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~ May - Page 1 ~
Subject: a may day letter to ed
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 01:39:49 -0700
it has bin said, edward, that truth is not 'tailored' to the individual & this resonates with me like the muted tones of a cell phone...
from my own tailoring daze, i know that sum hang to the rite, sum to the left while the length of the leg has its own altercations...
and yet, ed, could it not be sed that each individual is 'tailored' to the truth...
in my fictitious, panamanian tailoring mind i truly believe that we are all kut from the same bolt...
is it when we are 'dipt' in the 'dies' that the heft & the weave of the material becums an 'other'...
and if this is so, would not the truth predominate over the social accretions... because as u say in one of ur letters, the truth is not 'tailored' to the individual...
surely ed, ur knot suggesting that truth 'may' be tailored to the 'mob'...
nay, i believe that u mean truth 'just' (useless word if i've ever heard one) IS...
i've alwaze understood ethics as the retention of truth...
what truth, ur going to ask me & i have to respond: the truth of my 'knowing' even though i know 'naught' but my beingness - dipt & dyed as it is...
Subject: Re: a may day letter to ed
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 19:41:38 GMT
Greetings Preston, you wrote: ->it has bin said, edward, that truth is not 'tailored' to the individual & ->this resonates with me like the muted tones of a cell phone...
Sergeant Preston, good to hear from the Yukon. Hoping the Klondike is treating you well. Caution, do not Mute your Tonals because it is Cellular also and can not be Phonied.
->from my own tailoring daze, i know that sum hang to the rite, sum to the ->left while the length of the leg has its own altercations... ->and yet, ed, could it not be sed that each individual is 'tailored' to the ->truth...
The Mountain will not come to you, you must go to the Mountain. Actual Truth can not be tailored to any liking, one's own or another's. Yet, indeed, when you let go of the conditioned contents harbored on the sled, tossed off in a snow bank, Lightens your Burden and thus the Klondike Journey is much Swifter and less cumbersome. THEN we can Realize/Recognize Truth thus we ARE the liking of Truth. It is not a tailoring though, but rather an Awakening. A Reckoning, to be sure. We ARE already Truth yet our dearly beloved conditioned notions Distort our Understanding of this Fact. Freedom is just another word for no more conditioned notions to let go.
->in my fictitious, panamanian tailoring mind i truly believe that we are all ->kut from the same bolt...
*Deep Bow*
->is it when we are 'dipt' in the 'dies' that the heft & the weave of the ->material becums an 'other'...
*Deep Bow*
->and if this is so, would not the truth predominate over the social ->accretions... because as u say in one of ur letters, the truth is not ->'tailored' to the individual...
No Sgt, the Mountain does not force itself on you, you have to go to the Mountain. What predominates in the social order is war and greed and corruption and hate and selfishness and conflict and Suffering, one's own conditioned perception of this and that. The Door does not automatically Open when you walk up to it, YOU have to turn the knob and give a little push.
->surely ed, ur knot suggesting that truth 'may' be tailored to the 'mob'...
Truth that is not AS it IS, tailored in any fashion, is not Truth.
->i've alwaze understood ethics as the retention of truth...
Who's ethics ? There is nothing ethical, in anyone's terms, about Truth. Ethics are easier to define than Truth, as ethics are personal and Truth is not.
->what truth, ur going to ask me & i have to respond: the truth of my ->'knowing' even though i know 'naught' but my beingness - dipt & dyed as it ->is...
That which is known is not Truth nor BEing, thus what is known is the "dipt & dyed" (which has nothing to do with Truth or BEingness). The Tao/Truth/BEing that is named is not the Tao/Truth/BEing, but rather the finite mental basement we call "our world". We reach our highest aspirations yet never leave the basement.
True ?
Subject: a question from the back of the rhume
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 20:56:45 -0700
not meaning to make an ass of myself, ray, but i falter sumwhat at this statement from a phew daze ago:
" we say that it is a 'conditioned mind' but aktually the mind is not konditioned. It is the kontents that it processes that is konditioned..."
i kan understand the kontents being konditioned, unkonditionally... but - & this is the kurly one that keeps me awake at nite - might not the aktual 'processing' of the mind be the 'thing' that is konditioned?
from adam onwards?
- let's not be as we were when the whistles & whips of men on horses drove us to the river to drink - let's go there by our selves...
Subject: Re: a question from the back of the rhume
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 05:34:21 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->not meaning to make an ass of myself, ray, but i falter sumwhat at this ->statement from a phew daze ago: -> ->" we say that it is a 'conditioned mind' but aktually the mind is not ->konditioned. It is the kontents that it processes that is konditioned..." -> ->i kan understand the kontents being konditioned, unkonditionally... but - & ->this is the kurly one that keeps me awake at nite - might not the aktual ->'processing' of the mind be the 'thing' that is konditioned?
The mind is just the mind, doing what the mind does, a wondrous byproduct of an Evolved/Involved brain. The mind is a wondrous processor of information, and quite needed as there is much information to process. Due to an evolving world (the manifested realm) and of course the evolving forms of that realm, with all it's input, a keen and sometimes cleaver processor is very useful. The brain can not be blamed for the mind as the mind is just a natural outcome of the needed advanced processor for dealing with the added/advanced input. The mind can not be blamed for processing as that is what the mind does. And does it quite well, it seems. These are natural extensions of the form. Thus the form is not to blame either. Just the form being the form as the brain being the brain and the mind being the mind. Problem is that the mind is such the wondrous processor that when it processed the information that there could be gain for particular forms (such as the one that it was part of), the information was clung to. The mind clings to this information because it is such a wondrous processor thus always in need of processing. Unbeknownst to the mind for the mind is just the mind doing what it does best, process, the very information clung to is actually harmful to the form. Clinging to this information lends to war and conflict and strife and much Suffering. Odd thing about the mind though, when the information is dropped or let go of it just sets in idle mode, which should be a clue that it is not the mind that is defiled but rather that which is clung to that is defiling. The mind seems just as pleased when Still or Silent as when it is in helter skelter mode processing conditioned information. The mind does not know or care whether the stuff is conditioned, all it knows is to process.
->from adam onwards?
Who ? You might want to check into a number of fields of information, because it seems that *the start of it all* is not called Adam. Unless you are indicating an acronym for *a door at mom's*, or some such.
->- let's not be as we were when the whistles & whips of men on horses drove ->us to the river to drink - let's go there by our selves...
We have come a long way, have we not ? Or have we ? Sleeping, we are the same varmints driven to the river (so to speak). Awakening, we ARE the River {8->
Subject: Thought For Food
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 02:15:52 GMT
Greetings Community,
Indeed our True Nature IS Truth and thus Freedom/Awareness/Bliss. Though, AS our True Nature we are only Awake and not really Aware of the Freedom/Awareness/Bliss we ARE. When we ARE our True Nature there is a certain Self-Observation as a Vigilance against the continuous bombardment of conditionings we face each Moment. Yet at this point there is no questioning our True Nature, as it IS AS it IS What-IS. What must be questioned are the multi-level conditionings that Veil our True Understanding and thus Awakening. Thus what needs to be done is most obvious, as we ARE Silence/Stillness/BEing What-IS. Nothing to really consider, especially that which self-arises during some self-made/self-contrived seeming silence. For True Silence IS nothing self-arising. As True Silence is the Silence of the chatter of the contents processed mentally. So only the Silent mind, the Still BEing, the Emptying of the contents the mind would process gives impetus to Awakening. This, Dualists can not fathom because True Awakening is BEing that Awakening, BEing the True Nature we ARE. BEing that Awakening, BEing the True Nature we ARE requires that there is only Awakening and only BEing and only True Nature and no one to be such. Dualism requires that there is someone to Awaken and someone to BE and someone's True Nature and someone to do something. Thus Dualists are always trying to Rationalize Sleep as some *higher good*.
Who is *I* ? Sayings and thinkings and doings and observations and karmas and dharmas and CornFlakes are all ingredients of Dualistic Sleep, thus all are of value to the Dementation called Dualistic Sleep. It would seem most obvious since most *believe* Dualistic drivel to be Truth, that if such were so there would be no war or conflict or hatred or selfishness or greed or corruption or even Suffering. Yet war and conflict and hatred and selfishness and greed and corruption and even Suffering continue with no relief in sight, so obviously there is something lacking in the drivel.
Where there is *will* there is Sleep, as *will* can not be Free. There is a certain Flow and Momentum to the manifested realm, though it has it's own Trajectory and Force as the currents of the air or ocean. In man's conditioned need to have some control over his life, he arrogantly *thinks* that it is *his will* and naturally that *his will* is *free*. So instead of BEing the Flow/Momentum/Trajectory/Force that IS, he twists it into his own liking. And naturally *his liking* is truer than the next guy's liking, so war and conflict and hatred and selfishness and greed and corruption and even Suffering continue with no relief in sight, so obviously there is something lacking in the drivel. There are no ingredients, there is only Emptying the conditioning that there are ingredients.
So the Final Truth is that there is no Final Truth, but rather that there is only Truth. The Last IS the First, the Omega IS the Alpha, the End IS the Beginning, the Two IS One. Dualists can not fathom that which is not Dualistic so even this is misconstrued. The Divine Union IS Nothing (No-Thing). When the mentally processed conditioned notions are present there is no Truth/Reality, there is only Duality. When we drop the *other* we See most Clearly.
Oh indeed, Dualists do know the Talk and thus Talk the Talk. While still getting around in wheelchairs. Most popular because others are in wheelchairs also. Only when we toss the Baggage in the Dumpster do we Hear the Call to "rise up and Walk". As long as we harbor that Baggage there is only Talk. Only when our Talk IS our Walk do we Truly Understand being a "lamp unto ourself". Sleeping, we are but Legends in our own mind.
True ?
Subject: re: thought for food, kd & mickey dees
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 21:36:01 -0700
certainly true, ray, like in doctor dylan's 'fourth time around', like the voice from the dumpster before it is emptied into the belly of the wail: "what the pheck are u guys doing" & a late 50ish bag lady is helped to the ground by the dumpsterees... a nip, a spic & a dinge looking like Mr T from the A Team...
all of us, all of us, legends in our own minds...
certainly true, ray, but what percentage of US can truly Hear the Call to "rise Up & Walk'...
& as 'eye' stated before, it may be the 'process' of the mind as opposed to 'it's' 'content that needs the 'klearing' to 'ford the lamb'...
truly, we are but Legends in our own mine-dse...
Subject: Re: Fear
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 13:40:10 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been asked: -> Kindly help me with your pointers on fear. How does it gets ->under our skin and starts ruling us. Is it a basic instinct or a ->conditioned notion
What Fear does the new born have ? A most Fearless Warrior, Dear Friend, rushing headlong into the Direct Experience of this Wondrous phenomenal realm it finds itself in. No, Fear is not basic to the human condition but rather very much conditioned/programmed for the purpose of control/manipulation. Fear is the root Cause of our Suffering, the Fear to let go of dearly beloved conditioned security blankets. We are told at a very early age that if we do not cling to those conditioned notions that we will Suffer Hell's Fires and Eternal Damnation, thus we cling ever so tightly. Unable at this time of data collecting to Realize/Recognize that clinging to those conditionings IS the Hell's Fires and Eternal Damnation. Odd thing about Fear, when we Empty the mind of it's conditioned contents we return again to rushing headlong into the Direct Experiences of this Wondrous phenomenal realm. Return again to a Fearless Warrior for there is then no one to do any Fearing, thus nothing to Fear. Or as Jesus said, "be as the little children".
Dualists cling to the notion that there is something to Fear and therefore someone to do the Fearing. Awakening there is neither anything to Fear or anyone to do any Fearing. Odd thing about Fear, no conditioned contents for the mind to process and there is *No Fear*. There might be a connection here.
True ?
Subject: what pheer duz a knew borne have
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@netidea.com>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 17:48:17 -0700
does the pope shit in the woods?
"No, Fear is not basic to the human condition but rather very much conditioned/programmed for the purpose of control/manipulation. Fear is the root Cause of our Suffering, the Fear to let go of dearly beloved conditioned security blankets."
i like this, ray, - we are swaddled from birth in pink and/or blue blankets - sumtimes even before the external kontakt with 'mom' is established - our gender already programmmed/conditioned for the rest of some usually unsavoury contitioned/programmed scenario that 'mom' & dad' have scripted for us in advance...
generally speaking, the nature of the new borne wins out - it does what it does, one ear on the pillow, the other on mom's breast & the rooster's crow....
again, generally speaking, at times it is the conditioned/programmed 'inbreeding' that wins out - ever gone to Spuzzum, Yhak or Dogpatch - an 'i' opener if there ever was one...
yes, ray, what u say is true, eggsaktly as u portray it - a 'Bizzaro' world in which everything is upside down & inside out...
i daren't push the envelope further for fear of being recognized as a dualist - which i am, the shades & tats don't even phool my selph - but in this dichotomy betwixt 'this' & 'that' i 'sense' an Other which is the fly & the windscreen meeting One an Other in the Moment because we are going in 'contrary' directions...
there are no directions... there are no contaries...
i expire/am borne by the impact...
bevel piqueteros
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