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~ March - Page 1 ~
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 06:28:36 GMT
True Listening is being totally absorbed in what is being related, without the chatter of images and ideas and meanings. The chatter of a reactive mind prevents True Listening.
Subject: Wings
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Sun, 02 Mar 2003 19:52:39 -0800
"If Jesus trod a different Path than Siddhartha, or a different Journey or a different Way or a different Awakening, then how could their Teachings or their Walk be the same ? When you do not Recognize Awakening you are very much Sleeping. Your True Name was Called but you Heard it not. Truth and Reality are Here but you Realize/Recognize it not. Do not Try for any Effort will be for naught, unless that Effort is Work on yourself. Do not try to out-fox the Fox. Do not try to out-trick the Grand Trickster. You strut around to Look like ten feet tall and Talk just like SuperMan. But if Truth were known you use Stilts and the wings you use to fly are not of an Angel but rather a Parrot." -- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
Subject: Present
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 23:24:02 GMT
Greetings Community,
The Present has to be the strangest place there is, conceptually speaking. Though it can not actually be called a place because there is no other place. Too, it can not actually be called strange because it IS AS it IS. It is always Present. It is different, conceptually speaking. Though it can not actually be called different because there is nothing to compare it to. It is always Present. Present, there is no comparing and no place and nothing to analyze. There is not even enquiry, actually. There is no conscious/unconscious, no separation thus no Duality, no identifying, no judging, all IS as it IS most obviously. No war nor conflict nor hate nor fear nor greed nor corruption. No goal and no choice, the Observer IS the Observed. Thus even in a group, we are all Alone. It is not even wondered, "who am I", because there is not one to wonder about.
Indeed, AS that state of Timeless Nothing much gets done and much gets thought without self-acknowledgement that anything got done or that anything was thought. A Present Moment Presence always anew, without consideration of anything other than Present Presence. THAT is IT.
~ No Mental Cheering ~
Life IS Consciousness Consciousness IS Life a hologram Whereby each seeming multiple shard is but the diagram, That Whole is the Part just as the Part is all of that Whole Thus All IS One All IS That and That IS It so sell your Soul.
Human conditioned perception is otherwise because Truth Reality is blindsided by the conditionings so pour Vermouth, Blinded by the influences of conditioned thoughts you see Conditioned thinking as all the endless chatter resist to BE.
Thus Truth shunned by listening to the conditioned chatter Nothing can be more simple than AS it IS laid on a platter, It gets very complicated when conditionings are projected Thus complicating the simple thus Truth/Reality is rejected.
Nothing is other than what it IS so it needs no embellishing It's conditioned notions that Veil it from it's very establishing, Such embellishment such labels the names distort What-IS Because What-IS can not really be named like in ShowBiz.
Thus it is Pointed to only for it to be Understood or Realized Never uttered but in the state of Awakening it is Recognized, Utterances are but Pointers and can serve no other purpose For the name is only a shadow of that which is named for us.
It can not be this or that for it is both yet neither as is shown As it's all by itself thus needs no interpretation nor the known, No words though gleaned as the leaf falls or in a look BEing Whatever-IS that Present Moment when you ARE a SEEing.
It's not looking at something different or something differently But rather in looking Seeing what is looked at quite sentiently, Unencumbered looking unencumbered listening and hearing Even unencumbered thinking and doing no mental cheering.
Subject: King Of Fools
From: Ma <MaheshPradeep@dakwala.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 22:59:06 -0800
"You put faith in your wisdom that you do not have. You pray at the feet of your god that you made up. You think you live life but all you live is your creations. You are imprisoned in your mind. Is there life outside of your head ? It is not the road that matters for the rut might be very Blinding, it is the horizan where your gaze is fixed. Look to your Awakening and just BE your Walk. You think there is a Fork in the Road so you can choose which Path, but there is only One Journey becaue there is only One Way. It is all a Big Joke and you are the Jester. Please your King and he will give you most anything." -- Sri Yogayuktaatmaa
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 05:34:01 GMT
True Listening is an *open receptivity* rather than anticipating or concentrating on anything in particular. The more subtle the Sound, the more intense the Listening -- hence, to Hear the Sound of Silence there must be a Complete Intense Open Receptivity, projecting nothing and anticipating nothing (not even "the sound that can not be heard") -- just BEing Completely Open and Receptive to whatever the Sound AS the Moment of Silence IS. It is in the Intensity of BEing Completely Open and Receptive AS the Moment, Moment to Moment, that we Hear AS the Silence and See AS the Void and BE AS Awakening.
Subject: BEing It
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 01:56:55 GMT
Greetings Community,
Dualists will never fathom NonDuality, thus there is little sense in trying and thus Fooling oneself that one can. So too, one Sleeping will never fathom who is Awake or even Awakening regardless of what Herd is Followed. One can slice it and dice it and categorize it and stratify it and rationalize it any way one likes, but when one is not *BEing It* one will never *Get It*.
"Losing the Instincts" from the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu
"When the great Tao is forgotten, Philanthropy and morality appear. Intelligent strategies are produced, And great hypocrisies emerge. Natural law governs biological survival."
Whether eating or drinking or taking care of body waste excretion, the only thing one needs is food and water and air. The mind is a different story, it processes likes and dislikes and possessions and desires and wishes and regrets and judgements of right and wrong and good and bad. Silence is the only Window where the body/mind organism can be Truly Seen As it IS. Silence can not be perceived though it is True Apperception. When there is Silence there is only Silence, yet when there is mental processes there is the likes and dislikes and possessions and desires and wishes and regrets and judgements of right and wrong and good and bad. BEing Silence IS True Freedom, yet depending on mind is the Suffering of likes and dislikes and possessions and desires and wishes and regrets and judgements of right and wrong and good and bad. Silence is Love/Compassion/Empathy/Awareness/Understanding, where as clinging to mind only processes Fear. Silence is the Window of the myriad processing of mind, and mind can not fathom that there is even a Window let alone fathom Silence.
Subject: Re: BEing It
From: SheriseAnnMara@aol.com
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 00:57:56 EST
In a message dated 3/8/2003 9:09:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, ejLight@light-mission.org writes:
> > Whether eating or drinking or taking care of body waist excretion, the > only thing one needs is food and water and air.
Hi ej...remember me?
Yeah, I'm living on Nicotine and Caffeine.
At 110 lbs...don't need a lot of food at 5' just yet.
I lost my job. Been tough. Really tough. I was making $1000 per 2 weeks as a skilled nurse...I bought a car...and now I'm making nothing. (Gonna lose the car, too)
I got the job to get away from my husband (two time domestic violence ass.) He is the original Mr. Kun Tao...he kicks my butt...he's 6'4"
I feel lost. He goes from 0-60 so fast I don't even see him coming.
ej...He owns me now. I'm going for another job on Monday. Keep me in the light.
Please. Please. I'm a tad...lost.
Subject: Re: BEing It
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 07:02:12 GMT
Greetings Sherise, you wrote: -> Hi ej...remember me?
How could we forget {8->
-> I lost my job. Been tough. Really tough. I was making $1000 per 2 ->weeks as a skilled nurse...I bought a car...and now I'm making nothing. ->(Gonna lose the car, too)
There are many layoffs in the USA but I thought nursing would be the last to feel layoffs. Hang in there Dear Friend, look for the Silver Lining.
-> I got the job to get away from my husband (two time domestic violence ->ass.) He is the original Mr. Kun Tao...he kicks my butt...he's 6'4" -> -> I feel lost. He goes from 0-60 so fast I don't even see him coming.
You definitely have to get the situation in hand and calmly do what must be done to do so. Compassion and Healing Energy is being sent to you 10-fold Dear Friend.
-> ej...He owns me now. I'm going for another job on Monday. Keep me in ->the light.
Not all is what it seems. We can be used and abused and even thrown out, but the age of Slavery remains only in our mind. You can only be *owned* when you *believe* you are.
-> Please. Please. I'm a tad...lost.
Glad to see the prodigal return Home. This little Oasis Community is your Home away from home, I trust. BE Well and ever so Mindful Wonderful Friend.
"You must BE Spring in your Heart every Moment of your Life. Regardless of weather or circumstantial conditions, when it is always Spring in our Heart the flowers are always blooming and the birds are always singing and the sun is always shining -- the wind is always at our back Helping us forward and the sun is always in our face Refreshing us. To BE it is to Understand/Realize/Recognize it." -- Yogajyotii
Subject: Hui-Neng
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 13:34:53 -0600
Sutra of Hui-Neng contains this thought:
"When our nature is dominated, we are said to be possessed by Mara. When right views eliminate from our mind this element of poison, Mara will be transformed into a real Buddha."
This struck me this morning as I read it in the park near where I work. Mara, the devil, the Grand Trickster, the ego, Possesses and dominates our true nature But once we can see that this is what is happening, What used to trick us and program us Becomes a great teacher We can laugh at our near mindless reactions And use this self-catching as a tool for awakening. We stop identifying with this inner Mara And thus our old enemy becomes our new teacher.
Subject: Re: Hui-Neng
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 03:38:26 GMT
->Sutra of Hui-Neng contains this thought: -> ->"When our nature is dominated, we are said to be possessed by Mara. ->When right views eliminate from our mind this element of poison, ->Mara will be transformed into a real Buddha." -> ->This struck me this morning as I read it in the park near where I work. ->Mara, the devil, the Grand Trickster, the ego, ->Possesses and dominates our true nature ->But once we can see that this is what is happening, ->What used to trick us and program us ->Becomes a great teacher ->We can laugh at our near mindless reactions ->And use this self-catching as a tool for awakening. ->We stop identifying with this inner Mara ->And thus our old enemy becomes our new teacher.
Obviously Thomas, Hui-Neng's words gave you a clue for Work on yourself. But consider this:
Since Dajian was Zen, it would seem that he was Pointing to a conditioned programmed controlled manipulated automaton in saying that "When our nature is dominated, we are said to be possessed by Mara." And that by Corrected Vision we can Silence the mind thus Silence the toxic conditioned programmed mental chatter thus BE that Silence thus BE Awakening. We must also consider the era that he offered Insights to his Brethren, which was during the middle part of the first century. Thus would have said things having far different meaning today than the meanings associated with what he said then to the people he was speaking to. Also, we must consider what part of the world was his Route and his Work, for that in itself will influence what he meant and what was interpreted. Speaking to first century Chinese and Japanese would be far different than speaking to modern day Europeans and Westerners. For when these factors are not taken into consideration when trying to glean Insights from his offerings it only lends to manufacturing the meanings of Wise sayings into just about anything we like. Or should it be said, 'what we are conditioned to like'.
And a major factor, as Jesus Pointed out, is whether any given Wise Sage spoke to the masses or to devotees. Jesus said that the parables were for the masses and that the deeper Teachings were for the devotees. Thus we must take care not to try to interpret Teachings for devotees as general offerings for the masses. A stumbling block for modern day Seekers taking Wise sayings of yore and trying to apply them to their own life, because most often it leads to misunderstanding thus misconception. Thus that thought to be Insight is a detriment in the form of conformation of already established conditionings. The Wise Teachers of yore were mostly speaking to devotees who had already gone through the vital preliminary Work on themselves so they could Receive/Understand the Deeper Teachings. Thus they rarely referred to this preliminary Work. So modern day Seekers *think* they can skip this Work or that it is not needed because the Wise Sages did not speak of it, thus rendering their Seeking astray and thus ineffectual. The preliminary Work is of Purging themselves of defiling conditioned influences (Mara). And if we do not do that Work we are just tossing ashes to the wind.
One more thing, Dajian was Zen thus not a Dualist so he would not have Pointed to an "inner Mara" for there is no *inner and outer* but rather simply Mara (toxic conditioning). Another stumbling block of modern day Seekers is Dualists thinking they fathom NonDualistic offerings.
To Understand it we must BE it, and to BE it we must Drop the Stick. Why settle for just a bite when we can have the whole Enchilada (conceptually speaking) ?
Subject: dualism strikes again
From: "Ragland, Thomas" <TRagland@UMCOM.ORG>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 07:27:10 -0600
E.J.: Another stumbling block of modern day Seekers is Dualists thinking they fathom NonDualistic offerings.
Thomas: You sum up my main problem with spiritual advancement. I do "fathom" the offerings in amazing realizations, But then I try to explain the realization back into words, Back into a language immersed in dualism, And I read it back and realize that I have already lost it. Then I am so stuck in conceptualization that I can't get back To that pure fathoming of the realization.
Like it was said--those who know do not speak, While those who speak do not know. For speaking it somehow Compromises it. I can't explain it, but for one unspoken Moment I actually was the ducks in the park.
Subject: Re: dualism strikes again
From: ejLight@light-mission.org (E.J.)
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 17:37:16 GMT
Greetings Thomas, you wrote: ->E.J.: Another stumbling block of modern day ->Seekers is Dualists thinking they fathom NonDualistic offerings. -> ->Thomas: You sum up my main problem with spiritual advancement. ->I do "fathom" the offerings in amazing realizations, ->But then I try to explain the realization back into words, ->Back into a language immersed in dualism, ->And I read it back and realize that I have already lost it. ->Then I am so stuck in conceptualization that I can't get back ->To that pure fathoming of the realization.
There is no doubt that the fleeting NonDualistic Present is Directly Experienced Dear Friend, but it is not mere language that reduces that experience to other than what it IS. Language is inherently Dualistic so we must look between/beyond the words. This considered, language is but a aid in communication thus need not defile any Realization/Recognition. So it is not due to language that we get stuck in the conceptualizations and drift back out of Presence AS the Present, it is our conditionings comparing and theorizing and intellectualizing and labeling and cognizing the Present associated with some past or some future or even some identity. THAT is the Dualistic Trap that snares us. So it is not mere language that holds us in a Dualistic perception but rather a Dualistic modus operandi. When we drop the conditionings we in turn drop the Dualism. Because if we are ever to communicate we can not very well drop language.
->Like it was said--those who know do not speak, ->While those who speak do not know. For speaking it somehow ->Compromises it.
That is a Rationalization by those who do not know, and is obviously erroneous. How could those who know, Dajian for example or Jesus or Siddhartha or Muhammad or any Wise Sage, let us know if they did not speak. Duh. Obviously they did speak because we have their words, and they did Know what they were talking about, so that worn out fabrication by Dualists is just an excuse for Dualists not Knowing. Obviously, due to the Fact that we have at our disposal the written/spoken words of Wise Sages it is not language that is the problem but rather the conditioned Dualistic perception. Just as obviously, those Wise Sages did not compromise their BEing Present when they uttered their offerings because when Present one still thinks and talks and works and plays and eats and does chores and all manner of activity. They are always Present no matter what they do, which should be a clue that it is not simply language that makes their offering Dualistic but rather the interpreter in conditioned Dualistic perception. Because the Wise Sages dropped the conditionings they dropped the Dualistic modus operandi, they THEN can be quite seemingly *normal* and still BE Present thus not be Dualistic.
Dualists can use that "them that know don't speak and them that speak don't know" amongst other Dualists and it is readily accepted, though it does not even go along with their own conditioned Dualistic logic and reason. But when that line is used where a NonDualist is it is just laughed at. So please, Dear Friend, do not fall into that trap.
-> I can't explain it, but for one unspoken ->Moment I actually was the ducks in the park.
You just did explain it {8-> But it is when you try to cling to that Moment that you are drawn from the Present Moment. So it would seem that your "problem with spiritual advancement" is not by using language but rather by holding onto Dualistic conditionings trying to explain a NonDualistic Direct Experience. By doing so you defile the experience by clinging to it so as to explain it. You can not still be *there* and be *here* at the same time Dear Friend (conceptually speaking) {8->
Subject: A Ray Of Light
From: Ray.of.Light@light-mission.org
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 05:41:43 GMT
We must Realize that *no one Saves us but ourselves*. There is nothing to Fear but Fear itself. For Awakening is just Awakening, and does not hurt a bit.
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