Meditation Seed Thoughts

There is a meditative terrace Left by the ancient Master Chi. It is so high that it is always Covered with white clouds. Should the woodcutter see it, He would not recognize it; The mountain monks, however, Were glad to find it. They thought it would interest me And took me there to see it. Throughout the night dew drops Fall leisurely from the bamboos; During the day pure breezes Blow from the pine grove. Meditation is what I used to do As the first thing; The terrace of Master Chi Inspires me even more. -- Meng Hao-jan

True that Silent Total Open Awareness is not natural Though BEing the True Nature we ARE isn't cultural, Silent Total Open Awareness IS our real natural state Yet Sleeping we do not Realize that until it is too late. -- Yogajyotii

The past should not be followed after and the future not desired; what is past is dead and gone and the future is yet to come. -- Majjhima Nikaya

Look into yourself and follow your nature. Do not seek far away, happiness is right here. -- Nahsti

In Spring when all the Flowers are in bloom, The evening river appears Smooth and motionless. Suddenly the tidewater Comes with the reflection Of glittering stars; The ebbing waves carry away The image of the moon. -- Yang Kwang

With desire the world is tied down. With the subduing of desire it's freed. With the abandoning of desire all bonds are cut through. -- Samyutta Nikaya

Listen for the stream that tells you one thing. Die on this bank. Begin in me the way of rivers with the sea. -- Rumi

Devote yourself to the Absolute Emptiness; Contemplate earnestly in Quiescence. All things are together in Action, But I look into their Non-action, For things are continuously moving, restless, Yet each is proceeding back to its origin. Proceeding back to the origin means Quiescence. To be in Quiescence is to see "Being-in-itself." -- Lao tzu

When we let go the conditioned notions we Realize That Stillness is our natural state all else to Paralyse, It is much like our state of BEing before we're curled With conditioned notions by the well meaning world. -- Yogajyotii

Having killed anger you sleep in ease. Having killed anger you do not grieve. The noble ones praise the slaying of anger -- with its honeyed crest & poison root -- for having killed it you do not grieve. -- Samyutta Nikaya

It is YOU who must make the effort. The Great of the past only show the way. -- Dhammapada

Winning gives birth to hostility. Losing, one lies down in pain. The calmed lie down with ease, having set winning & losing aside. -- Samyutta Nikaya

Those who speak do not know; Those who know do not speak. This is what we were told by Lao Tze. Should we believe that he himself Was the one who knew? How could it then be that he wrote No less than five thousand words? -- P�o Chu-I

If you hold yourself dear then don't fetter yourself with evil, for happiness isn't easily gained by one who commits a wrong-doing. -- Samyutta Nikaya

Meditation is self-knowledge and without self-knowledge there is no meditation. Self-knowledge is to be aware of all your responses all the time. If you are interested to discover the whole process of yourself, then it is easy. -- J. Krishnamurti

Focus not on any given *thing* but rather a Totality Undirected Open Honest Aware Attention to Reality, Whatever What-IS happens to BE the anew Present Is what our mind and our whole BEing must BE Lent. -- Yogajyotii

The clouds emerge from the Mountain of Chung And then return to the Mountain of Chung. I would like to ask the dweller in this mountain, "Where are the clouds now?" Clouds emerge from No mind And then return to No mind. No mind is nowhere to be found. We need not seek the home of No mind. -- Wang An-shih

Let no one deceive another or despise anyone anywhere, or through anger or irritation wish for another to suffer. -- Khuddakapatha

Meditation is just being delighted in your own presence; meditation is a delight in your own being. -- Osho

In the night the bells of the mountain temple Are swung by the wind from the pines. From my bed of stone by the wintry lamp I can hear the flowering rain of Buddha. -- Wang Wen-lu

He who does not strike nor makes others strike, who robs not nor makes others rob, sharing love with all that live, finds enmity with none. -- Itivuttaka

Invisible and subtle is the mind, and it flies after fancies wherever it likes; but let the wise man guard well his mind, for a mind well guarded is a source of great joy. -- The Dhammapada

Looking with no intention to see Listening not to hear When the mind is Still it is the opposite of what's dear, Not fixed but rather like a dry sponge tossed in water Awareness is open-ended Sleeping is rigid like fodder. -- Yogajyotii

My nature has no liking For life in the cities. To be free from the noise, I built a little thatched cottage Far away in the depth of the mountains. Wandering here and there, I carry no thought. When spring comes I watch the birds; In summer I bathe In the running stream. In autumn I climb The highest peaks; During the winter I am Warming up in the sun. Thus I enjoy the real flavor of the seasons. Let the sun and the moon Revolve by themselves! When I have time, I read the sutras, When I am tired, I sleep on my straw bed. -- Shih t�ao

Hate brings great misfortune, hate churns up and harms the mind; this fearful danger deep within most people do not understand. -- Itivuttaka

In doing good, avoid fame. In doing bad, avoid disgrace. Pursue a middle course as your principle. -- Chuang Tzu

We are told to realize that Not a single thing exists. In this field birth and death Do not appear. The deep source, Transparent down to the bottom, Can radiantly shine and respond Unemcumbered by each speck of dust Without becoming its partner. -- Hongzhi Zhengjue

One should first establish oneself in what is proper and only then try to instruct others. Doing this, the wise one will not be criticized. -- Dhammapada

You were once Free until you *thought* you're Free It is the old joke "I think therefore I am" can not BE, Conditionings pit you against yourself as major battle And the ego is a bystander ready to greet the prattle. -- Yogajyotii

Wrong is the mind that attends to externals; right is the mind that brings externals under control. -- Hyakujo

"From the very beginning All things are in nirvana" Here�s spring with its hundred blossoms, A yellow warbler singing in the willow.

"As I am, so are others; as others are, so am I." Having thus identified self and others, harm no one nor have them harmed. -- Sutta Nipata

With desire the world is tied down. With the subduing of desire it's freed. With the abandoning of desire all bonds are cut through. -- Samyutta Nikaya

After nine years� study, Mind�s completely free, Words come forth completely unbound. By what is the body supported; Upon what do the feet walk? Blown away, east and west As a dry leaf torn from a tree; Is the wind riding on me Or am I riding on the wind? -- Lieh Tzu

May all creatures, all living things, all beings one and all, experience good fortune only. May they not fall into harm. -- Anguttara Nikaya

Who is doing the dismantling and what is dismantled For ego is a contrivance of conditionings mishandled, Just a Mask a false front an Illusion that's manifested By the defiling conditionings that you are just Tested. -- Yogajyotii

To know yourself is to realize your no-self. Realizing your no-self is to truly know yourself. -- Chobaji

We behave as if we were never going to die - an infantile arrogance. But even more injurious than this sense of immortality is what comes with it: the sense that we can engulf this inconceivable universe with our minds." -- Carlos Castaneda

In a grove of tall bamboos Beside an ancient temple Steam rolls from the brazier In fragrant white clouds. I�ll show you the path of Sages Beyond this floating world, But will you understand The lasting taste of spring? -- Baisao

With all his attachments cut, with the heart's pining subdued, calm and serene and happy is he, for he has attained peace of mind. -- Samyutta Nikaya

Stripped of reason, my mind is blank; Emptied of being, my nature is bare. At night my windows often breathe white; The moon and stream come right to the door. -- Shih-wu

Freedom from lust is happiness in the world, the going beyond all sensual desires. But the crushing out of the conceit "I am" - this is the highest happiness. -- Udana

Careful! Even moonlit dewdrops, If you�re lured to watch, Are a wall before the truth. -- Sogyo

When conditionings are let go ego is not to be found And not just coincidence but rather nowhere around, Neither guilt or seeming human nature nor some luck Will Free you as Freedom is another word for unStuck. -- Yogajyotii

Learn this from the waters: in mountain clefts and chasms, loud gush the streamlets, but great rivers flow silently. -- Sutta Nipata

South and north, Sharing a single mountain gate, Above and below, Two temples both named T�ien-chu. Dwelling therein is An old dharma master, Built tall and skinny Like stork or swan. I do not know what Practice he engages in, But his green eyes Reflect the mountain valleys. Just looking into them Makes one feel fresh and pure, As if all one�s baneful Vexations had been cleansed. -- Su Shih

"Abstain from all unwholesome deeds, perform wholesome ones, purify your mind" - this is the teaching of the Buddhas. -- Dhammapada

MEDITATION is simple. PRECISELY because it is simple, it looks difficult. Your mind is accustomed to dealing with difficult problems, and it has completely forgotten how to respond to the simple things of life. -- Osho

Wherever and whenever The mind is found Attached to anything, Make haste to detach Yourself from it. When you tarry for Any length of time It will turn again into Your old home town. -- Daito Kokushi

Just as a tree, though cut down, sprouts up again if its roots remain uncut and firm, even so, until the craving that lies dormant is rooted out, suffering springs up again and again. -- Dhammapada

The real glory of meditation lies not in any method but in its continual living experience of presence. -- Sogyal Rinpoche

Total Brainwash complete mind control as utter robots As many overt conditionings but mostly subliminal Rots, It is so ingrained that it may take us a life time of pain And a major struggle to root them out to be again Sane. -- Yogajyotii

Utter emptiness has no image, Upright independence does not rely on anything. Just expand and illuminate the original truth Unconcerned by external conditions. -- Hongzhi Zhengjue

Always rely on just a happy frame of mind. Don't think about anything that concerns others. Abandon all hope of results. -- Atisha

Good are friends when need arises; good is contentment with just what one has; good is merit when life is at an end, and good is the abandoning of all suffering. -- Dhammapada

The Flower Ornament Scripture says: "I now see all sentient beings everywhere fully possess the wisdom and virtues of the enlightened ones, but because of false conceptions and attachments they do not realize it." -- Buddha

To be in tune with existence is the most healthy experience. There is nothing more than that, but it is so much you cannot exhaust it. -- Osho

One who, while himself seeking happiness, does not oppress with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will find happiness hereafter. -- Dhammapada

There is no such thing as a person. There are only restrictions and limitations. The sum total of these defines the person. -- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Though night after night The moon is stream-reflected, Try to find where it has touched, Point even to a shadow. -- Takuan

Generate thoughts *about* life as we are programmed To perceive life but has no clue as to Life so Damned, It is called conditioned/programmed and manipulated Thus any thoughts about life is what someone related. -- Yogajyotii

All things are connected like the blood that unites us. We did not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. -- Chief Seattle

Who is energetic and not indolent, In misfortune unshaken, Flawless in manner and intelligent, Such a one to honour may attain. -- Digha Nikaya

A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. -- Lao Tzu

Alone in mountain fastness, Dozing by the window. No mere talk uncovers Truth: The fragrance of those garden plums! -- Bankei

With firm resolve, guard your own mind! Whoso untiringly pursues the Dhamma and the Discipline Shall go beyond the round of births and make an end of suffering. -- Digha Nikaya

It is precisely for the reason that Truth is utterly simple, basic, elementary and totally obvious, that it is completely overlooked. -- Ramesh S. Balsekar

No thinking, no reflecting- Perfect emptiness: Yet therein something moves, Following its own course. -- Shinkage-ryu

Who gives, his virtues shall increase; Who is self-curbed, no hatred bears; Whoso is skilled in virtue, evil shuns, And by the rooting out of lust and hate And all delusion, comes to be at peace. -- Digha Nikaya

Sleeping and sleeping are Sleeping and sleeping sure As Sleeping is one of those items that always endure, When we are Sleeping or simply sleeping we do not Realize that we are Sleeping or sleeping a little or allot. -- Yogajyotii

However deep your Knowledge of the scriptures, It is no more than a strand of hair In the vastness of space; However important seeming Your worldly experience, It is but a drop of water in a deep ravine. -- Tokusan

Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of the way. -- Buddha

Whoever through desire, hate or fear, Or ignorance should transgress the Dhamma, All his glory fades away Like the moon during the waning half. Whoever through desire, hate or fear, Or ignorance never transgresses the Dhamma, All his glory ever increases Like the moon during the waxing half. -- Digha Nikaya

Lodging in the world, The body is like a dream, If one lives in peace, A day can be like a year. Trying to sleep, I toss and turn on the worn out mat, And pace around and around In my tattered monk�s shawl. The Master suggests I Make my bed among The wind and bamboo, And have a drink beside The waters of the rocky spring. A nod of the head, And all worldly affairs seem wrong. Laughing at myself, I understand the wisdom of the Master. -- Su Shih

Western civilization places so much emphasis on the idea of hope that we sacrifice the present moment. Hope is for the future. It cannot help us discover joy, peace, or enlightenment in the present moment. -- Thich Nhat Hanh

The friend who is a helpmate, the friend in happiness and woe, the friend who gives good counsel, the friend who sympathises too -- these four as friends the wise behold and cherish them devotedly as does a mother her own child. --Digha Nikaya

Those rose colored glasses is of our conditioned mind Programmed controlled manipulated of most any kind, The ego will never dismantle itself or volition just leave How can an Illusion let go what we mentally conceive. -- Yogajyotii

Moving/resting is meaningless. Traceless, leaving/coming. Across moonlit mountains, Howling wind! -- Unoku

Do not meditate - be. Do not think that you are - be. Don't think about being -- you are. -- Sri Ramana Maharshi

Who is hospitable, and friendly, Liberal and unselfish, A guide, an instructor, a leader, Such a one to honour may attain. -- Digha Nikaya

To know yourself you need not go to any book, to any priest, to any psychologist. The whole treasure is within yourself. -- J. Krishnamurti

Refreshing, the wind against the waterfall As the moon hangs, a lantern, on the peak And the bamboo window glows. In old age mountains Are more beautiful than ever. My resolve: That these bones be purified by rocks. -- Jakushitsu

To have much wealth and ample gold and food, but to enjoy one's luxuries alone -- this is a cause of one's downfall. -- Sutta Nipata

But "rose is a rose is a rose by any name is still a rose" Yet with a good imagination we can call a rose a nose, Just *believe* that the rose is something that is other Which is the very cradle of a dear invention's mother. -- Yogajyotii

The entire manifested creation presents a cosmic dance by the Divine Dancer, executed to the tune of time on the stage of space, and the dance cannot be differentiated from the dancer. -- Ramesh S. Balsekar

This cold night bamboos stir, Their sound- now harsh, now soft - Sweeps through the lattice window. Though ear�s no match for mind, What need, by lamplight, Of a single Scripture leaf? -- Kido

Who is wise and virtuous, Gentle and keen-witted, Humble and amenable, Such a one to honour may attain. -- Digha Nikaya

The True Person from the West, Has anyone seen her? Her robes decorated with the Seven Treasures; A pair of great lions following at her heels. Yet she too once cultivated the Way With no small effort and diligence. Sitting until willows sprouted from her elbows Her enlightenment at first misty and obscure, Like jade hidden away in the mountain depths. Then slowly it began to shine brightly, Like a lotus emerging from the water. The Way realized, in a single day She reached the state of nirvana. -- Su Shih

At death a person abandons what he construes as mine. Realizing this, the wise shouldn't incline to be devoted to mine. -- Sutta Nipata

You are what your deep, driving desire is. As you desire, so is your will. As your will, so is your deed. As your deed, so is your destiny. -- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

All is Consciousness a Dreamer is Illusion as the Dreams Both are a phenomenal play of Consciousness it seems, Nothing can be *created* as there is nothing to *create* As nothing can *create* we are legends in mind debate. -- Yogajyotii

A single moon Bright and clear In an unclouded sky; Yet still we stumble In the world�s darkness. -- Ikkyu

There are those who do not realize that one day we all must die. But those who do realize this settle their quarrels. -- Dhammapada

In the stillness by the empty window I sit in formal meditation Navel and nose in alignment, Ears parallel with shoulders. Moonlight floods the room; The rain stops, but the eaves drip and drip. Perfect this moment - In the vast emptiness, my understanding deepens. -- Ryokan

He is not noble who injures living beings. He is called noble because he is harmless towards all living beings. -- Dhammapada

The nondiscriminating light In a moment of awareness In your mind is the Buddha�s Wisdom within you. The undifferentiated light In a moment of awareness In your mind is the Buddha�s Manifestation within you. -- Linji

A man is not versed in Dhamma because he speaks much. He who, after hearing a little Dhamma, realizes its truth directly and is not heedless of it, is truly versed in the Dhamma. -- Dhammapada

For years I forged My spirit through the Study of swordsmanship, Confronting every Challenge steadfastly. The walls surrounding Me suddenly crumbled; Like pure dew reflecting The world in crystal clarity, Total awakening has now come. -- Yamaoka Tesshu

Know this, O good man: evil things are difficult to control. Let not greed and wickedness drag you to protracted misery. -- Dhammapada

Why complicate that which is simple Why give credence For addressing the Suffering yet cling is not much sense, An Illusion can not dismantle itself only Sleep is important Because only the conditioned Sleeping say so they Can't. -- Yogajyotii

All things are conditions of mind. That which knows the mind is the unconditional SELF of everything. -- Ramesh S. Balsekar

The Way of heaven is silent, It has no appearance, no pattern. It is so vast that its Limit cannot be reached; It is so deep that it Cannot be fathomed. It is always evolving Along with people, But knowledge cannot grasp it. It turns like a wheel, Beginninglessly and endlessly, Effective as a spirit. Open and empty, It goes along with the flow, Always coming afterward And never in the forefront -- Lao- tzu

One who destroys life, utters lies, takes what is not given, goes to another man's wife, and is addicted to intoxicating drinks -- such a man digs up his own root even in this world. -- Dhammapada

Sagehood has nothing To do with governing others But is a matter of ordering oneself. Nobility has nothing To do with power and rank, But is a matter of self realization; Attain self-realization, And the whole world Is found in the self. Happiness has nothing To do with wealth and status, But is a matter of harmony. -- Lao-tze

Difficult is life for the modest one who always seeks purity, is detached and unassuming, clean in life, and discerning. -- Dhammapada

Bamboo shadows sweep the stairs, Yet not a mote of dust is stirred; Moonbeams pierce to The bottom of the pool, Yet in the water not a trace remains. -- Zen Dust

Just as rust arising from iron eats away the base from which it arises, even so, their own deeds lead transgressors to states of woe. -- Dhammapada

Physical form is in many respects an island but not a part For this island in BEing connotes a separation at the Start, Physical form is but Unity or BEing AS multiplicity aspects Of One rather than something in something's retrospects. -- Yogajyotii

The state of craving for anything blocks all deeper experience. Nothing of value can happen to a mind which knows exactly what it wants. For nothing the mind can visualize and want is of much value. -- Nisargadatta Maharaj

Every thing, Every place is real, Each particle makes Up the Original Person. Still, the absolutely real Is voiceless, The true body�s Majestically out of sight. -- Chosha

He has broken the cycle, attained freedom from desire. The dried-up stream no longer flows. The cycle, broken, no longer turns. This, just this, is the end of misery. -- Udana

A grain of dust contains the whole universe. When a flower opens, the whole world appears. -- Zen

Disciplined by wind and snow, The Way of Reinan opens. Look where "moon high, Plums a-bloom" The temple�s fixed in stillness. -- Eun

Make an island unto yourself! Strive hard and become wise! Rid of impurities and cleansed of stain, you shall not come again to birth and decay. -- Dhammapada

The so called *human nature* is a contrived popular term And is nothing more than a conditioned operational worm, The Sleeping can step by step go to the water Anointer But will never Drink of Truth/Reality and that is a Pointer. -- Yogajyotii

Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness. -- Lao Zi

Overcome the angry by non-anger; overcome the wicked by goodness; overcome the miser by generosity; overcome the liar by truth. -- Dhammapada

Realization makes Every place a temple, The absolute endows All beings with the true eye. When you come to grasp it, You find it was ever Before your eyes. If you can see clear What is before your very eyes, It is what fills the ten directions; When you see what fills The ten directions, You find it is only what is before your eyes. -- Daikaku

One should give up anger, renounce pride, and overcome all fetters. Suffering never befalls him who clings not to mind and body and is detached. -- Dhammapada

No one really knows The nature of birth Nor the true dwelling place. We return to the source And turn to dust. -- Ikkyu

Peace and disorder in the world, The distinction between Friend and foe, Follow upon one another As illusion begets delusion. A person of spiritual insight Will immediately recognize What is wrong and Before long be rid Of such an illusion; In such a case one�s true Friend may seem a foe and One�s implacable foe May appear a friend. Enmity and friendship Have no permanent character; Both of them are illusions. -- Muso

Those who are devoted to the Dhamma made known by the Noble Ones are unsurpassed in speech, thought and action. They are established in peace, gentleness and concentration, and have reached the essence of learning and wisdom. -- Sutta Nipata

Though description of no concepts is in itself a concept The Key is not to cling to or harbor concepts you accept, Language is but a tool of communication via conceptual, As we cling to concepts we miss Awakening's schedule. -- Yogajyotii

In the realm of True Purity there is no such thing as 'I' or 'he' or 'she' nor can 'friend' and 'foe' be found. The slightest confusion of mind and innumerable differences and complications arise. -- Muso

Happy indeed we live, friendly amidst the hostile. Amidst hostile men we dwell free from hatred. -- Dhammapada

Most people hold onto the past, look forward to the future, and do not embrace the present. Only those who can appreciate what they have now live fully. -- Tsai Chih

The river of Zen is quiet, Even in the waves; The water of stability is clear, Even in the waves. -- Xuedou

Some recluses and brahmins, so called, Are deeply attached to their own views; People who only see one side of things Engage in quarrels and disputes. -- Udana

That which can be taken away by death is worthless to accumulate. Accumulate something that death cannot destroy. -- Osho

Figuratively not actually heart is not the seat of emotions For nothing dwells there though causes many commotions, God can't be *found* for the concept of God is for naught As nothing more than the indescribable What-IS thought. -- Yogajyotii

When you�re settled in Zen, Your mind is serene, Unaffected by worldly distractions. You enter the realm of enlightenment, And transcend the ordinary world, Leaving the worldly while In the midst of society. -- Fenyang

Easy to do are things that are bad and harmful to oneself. But exceedingly difficult to do things that are good and beneficial. -- Dhammapada

The stupid sees difficulty in every opportunity; the intelligent sees opportunity in every difficulty. -- Nahsti

The purpose of Zen is to enable people to immediately transcend the ordinary and the holy, just getting people to awaken on their own, forever cutting off the root of doubt. -- Fayan

One truly is the protector of oneself; who else could the protector be? With oneself fully controlled, one gains a mastery that is hard to gain. -- Dhammapada

Just get to the root, Don�t worry about the branches, For someday you will Come to have them naturally. If you have not attained the basis, Even if you consciously study You cannot attain the outgrowths either. -- Yangshan

With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart: Above, below, & all around, unobstructed, without hostility or hate. -- Sutta Nipata

What-IS God eludes finding/describing for IS the Totality When you Realize THAT you Realize there's no Mortality, Heart that is not a special abode with a ready made Quiz But rather that What-IS is the special abode of What-IS. -- Yogajyotii

It is because of our attachment to things that we suffer. By letting go we find that we have not lost anything except our attachment. -- Sogyal Rinpoche

If you want to be free, Get to know your real self. It has no form, no appearance, No root, no basis, no abode, But is lively and buoyant. It responds with versatile facility, But its function cannot be located. Therefore when you look for it, You become further from it; When you seek it, You turn away from it all the more. -- Linji

One should do what one teaches others to do; if one would train others, one should be well controlled oneself. Difficult, indeed, is self-control. -- Dhammapada

It is not, as some ancients and the Confucians taught, that you sweep away ordinary feelings and bring into existence some holy understanding. When ordinariness and holiness exist no more, how is that? An octagonal grindstone is turning in empty space, a diamond pestle grinds to dust the iron mountain. -- Daikaku

If you fear pain, if you dislike pain, don't do an evil deed in open or secret. If you're doing or will do an evil deed, you won't escape pain: it will catch you even as you run away. -- Udana

If you want to be no Different from the buddhas And Zen masters, Just don�t seek externally. The pure light of a Moment of awareness Is the Buddha�s essence within you. -- Linji

What-IS All is Special and All is the abode of What-IS All So Realize/Recognize/BE your True Nature or you'll Fall, Consciousness/Awareness/Understanding/Compassion Is not more than Empathy/Love AS Awakened Fashion. -- Yogajyotii

O house-builder, you are seen! You will not build this house again. For your rafters are broken and your ridgepole shattered. My mind has reached the Unconditioned; I have attained the destruction of craving. -- Dhammapada

Joy calls happiness, sadness and dissatisfaction makes it flee. A merry heart creates around itself always more light and revival. -- Matsumoto Jitsudo

Inside the sacred fence Before which I bow There must be a pond Filled with clear water; As my mind-moon becomes bright I see its shadow reflected in the water. -- Daito Kokushi

Speak not harshly to anyone, for those thus spoken to might retort. Indeed, angry speech hurts, and retaliation may overtake you. -- Dhammapada

The problem with many things is the pre-conceived ideas we have about them! -- Shanti

Whether you are going or staying or sitting or lying down, the whole world is your own self. You must find out whether the mountains, rivers, grass, and forests exist in your own mind or exist outside it. Analyze the ten thousand things, dissect them minutely, and when you take this to the limit you will come to the limitless, when you search into it you come to the end of search, where thinking goes no further and distinctions vanish. When you smash the citadel of doubt, then the Buddha is simply yourself. -- Daikaku

As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings. -- Sutta Nipata

It is not that there is not this form but rather as the norm That not conditioned we are not identified with that form, We're conditioned to identify with form thereby separating And glorifying form at the expense of the Totality berating. -- Yogajyotii

Our task is to strike a balance, to find a middle way, to learn not to overstretch ourselves with extraneous activities and preoccupations, but to simplify our lives more and more. The key to finding a happy balance in modern lives is simplicity. -- Sogyal Rinpoche

The spring is come, Softly blows the wind, The peaches and apricots Are in full bloom. The dews are thick In the autumnal nights. The leaves fall From the paulownia tree. -- Daito Kokushi

Exalted in mind & heedful, the sage trained in sagacity's ways: He has no sorrows, one who is Such, calmed & ever mindful. -- Udana

At night, deep in the mountains, I sit in meditation. The affairs of the world Never reach here; Everything is quiet and empty, All the incense has Been swallowed up By the endless night. My robe has become a garment of dew. Unable to sleep I Walk out into the woods Suddenly, above the highest peak, The full moon appears. -- Ryokan

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. -- Anais Nin

Hasten to do good; restrain your mind from evil. He who is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil. -- Dhammapada

To be resolute in the way means from the beginning never to lose sight of it, whether in a place of calm or in a place of strife; to not cling to quiet places nor shun places where there is disturbance. -- Daikaku

There is no more worldly existence for the wise one who, like the earth, resents nothing, who is firm as a high pillar and as pure as a deep pool free from mud. -- Dhammapada

A multiplicity AS Unity when we Realize the nomenclature Is a facet/aspect of the Unity/Totality of our True Nature, We tend to it's needs but give it no more real importance The attention on the Whole rather than parts' endurance. -- Yogajyotii

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    "Private Postings/Teachings", which is a random sending of Deeper more Revealing Teachings for those who sincerely want to Work on themselves in their Inner Awakening. If you would like to receive these postings at random times, let me know and I will add you to the list of recipients. It will require a dedication to Inner Awakening and the dropping of toxic conditioned thinking, for the conditioned and faint-hearted will certainly be too offended by Pure Unconditional Truth.

    Light Mission Private Postings/Teachings

    Also, the long awaited *Ray of Light* series of *Daily Ponderables* is finally posted and will be updated regularly. These are Light Mission's version of *Points to Ponder* or *Daily Affirmations* or *Cosmic Cookies* or whatever the going term is by any given group. These Rays of Light are e-mailed daily upon request.

    Ray of Light

    Or Write To

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