Meditation Seed Thoughts

You can protect yourself by way of another's advice And so you are a prisoner of your own defiling device, You can miss the Pain staying in your protected youth But you would miss the Dance and keep out the Truth. -- Yogajyotii

The more you talk and Think about it, The further astray you Wander from the truth. Stop talking and thinking, And there is nothing You will not be able to know. To return to the root Is to find the meaning, But to pursue appearances Is to miss the source. At the moment of inner enlightenment There is a going beyond appearance and emptiness. -- Seng Ts’an

There is no more worldly existence for the wise one who, like the earth, resents nothing, who is firm as a high pillar and as pure as a deep pool free from mud. -- Dhammapada

Becoming yourself is easy but ending your false personality is hard. First step: stop telling lies. Second step: accept your imperfections. -- Tishan

Until today the precious Gem’s been buried, Now it flashes from the earth. Mind’s clear at last. Zen-sitting, a stick of incense Lights the universe. I bow to Bodhidharma. -- Ryozan

The fever of passion exists not for him who has completed the journey, who is sorrowless and wholly set free, and has broken all ties. -- Dhammapada

Only in the Winds of War can we sever Ties of yore As so does the Phoenix Soar from the Flames it bore, We must in the Grand Trickster's face mightily laugh For AS it IS NOW we are once more Whole not half. -- Yogajyotii

Becoming yourself is easy but ending your false personality is hard. First step: stop to lie. -- Tishan

Not limited By language, It is ceaselessly expressed; So, too the way of letters Can display but not exhaust it. -- Dogen

If a man going down into a river, swollen and swiftly flowing, is carried away by the current -- how can he help others across? -- Sutta Nipata

You ask me why I stay On this blue mountain? I smile but do not answer. My mind is at ease! -- Li P’o

To escape the heat I sleep Down below where a slight cool Grows in the night: A frog’s croak echoes In a stone basin, Moonlight casts patterns Through bamboo blinds; I accept every sound And sight that’s offered, The more detached, The more I hear and see; A time of night I am so truly still I no longer notice The mosquitoes buzzing round my ears. -- Kokan Shiren

Few among men are those who cross to the farther shore. The rest, the bulk of men, only run up and down the hither bank. But those who act according to the perfectly taught Dhamma will cross the realm of Death, so difficult to cross. -- Dhammapada

It is only in the self exposure unmasked for all to See Only AS the everflowing Torrent of the Tempest Free, So we will find Wondrous Solitude AS Open Honesty Though ever so grandiose there will be not majesty. -- Yogajyotii

My daily affairs are quite ordinary; but I'm in total harmony with them. I don't hold on to anything, don't reject anything; nowhere an obstacle or conflict. Who cares about wealth and honor? Even the poorest thing shines. My miraculous power and spiritual activity: drawing water and carrying wood. -- Layman P'ang

Sitting on top of a boulder The gorge stream icy cold Quiet fun holds a special charm Fogged-in on deserted cliffs A fine place to rest The sun leans and tree Shadows sprawl While I view the ground Of my mind A lotus comes out of the mud. -- Cold Mountain

Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame. -- Dhammapada

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows. -- Epictetus

All dharmas are like a dream: this is what all the saints have taught. Consequently, deluded thoughts are originally calm and the sense-spheres are originally void. This void and calm is luminous, aware, and never dark. This void and calm mind is precisely the pure mind which was transmitted by our predecessor, Bodhidharma. Whether deluded or awakened, the mind is fundamentally self-aware. -- Chinul

Just as a mountain of rock, is unwavering, well-settled, so the monk whose delusion is ended, like a mountain, is undisturbed. -- Udana

Just as one would examine gold through burning, cutting and rubbing, so should monks and scholars examine my words. Only thus should they be accepted; but not merely out of respect for me. -- The Buddha

My hut isn’t quite six feet across Surrounded by pine, bamboos, and mountains, An old monk hardly has room for himself Much less for a visiting cloud. -- Shih-wu

Irrigators regulate the rivers; fletchers straighten the arrow shaft; carpenters shape the wood; the wise control themselves. -- Dhammapada

In the still night by the vacant window, Wrapped in monk’s robe I sit in meditation, Navel and nostrils lined up straight, Ears paired to the slope of shoulders. Window whitens, the moon comes up; Rain’s stopped, but drops go on dripping. Wonderful - the mood of this moment - Distant, vast, known to me only! -- Ryokan

He who drinks deep the Dhamma lives happily with a tranquil mind. The wise man ever delights in the Dhamma made known by the Noble One (the Buddha). -- Dhammapada

Meditation will bring you sensitivity, a great sense of belonging to the world. It is our world - the stars are ours, and we are not foreigners here. We belong intrisically to existence. We are part of it, we are the heart of it. -- Osho

Since before anyone remembers It has been clear Shining like silver Though the moonlight Penetrates it And the wind ruffles it No trace of either remains Today I would not dare To expound the secret Of the stream bed But I can tell you That the blue dragon Is coiled there -- Muso

Through conviction one crosses over the flood. Through heedfulness, the sea. Through persistence one overcomes suffering & stress. Through discernment a person is purified. -- Sutta Nipata

Companionship with the holy makes you one of them. Though you¹re rock or marble, you¹ll become a jewel when you reach the man of heart. -- Rumi

Be still like a mountain and flow like a river. -- Lao-Tze

Conditioning will always rise to the occasion For the very Illusion of phenomenal causation, These are the chains that will be glad to bind Only you have the key to the lock you can't find. -- Yogajyotii

Every day priests minutely Examine the Dharma And endlessly chant Complicated sutras. Before doing that, though, They should learn How to read the love letters Sent by the wind and rain, The snow and moon. -- Ikkyu

We have to understand this, little brother, all this becoming slaves to others, all this searching and running. The body sings and dances and becomes a slave to others, but we must pray to Allah alone. There are no mantras, no tricks, no magics, no religions, no creeds for meditation. God has to worship God. The Soul has to worship the Soul. Light has to worship Light. There is only One for meditation. -- Bawa Muhayadeen

You are silent, you are silent, drink silently! Remain concealed! Remain concealed! You are a hidden treasure. -- Rumi

One is the quest for worldly gain, and quite another is the path to Nibbana. Clearly understanding this, let not the monk, the disciple of the Buddha, be carried away by worldly acclaim, but develop detachment instead. -- Dhammapada

Becoming a buddha is easy But ending illusions is hard So many frosted moonlit nights I’ve sat and felt The cold before dawn. -- Shih-wu

It is our greatest fear that we may very well lose Our very creation of which is what we choose, For it is our's and our's alone to give us our life Without these very possessions there is strife. -- Yogajyotii

That bhikkhu who has crossed the mire, Crushed the thorn of sensual desire, And reached the destruction of delusion Is not perturbed by pleasures and pains. -- Udana

Clouds very high, look. Not one word helped get them there. -- Ikkyu

Conditioned notions drive you so must let them go They're in your memories of how things must be so, They must not arise either for the future or the past Their seeming reality is only your mind so won't last. -- Yogajyotii

Sentient beings are Primarily all Buddhas: It is like ice and water, Apart from water No ice can exist; Outside sentient beings Where do we find the Buddhas? Not knowing how near The Truth is, People seek it far away, What a pity! -- Hakuin

Well done is that action of doing which one repents not later, and the fruit of which, one reaps with delight and happiness. -- Dhammapada

This gives you pleasure but it also gives Pain Is this not the very notion that is much insane, And it will not just go away on it's own accord We must realize it's something we can't afford. -- Yogajyotii

The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included. It's like a tree. All of its fruit and flowers, its branches and leaves, depend on its root. If you nourish its root, a tree multiplies. If you cut its root, it dies. Those who understand the mind reach enlightenment with minimal effort. Those who don't understand the mind practice in vain. Everything good and bad comes from your own mind. -- Boddhidharma

To give birth, to nourish, to bear and not to own, to act and not lay claim, to lead and not to rule. -- Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Like two golden birds perched on the selfsame tree, intimate friends, the Ego and the Self dwell in the same body. The former eats the sweet and sour fruits of the tree of life, while the latter looks on in detachment. -- The Mundaka Upanishad

Our thoughts, our words, and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around ourselves. -- Swami Vivekananda

Faithfulness in the performance of small duties gives us strength to adhere to difficult determinations that life will someday force us to make. -- Paramahansa Yogananda

There is only the one by one a de-ratification Of the many false notions the self nihilation, Question every notion everything you think To know yourself is to let go the toxic drink. -- Yogajyotii

Awakening is dynamic, Constantly evolving in accordance with life's realities-- Unfolding from ego-self to compassionate self, From enclosed self to open self, From foolish self to enlightened self. -- Taitetsu Unno

Just as a picture is drawn by an artist, surroundings are created by the activities of the mind. -- Buddha

Frustration is the result of wrong seeking. Wrong seeking produces wrong efforts, wrong efforts produce excuses, excuses produce more bondage and more bondage proves more miserable, more miseries make you more negative, more negativities make you disappointed, suicidal and what not. This is how the circle goes round and round. -- Swami Amar Jyoti

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness. -- Chuang-tzu

You ask me why I stay On this blue mountain? I smile but do not answer. My mind is at ease! Peach blossoms And flowing streams Pass away without a trace. How different from The mundane world! -- Li P’o

Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup. -- Dhammapada

Knowledge can't be the Truth but rather a facsimile So give it's rightful due but BE Awakening faithfully, Thinking it is surely fact Illusion is in what you know Whereas True Awakening is in nothing left to let go. -- Yogajyotii

Do not dwell on what is past and what is to come, but live in the world of the present. One has to always understand the "now" and perceive all the wonderful things. -- Tsai Chih

What does the old master Do here? By the side of the rock He is hunting for a new verse. Suddenly a cool breeze Blows from the pine tree; Silently and quietly it Purifies his spirit and thought. -- Shih t’ao

By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm. -- Dhammapada

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinion for or against. The struggle of what one likes and what one dislikes is the disease of the mind. -- Zen Patriarch

The penetrating brilliance Of swords Wielded by followers of the Way Strikes at the enemy Lurking deep within Their own souls and bodies. -- Morihei Ueshiba

Having entered a royal court or a company of people he should not speak lies. He should not speak lies (himself) nor incite others to do so. He should completely avoid falsehood. -- Sutta Nipata

When you try to stop activity to achieve passivity your very effort fills you with activity. As long as you remain in one extreme or the other you will never know Oneness. -- Sosan

Withdraw now from the invisible pounding and weaving of your ingrained ideas. If you want to be rid of this invisible turmoil, you must just sit through it and let go of everything. Attain fulfillment and illuminate thoroughly. Light and shadow altogether forgotten. Drop off your own skin, and the sense-dusts will be fully purified. The eye then readily discerns the brightness. -- Hongzhi Zhengjue

Conviction is a person's highest wealth. Dhamma, when well-practiced, brings bliss. Truth is the highest of savors. Living with discernment, one's life is called best. -- Sutta Nipata

As long as we Identify with our conditioned notions We will always go through the possessive motions, Most alluring and seductive this phenomenal realm A problem is that the Grand Trickster is at the helm. -- Yogajyotii

Although the marvelous lines are difficult to trace, still I can make out several layers of mountains, a jumble of peaks, like shell-spiraled locks of hair. Faraway streams and mountains peaks swathed in clouds, just like a painting, have captured the essence. Gazing into emptiness, I long to ask the monk about it. If I don’t learn the meaning of the reclusive life, I can but sigh with regret until the day I die! -- Su Shih

Whoever takes a stick to beings desiring ease, when he himself is looking for ease, will meet with no ease after death. Whoever doesn't take a stick to beings desiring ease, when he himself is looking for ease, will meet with ease after death. -- Udana

Beware of gnawing the ideogram Of nothingness: Your teeth will crack. Swallow it whole, And you’ve a treasure Beyond the hope of Buddha and the Mind. The east breeze fondles The horse’s ears: How sweet the smell of plum. -- Karasumaru-Mitsuhiro

Ever grows the glory of him who is energetic, mindful and pure in conduct, discerning and self-controlled, righteous and heedful. -- Dhammapada

There are only three essential questions: Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going? -- Nishkam

I climb the road to Cold Mountain, the road to Cold Mountain that never ends. The valleys are long and strewn with stones; the streams broad and banked with thick grass. Moss is slippery, though no rain has fallen; pines sigh, but it isn’t the wind. Who can break from the snares of the world and sit with me among the white clouds? -- Han-shan

The wise ones, ever meditative and steadfastly persevering, alone experience Nibbana, the incomparable freedom from bondage. -- Dhammapada

You have to let go of all those notions to be Free It is not to be believed you have to try it and See, Though it is not about chasing rainbows or a star It is about the Present Moment and who you ARE. -- Yogajyotii

The most essential method, which includes all methods, is beholding the mind. -- Boddhidharma

Tao is not something to be gained, but becomes clear through loss. Loss upon loss. -- Lao Tzu

Why would you try to add legs to a snake? -- Zen

Joshu’s word - Nothingness. In spring blossoms everywhere. Now insight’s mine; Another dust-speck in the eye! -- Kuchu

Heedfulness is the path to the Deathless. Heedlessness is the path to death. The heedful die not. The heedless are as if dead already. -- Dhammapada

The way to use life is to do nothing through acting, The way to use life is to do everything through being. -- Lao Tzu

You're IN the world but OF the world you can't be Take care of the form but not what you must see, You are all the One but not attached to any One It is AS your True Nature phenomenality to shun. -- Yogajyotii

At last I’ve broken Unmon’s barrier! There’s exit everywhere - East, west; north, south. In at morning, out at evening; Neither host nor guest. My every step stirs Up a little breeze. -- Daito

Rouse yourself! Sit up! Resolutely train yourself to attain peace. Do not let the king of death, seeing you are careless, lead you astray and dominate you. -- Sutta Nipata

The way is difficult and very intricate. Lalla discarded her books that told about it, and through meditation saw the truth that never comes to anyone from reading words. -- Lalla

Sitting in the Mountains Rock slab seat Legs folded Sitting alone Not loathing noise Not savoring silence The carefree clouds concur. -- Jakushitsu

You can't deny the material world you go through For in your Awakening you must be most vital too, Mental prowess established by Evolution/Involution Use it well Emptied of the conditioned convolution. -- Yogajyotii

Little though he recites the sacred texts, but puts the Teaching into practice, forsaking lust, hatred, and delusion, with true wisdom and emancipated mind, clinging to nothing of this or any other world -- he indeed partakes of the blessings of a holy life. -- Dhammapada

Once a person has stopped discrimination, banished delusion, and ended the trick of thought, he will be full of inner peace and there is naturally the state of nothingness. -- Zenji

That voice which is the origin of every cry and sound: that indeed is the only voice, and the rest are only echoes. -- Rumi

Self is always Present, Bliss is always Present. You are not to work at attaining it, just remove the obstacles by which you can't see it. The hindrance is only one: Attachment to the past. -- Papaji

When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. -- Tao Te Ching

Wear just enough clothes to keep warm. Eat only enough to stop the hunger-pang. And as for your mind, let it work to recognize who you are , and the Absolute, and that this body will become food for the forest crows. -- Lalla

In utter purity, The bright light pervades all, With its shining stillness Enfolding the great void. Worldly things, When closely looked at, Are but illusions seen in dreams. -- Master Han Shan

Can not server two Master and can't be your own You can't start Awakening without a Master Tone, We've always had a Helper that has not changed Traveling by our conditioned notions is deranged. -- Yogajyotii

Blissful is passionlessness in the world, The overcoming of sensual desires; But the abolition of the conceit I am -- That is truly the supreme bliss. -- Udana

Clambering up the Cold Mountain path, The Cold Mountain trail goes on and on: The long gorge choked with scree and boulders, The wide creek, the mist-blurred grass. The moss is slippery, though there's been no rain The pine sings, but there's no wind. Who can leap the world's ties and sit with me among the white clouds? -- Han-Shan

Sunlight fell upon the wall; the wall received a borrowed splendor. Why set your heart on a piece of earth, O simple one? Seek out the source which shines forever. -- Rumi

You have seen Christ, you have seen Buddha; you have seen kundalini rising in your spine, the serpent uncoiling; you have seen great light, you have seen a lotus flowering inside your head, you have seen the heart chakra opening, and all that crap - beautiful sounding words, but only fools are deceived by them. If fools disappear from the world, all isms will disappear. There will be great poetry, but no ism about it. There will be immense mystery, but no ism about it. -- Osho

All the knowns in the world can never Save you For our knowns are our Illusions so are not True, Our True Nature is in it's BEing not just the mind As it is not to be held or found it we can not bind. -- Yogajyotii

This world is the dream of him who sleeps: the dreamer imagines it is lasting until suddenly the dawn of Death breaks and he finds himself free from the darkness of illusion and error. Then seeing his eternal home, he will laugh at the sorrows he endured. -- Rumi

Hard rain, our gathered Firewood scant. Lamp frozen, glimmers Not at night. In the cave, wind blows Stones and mud. Moss engravings, Weatherstrip rickety door. Brooks in torrent untiring; People’s words more and more rare. Where schemes calm heart? Sitting in the lotus, Wrapped in robes of Zen. -- The Monk Hsu Yun

Better than a thousand useless words is one single word that gives peace. -- The Dhammapada

Wherever there is ruin there is hope for treasure. Why do you not seek the treasure of God in the wasted heart? -- Rumi

Deep on the mountain’s An unseen cloister; Wicker shadows lock In the long bamboos. Suddenly there’s a bell Ringing now and then. Empty valley filling With white clouds. Off drawing water, An old monk returns; Pine-tree dew stains His robe green. Bell barely murmurs; The cloister gate has closed. Mountain birds All by themselves, Skirmish over roosting spots. -- Ch’en Fou

So use the mind as your strength and your Friend For it can peer ever so Deeply right up to it's End, Thus it too must pass IN/AS Awakening Unfolded As IN/AS such a state of BEing will not be molded. -- Yogajyotii

The doer of good rejoices here and hereafter; he rejoices in both the worlds. He rejoices and exults, recollecting his own pure deeds -- Dhammapada

Only a person who is one with the laws of nature can be said to be one who is at ease wherever he goes and is not psychologically dependent on anything. -- Lie Zi

Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent Of everything you think And of everything you do, Is for yourself - And there isn't one. -- Wei Wu Wei

Just whereabouts does A person of Tao dwell? Before the mountain, Jeweled clouds; The road coils and twists. On Orphan Mountain, Cut off and orphaned, Who would make his hut? When Tao people have the Tao The mountain is no orphan. Paper windows, a bamboo room Deepen the inner warmth; Sitting on rush mats they sleep, Bundled in coarse hemp -- Su Shih

A disciple should avoid taking anything from anywhere knowing it (to belong to another). He should not steal nor incite another to steal. He should completely avoid theft. -- Sutta Nipata

Fantasized ideals often do not work in real life. When people cannot reach their preset goals, most of them can only blame themselves for not knowing the limits of their own capabilities. -- Heart sutra

The mind is the Tool we use to Realize the Truth Becoming Empty it is our very Fountain of Youth, Polishing the Mirror of Truth so as ourself to See IN/AS that Refection IS our only Salvation to BE. -- Yogajyotii

Disciplined by wind and snow, The Way of Reinan opens. Look where - moon high, Plum’s a bloom The temple’s fixed in stillness. -- Eun

As a matter of fact, everyone knows that "our whole life is quite limited in length". But due to ignorance, we waste our lives worrying about events and objects. Only when we look at this world with a pure spirit, will we be able to enjoy life with the proper concepts of joy and peace. -- Tsai Chih Chung

Eighty years, a day’s journey. I’ve lived everywhere, and now the spring breeze doesn’t try my door. Snow lies heavy on my head. -- Guan

The evil-doer grieves here and hereafter; he grieves in both the worlds. He laments and is afflicted, recollecting his own impure deeds. -- Dhammapada

The man (woman) of Tao is subtle, intense and considerate, careful and circumspect. Because he does not expect a certain outcome in his undertakings, he does not court failure. -- Lao Zi

You do not like what the Sages say it is too much Pain So you distort their offerings thinking you are only sane, You do not have the Eyes to See nor the Ears to Hear So you will always misinterpret their Wisdom into Fear. -- Yogajyotii

Much though he recites the sacred texts, but acts not accordingly, that heedless man is like a cowherd who only counts the cows of others -- he does not partake of the blessings of the holy life. -- Dhammapada

He should not kill a living being, nor cause it to be killed, nor should he incite another to kill. Do not injure any being, either strong or weak, in the world. -- Sutta Nipata

Careful! Even moonlit dewdrops, If you’re lured to watch, Are a wall before the Truth. -- Sogyo

When things become manifest To the ardent meditating brahmin, All his doubts then vanish since he understands Each thing along with its cause. -- Udana

Eyes blinded by three poisons, Yet once all ties are cut, How restful. Wicker hat donned, Cane held firm, How vast the sky! -- Ungo

Just as rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, so passion penetrates an undeveloped mind. -- Dhammapada

Do not let the mind dwell in thought of what is good or what is bad - just relax and forget that you are meditating. Do not desire to become a Buddha - if you do you will never become one. -- Huineng

The source of the life force is eternal - the center within - we do not need to collect it like material things for it is already and always here.

The Price is very High and the Pain is ever so Great You have to let notions go and Trust yourself to Fate, Ever anew Eternal Infinite Present Moment is not late For IN/AS this anew Moment IS the Gateless Gate. -- Yogajyotii

I acquired this hermitage a year ago. Cloudy peaks, moon in the valley companions in withered Zen. Come morning, I descend the mountain road. In front of this crag what mountain rock will I sleep on next? -- Jakushitsu

Those who mistake the unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential, dwelling in wrong thoughts, never arrive at the essential. -- Dhammapada

On a mountain top in a Zen room a monk’s robes hang. Outside the window, no one. Water birds fly. At yellow twilight halfway down the mountain road, I stop to listen to sounds in the pines embracing the rock: bird blue. -- Meng Hao-jan

If one, longing for sensual pleasure, achieves h, yes, he's enraptured at heart. The mortal gets what he wants. But if for that person -longing, desiring- the pleasures diminish, he's shattered, as if shot with an arrow. -- Sutta Nipata

A zen student walk alone at all times. Those who have attained, tread the same road of Nirvana. Each of them is natural in manner and clean and contented of heart. Since no one of them is concerned with special attraction, no one pays him special attraction.

You so want the Prize yet don't want to Pay the Price You sit there in your armchair thinking it's so very nice, You're trapped in that Prison thinking you're Protected Yet in your very conditioned notions you are Infected. -- Yogajyotii

Petals of the peach blossom Unfolding in the spring breeze, Sweeping aside all doubts Amid the distractions of Leaves and branches. -- Dogen

Better it is to live one day virtuous and meditative than to live a hundred years immoral and uncontrolled. -- Dhammapada

Colors of the mountains, Streams in the valleys; One in all, all in one, The voice and body of Our Sakyamuni Buddha -- Dogen

Let no one deceive another or despise anyone anywhere, or through anger or irritation wish for another to suffer. -- Sutta Nipata

You think he does so well mansions on high As you hide your face when told he must die, Though the artist did well in painting his face He is just paper stage prop and your disgrace. -- Yogajyotii

He who is freed from the notion of ego, whose understanding is not tainted, even after slaying all these people, neither slays nor is he bound (by the action). -- Bhagavad Gita

If you understand that you yourself have buddha nature, this is the pivotal cause for becoming a buddha. Those who don’t look in their own minds, but seek Buddha externally, just waste their effort and are ignorant. - - Dajian Huineng

May all creatures, all living things, all beings one and all, experience good fortune only. May they not fall into harm. -- Anguttara Nikaya

Cloud breath that Dampens my robe Tells me crags are near; Stream sounds Startling my sleep Make me realize how Close the valley is. Though seasonal signs Caution us warm weather Is still far off, By banks and shoals, Spring grasses Are ready to turn Lush and green. -- Emperor Saga

They do not lament over the past, they yearn not for what is to come, they maintain themselves in the present, thus their complexion is serene. -- Samyutta Nikay

Let go of the Illusion the mind must be so Still IN/AS the Silence you will Hear Awaken Will, The Void Shows our absence in what is done For it is our Task to get the Two back to One. -- Yogajyotii

In fact, words have become barriers between us and what is. Words force us to be outside our experiences and feelings. Words make us observer, the namer - and so we forget to BE. -- Robert Wolff

Above, across or back again, wherever he goes in the world let him carefully scrutinise the rise and fall of compounded things. -- Itivuttaka

A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering. -- Gurdjieff

Mist and fog shroud out the dust of the world. Mountain and stream embellish the place where I live. At a time like this, should I turn to scribbling poems, the breeze and moon would surely look down on me with scorn. -- Tami No Kurohito

He is the great Destroyer a Slayer of the Real Just as he goes the world will go on his heal, It's just a game you see the Gamester's Game Just a virtual reality that to you is all the same. -- Yogajyotii

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