. You see, when all those Sages talked about our *natural face* or even our *nature* they were talking about our True Nature, which has nothing to do with the fact that we are human. Our misinterpretations and misconceptions have a lot to do with our not being able to Truly Understand this small Point. We must Drop the Stick to Understand this.
Subject: Re: Seed
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 09:35:40 -0400
Hi Miss Bobbie Simonsen,
May be this is the time to enter your inner silence and listen. In listening, something within you may direct what is the best way for you to be what you truly aspire.
With Best Wishes and Peace..........Ram
Subject: Re: inri gards to an older post
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 04:21:05 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->in a post u say: 'Indeed, we are IN the world yet must not be OF the world. ->Thus IN the Darkness yet not OF the Darkness. AS Darkness there is no ->Light, as Darkness is the absence of Light. Yet AS Light there is always ->Darkness where Light is not. Thus standing IN the Darkness all we have to ->do is BE Light rather than curse the Darkness we are IN...
Thank you for joining us Dear Friend. With your busy booking schedule your appearance is always a joy.
->choices, ray?
No choice in the matter Dear Friend, as we ARE the world. No choice to be IN it, and harboring an attic full of conditioned contents we are OF it the same as with an Empty attic we only Witness it. No real choice either way.
->in the 'darknesse' i am alwaze in the 'light' AND in the ->'light' ->i am alwaze ablaze while being still in the 'darknesse'...
Indeed while either, we ARE.
->this is how i learn to read the 'spaces' between the letters of the 'word' ->that is no longer mine... tongueless in the gaza strip ->i am lost in a kloakroom, with sharon, on thursday, like today is thursday ->& i cover my undercover self with the same underpants ->that shaded the sole of cesar vallejo...
No wonder ! Kloking around in strip joints you will always get lost. So stay covered, as many birds fly overhead. Though some birds kloke around the strip. You can recognize them because they have gaz in their ears and over their eyes.
->i live in that Moment betwixt this stillness & Thee other...
If there is an other try to stay where you ARE, as getting between anything can be quite pressing. A vice, like any habitual behavior/thinking, that the conditioned contents we harbor in the attic keeps us stuck in. AS the Present Moment, there are light-years of Stillness/Silence/Void everywhere thus most remote from this or that. First, toss that vice out the window and let it fall where it may. It is a heavy weight to keep in the attic, that could fall through and hit your head resulting in a rude Awakening.
->i am learning the ancient art of bull shit...
A most ancient art form, starting when Adam first saw Eve. And the cow had jumped over the moon, so the bull was shot. Adam felt sorry for the bull so he started a long tradition that became an art form. We harbor these treasure in the like Dorian Grey did.
Subject: Re: FW: Goodbye from MissionOfLight-l
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:06:01 GMT
Greetings Tom and Community,
Bad subject, "unsubscribe" (pun intended). The list server software is quite robotic, as Sleeping humanity, and when it sees "unsubscribe" in the subject line it does not read the message to determine whether the sender is kidding or not {8-> So it simple does as it is conditioned/programmed to do. You can understand that Tom, as one working in the field of programming. It was caught and you were put back on the subscriber list so you should not have missed any postings, even your own. So it seems that this situation is the material for a good Daily Seed: we must be Mindful as to the subject matter of our life. When we let the contents do the walking, we wind up in the Recycle Bin.
Subject: unsubscribe
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 06:37:12 -0500
No, I'm not asking to be unsubscribed from the list ;-)
I was just thinking about that post a few days back from a person who realized that no one out there has the answers and that the best thing to do is to unsubscribe from all of their lists and do it for yourself. Amazing Zen realization! Unsubscribe. Life is like is an email application that is bogged down with too much information, but you can unsubscribe, simplify. It is really only once you stop looking for someone to teach you anything that you are ready to learn from experiencing them. It is only when you stop analyzing everything that you can begin to grasp it as it is. It is a pity that such amazing insights have been wrapped up in religious traditions that you have to go out and find and study, only to finally get the message that you have to do it for yourself anyway.
Subject: Re: leave
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 04:39:42 GMT
Greetings Tom, you wrote: ->I was just thinking about that post a few days back from a person who ->realized that no one out there has the answers and that the best thing to do ->is to unsubscribe from all of their lists and do it for yourself. Amazing ->Zen realization! Unsubscribe. Life is like is an email application that is ->bogged down with too much information, but you can unsubscribe, simplify. ->It is really only once you stop looking for someone to teach you anything ->that you are ready to learn from experiencing them. It is only when you ->stop analyzing everything that you can begin to grasp it as it is. It is a ->pity that such amazing insights have been wrapped up in religious traditions ->that you have to go out and find and study, only to finally get the message ->that you have to do it for yourself anyway.
I changed the subject name for this reply because as I said earlier that "unsubscribe" was a poor choice of words in the "subject" field when it comes to the Community's list-server software. Anyway.....
What you say here is quite True in that no one Saves us but ourself, WE ourself must Walk the Way. The only real thing a Master/Teacher can do is seemingly Teach us what we already know. Point out what we already look at. Lead us to where we are already going. Seemingly give us what we already have. But like so many others who Realize/Recognize this Fact, you bypass or skip over the Fact that someone/something has to Point to the Path or we will not Realize/Recognize that there even is a Path. Most who acknowledge the Fact that we have to Save ourself *think* that the conditioned contents we keep in the attic can serve us in Awakening. The old "be a lamp unto thyself" idea. Which is True ONLY IF the lamp is Empty of conditioned contents. When we skip that little detail we fool ourself thinking that the conditioned contents are our Lamp. Well, I have yet seen anyone Trod the Path using that lamp, because that lamp does not give off any Light. We are conditioned to *think* it does. So the first thing we have to do is Empty the mind, THEN we can BE a Lamp for ourself because the Light from that Lamp IS our True Nature. THEN we can See. Just a subtle little detail that actually is the root stumbling block to our Awakening.
Someone or something taught or showed us everything we know. Likewise, someone or something is going to have to teach or show us to forget what we know. Not actually *forget* but rather let go of identifying with it or clinging to it. All we have to be is Open and Honest with ourself and be ready to do what must be done in order to start Awakening. And be Mindful of the Grand Trickster, of course {8->
Granted, letting go of those dearly beloved conditioned notions is the hard and painful part. That is why we skip that part. But, as a weight lifter Friend once said, "no pain, no gain". Seems to be the Key to Awakening also. One has to expend the work and endure the Pain, or keep Sleeping. If we could skip the work and the pain, using the quick fix leap, all of humanity would be Enlightened. Since humanity seems to be far from Enlightened, it appears that the quick fix route does not really work. Except, of course, in our mind. Indeed, Legends in our own mind.
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