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~ August - Page 1 ~
Subject: bella notte
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@telus.net>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 20:00:26 -0700
ray, mission-ears, & lurkers,
is sumthing amiss?
i have received nothing from the 'kommunity', 'thimking' to my self that i have pissed around too much in my hard drive - deleting unsavoury kookies & such... mayhaps i have inadvertantly deleted the kookie that konnekts ur machine with mine... i know 'knot' & this 'knot' knowing is mayhaps the prekursor that indeed, sum thing is amiss, if not with this 'list', then perhaps sum squares & oppositions in the nitetime sky...
if i wake up tomorrow to the 'knews' that iraq has bin attacked, it will 'knot' surprise me...
on the other hand, perhaps i have made such an 'ashmole' of my self in this kommunity that i am now 'pro-rata' & 'per-diemikally' disenfrachised from this list...
if such is the kase, might i hang my hat alongside norman mailer's when he sez: 'we only do sumthing good when both our best & our worst motives are involved'...
in truth, my only motive is to see the legless frog jump & to watch the ripples move out to the shore & then ripple back to where they kame from...
fond regards, galoshes gazebo baluga
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 04:50:19 GMT
Greetings Quiet Community,
The foundation of Passion is not nuclear (physical). The foundation of Passion is a State of BEing or even a State of Mind. It is our Drive to Embrace What-IS, our Will to Embrace What-IS, Embrace Truth, Embrace Reality, Embrace our Awakening, Embrace Life, and to Embrace ourselves. THAT is Passion.
Seek not for answers, Dwell AS the Direct Experience of that which you question.
Subject: Re: bella notte
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 07:09:23 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->is sumthing amiss?
Yes, humanity is ever fast to Sleep and has been laboring with this conditioned condition walking around with Eyes Wide Shut for centuries. Quite amiss.
->i have received nothing from the 'kommunity',
Yes, the Community has been extremely quiet of late.
->'thimking' to my self that i have pissed around too much in my hard drive - ->deleting unsavoury kookies & such... ->mayhaps i have inadvertantly deleted the kookie that konnekts ur machine ->with mine... ->i know 'knot' & this 'knot' knowing is mayhaps ->the prekursor that indeed, sum thing is amiss,
A first stumbling block, thinking. Self-arising thoughts are bottom feeders thus only recognize the *Dark Side* with shadowy reactions indeed. A fellow woke up one morning and to his horror he could not see. He yelled out, "Margaret, I can't see, help !" "Okay", said Margaret, "open your eyes Harold !" "Oh", said Harold. Our conditionings always lend us to the negative conclusion of any situation. So, it may be that the Community members are just investigating whether there are any holes in their eyelids and not that they are Sleeping. Do you see the glass half full or half empty ?
->if not with this 'list', then perhaps sum squares & oppositions in the ->nitetime sky...
Well, it has been noticed that many of the Internet discussion lists are unusually quiet as well. Perhaps they are trying to stay abreast of current affairs abroad.
->if i wake up tomorrow to the 'knews' that iraq has bin attacked, it will ->'knot' surprise me...
When it comes to conditioned folly, not much is surprising.
->on the other hand, perhaps i have made such an 'ashmole' of my self in this ->kommunity that i am now 'pro-rata' & 'per-diemikally' disenfrachised from ->this list...
Well, not officially, obviously, because you are surely receiving the posts of today, but "who knows what Evil lurks in the hearts of men ?" Perhaps "the Shadow knows".
->if such is the kase, might i hang my hat alongside norman mailer's when he ->sez: 'we only do sumthing good when both our best & our worst motives are ->involved'...
If you need motivated to do good then it seems that it is time to Wake-Up. And the best of intentions pave the road to Hell. AS the Present Moment there really is no time for motive or intent, there is only What-IS BEing/DOing Whatever-IS needing BEing/DOing.
->in truth, my only motive is to see the legless frog jump & to watch the ->ripples move out to the shore & then ripple back to where they kame from...
Indeed an Awesome Sight. Glad you stopped in Dear Friend.
Subject: Re: bella notte
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 04:51:54 -0700
At 07:09 AM 03/08/2002 +0000, you wrote: >Greetings Volker, you wrote: >->is sumthing amiss? > > Yes, humanity is ever fast to Sleep and has been laboring with this >conditioned condition walking around with Eyes Wide Shut for centuries. >Quite amiss.
Greetings to you volker, EJ and community,
Hey, up here the sun is shining. Who can spend that rare opportunity behind a computer? Or in front of, whichever you prefer. ha
Been out in search of the mighty Lobster mushroom. Another learning experience to be sure. Any hints for me Volker? And believe it or not, for the first time, we found some white truffles. And that rated a big wow in me. Even those lobsters which are bright orange, can not be found easily this time of year. Being without a job right now, forces me into doing something I love doing. Back to the bush. Haven't seen any bears but got a picture of a family of mink by the side of the road. They are not afraid of people it appears, leery but not afraid.
Oh ya, the Human Rights board told me that I have a case. So what happens from here is beyond my knowledge as I am not sure exactly, on what they do in the first place. . There has been no news from the RCMP.
It's BC day today. Long weekend. Times get harder for those up here in the north. We are far to dependant on the forest industry. The rivers are lined with tourists fishing and the shores look like tent village. All in search of the mighty salmon. The locals are fishing for food, and the tourists for trophy's.
The world is an interesting place if one doesn't attach to it.
Blessings all, Sharlene
Subject: Re: bella notte
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 19:56:21 GMT
Greetings Bonnie, you wrote: ->Since I have been an observer for some time now I felt ->that I would introduce myself and let you know how ->much I appreciate the members kind words and whacks as ->needed. I hope everyone has a delicious moment. May ->Rainbows light your way. Keep all the wisdom ->coming,,,,as I sure need it.
Glad you could come out to Play, as some were of the thought that perhaps the this little Oasis had dried up and all the Settlers here wandered off or something. Yes, we try to discourage the trouble makers and negative ones so that we can maintain a Sharing/Loving/Helping Community. Glad you joined us and glad you joined in.
Subject: Re: bella notte
From: Sharlene <sharlene@light-mission.org>
Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2002 04:51:54 -0700
At 07:09 AM 03/08/2002 +0000, you wrote: >Greetings Volker, you wrote: >->is sumthing amiss? > > Yes, humanity is ever fast to Sleep and has been laboring with this >conditioned condition walking around with Eyes Wide Shut for centuries. >Quite amiss.
Greetings to you volker, EJ and community,
Hey, up here the sun is shining. Who can spend that rare opportunity behind a computer? Or in front of, whichever you prefer. ha
Been out in search of the mighty Lobster mushroom. Another learning experience to be sure. Any hints for me Volker? And believe it or not, for the first time, we found some white truffles. And that rated a big wow in me. Even those lobsters which are bright orange, can not be found easily this time of year. Being without a job right now, forces me into doing something I love doing. Back to the bush. Haven't seen any bears but got a picture of a family of mink by the side of the road. They are not afraid of people it appears, leery but not afraid.
Oh ya, the Human Rights board told me that I have a case. So what happens from here is beyond my knowledge as I am not sure exactly, on what they do in the first place. . There has been no news from the RCMP.
It's BC day today. Long weekend. Times get harder for those up here in the north. We are far to dependant on the forest industry. The rivers are lined with tourists fishing and the shores look like tent village. All in search of the mighty salmon. The locals are fishing for food, and the tourists for trophy's.
The world is an interesting place if one doesn't attach to it.
Blessings all, Sharlene
Subject: Re: bella notte
From: "B. Sue" <milks63@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 07:24:00 -0700 (PDT)
Greetings Everyone,
Since I have been an observer for some time now I felt that I would introduce myself and let you know how much I appreciate the members kind words and whacks as needed. I hope everyone has a delicious moment. May Rainbows light your way. Keep all the wisdom coming,,,,as I sure need it.
Bonnie ---
Subject: Re: Daily Seed
From: "Wombat" <labl@zeelandnet.nl>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 13:34:29 +0200
Dear E.J. Reading this after quite a few months again, I thought I'd re-post it, struck a cord somewhere, replanting seeds ! Love to you - Wombat:) From: E.J. To: Let There Be Light -- Always In All Ways Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 3:59 PM Subject: Daily Seed
"You should each individually Clarify your own mind, Getting to the root Without pursuing the branches. Just get to the root, And the branches come of themselves. If you want to get to the root, Just get to know your mind. This mind is basically the root Of all mundane and supra-mundane Phenomena; as long as the mind Does not become obsessed with Good and bad, you will realize that All things are basically just so." -- Ta-mei
Subject: Re: A Ray Of Light
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 21:51:08 GMT
Greetings Community,
It has been said: ->So it is the fact that when there are any questions at all that is to say ->that the question in itself is evidence of there being a conditioned notion ->to form the question in the first place.
What question can there be AS the Present Moment ? There can only be BEing Whatever-IS that Moment, Directly Experiencing Whatever-IS that Moment. Do we question our Direct Experience ? What should be questioned is our conditionings, but since our conditionings control and manipulate our thinking and behavior we question everything else except our conditionings. The questioning of all else is an *avoidance response* by the conditionings to distract our attention from questioning the conditionings, thus we miss the chance to Directly Experience Whatever-IS. While Sleeping there is much questioning, so question Sleeping. Awakening there is only BEing Whatever-IS, without the Sleeping to question.
->I am so tired of this all.
The conditionings are tired of it all because it all rattles their foundation. Our conditionings have us convinced that we are already awakening so we do not need all of this. Question the conditionings, for when there are no more conditionings there will be nothing to question because all IS AS it IS, and is most obvious.
True ? Speak up.
Subject: Tid-Bit For The Day
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 2002 05:05:47 GMT
We are our worst adversary while Sleeping. But we would not want to throw out the baby with the bath water, so we only throw out the defiling elements that we are conditioned to soil ourselves with. We lose ourself to BE ourSelf -- we let go of our conditioned notions to BE Awakening.
So in order for us to Realize or Recognize Truth, we must BE Truth -- and not be this or that.
Subject: all the tea in china will knot fr...
From: "Volker Munz" <volkerm@telus.net>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2002 17:43:19 -0700
greetings ray et al,
in response to sum 'other' (aug 4 @ 2:51) u say: "Our conditionings have us convinced that we are already awakening so we do not need all of this. Question the conditionings, for when there are no more conditionings there will be nothing to question because all IS AS it IS, and is most obvious"....
then u go on to ask if this is: 'True ? Speak up.'
most certainly this is true, ray & as u frequently say: butts are what we sit on - but, mon ami, though u may have rinsed off all 'ur' konditionings & are sitting on urs, this is 'knot' to say that others kan do so with the same ease as simply slipping the foot out of the slipper, pulling the finger out of the 'knowse' or even at times, the thumbs out of the arse... we all have pee stains in our underwear... assuming, of course, that we all wear underwear...
obviously u are free of konditionings... why 'knot' share with us how 'you' got rid of them... because to me it is not a simple matter of WAKING UP & SMELLING THE KOFFEE... there are more things under heaven & so on & so forth, Horatio, than blah, blah, blah...
i have just returned from the room in which my 'stash' IS stashed - momentos from times 'gone bye' & times yet to BE - the attik, let's say, in which i smelled the fragrances of an 'other' world - a scent almost 'rumi-nesque' in the sense that it was/is 'hu-man'...
what i am trying to say here is that there is more than what meets the 'i'... there is also stuph that meets & greets the other nine senses in their already 'awakened' state - this is my 'sense' of Beingness - why must i call IT 'non-sense' & dismiss IT because IT is 'knot' IN/AS the MOMENT AS SHE IS...
there is no-thing butt the moment but as it applies to each individual BEING, certainly there is 'rhume' for a 'knap' now & zen as we form words outta the 'alphab-bet' soup..
i, my self, believe 'essence' precedes 'existence', whereas 'existentialists' believe 'existence' precedes 'essence'...
this kinda 'ship' is konditioned as well but i 'doo' believe that my 'innate' kompass will steer me to the 'port' that's bin assigned me...
& yes, ray, i suffer from my 'konditioning' as much as any one else - i'm even hung up on nietzsche's take on buddhism - but i toss & turn in my sleep & tho i don't sleep or sleep too much, i 'do' trust my BEINGNESS to smell the COFFEE... if it doesn't, well so BE IT... i will smell the TEA...
al beit, from an opera house in serajevo...
Subject: Re: all the tea in china will knot fr...
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 03:49:25 GMT
Greetings Volker, you wrote: ->in response to sum 'other' (aug 4 @ 2:51) u say: "Our conditionings have us ->convinced that we are already awakening so we do not need all of this. ->Question the conditionings, for when there are no more conditionings there ->will be nothing to question because all IS AS it IS, and is most ->obvious".... -> ->then u go on to ask if this is: 'True ? Speak up.' -> ->most certainly this is true, ray & as u frequently say: butts are what we ->sit on - but, mon ami, though u may have rinsed off all 'ur' konditionings ->& ->are sitting on urs, this is 'knot' to say that others kan do so with the ->same ease as simply slipping the foot out of the slipper, pulling the ->finger out of the 'knowse' or even at times, the thumbs out of the arse... ->we all have pee stains in our underwear... assuming, of course, that we ->all wear underwear...
As said many times hitherto, letting go of some (perhaps most) of those dearly beloved conditioned ideas and images and meanings and notions of all sorts is the most Arduous and Painful undertaking a human has ever and will ever have to confront/embrace. If Waking-Up was just a walk in the park everyone would be Enlightened. Take a little glance back over your shoulder, and skim a little history, noting that each and every person since time immemerable who has started Awakening had to go through Hell before they got to Heaven. For some the Hell (Dark Night Of The Soul, as it is called by some) was tough because they did not have so much brainwashing to overcome. For most the Hell almost destroyed them because the brainwashing was very intensely ingrained. It is all up hill Dear Friend. By the same token, once you get to a point when you can actually start letting those conditionings go, THEN it starts getting easier and THEN it is all down hill. Likened perhaps to a long wearisome hike, and you are the point of exhaustion, when you spot a Clear Cool Lake, so you drop off the pack as you run toward the Lake, and as you Run you drop of the hat then the shirt and then the trousers and SPLASH........... AH.
->obviously u are free of konditionings... why 'knot' share with us how ->'you' ->got rid of them... because to me it is not a simple matter of WAKING UP & ->SMELLING THE KOFFEE... there are more things under heaven & so on & so ->forth, Horatio, than blah, blah, blah...
Actually quite simple, "Just Do It !" You see, it is like quitting any bad habit. FIRST you have to get it set in your mind that you are going to kick the habit. Not try, trying is just a cop-out just in case you do not make it. But rather that come Hell or High Water, the habit is going to go. No amount of badgering or coalescing or wanting to please another will do it. It must be a 200% commitment by you to yourself that THIS is what you are going to DO. Before you COMMAND yourself to "Just Do It !", it will not happen. SECOND step is doing whatever it takes to "Just Do It !" Many conditionings will be Painful to let go, others will hurt because you like them, others will be things you really wanted to get rid of anyway.
And the best way to get started is to start a regular dedicated meditation practice, getting the mind Still enough to sort out the Toxic conditionings and the conditionings that can be called learnings for survival both in a physical sense and a social sense. And only you can do that. No one Saves you but yourself. A hint to the Toxic versus the Non-Toxic might be that the Toxic ones influence/control/manipulate your thinking/behavior. The Non-Toxic ones are aids in whatever you have to do to make a living or otherwise survive. Awakening is not just for those who go off to the woods or a cave or hermitage, but also for those who lead every day lives in the Sleeping world. So it is not about turning in your work uniform for a robe, but rather wearing your work uniform like a monk wears a robe. That is, it is not a matter of changing our perception but rather a matter of changing the way we perceive. Instead of perceiving, apperceive. Witness.
->i have just returned from the room in which my 'stash' IS stashed - ->momentos ->from times 'gone bye' & times yet to BE - the attik, let's say, in which i ->smelled the fragrances of an 'other' world - a scent almost 'rumi-nesque' ->in the sense that it was/is 'hu-man'...
The object is not the problem, but rather the craving for and the clinging to the object is the problem.
->what i am trying to say here is that there is more than what meets the ->'i'... there is also stuph that meets & greets the other nine senses in ->their already 'awakened' state - this is my 'sense' of Beingness - why must ->i call IT 'non-sense' & dismiss IT because IT is 'knot' IN/AS the MOMENT AS ->SHE IS...
Not only are most Toxic conditionings subtle and not too noticeable, we are bombarded with more every minute. So it is not simply a matter of letting go of what we have, we also have to fend off additions.
->there is no-thing butt the moment but as it applies to each individual ->BEING, certainly there is 'rhume' for a 'knap' now & zen as we form words ->outta the 'alphab-bet' soup..
200% commitment does not leave room for anything but to "Just Do It !"
->i, my self, believe 'essence' precedes 'existence', whereas ->'existentialists' believe 'existence' precedes 'essence'...
Most Dualistic, to *think* that anything precedes anything. Indeed there *was*, and no doubt there *will be*, BUT there really only IS. So does it really matter what *was* or *will be* ? What really matters is What-IS. Freud would call your statement an *avoidance response*.
->this kinda 'ship' is konditioned as well but i 'doo' believe that my ->'innate' kompass will steer me to the 'port' that's bin assigned me...
Belief is also an avoidance response because you do not want to Directly Experience it yourself. You keep thinking that some one or something will Save you. "Innate compass" is little more than *wishful thinking*. "Assigned" is correct, "assigned" by the Grand Trickster.
->& yes, ray, i suffer from my 'konditioning' as much as any one else - i'm ->even hung up on nietzsche's take on buddhism - but i toss & turn in my ->sleep ->& tho i don't sleep or sleep too much, i 'do' trust my BEINGNESS to smell ->the COFFEE... if it doesn't, well so BE IT... i will smell the TEA...
My condolences Dear Friend, may you Rest in Peace.
Subject: A thought...
From: o.dodge@att.net
Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 13:25:26 +0000
Hi EJ,
I had a thought this morning - and decided I'd better share it before it died of loneliness! <G>...
I imagine that most people have heard the ol' one- liner..."I didn't know my husband was a drunk - until he came home SOBER one day!"
That's a pretty good analogy for awakening. Do you get what I mean?! Because the wife didn't need MORE DATA to experience her husband's sobriety - what she actually needed was LESS. What was necessary for her to discover his sobriety was merely the ABSENCE of his drunkenness. Once removed - what remained was that natural condition called "being sober".
So is there really anything "special" about being sober? Not really. It's not a gift - because we're all born sober - it's just "what is". Pretty mundane. I'm sober right now - (hopefully you too) - no 'biggie'. Sobriety only SEEMS special when it's achieved from - or compared to - a 'state of drunkenness'.
And so it goes with awakening/enlightenment. Nothing special. Not a gift. No 'biggie'. It's just "what is" - it's the way we come into the world. 'Awakening" only SEEMS special when it's achieved from - or compared to - a state of being 'asleep'.
The good news is...we're all just a bunch of spiritual "drunks" !!! <G>
love & grace, oren
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 04:46:01 GMT
Greetings Ye Who Have The Ears To Hear,
We are all *Rays Of Light*, but we fail to Recognize it. Clear the clutter of the mind, Silence it's chatter, and Listen......... to your Essence, Look.......... at the glimmer of Light that you ARE. Only AS the Silence of mind can we Hear, only AS the Void of mind can we See, only AS Awakening from mind can we BE that *Ray Of Light* that we ARE. It has been said, "be a Lamp unto thyself" and the Wonders you Light up will be Awesome. Others can Point to the Path but we ourself must Walk the Way, and we ourself must Light that Journey.
Each Moment is anew, as the Direct Experience AS each Moment is anew.
Subject: Re: A thought...
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 01:40:30 GMT
Greetings Oren, you wrote: ->The good news is...we're all just a bunch of ->spiritual "drunks" !!! <G>
*Roaring Laughter* Very good analogy Dear Friend, thank you for the Insightful post. Your analogy seems to assume that the wife is sober, thus can notice that another is sober. Yet in Awakening, though a noticeable difference between Sleeping and Awakening, all that can be noticed by those Sleeping is a noticeable difference because one who is Sleeping would have no way to know that another is Awakening. One must BE Awakening before one could Recognize it in another. Sleeping we assume that the noticeable difference must be Awakening, but not much is what it seems. Thus *assume* is often used as an acronym {8->
Thank you for offering more lately, might even get back to the "good ole days" of *discussions*. Glad to see your Presence.
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