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~ June - Page 2 ~
Subject: Re: Belief
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 06:12:42 -0400
Greetings EJ,
So very true. So very difficult though. Pointers please.
Subject: Re: Belief
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 02:29:06 GMT
Greetings Ram, you wrote: ->So very true. So very difficult though. Pointers please.
Yes, we are conditioned early on "to believe", so it is ingrained very deeply in our mode of operations and even in our way of life. We are what we are conditioned to think. Thus most difficult to let go, mostly because believing is the easy way to *think* we actually know something. And, of course, we have a security blanket we can cling to when it becomes quite obvious that we have no clue as to anything so we must settle with *guessing*. It is a cop-out too, so we can use that as our defense for being wrong so we can change beliefs. Beliefs are like fashion, whatever is in style is what we sport. When you have Directly Experienced something AFTER all conditionings have been let go THEN it is Fact so no need to *believe*. Bottom line is that when we let go of the conditioned notions we stop relying on what someone else says and we find out for ourself because "to believe" is a conditioned way of thinking and behavior. Drop the conditionings and you drop the conditioned need to be Lied to.
Indeed, easier said than done, but one must start somewhere. In fact, letting go of some of those dearly beloved conditionings will be the most painful undertaking we have to endure. And most will not give up without a horrendous fight. Problem is that it happens to be the only Way to start Truly Awakening. We each of us go about this task in varying ways (our Route) but there is but One Path (Just Do It). Who is Ram ? Who are you ?
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 04:57:53 GMT
Greetings Ye Seekers of Truth and Understanding,
Uncover the Light that we ARE by removing the bushel we are hiding it under, so that others may See as well. Let There BE Light -- Always AS All Ways. Many espouse their versions of Truth and Reality and so called Spirituality in opposition to others who espouse their versions of Truth and Reality and so called Spirituality. Raising their particular Icon to the pedestal of Godhood knocking the other's Icon off that pedestal. Belief systems pitted against belief systems. This is the breeding grounds of war and conflict and hate and greed and all of the Causes of our Suffering. And such rivalry gets vehemently more fearsome and more deadly as we fight for our place upon the pedestal. Siddhartha himself predicted that a day would have to come to pass that we would Realize that we must destroy the pedestal and discard the Icons and embrace each other as *people* and not at odds with each other as *belief systems* before we could Truly start Awakening. Did he also not say that if a Buddha was notice along the road to kill it ? Meaning, of course, to destroy all statues and icons of himself. Was not Siddhartha's simple message: "Believe nothing ! Belief is a confession of ignorance ! Therefore do not even believe what even I tell you ! All I can do is to teach you to enlighten yourselves. Your first duty is to abolish your ignorance, and only you yourselves can do this."
It is about Self-Observation of the conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automatons we are and do what must be done to Free ourself from this Cause of our Suffering.
0====[::::::::::> Sword of Truth <::::::::::]====0
Subject: Update to the drama
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 06:45:51 -0700
I thought I would share to date, the drama and tell you how the game is progressing. Since I last spoke and said I was beginning to fight back and do what needs to be done, it's been an interesting, informative, and frustrating few days. But the frustration has turned to humorous observation of the different so called societies "out there" to help one through these trying times. Expectations have been totally cast aside since I began to fight back and the humor in passing of the buck is now just good entertainment. There isn't an agency out there to help anyone that doesn't play the victim role. I have been to the Sexual assault center and they offer support and counselling to victims. I have talked to Victims Assistance and now what sure what assistance they do offer as they have no information for me that I need. Both agencies support someone in being a victim, but neither have information for those who don't act or feel like a victim. None have information on what happens next or what one can do when it comes to what they call, taking back the night, although that is one of their big protest slogans and parade themes. Women against crime and self empowerment words and yet, no one has information on how to do that or where to go to get the help and information one needs to do that. Every woman's group in town can't tell you anything and yet now I wonder what they do other than support one to remain a victim. Each one I spoke to said they can not help me or that they don't have any idea of who to see or where to go for information. I finally told them that perhaps after this is over we should write a pamphlet with this type of information on it for those who wish to fight back legally and without adding to the hatred, fear or anger that already exists in so many. I have been to Labour Relations and they don't handle sexual abuse claims nor do they handle construction workers. Now how is that for discrimination within an anti discrimination agency. Duh!
I have been to EI, which is the Employment Insurance Office, which used to be known as Manpower or way back, the Unemployment Office. There is no waiting period to collect if you have enough hours. But if not, there is nothing they can do.
So the last place I called was Human Rights, as the government is not closing their doors until the fall, one more of the planned cutbacks of this so called Liberal Government. There is no guarantee that they will help you either, you make your complaint and wait and see what happens next. They can decide that you are not worth their time and effort, or they can chose to act like a mediator in getting wages due you, wages you could have made, and or a damages claim. Other than getting a lawyer to sue the other party, which may also end up in the toilet, there is nothing anyone can do.
So if he isn't arrested and there is nothing anyone can do or chooses not to do, he will walk away without a slap on the hand.
Other than telling people that I had to quit my job, and why, and am looking for other work if they hear of anything, he can not come back on me for slander. With many friends and family in the various construction businesses, and with him relying on the construction trade to make his living, it could become interesting to see how many jobs he will get now.
So now I wait for the various paper work to arrive before I can do anything else.
In the legal end it is not up to me what happens. Now it is up the RCMP and or Human Rights to play their part in the drama.
Any other ideas or suggestions for me that I may have missed? Other than the Bobbit thing?
Love and blessings to all
Subject: God
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 02:47:55 GMT
"God has no religion." -- Mohandas Gandhi
Subject: Re: God
From: "Ram Varma" <ramvarma1@rogers.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 13:34:36 -0400
Hi EJ,
It is said that Mahatma Gandhi derived his wisdom from the Gita. He used to go into solitude, get inner guidance and come back charged with unshakable inner power. It is this power which enabled him to cope with all the physical tortures and ultimately get freedom for India from the mighty British empire without any violence. So far as I understand he calls this inner power as Inner God and definitely this is not connected to any religion. Is that why he says God has no religion?
Subject: Re: God
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 19:37:06 GMT
Greetings Ram, you wrote: ->It is said that Mahatma Gandhi derived his wisdom from the Gita. He used to ->go into solitude, get inner guidance and come back charged with unshakable ->inner power. It is this power which enabled him to cope with all the ->physical tortures and ultimately get freedom for India from the mighty ->British empire without any violence. So far as I understand he calls this ->inner power as Inner God and definitely this is not connected to any ->religion.
Close but no cigar Dear Friend, though Dualistically this is how it would be interpreted. Though the "Songs Celestial" (Bhagavad Gita) is a most Wise volume, the Mahatma could not thus would not derive any Wisdom from it. This Gita served as a focal point of concentration so as to Silence the chatter of body/mind, and AS this Stillness Gandhi was his True Nature thus the obvious became quite Clear. AS the Silence we Hear, AS the Void we See, AS the Stillness we ARE, and thus Free to BE our True Nature. All is most obvious BEing Present at Present. So the Gita, like any other Pointer, was but a Tool for the Mahatma and not actually his source of Wisdom. You will not find Wisdom in a book, you will only find Pointers to the Wisdom you ARE. This is not actually "inner guidance" but rather a Realization/Recognition of What-IS, which is most obvious when AS one's True Nature. When we ARE What-IS the Moment is our Guide for that is all there IS. No Dualistic *inner* and *outer* but rather What-IS. BEing Truth/Reality he needed no seeming power, as Truth/Reality IS the only seeming power there IS.
Indeed he was pissed off, even though an attorney, he was refused admittance by British military to board a train is South Africa. Law School graduate from England, no less. England did find out that he was the wrong Indian to piss off. That is when he studied with the Shamen of South Africa, determined that one day such segregation would not exist in his land. They were the ones who gave him the name of Mahatma because of his determination to Save his people, and Teach them the conditionings to let go.
-> Is that why he says God has no religion?
He said that "God has no religion" because no organization can ever reveal God for God can only be Realized/Recognized when one IS one's True Nature. There is no God apart from it. The folly of organized religions with their conditioned thinking and behavior actually keep people from BEing that True Nature so God can be Realized/Recognized. Religions deal in religion and call it God, yet that which is named is not that which is named. What religions call God is actually the Fear of that which they have no clue, which is Truth/Reality and True Nature. Zenists say that when you see your Original Face you see God. That is, when you ARE your True Nature you Realize/Recognize God. THEN and only THEN. For you see, God is not a Dualist. So the Key is the essence of Dualism. When you see the fallacy of Dualism you have the Key. Dualists *think* they understand Dualism, but if they really did they would no longer be Dualists.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 04:31:12 GMT
Greetings Ye of Understanding,
Awakening IS about Freedom, the Freedom to BE Free. Freedom from all the defiling entanglements and Causes of our Suffering. For as said, there is nothing Real other than What-IS "Here and NOW" !
Come in out of the rain !
"The True Awakening *Meditation Room*"
Subject: Re: Update to the drama
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 03:53:07 GMT
Greetings Sharlene, you wrote: ->Any other ideas or suggestions for me that I may have missed?
Thank you for sharing the update. Without quoting the whole post, it sounds like you covered all the bases. Sounds very much like the run around that people get in the USA too, a lot of Talk and no Walk. It is good that you turn it into humor instead of stress. *Hurry up and wait*, a worldwide slogan it seems. You did and do and will do what needs done so on to the next (this) Moment {8-> Just BE it.
Subject: Song of the Reed
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 02:33:25 GMT
Song of the Reed -- Rumi [translated by Jonathan Star]
"Ever since I was taken from my reed bed My woeful song has caused men and women to weep. I seek out those whose hearts are torn by separation For only they understand the pain of this longing. Whoever is taken away from his homeland Yearns for the day he will return. In every gathering, among those who are happy or sad, I cry with the same lament. Everyone hears according to his own understanding, None has searched for the secrets within me. My secret is found in my lament - But an eye or ear without light cannot know it..."
When the Two again are made One, then you will Hear the Sound, you will Hear the Song. It is Easy... but Expensive... for it will Cost you Everything you *think* you know. It will Cost you Every single conditioned idea and image and meaning and notion of any sort.
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 04:50:56 GMT
Greetings Ye Seekers,
When and ONLY when we Walk the Walk are we Open and Honest with ourself and others. When we are just Talking the Talk we are not Open or Honest with either ourself or others. All we know for sure, is that we know nothing for sure. What are we left with ? A Wondrous Beautiful Walk. If you are going to stand out in the rain, do not gripe when you get wet.
Subject: So.....
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 02:33:35 GMT
A Point to Ponder:
Is there a *spiritual side* ? Is there an *unspiritual side* ? What would mark the difference ? And who would mark it ?
BE Well and Mindful Wonderful Friend, Shanti, Namaste, Metta, Zikr --
As Shanti is to say *may the Humility AS me Embrace the Humility AS you as a Humility of One*, so too Namaste is to say *may the Divine Essence AS me Embrace the Divine Essence AS you as a Divine Essence of One*, so too Metta is to say *may the Loving Kindness AS me Embrace the Loving Kindness AS you as a Loving Kindness of One*, so too Zikr is to say *may the Self-Remembering AS me Embrace the Self-Remembering AS you as a Self-Remembrance of One*. So *may the True Nature AS me Embrace the True Nature AS you as a True Nature of One*.
Subject: Re: So.....
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 06:46:19 -0700
you wrote: >A Point to Ponder: > Is there a *spiritual side* ? Is there an *unspiritual side* ? >What would mark the difference ? And who would mark it ?
Good point to ponder. Some would say that all things are spiritual. Some say no. Some say that being spiritual is never doing anything non-spiritual. Like going against the big ten.
Now, me. through my wiring and conditioning, say, there is life, and living life. We do what we do as we need to do it. What is right for us within the moment. We can not give thought to how others may respond or react to what we do. We are not responsible for others moments or what they do within their own moments, only our own. The big question for me was always to ask myself, what is my intent. Living within the moment, has no intent.
Spiritual is a word for those who harbor beliefs of right and wrong. Spiritual is a word for those who seek something outside themselves. Spiritual is a word, for those who live in or with a fear of the unknown. Spiritual is a word for those who exist through ego, emotions, and projecting or regressing with their thoughts. As in comparing what they were before they found spirituality and after. I recall a time when I went to Sunday School and the Minister "saved" me. Introduced me to Jesus, until then I guess I was an unknown, and I went home feeling very spiritual. Couple of days later I forgot about it.
Some say spiritual is when you live through the spirit of Christ. I say, when you let go of conditioning and beliefs, the energy of the universe lives through you. (Only for a lack of another label)
None of these conversations would exist without conditioning or ego to ask the questions, bring up the doubt of being non-spiritual, or even make us think we are either spiritual or non-spiritual.
It's all just another thought, or point to ponder. It's all folly in the end. Just live and do what must be done within the moment, and quit that dam thinking. :)
Subject: An Observation
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 14:33:26 GMT
Greetings Community,
Most elude to a notion that we can simply be the conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automatons we are and still be Enlightened. Well, if that were so 99% of humanity would be Enlightened. There is something wrong with this picture they paint. Oh yes, all phenomenality is Illusion, nothing is permanent, materiality is attachment and attachments are defilements, All is One, All is Love, meditate, surrender to God, go to the bathroom, eat CornFlakes. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
And why might the *how* always be left out ? The Wise Pointers get our Attention, and continued Wise Pointers keep our Attention. But so does a good movie or a good storyteller. The Wise Pointers that Wise Sages and Teachers offer, and that wann-a-bes chirp, have been with humanity for some ten thousand years when the Rishis first committed such Wise Pointers to pen in the Vedas. From that point Wise Sages and Teachers have committed Wise Pointers to pen to this very day. After ten thousand years one must wonder why there is still war and conflict and corruption and greed and selfishness and crime and all the ills of humanity that are continuously increasing. Could it be that few have figured out that why we are still ignorant is because few have figured out *how* it is that we are still ignorant ? Could it be that few have Realized/Recognized that the Wise Pointers are mistakenly interpreted to indicate that "I'm Ok, You're Ok" ?
Wise Sages and Teachers can offer Wise Pointers, and any Parrot can chirp, and listeners can marvel at the Beauty of the Song. But in order that we can Save ourself from the collision course with Destruction that we are on, we are going to have to release the seeming secret of our conditioned programmed thinking and behavior so we can Realize the *how*. Because if we never Understand the *how* we will never get out of the Hole we are digging in. That is, we better get ourself a Ladder because Kali Yuga is not going to furnish us one.
The only thing to Fear is Fear itself. True ?
Subject: Words
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 03:29:48 GMT
"Words were only invented to serve as instruments of communication. Initially words were quite harmless, then they became the means to define a mutually acceptable view of the world, and finally they have become the means whereby one man may dominate another, or even a whole nation of people. No seer, however, can ever be dominated by words, and much less be held prisoner within a fixed frame of reference or view of the world." -- Theun Mares, in: RETURN OF THE WARRIORS
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 04:59:28 GMT
Greetings Ye of Truth,
Experiment: there is no past, there is no future, we are an entity that just materialized from the aethers -- in this strange place, strange because it is the first Moment of our existence -- we have no memory of where we were or even if we were -- strangely we recognize everything that we see as though we had seen it before -- we know that we are, and all we see is, but where all of this NEW experience fits into the scheme of things is beyond our understanding -- so we embark on a Journey, but where this Journey will lead us is again beyond our understanding -- we embark, we Journey, we Directly Experience, we greet all that we experience anew for to our understanding we have never experienced it before this Moment -- nothing we experience, including ourselves, has any history, all simply IS as it IS. Even an instant of Awakening is the beginning of the rest of your Awakening. And each progressively instant of Awakening sets up a pattern, unbeknownst to us because our whole existence is a new experience, that lends us to further instants of Awakening.
Subject: Re: An Observation
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 01:30:39 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: -> Those who say they desire the truth in reality do not want to hear it. Why? It disturbs their comfort zone.
*Deep Bow* Thank you for your reply. And their "comfort zone", what establishes that other than their conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts ? The Walls they build to protect themselves is the Prison that keeps them ignorant. By letting go of conditioned thinking and behavior there seems to be no protection because one does not need any. As long as we harbor those dearly beloved conditioned notions we are always afraid of something or someone. We are conditioned to Fear most everything, starting at an early age Fearing some contrived God separate from themselves. When they Realize/Recognize that All IS God there will be nothing left to Fear but Fear itself. As you say, Talking the Talk is easy but Walking the Walk is usually most arduous and Painful. So the cliche goes: "talk is cheap, put your money where your mouth is". But Walking the Walk would mean that we would have to give up all those dearly beloved conditionings that would put our comfort zone in a spin.
->This message is a good example.
A "good example" disrupting most comfort zones ? Good, for that was the intent. Not really as any Revelation, but rather a simple Pointer that hopefully made the Grand Trickster the conditioned mind squirm a bit {8->
->Egos are truly defined as one who feels or believes they are separate from God.
*Deep Bow* Not only separate from God, Dear New Friend, but separate from everything. The root Dualistic notion that we are separate individuals pitted again all else in some fool notion of survival. The *your's and mine* notion that keeps humanity at odds with even itself. The *mine is better than your's* notion that keeps us at war and in conflict both globally and with ourself. The conditioned Dualistic separation is our Damnation and Fall from Grace. ONLY, as Jesus so apply put it in the Thomas Gospel, "when the Two are again made One you will Understand". That is, let go of the Dualism and you ARE Salvation. BE it, simply BE it.
True ?
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 04:53:37 GMT
Greetings Ye Seekers,
Spiritual Awakening, Inner Awakening, Awakening, Self-Realization, Enlightenment, all boil down to *Wake-Up* from the delusions of our self made reality and self made truth. It is in the Recognition that we are products of our society, products of the world in which we live and play, programmed conditioned controlled manipulated automatons and Realizing that we have to do something about that condition. THAT is the first step in what some call "Spiritual Awakening". What follows will be our decent through the Cantos of Hell, for it is an almost insurmountable *battle* to let go of our cherished programmed conditioned ideas and images and meanings that control and manipulate our very thinking and behavior and Veil our True Awakening.
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